Pet Mod [TOURNAMENT] Black Market [Won by anaconja!]


super glue
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
approved by the mods
:meowth-alola:Black Market :meowth-alola:
(NatDex + Z-move clause)​

Premise: Players each have 3 fakemon they can customize the types, abilities, stats, and moves of using points during a shopping phase. Players must progress through a tournament in order to upgrade their fakemon.

Starting Phase (2 days)
  • To sign up, a player must provide their DH name (I will use this to verify wins)
  • Each player that signs up will start off with some number of points and 3 starter fakemon, which is a fakemon with:
    • A single type (your choice)
    • No ability
    • 60/60/60/60/60/60 stats
    • Two STABS and universal moves
    • Around 300-600 points (depends on type)
  • After signups conclude, each player will individually message me which three types they want and what their initial buys will be
    • You may repeat types (ex. You can buy 2 Fire-types and a Water-type)
Types: [Type 1], [Type 2], [Type 3]
Starting Balance: [Add the starting balance for each starter you got]

[Fakemon 1]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 2]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 3]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])
Types: [Type 1], [Type 2], [Type 3]
Starting Balance: [Add the starting balance for each starter you got]

[Fakemon 1]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 2]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 3]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

Battling Phase (5 days)
  • A tournament bracket is created and battles begin (Best of 1, Single/Double Elimination based on sign-ups)
  • Players must use all their fakemon in each battle (so bring your three fakemon and three normal Pokemon)
  • Players may NOT use other player's fakemon
  • Winners gain more points and losers are eliminated/sent to loser's bracket
Shopping Phase (2 days)
  • Players can buy adjustments to their fakemon, just like the starting phase.
    • COVERAGE RULE: If you buy multiple attacking moves of different types, the price will double, triple, etc. for every type bought
      • ex. I buy Body Slam, Fire Punch, and Waterfall; Fire Punch costs 2x, Waterfall costs 3x, etc.
      • ex. I buy Body Slam, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Waterfall; Fire Punch costs 2x, Fire Blast costs 2x, Waterfall costs 3x, etc.
      • Does not apply to STAB
  • New adjustments may also be available, as well as some price changes announced (types, stats, and certain moves/abils will always be in rotation)
  • Nothing bought can be sold or removed in any way. Spend wisely!
  • All transactions (starting and mid-round) will be done privately and NOT in the thread. You may DM me on Discord or Smogon
[Fakemon 1]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 2]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 3]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])
[Fakemon 1]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 2]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])

[Fakemon 3]
Type: +[New Type] ([Cost])
Ability: +[New Ability(s)] ([Cost])
Stats: +[hp Increase] HP, +[atk Increase] ATK, +[def Increase] DEF, +[spa Increase] SPA, +[spd Increase] SPD, +[HP Increase] SPE ([Cost])
Moves: +[New Move(s)] ([Cost])
And this cycle repeats until a champion is determined.


:wartortle: mmm guy
:pikachu: roullete guy
:deerling:mg1 girl
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Sign-ups are now open! Reply with "in" to sign up (do not post anything you wish to purchase yet). You have until Thursday, July 14th to sign up.