Tournament Guidelines & Submissions

The only replies in this thread should be tournament ideas, DO NOT DISCUSS OR REPLY TO IDEAS. Express your approval through liking the post of ideas you like, which will help the Committee gauge community interest.
So yeah, that...

And rest assured that everybody hates extra claiming and we don't intend to have that be a thing, so yeah.
Appears in a puff of smoke

I'd like to host an Inverse Battle Tournament. Exact Format determined upon counting signups, though probably some form of Double Elimination, B4P3 Singles. Non-Rental (maybe with some restriction on type stacking for pre-empting Normal spam).

Prize-Wise I'm thinking Hoopa-U + 100 UC for first, "Pick an Ultra Beast" + 75 UC for 2nd, 50 UC for 3rd, 25 UC for 4th
When you say "Id like to host" do you mean

A) I will host the damn thing to the end


B) I will stick around for time enough to maaaaaybe set up r1 and then john beyind belief.

Not to be rude or anything but given past tourney history and the fact that it, it seemed like an adequate question to ask before we enter proper analysis.
Hosting =! Battling (I won't be playing in the tourney - ergo I will have no shame in yelling at Johns because I am a hypocrite anyway), so Option A.
Gemini Taurus and I want to host the first Sword and Shield Tournament!

This will be a very simple, standard tournament to give players the first taste of truly competitive play in Gen 8 BBP. Items will be rented out for free, and sign-ups will last 2 weeks to give players time to train up their teams.

After signups, players will send in a team of six Pokémon to Torii , who will post the teams in one thread for easy viewing. Once teams are submitted, matchups will be posted. Players will pick four of their team to battle each opponent, and can change the Pokémon they send in each battle.

Players will compete in a 4 Round Swiss-style tournament. Pools of players will be grouped together, and within those groups, will duel each other in four rounds of matches.

The four players with the highest scores in the Swiss rounds will compete in a single-elimination tournament to compete for the grand prizes. The defeated players in the semifinals will compete for 4th and 3rd place prizes.

Battle Rules:
4 vs. 4 Singles (Stage 3+)
DQ: 48 Hours
Abilities: All
Items: Rental
Megas: None
Z-Moves: None
Recoveries: 2
Chills: 5
Substitutions: 3
Legendaries and Ultra Beasts are not permitted.

All battles reward standard prizes in addition to the following:
4th Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4
3rd Place: Advance two participating Pokémon to Stage 4
2nd Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4, and advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 5
Champion: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4, and advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 5, as well as a choice of Uxie, Azelf, or Mesprit at Stage 4

Being DQ'ed or forfeiting will forfeit all prizes.

Entry fee:
8 JC
Referee compensation: Standard (assume each player pays 2 JC per battle)
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I know we're in the middle of a tournament right now, but if we're not doing rental tours anymore we should give people quite a bit of time to prepare, so here's spitballing for something I've been musing for a while for when the current tourney ends.

I'd like to propose another tourney, the gimmick this time being that Mega Evolutions are available for all mons that have them, from Stage 3* and up. I'm aiming for this to be a bit like a tuned-down LLAMA, in the sense that Megas are rare enough in this early stage that they can take the place of legendaries in earlier iterations of LLAMA (they're usually stronger anyways) and it gives people a way to actually use the Megas they want without having to slog thru Tree nine times. Unlike LLAMA, we don't need to make it a rental tourney for it to work since all eligible mons are available for purchase via PCT anyway.
(Not that I'm at all opposed to redoing LLAMA and would gladly host that instead lol)

Both overall tournament format and rewards are contingent on the amount of people who sign up, similarly to the current tournament, but assuming a tiny playerbase like the 12 players we just got, the format would be the same: round robin group stage followed by single elimination semis and finals.
Players use their own mons, teams of six are locked at the beginning of the tournament, and rental items are in place to allow for the use of Mega stones.

Battle Rules:
Bring 4, play 3 vs Bring 4, play 3 Singles (Stages 3* and up)
Switch: OK
DQ: 48 Hours
Abilities: All
Items: Rental
Megas: One per team, able to Mega-Evolve starting at Stage 3*
Z-Moves: One per team, must be Stage 5* to equip a Z-Crystal
Recoveries: 2
Chills: 5
Substitutions: 3
Legendaries and Ultra Beasts take up the Mega-Evolution slot.
These are done based on the current tournament's rewards, and with the assumption that a) the main reward for winning is getting to keep your Mega(s) of choice, and that b) a tournament with such a small playerbase shouldn't have the massive rewards of AOT or similar tournaments.

All battles reward standard prizes in addition to the following:
4th Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4
3rd Place: Advance two participating Pokémon to Stage 4
2nd Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4, and advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 5
Champion: Advance two participating Pokémon to Stage 5

Being DQ'ed or forfeiting will forfeit all prizes.
These I'm theorymonning in case we get a larger bracket, tentatively something over 16 players.

All battles reward standard prizes in addition to the following:
4th Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 5
3rd Place: Advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 4, and advance one participating Pokémon to Stage 5
2nd Place: Advance two participating Pokémon to Stage 5
Champion: Advance two participating Pokémon to Stage 5, and receive one of Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres.

Being DQ'ed or forfeiting will forfeit all prizes.
My co-host is Dogfish44 jk he has never heard of this idea. In other news, I could host the tournament and I'm looking for a cohost =)

EDIT: Since Maxim beat me to the punch with the name and all, this is what the OP I had in mind looks like for now:

Battle by Post's Mildly Entertaining, Generally Annoying Tournament it spells out MEGA heheh

Also, since this is going to sit here a while, here's another mechanic I'd be interested in exploring, pending feedback:

Team selection (loosely based on this)
To promote some more interesting teambuilding, and also to avoid just giving out Mega Gengars and Mega Gallades like Oprah handing out minivans, I'm proposing to limit teams along the following tiers:
A team of six can only include one Pokémon from Tier 1. If they include one Pokémon from Tier 1 and one from Tier 2, they cannot have any additional Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution.
These are extremely rough and subject to change, but I feel they're restrictive enough to avoid the tournament feeling stale while being loose enough to still allow for extremely powerful combinations. Also, actual battles are still limited to Megas: 1.
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Hello Everyone,

Today I would like to propose a new type of tournament for our battling pleasure. Some of you may recall that at the outset of Generation 7, we tried a tournament where one could use only the Pokemon found in the Sun and Moon games. A few fellows in Discord were talking about doing a specific Generation to do another tournament in, when I hit upon an idea.

What if the player could choose the Generation that they wanted to represent?

So that is the basis for this tournament! Will the players choose the original 151 Pokemon as their champions, with movepools beyond the horizon yet a decided weakness to Psychic types? Will they choose the newest Generation, with all the crazy designs and tricks at their disposal? Or will they choose something in between? One thing is for certain, only one Generation will rise above them all as the best!

The Gauntlet of Ages Tournament (GOAT)

Battle Rules:
3 vs. 3 Singles (Stage 4* Rentals)
Switch: OK
DQ: 48 Hours
Abilities: All
Items: Rental
Megas: None
Z-Moves: None
Recoveries: 2
Chills: 5
Substitutions: 3

Rental Pokemon Rules:
  • All Pokemon on your team must have originated in the same generation.
  • Each Player will rent out 6 Pokemon, and send 3 into each battle.
  • All Pokemon will have their full BBP movepools and current generation typings (Togekiss will be Fairy/Flying rather than Normal/Flying).
  • Originated means the game that they were first obtainable from, and is differentiated by evolution (Snorunt and Glalie can only be used on Generation 3 teams, Froslass can only be used in Generation 4 teams).
  • Regional forms originate in the same region they were introduced (Alolan Muk is considered a Generation 7 Pokemon)
  • No CAP Pokémon, Legendary Pokemon, or Ultra Beasts are allowed to be on your team.
Depending on the format and how many players we get, this may change. The current numbers are based on a similar size to the tournament we have now. I am open to suggestions about legendary rewards.

All battles reward standard prizes in addition to the following:
4th Place: Advance one profile Pokémon to Stage 4
3rd Place: Advance two profile Pokémon to Stage 4
2nd Place: Advance one profile Pokémon to Stage 4, and advance one profile Pokémon to Stage 5
Champion: Choose one of the allowed legends based on the Generation you win with OR Advance two profile Pokémon to Stage 5

Generation 1: Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos
Generation 2: Suicune, Raikou, Entei
Generation 3: Regice, Regirock, Registeel
Generation 4: Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai
Generation 5: Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus (No Mirror)
Generation 6: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa (no Prison Bottle)
Generation 7: Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele
Generation 8: ??? (Zarude)

Being DQ'ed or forfeiting will forfeit all prizes.

The biggest thing I would like input on is rewards, since I want to give out a legend to the victor, but most options seem a bit limited. Also, I am looking for a cohost willing to help sponsor this tournament!


Update: 8/21/20
Alternate Ruleset: Each player claims 1 Pokemon from each of the 8 Generations, still sends 3. CAPs and the like still banned per above.
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