approved by spoo
Hello, I want to write something about the precedent of typing changes being last-resort/near forbidden for upcoming buff processes.
While I dont think it has ever been explicitly banned, I think the buffs so far are generally all accepted equally in all stages apart from typing, which has been explicitly mentioned to be a last resort and an area to "avoid". But there are a lot of situations where a typing change can lead to a clean fix that doesnt alter any other areas in a major way, also preserving the mon's intended playstyle.
What I'm suggesting here is that moving forward, the buff process will not dissuade typing changes as buff submissions for our defensive CAPs. I think it would be a good idea to do this before a process that heavily benefits a typing change starts, or at least have the conversation earlier than the opening of that process.
A lot of CAPs are overall stacked with good qualities, but their typing doesnt allow them to succeed. Some examples are Malaconda, Snaelstrom, and original Pyroak. They offer little to no defensive use, and as a result are a major stretch to add to any squad. For Conda, Snael, and Pyroak, these mons' typings are clearly better offensively than defensively but they have been otherwise designed with defensive playstyle in mind. I think as we saw from the Pyroak process, the safest solution for a lot of these types of mons with a mismatching typing and other stages is to completely rework their playstyle to match the offensive/defensive role the typing suggests. But I personally think that typing changes in these scenarios could lead to preserving their playstyle, smaller overall changes and honestly more reliable success.
I think something we felt with the Pyroak process is that Pyroak had done next-to-everything it could have in order to try and be purely defensive already: it has godlike defenses that start to look stupid when buffed further, a good movepool, and while the ability was meh, an ability change alone was not considered enough of a buff to bring it to viability as a wall. At the end of the day, you can argue that its just the wrong set of resistances to operate as a wall. Outside of slapping on Magic Guard or Regenerator, its hard to make this mon make sense in a defensive way thanks to a typing mismatch with stats and movepool, and every workable submission was turning it into an offensive tank or fully offensive powerhouse. Our other defensive CAPs have even more extreme situations than Pyroak since they hold good abilities that define their identity, and would either need to turn into absolute defensive monstrosities or tanks/sweepers if typing is off the table.
I'm wondering how other people feel about typing changes in the buff process. It may be the case that people already generally feel that they are on the table when the time is right, but so far I've only seen the general consensus to be that they are off-limits which is why I felt this could use a post, specifically with the defensive CAPs and future defensive CAPs that fall down in mind.
(As an additional question, how do you feel about changing typings for already offensive CAPs with awkward typings like Volkraken, Caribolt, or perhaps Chromera? These mons could definitely find themselves onto more teams if they had better switchins, although there are offensive solutions here that dont feel like a major rework like it would with our defensive walls.)
Hello, I want to write something about the precedent of typing changes being last-resort/near forbidden for upcoming buff processes.
While I dont think it has ever been explicitly banned, I think the buffs so far are generally all accepted equally in all stages apart from typing, which has been explicitly mentioned to be a last resort and an area to "avoid". But there are a lot of situations where a typing change can lead to a clean fix that doesnt alter any other areas in a major way, also preserving the mon's intended playstyle.
What I'm suggesting here is that moving forward, the buff process will not dissuade typing changes as buff submissions for our defensive CAPs. I think it would be a good idea to do this before a process that heavily benefits a typing change starts, or at least have the conversation earlier than the opening of that process.
A lot of CAPs are overall stacked with good qualities, but their typing doesnt allow them to succeed. Some examples are Malaconda, Snaelstrom, and original Pyroak. They offer little to no defensive use, and as a result are a major stretch to add to any squad. For Conda, Snael, and Pyroak, these mons' typings are clearly better offensively than defensively but they have been otherwise designed with defensive playstyle in mind. I think as we saw from the Pyroak process, the safest solution for a lot of these types of mons with a mismatching typing and other stages is to completely rework their playstyle to match the offensive/defensive role the typing suggests. But I personally think that typing changes in these scenarios could lead to preserving their playstyle, smaller overall changes and honestly more reliable success.
I think something we felt with the Pyroak process is that Pyroak had done next-to-everything it could have in order to try and be purely defensive already: it has godlike defenses that start to look stupid when buffed further, a good movepool, and while the ability was meh, an ability change alone was not considered enough of a buff to bring it to viability as a wall. At the end of the day, you can argue that its just the wrong set of resistances to operate as a wall. Outside of slapping on Magic Guard or Regenerator, its hard to make this mon make sense in a defensive way thanks to a typing mismatch with stats and movepool, and every workable submission was turning it into an offensive tank or fully offensive powerhouse. Our other defensive CAPs have even more extreme situations than Pyroak since they hold good abilities that define their identity, and would either need to turn into absolute defensive monstrosities or tanks/sweepers if typing is off the table.
I'm wondering how other people feel about typing changes in the buff process. It may be the case that people already generally feel that they are on the table when the time is right, but so far I've only seen the general consensus to be that they are off-limits which is why I felt this could use a post, specifically with the defensive CAPs and future defensive CAPs that fall down in mind.
(As an additional question, how do you feel about changing typings for already offensive CAPs with awkward typings like Volkraken, Caribolt, or perhaps Chromera? These mons could definitely find themselves onto more teams if they had better switchins, although there are offensive solutions here that dont feel like a major rework like it would with our defensive walls.)