Monotype Tyranitar (Dark)


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Tyranitar easily finds itself a spot on Dark teams thanks to its access to Stealth Rock. Setting sand enhances its natural bulk, allowing Tyranitar to act as a special sponge against threats such as Dragapult, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, and Kyurem. It also comes with a variety of utility options; Thunder Wave is great againstfaster threats such as Dragapult and Weavile, while Toxic helps when facing common walls Tyranitar struggles against, such as Swampert. Its typing allows it to check Flying- and Fire-types, most notably Togekiss, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, Heatran, Blacephalon, and Victini. However, despite being a solid special tank, Tyranitar's typing stacks up its team's Fighting weakness while also creating weaknesses to common types such as Water and Ground. Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is outsped by the vast majority of the metagame, giving foes a chance to do serious damage. Tyranitar also lacks any form of recovery and is weak to residual damage.

name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD


Stealth Rock allows Tyranitar's offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon to break through teams more consistently. Rock Blast is its preferred STAB move, allowing Tyranitar to take on Substitute Kyurem and Galarian Moltres more reliably. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple faster threats such as Dragapult, while Toxic cripples Pokemon Tyranitar cannot beat reliably such as Swampert. Heavy Slam allows Tyranitar to take on Tapu Lele and the uncommon Hatterene. Sand Stream sets sand, which boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense, allowing it to tank hits from foes such as Zapdos and Kyurem better.

Zarude makes a phenomenal partner for Tyranitar, as it can cover two of Tyranitar's most crucial weaknesses: Ground- and Water-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Toxapex. In return, Tyranitar can deal with Flying-types such as Galarian Moltres and Zapdos. Weavile enhances the matchup against Dragon-types such as Dragapult and Garchomp, while Tyranitar handles Kyurem for Weavile. Mandibuzz forms a solid defensive backbone with Tyranitar for Dark teams. As it takes neutral damage from Bug- and Fighting-type attacks, Mandibuzz can take on such attacks directed at Tyranitar, while Tyranitar can comfortably tank BoltBeam coverage with its excellent special bulk. Moreover, Mandibuzz provides Toxic and Defog; the former allows Tyranitar to run Thunder Wave freely and the latter prevents entry hazards from damaging Tyranitar. Hydreigon is a fantastic wallbreaker that can handle Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory, as well as directly switching into Water- and Grass-type moves for Tyranitar. Mandibuzz and Hydreigon also provide Ground immunities for Tyranitar. Bisharp breaks past Fairy-types such as Clefable and Klefki and threatens Defog users such as Mantine and Zapdos due to Defiant, helping keep Stealth Rock up. Drapion aids Tyranitar with checking Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Hatterene. Drapion also has Toxic Spikes, which can be used to cripple types without proper hazard removal options such as Grass, Dragon, and Fairy.

Other Options

Tyranitar has no other options.

Checks and Counters


**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Skarmory and Toxapex can comfortably take on Tyranitar and threaten it with moves like Body Press and Scald, respectively.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is easily revenge killed by many Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Terrakion, Keldeo, Zeraora, Garchomp, and Tapu Bulu.

**Status**: Tyranitar doesn't appreciate status conditions like Toxic and burn, (AC) as they negate its Leftovers and limit its overall longevity in the field.

- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [DugZa, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Astra, 240732], [Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:

Type One

* Being one of the limited Pokemon with access to Stealth Rock, Tyranitar easily finds itself a spot in Dark teams.
* Its natural bulk is further enhanced by Sand Stream, allowing Tyranitar to act as a special sponge against threats such as Dragapult, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, and Kyurem.
* It comes with a variety of utility options, Thunder Wave is great against paralyzing faster threats such as Dragapult and Weavile while Toxic is great against common walls Tyranitar struggles against, such as Swampert.
* Its typing allows it to check Fire-types, most notably Heatran, Blacephalon, and Victini.
- include flying-types here like togekiss, torn-t, and zapdos

* Besides checking Fire-types, its typing is pretty bad defensively as Tyranitar is stacking the Fighting-type weakness for its team while being weak to common Ground- and Water-type coverage.
- its definitely a lie to say ttar is p bad defensively, it is an amazing special wall outside these weaknesses, definitely reword this to reflect that

* With its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is very easily revenge killed.
- if you want to talk about its speed please mention how it can easily be taunted as well. also i feel like revenge killed isn't the best wording here since is just the defensive set. maybe something more like 'Its mediocre Speed allow most of the metagame to outspeed it, giving them a chance to do serious damage.' - this wording is kinda awkward but you get my point

* Tyranitar lacks any form of recovery and is weak to status conditions such as poison and burn.
- just say residual damage instead

name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Heavy Slam / Fire Blast
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD

- fire blast should only be oo in a lele metagame


* Stealth Rock is welcomed by any type and any team composition.
- this isn't helpful info, next line suffices.

* Offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon all appreciate Tyranitar's ability to set Stealth Rock, as Stealth Rock allows them to break more consistently.
* Rock Blast is its preferred STAB move, allowing Tyranitar to take on Substitute Kyurem and Galarian Moltres more reliably.
* Thunder Wave can be used to cripple faster threats such as Dragapult while Toxic can be used to cripple Pokemon Tyranitar cannot beat reliably such as Swampert.
* Heavy Slam allows Tyranitar to take on Tapu Lele and uncommon Hatterene, while Fire Blast hits Skarmory and Ferrothorn.
- move fire blast to the oo

* The EV spread and Careful nature maximize Tyranitar's special bulk, lets Tyranitar take on special threats such as Volcarona, Dragapult, and Tapu Lele better.
* Leftovers provides Tyranitar passive recovery.
- basic /dt info, which is unnecessary

* Sand Stream sets up sand which boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense.
- talk about what sand stream helps tyranitar wall better instead of this line

* Zarude makes a phenomenal partner for Tyranitar, as it can cover two of Tyranitar's most crucial weaknesses in Ground and Water-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Toxapex. In return, Tyranitar can deal with Flying-types such as Galarian Moltres and Zapdos.
* Weavile enhances the matchup against Dragon-types such as Dragapult and Garchomp, and Latias, while Tyranitar handles Kyurem for Weavile.
- ttar walls latias well enough so weavile beating it is meh

* Mandibuzz forms a solid defensive backbone with Tyranitar for Dark teams. As it takes neutral damage from Bug- and Fighting-type attacks, Mandibuzz can take on such attacks directed at Tyranitar, while Tyranitar can comfortably tank BoltBeam coverage with its excellent special bulk. Moreover, Mandibuzz provides Toxic and Defog as utility options, where the former allows Tyranitar to run Thunder Wave freely while the latter prevents Tyranitar from getting entry hazard damage.
* Hydreigon is a fantastic wallbreaker that can handle Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory, while also directly switching into Water- and Grass-type moves for Tyranitar. Mandibuzz and Hydreigon also provides Ground-type immunity for Tyranitar with Levitate.
* Bisharp breaks past Fairy-types such as Clefable and Klefki and threatens Defog users such as Mantine and Zapdos due to Defiant.
* Drapion aids Tyranitar with checking Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Hatterene. Drapion also has Toxic Spikes, which can be used to cripple types without proper hazard removals such as Grass, Dragon, and Fairy.
* Krookodile can be used as an alternative Stealth Rock user over Tyranitar, giving Tyranitar a bit of freedom to use more offensive sets with Dragon Dance. Krookodile also provides Electric-type attack immunity.
-unnecessary line to this set

Other Options

* A Choice Band set makes Tyranitar very difficult to switch into, and allows it to 2HKO Celesteela and Skarmory, which is commonly used in Flying-type teams to check Tyranitar.
* If Krookodile is present in the team for Stealth Rock, Tyranitar may use an offensive Dragon Dance set with either Life Orb or Lum Berry with coverage options such as Fire Punch and Earthquake.
- i plan on writing a dd ttar set soon so this is unnecessary

Checks and Counters


**Water-types**: Many offensive Water-types such as Urshifu-R threaten Tyranitar with their STAB attack. Defensive Water-types such as Toxapex and Gastrodon may also threaten Tyranitar with Scald or Toxic, effectively putting it on a timer.

**Ground-types**: Ground-types can resist Tyranitar's Rock Blast and retaliate with their own respective Ground-type STAB moves. Hippowdon especially can take on most variants of Tyranitar easily, phaze it with Whirlwind or leave it crippled with Toxic.

- we don't need to include weaknesses in the oo, since they are fairly obvious

**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Skarmory and Toxapex can comfortably take on Tyranitar and threaten it with Body Press and Scald, respectively. However, against offensive sets they should be wary of Stone Edge and Earthquake which can 2HKO them.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its Mediocre speed, Tyranitar is easily revenge killed by many Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Terrakion, Keldeo, Zeraora, Garchomp, and Tapu Bulu.

**Status Conditions**: Tyranitar doesnt appreciate status conditions as they limit Tyranitar's overall longevity in the field as well as its ability to sweep teams with offensive sets.

- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC 1/2
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Being one of the limited Pokemon with access to Stealth Rock, Tyranitar easily finds itself a spot in Dark teams. Its natural bulk is further enhanced by Sand Stream, allowing Tyranitar to act as a special sponge against threats such as Dragapult, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, and Kyurem. It comes with a variety of utility options, Thunder Wave is great against paralyzing faster threats such as Dragapult and Weavile while Toxic is great against common walls Tyranitar struggles against, such as Swampert. Its typing allows it to check Flying- and Fire-types, most notably Togekiss, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, Heatran, Blacephalon, and Victini. However, despite being a solid special tank, Tyranitar's typing stacks up Fighting-type weakness for its team, while also creating weaknesses to common types such as Water and Ground. Due to its mediocre speed, Tyranitar is outsped by vast majority of the metagame, giving them a chance to do serious damage. Tyranitar lacks any form of recovery and is weak to residual damage.

name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD


Offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon all appreciate Tyranitar's ability to set Stealth Rock, as Stealth Rock allows them to break more consistently. Rock Blast is its preferred STAB move, allowing Tyranitar to take on Substitute Kyurem and Galarian Moltres more reliably.
Thunder Wave can be used to cripple faster threats such as Dragapult while Toxic can be used to cripple Pokemon Tyranitar cannot beat reliably such as Swampert. Heavy Slam allows Tyranitar to take on Tapu Lele and uncommon Hatterene. The EV spread and Careful nature maximize Tyranitar's special bulk, lets Tyranitar take on special threats such as Volcarona, Dragapult, and Tapu Lele better. Sand Stream sets up sand which boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense, which allows Tyranitar to tank foes such as Zapdos and Kyurem better.

Zarude makes a phenomenal partner for Tyranitar, as it can cover two of Tyranitar's most crucial weaknesses in Ground and Water-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Toxapex. In return, Tyranitar can deal with Flying-types such as Galarian Moltres and Zapdos. Weavile enhances the matchup against Dragon-types such as Dragapult and Garchomp, while Tyranitar handles Kyurem for Weavile. Mandibuzz forms a solid defensive backbone with Tyranitar for Dark teams. As it takes neutral damage from Bug- and Fighting-type attacks, Mandibuzz can take on such attacks directed at Tyranitar, while Tyranitar can comfortably tank BoltBeam coverage with its excellent special bulk. Moreover, Mandibuzz provides Toxic and Defog as utility options, where the former allows Tyranitar to run Thunder Wave freely while the latter prevents Tyranitar from getting entry hazar hazard damage. Hydreigon is a fantastic wallbreaker that can handle Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory, while also directly switching into Water- and Grass-type moves for Tyranitar. Mandibuzz and Hydreigon also provides Ground-type immunity for Tyranitar with Levitate. Bisharp breaks past Fairy-types such as Clefable and Klefki and threaten Defog users such as Mantine and Zapdos due to Defiant. Drapion aids Tyranitar with checking Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Hatterene. Drapion also has Toxic Spikes, which can be used to cripple types without proper hazard removals such as Grass, Dragon, and Fairy.

Other Options

A Choice Band set makes Tyranitar very difficult to switch into, and allows it to 2HKO Celesteela and Skarmory, which is commonly used in Flying-type teams to check Tyranitar. [No one uses that.]

Checks and Counters


Physical Walls: **Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Skarmory and Toxapex can comfortably take on Tyranitar and threaten it with Body Press and Scald, respectively. However, against offensive sets they should be wary of Stone Edge and Earthquake which can 2HKO them.

Revenge Killers: **Revenge Killers:** Due to its Mediocre mediocre speed, Tyranitar is easily revenge killed by many Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Terrakion, Keldeo, Zeraora, Garchomp, and Tapu Bulu.

Status Conditions: **Status**: Tyranitar doesnt doesn't appreciate status conditions as they limit Tyranitar's overall longevity in the field as well as its ability to sweep teams with offensive sets.

- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [DugZa, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC 2/2
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Being one of the limited Pokemon with access to Stealth Rock, (RC) Tyranitar easily finds itself a spot in on Dark teams thanks to its access to Stealth Rock (reworded this so it reads a bit more smoothly). Its natural bulk is further enhanced by Sand Stream, allowing Tyranitar to act as a special sponge against threats such as Dragapult, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, and Kyurem. It also comes with a variety of utility options; (comma -> semicolon) Thunder Wave is great against paralyzing faster threats such as Dragapult and Weavile, (RC) while Toxic is great against helps when facing (less repetition) common walls Tyranitar struggles against, such as Swampert. Its typing allows it to check Flying- and Fire-types, most notably Togekiss, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, Heatran, Blacephalon, and Victini. However, despite being a solid special tank, Tyranitar's typing stacks up Fighting-type weakness for its team, (RC) its team's Fighting weakness while also creating weaknesses to common types such as Water and Ground. Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is outsped by vast majority of the metagame, giving them a chance to do serious damage. Tyranitar also lacks any form of recovery and is weak to residual damage.

name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD


Offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon all appreciate Tyranitar's ability to set Stealth Rock, as Stealth Rock allows them to break more consistently. Stealth Rock allows Tyranitar's offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon break through teams more consistently. Rock Blast is its preferred STAB move, allowing Tyranitar to take on Substitute Kyurem and Galarian Moltres more reliably. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple faster threats such as Dragapult, (AC) while Toxic can be used to cripple Pokemon Tyranitar cannot beat reliably such as Swampert. Heavy Slam allows Tyranitar to take on Tapu Lele and uncommon Hatterene. Sand Stream sets up sand which and boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense, which allows Tyranitar to tank foes such as Zapdos and Kyurem better.

Zarude makes a phenomenal partner for Tyranitar, as it can cover two of Tyranitar's most crucial weaknesses in Ground- (AH) and Water-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Toxapex. In return, Tyranitar can deal with Flying-types such as Galarian Moltres and Zapdos. Weavile enhances the matchup against Dragon-types such as Dragapult and Garchomp, while Tyranitar handles Kyurem for Weavile. Mandibuzz forms a solid defensive backbone with Tyranitar for Dark teams. As it takes neutral damage from Bug- and Fighting-type attacks, Mandibuzz can take on such attacks directed at Tyranitar, while Tyranitar can comfortably tank BoltBeam coverage with its excellent special bulk. Moreover, Mandibuzz provides Toxic and Defog as utility options, where the former allows Tyranitar to run Thunder Wave freely while and the latter prevents Tyranitar from getting entry hazar damage damaged by entry hazards. Hydreigon is a fantastic wallbreaker that can handle Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory, (RC) while also directly switching into Water- and Grass-type moves for Tyranitar. Mandibuzz and Hydreigon also provides Ground-type immunity provide Ground immunities for Tyranitar with Levitate. Bisharp breaks past Fairy-types such as Clefable and Klefki and threatens Defog users such as Mantine and Zapdos due to Defiant. Drapion aids Tyranitar with checking Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Hatterene. Drapion also has Toxic Spikes, which can be used to cripple types without proper hazard removals options (i presume this is what you meant) such as Grass, Dragon, and Fairy.

Other Options

Tyranitar has no other options.

Checks and Counters


**Physical Walls**: (colon) Physical walls such as Skarmory and Toxapex can comfortably take on Tyranitar and threaten it with Body Press and Scald, respectively.

**Revenge Killers** : Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is easily revenge killed by many Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Terrakion, Keldeo, Zeraora, Garchomp, and Tapu Bulu.

**Status**: (moved the colon outside of the bolded thing) Tyranitar doesn't appreciate status, (AC) conditions as they limit Tyranitar's its overall longevity in the field. (this specific point could use some more detailed elaboration imo but ig that's qc's choice)

- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [DugZa, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
1/2 :blobthumbsup:
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(AC): Add Comma



Tyranitar easily finds itself a spot on Dark teams thanks to its access to Stealth Rock. Its natural bulk is further enhanced by Sand Stream, Setting sand enhances its natural bulk, allowing Tyranitar to act as a special sponge against threats such as Dragapult, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, and Kyurem. It also comes with a variety of utility options; Thunder Wave is great against paralyzing faster threats such as Dragapult and Weavile, (AC) while Toxic helps when facing common walls Tyranitar struggles against, such as Swampert. Its typing allows it to check Flying- and Fire-types, most notably Togekiss, Galarian Moltres, Zapdos, Heatran, Blacephalon, and Victini. However, despite being a solid special tank, Tyranitar's typing stacks up its team's Fighting weakness while also creating weaknesses to common types such as Water and Ground. Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is outsped by the vast majority of the metagame, giving them foes a chance to do serious damage. Tyranitar also lacks any form of recovery and is weak to residual damage.

name: Specially Defensive (Dark)
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Rock Blast
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD


Stealth Rock allows Tyranitar's offensive teammates such as Zarude, Weavile, and Hydreigon to break through teams more consistently. Rock Blast is its preferred STAB move, allowing Tyranitar to take on Substitute Kyurem and Galarian Moltres more reliably. Thunder Wave can be used to cripple faster threats such as Dragapult, while Toxic can be used to cripple cripples Pokemon Tyranitar cannot beat reliably such as Swampert. Heavy Slam allows Tyranitar to take on Tapu Lele and the uncommon Hatterene. Sand Stream sets sand and sand, which boosts Tyranitar's Special Defense, which allows Tyranitar allowing it to tank hits from foes such as Zapdos and Kyurem better.

Zarude makes a phenomenal partner for Tyranitar, as it can cover two of Tyranitar's most crucial weaknesses in weaknesses: Ground- (removed bold on hyphen) and Water-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Toxapex. In return, Tyranitar can deal with Flying-types such as Galarian Moltres and Zapdos. Weavile enhances the matchup against Dragon-types such as Dragapult and Garchomp, while Tyranitar handles Kyurem for Weavile. Mandibuzz forms a solid defensive backbone with Tyranitar for Dark teams. As it takes neutral damage from Bug- and Fighting-type attacks, Mandibuzz can take on such attacks directed at Tyranitar, while Tyranitar can comfortably tank BoltBeam coverage with its excellent special bulk. Moreover, Mandibuzz provides Toxic and Defog as utility options, where Defog; the former allows Tyranitar to run Thunder Wave freely and the latter prevents Tyranitar from getting damaged by entry hazards. entry hazards from damaging Tyranitar. Hydreigon is a fantastic wallbreaker that can handle Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory while also Skarmory, as well as directly switching into Water- and Grass-type moves for Tyranitar. Mandibuzz and Hydreigon also provide Ground immunities for Tyranitar. Bisharp breaks past Fairy-types such as Clefable and Klefki and threatens Defog users such as Mantine and Zapdos due to Defiant, helping keep Stealth Rock up. Drapion aids Tyranitar with checking Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Hatterene. Drapion also has Toxic Spikes, which can be used to cripple types without proper hazard removal options such as Grass, Dragon, and Fairy. (removed extra line break under)

Other Options

Tyranitar has no other options.

Checks and Counters


**Physical Walls**: Physical walls such as Skarmory and Toxapex can comfortably take on Tyranitar and threaten it with moves like Body Press and Scald, respectively.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to its mediocre Speed, Tyranitar is easily revenge killed by many Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Terrakion, Keldeo, Zeraora, Garchomp, and Tapu Bulu.

**Status**: Tyranitar doesn't appreciate status conditions like Toxic and burn, (AC) as they negate its Leftovers and limit its overall longevity in the field.

- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [DugZa, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Astra, 240732], [Finland, 517429]]