Ubers Rap Battles

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As the topic states, this thread is for rap battles between Ubers players. The raps don't necessarily have be 100% loyal to Ubers in its content but the more the better. Also, as these are rap battles be prepared for things to get a little personal. Don't read more if you are weak of heart or ego, but please don't take that as an excuse to start firing shots at people that aren't going to laugh it off with you. This thread is to have fun not stir up shit.

BKC gets credit for the idea.

OH and lastly, I reserve the right to delete raps that suck ass by my own esteemed subjective standards.
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As the topic states, this thread is for rap battles between Ubers players. The raps don't necessarily have be 100% loyal to Ubers in its content but the more the better. Also, as these are rap battles be prepared for things to get a little personal. Don't read more if you are weak of heart or ego, but please don't take that as an excuse to start firing shots at people that aren't going to laugh it off with you. This thread is to have fun not stir up shit.

BKC gets credit for the idea.
all my dreams have come true

Hang on, hold up, I'm on the phone
Bein' called by some Smodrone
He aint got bitches to give out chocolate
So he rings me up to discuss politics
When he sees a suboptimal build he'll go "tisk tisk"
Yet this nigga got 6-0'd by a Stunfisk
Melee Mewtwo, kicked out by even the Draco Masters
They beat him and wrapped him in plaster
PTR and Anik whooped his ass
Yet to this day Melee Mewtwo gives them sass
On Friday nights his friends score pussy
While MM2 goes for Smogon badges; what a wussy!
Nigga a big game yet ragequits against contenders
How typical of a French nigga to surrender
Even this motherfucker's posts aint got swag
Those comma splices and run-on sentences make me gag
Homie, these lyrics came out of the blue
The chronicles of a silly Melee Mewtwo
Of course this gets posted when I'm gonna be away from my comp for a week conspiracy

I'll save my epic 72+ verse rap for my RMT anyways. yohoE and others will have cameos of course.

For people posting raps a link to a beat would be helpful and makes shit generally more fun.

Also Rover and Ogre is a weak rhyme. That should get us started.
Lets meet Lando, while you get 6-0'd.
Take an EQ to the face, damn you just got boned.
Relying on the GeoXern to get you through.
Lets be honest everyone knows I could sweep you with Skiddo.
Spamming that protect cuz you don't know what to do.
Here comes the Water Spout Kyogre just blew.
Hope you pack AV Kia to take a hit.
Cuz without that you cant do shit.
Sitting here like wow are you even guna get a move off?
You're just an NU scrub go back to venomoth.
you want more rhymes? ive got em in spades
only thing sicklier than your rapping is aids

questioning my worth is something quite blasphemous
it may be wise of you to practice abstinence
lest you get blasted like cb haxorus
why would anyone sane ever ask for this?

it would seem that your nerves are indeed quite frayed
id mention your upl record but i dont think you even played...
i suspect your views on my rapping's what makes you a minority

my kyogre's .drizzlin on your face with unmatched authority

Dareal Throwers is more like what you are
When Melee Mewtwo gets his hands on Fireburn's poke balls
You think you're so cool with the Megahorn from those pills?
Bruh, I've used Discharge 50 times more than you ever will
Dropping flows with ExtremeSpeed,
Swords Dance in line,
But when she tickles your Wood Hammer
She's gonna hear that Roar of Time
Swagging it up, giving all those free wins in a Flash,
You'd swear you smoked a lil' too much of that Sacred Ash
Talking bout UPL records, damn, I'm impressed
Losing to the offspring of a Stunfisk and a Helix!
First ban - Swagger. I got way too much
Confuse you, boost your ego, and let you beat yourself
Next up, Evasionpass, oh, the horror
Used Minimize too much, made your dick even smaller
Trying to Smack me Down, but I get back up and Imma Fly,
Use Sky Drop on you, drop your ass in Shanghai
Still trying to hit me with that Deo-A Knock Off?
Bitch, I'm done. Held item: Mic was dropped.
Hey there what u sayin', bout the god BKC?
He's way more than you ever wish you could be.
He's the mothafuckin' god of playing DPP!
So what u gonna say when the shit hits the fan?
C'mon, oh please tell me, what on earth is your plan?
I hear you've got an arceus, but I think it's poor,
lum berry's for noobs, what on earth is that for?
Can't you dodge a will-o-wisp, outplay the coinflip?
Just got rekt by specsogre, its the end of your trip.
So I'll rap 'bout u again, my bro Aenonar?
Or is it Krauersaut, perhaps? (That name didn't get u far)
See you don't step to BKC, my drizzler bro,
cos when u mess with any of us, ur messin' with a pro.
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All you Ubers players posting, your raps are garbage by the smell of it
I'm wandering into Ubers from LC for the hell of it
Your raps aint relevant, welcome Master Fizz, the new element
I aint leaving survivors because I'm malicious and malevolent
I'm reading your shitty poems, I'm annoyed that you're so boisterous.
I'm rapid spinning this track, just like muthafuckin Cloyster is
Like Lugia, my rhymes are fucking toxic, call them poisonous
But truly, I do commend all you rap novices for joining this
I'm a lyrical genius, better remember my endeavor
I'll take you all on, whoever, wherever, whenever
Ever clever, bringing the F.E.A.R. like a level one Aron
Better secure your pots and pans, cuz I'm fly like a heron
Gaga has his bitches make predictions up against me
but y'all are gonna see this motherfucker push up daisies
he's playin higher tiers but he'll soon be just cryin tears
after playing me he'll just quit for a couple years
this bitch thinks playing HO is just lazy
but I'm about to show him how to fuckin go crazy
call it beastiality but I'm going fuckin ham
bout to show up all these haters who think they know just who I am
I'd love to continue but got to catch a plane
It's a shame my parade got stopped by rain
No more insults I'm just way too sane
I don't climb the ladder, I climb a crane
My coke's so fine, don't got a grain
So rich my salad got gold, not romaine
Man I'm just like a real Bruce Wayne
Guess that means you can be Bane
I hope you do better than Spain
Be careful, don't pop a vain
My flow it's off the chain
I'm immune to your Ogre: Storm Drain
talking to my fren, lets call him xerneas
shitting on the scrubs, giving them hernias
then one thought "lets bring up the aegis"
nah man, sub is the bravest
making the metagame 50/50s
who can beat this deer of epiphanies?
oh look its a crit, hes lucky n bad
face in palms, the user is sad
for times when hax makes it a squeeze
call that fucker a (BAN ME PLEASE)
ya'll kissin up niggas boring as the ocean
o wait, i forgot thats how Orch got promotion
if Durians dont know why they lost - heres the reason
famous thrower Orch fuckin up entire season
comin atchu like a stalltwo,
makin yo ass forfeit before burnin'
only thing i can see now is orchie-orch u-turnin'
nigga come pick the gauntlet if ya real enough
abs spittin' game in here, real shit not some bluff

wait for more folks
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Dareal Throwers is more like what you are
When Melee Mewtwo gets his hands on Fireburn's poke balls
You think you're so cool with the Megahorn from those pills?
Bruh, I've used Discharge 50 times more than you ever will
Dropping flows with ExtremeSpeed,
Swords Dance in line,
But when she tickles your Wood Hammer
She's gonna hear that Roar of Time
Swagging it up, giving all those free wins in a Flash,
You'd swear you smoked a lil' too much of that Sacred Ash
Talking bout UPL records, damn, I'm impressed
Losing to the offspring of a Stunfisk and a Helix!
First ban - Swagger. I got way too much
Confuse you, boost your ego, and let you beat yourself
Next up, Evasionpass, oh, the horror
Used Minimize too much, made your dick even smaller
Trying to Smack me Down, but I get back up and Imma Fly,
Use Sky Drop on you, drop your ass in Shanghai
Still trying to hit me with that Deo-A Knock Off?
Bitch, I'm done. Held item: Mic was dropped.
Krauer ive heard better rhymes from a pile of dirt.
Not his fault ur bitch is on his "wood hammer" making him burst.
Someone needs to take away your computer and give u a timeout.
Seriously what the fuck? Aren't you like 12?
Take a step back and watch the real Ubers play.
Wont put me in ur tourney cuz u know I'll just win it all day.
Im sorry you cant handle me winning.
I should watch my fucking language I shouldn't swear around children.
Hello mother******s, it's been a long time
I joined PS at the turn of the tide
Found I enjoyed ubers, it was pretty rough
Got trounced by Anik, I think he's pretty gruff
Trauma'd me out of using Ho-oh, it was that cheap
Gained a long-standing rivalry with a RO, Sweep
Got voiced, and I've been that way for a while
Still hoping on Drivers, though I'm not Guile
XY came around, Xern was destroying fools
I thought that he was gonna get hit by the rules
Enjoying the room, having a lot of fun
Playing ubers is like using the biggest gun.

(and that was my first rap ever, I think .-.)
Now there's one topic in this tier I have issue with,
Apart from shadow tag (I could jump off a cliff
it's that fucking horrible, but I'm talking about)
Chansey (though this fucker dies to specs water spout)
She f*cking gets trapped like it's nobodies business
Gar takes her out so quick u can't witness
Gets fucking taunted now what do you do?
Unable to heal status? That's pretty true.
You're using one mon less, it doesn't seem fair
But it's your fault for choosing a shit mon (doesn't fare
to well in this metagame, as I think you can tell)
At this point you're just in for a really bad spell.
But the ladder loves it, as well as my bud penguin
They just pretend gar is banned, shit stall's jacked up on herione
Is it a fuckin drug to use this piece of shit mon?
They're addicted to it, it's really the one
That makes us pull our hair out (how bad can you be?!)
Can you not tell? Do you not see?
When shadow tag's here, chansey's out of use
Gengar just puts it through too much abuse
So please, oh please, ladder, listen to this,
though we'll ban gengar soon, this is taking the piss,
stop using chansey, gengar fucking rapes you.
And the ubers community will no longer take you.
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damn, ya'll niggas need to retire,
cuz ur weak ass flows do nothin but boost my flash fire,
im nog, remember the name, im killin the game,
talkin hip fire son, dont even need to aim.
To read all these rhymes is lyrical pain,
im ashamed that all you come up with is truly lame,
and you flame like you got shit thats good,
when in fact you just proof that you live far from the hood,
and I could let you off easy and not me mean,
but that's not me nigga im crushin ur dreams,
would say ur girls in my party but I like my bitches clean.
To me she's just a Ho-oh, while im zekrom,
flowin on the daily while we playin pokemon.
Hey Nog your avatar is pretty diverting
But your rapping seems more like some childish cursing
This is ubers we play with the best of the best
Guess u came here to put ur skills to the test
So I hear you like zekrom, nig you'd better bolt
I strike at the core, when some nigga's at fault,
So keep shut ur trap and step back in line
Your rappin' is bad while mine's truly fine
The randoms call him soviet , but you can call him sovishit
I'd describe the fucker to you, but it wouldn't be appropriate
Hes got his head held high, I dont really know why
Who can be proud of being a wack ass clown?
Enjoying his "brogasms," wanking off in the closet
While my rhymes are straight money, making a lyrical deposit
Prancing around, losing games, dick in his hand
Sit down son and take a seat in the sand
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Nog's avatar has a sexy dancing hooker
Makes me water spout like specs Kyogre
Piexplode's jelly cuz his girlfriend is fat
Stop using shit teams you fucking twat
Nigga grow balls and use something viable
Not something gay like Milotic and Clefable
All the rap you guys wrote is literally garbage
Makes this thread look like a fucking carnage
Seriously some guys wanted to ban Xerneas?
You thought that it was a pain in the ass?
Ubers in general is a fucking shitty tier
Once you see my dick you crumble with fear
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