Turtwig's trading shack [ new: hp fire nest bulba, safari pinsir, deerling, and more ]

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ill keep trying for the litleo but a clone of the pressure one will be okay. ive tried about 10+sets of eggs and no luck on the litleo. ill try a few more sets but ill probably give up after.
Thanks. I do have the Electrike, though, I can trade her for your Castform.

Heyo, spare a min to cmt for:

Female heavy ball Shellder
And these females (I know you stated males only, but I'd take the first females you get, any IV any nature, tell me if that's okay ^^)
Luxury ball Sheildon
Dive ball Tirtouga

Female HA Tropius for Shellder please? If you can get at least three egg moves on it, that would be much appreciated!
Or... would you maybe trade one shiny for all three of mine? (The fossils will have random 5V + proper nature.) I would love to get a Charmander, if you'd be willing xD

Gah, so stupid, I meant to post that in a dif. thread >_< ignore that post xD.
Got your Swablu and Buizel ready! Buizel is 6V, because I literally could not get a 5V female to come out haha. Let me know when you can trade.
Thanks. I do have the Electrike, though, I can trade her for your Castform.

Female HA Tropius for Shellder please? If you can get at least three egg moves on it, that would be much appreciated!
Or... would you maybe trade one shiny for all three of mine? (The fossils will have random 5V + proper nature.) I would love to get a Charmander, if you'd be willing xD

Got your Swablu and Buizel ready! Buizel is 6V, because I literally could not get a 5V female to come out haha. Let me know when you can trade.
I can trade now :) adding you.
Female HA Tropius for Shellder please? If you can get at least three egg moves on it, that would be much appreciated!
Or... would you maybe trade one shiny for all three of mine? (The fossils will have random 5V + proper nature.) I would love to get a Charmander, if you'd be willing xD
How about this?
My shiny charmander and tropius spitback (at least 3 EMs) for 4 of your female spitbacks?
Heavy ball Shellder
Luxuray ball Shieldon
Dive ball Tirtouga
Dream ball Rough Skin Gible
None of the above need to be perfect. Just female spitbacks with some EMs would be great!
Tell me if this is okay?
Thanks! :D
How about this?
My shiny charmander and tropius spitback (at least 3 EMs) for 4 of your female spitbacks?
Heavy ball Shellder
Luxuray ball Shieldon
Dive ball Tirtouga
Dream ball Rough Skin Gible
None of the above need to be perfect. Just female spitbacks with some EMs would be great!
Tell me if this is okay?
Thanks! :D
Actually, could we just do Shellder for Tropius right now? I want to take a break from 12.5% females and long hatch steps. I'll let you know as soon as I'm feeling more "refreshed" xD

want to just do the electrike for the castform and then the litleo for the wailmer at a future date?
Sure. Let me know when you're on.

Just updated with these new breeds. Very happy to finally get a Luxury Ball Totodile!

[Rattata] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Run Away and Guts
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Bite, Flame Wheel, Last Resort, Uproar
Availability: Bred on request.


[Tentacool] [OT: Sam 05919]
Timid nature. | Clear Body and Liquid Ooze
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Rapid Spin, Haze, Acupressure, Knock Off
Availability: Bred on request.


[Totodile] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Torrent
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet, Crunch
Availability: Bred on request. Males only.
Notes: Different balls possible via Pokemon Colosseum.


[Heracross] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Guts and Swarm
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Rock Blast, Focus Punch, Pursuit, Seismic Toss
Availability: Bred on request.


[Slakoth] [OT: Sam 05919]
Adamant nature. | Truant
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Curse, Night Slash, Slash, Hammer Arm
Availability: Bred on request.


[Numel] [OT: Sam 05919]
Calm nature. | Simple and Oblivious
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Growth, Ancient Power, Heat Wave, Yawn
Availability: Bred on request.


[Stunfisk] [OT: Sam 05919]
Bold nature. | Static and Limber
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Earth Power, Reflect Type, Eerie Impulse, Pain Split
Availability: Bred on request.
Actually, could we just do Shellder for Tropius right now? I want to take a break from 12.5% females and long hatch steps. I'll let you know as soon as I'm feeling more "refreshed" xD
um... okay sure.
Spitbacks or perfect breeds?

EDIT: If you can't be bothered I can just take clone a copy of your female parent and return you the originals. I'll give you one of my shiny Charmanders for this
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[Wailmer] [OT: Sam 05919]
Modest nature. | Water Veil, Oblivious, and Pressure
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Zen Headbutt, Clear Smog, Curse, Aqua Ring
Availability: Bred on request.

could you cmt for a female of this with pressure and possibly sleep talk as an egg move? if not on the last part thats fine.
What would you be wanting for a female Luxury Ball Totodile of yours? I'll take any IVs since all I want is the ball. :)
i should be on for most of the day
Sorry about the wait, I wasn't on much yesterday. I'll send a PM when I see you online!

[Wailmer] [OT: Sam 05919]
nature. | Water Veil, Oblivious, and Pressure
31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Egg moves:
Zen Headbutt, Clear Smog, Curse, Aqua Ring
Availability: Bred on request.

could you cmt for a female of this with pressure and possibly sleep talk as an egg move? if not on the last part thats fine.
Sure, I should be able to get Sleep Talk. Would you be alright with trading a shiny for it? (I checked your thread and it seems like that's mostly what you have... I don't want to rip you off or anything lol.)

What would you be wanting for a female Luxury Ball Totodile of yours? I'll take any IVs since all I want is the ball. :)
If I were to trade you a set of parent Pokemon, could you breed me a French version? I think I may be interested if so!

Thread update: Finally finished this dang Bulbasaur project. Had to RNG a new Ditto just for it. Plus a couple new breeds.


[Bulbasaur] [OT: Sam 05919]
Relaxed nature. | Overgrow
30 | 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | E
Egg moves: Leaf Storm, Power Whip, Giga Drain, Grassy Terrain
Availability: Bred on request. Males only. Has Hidden Power Fire.


[Pinsir] [OT: Sam 05919]
Adamant nature. | Hyper Cutter and Mold Breaker
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Close Combat, Superpower, Quick Attack, Flail
Availability: Bred on request.


[Mawile] [OT: Sam 05919]
Adamant nature. | Sheer Force, Intimidate, and Hyper Cutter
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Seismic Toss
Availability: Bred on request.


[Seviper] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Shed Skin
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Body Slam, Iron Tail, Night Slash, Switcheroo
Availability: Bred on request.


[Deerling] [OT: Sam 05919]
Jolly nature. | Chlorophyll and Sap Sipper
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31
Egg moves: Grass Whistle, Synthesis, Baton Pass, Worry Seed
Availability: Bred on request.
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If I were to trade you a set of parent Pokemon, could you breed me a French version? I think I may be interested if so!
Would you be wanting a perfect female? That might take me a long while depending on how much the game likes me lol
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