Not A Bug Truant activates at unexpected time

What type of bug are you reporting? Mechanics

What is the bug?
slacking was loafing on his first inital turn, it happened again in another game after i got a ko and switched out and back in. This is gen 3 ou for reference.

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
I don't know why it's happening but it did happen twice, i have the games saved
Please always provide replays when posting bug reports (related to battles) as they give us the tools we need to determine what exactly happened.
Sure thing, I’ll post it when I’m home! I totally just didn’t see the file attachment part lol
This is not a bug - due to a quirk with how switching in after a Pokemon faints from indirect damage (sandstorm damage/poison) works, the first turn Slaking can attack is technically its second turn on the field. Irpachuza has a good explanation for why this is the case here.
here you are! sorry for the wait i had work
In the future, please use the "upload and share replay" option as it means the admin team can access additional debug information. Its also easier to share and guarantees the replays have not been edited in any way.

Closing as not a bug.