VGC Urshifu-S


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Urshifu @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unseen Fist
Level: 50
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Sucker Punch
- Close Combat
- Detect

Urshifu-S is used as a generally strong attacker, its Wicked Blow's deal massive damage to much of the metagame with Unseen Fist and ignores Attack drops minimizing counterplay. Its a versatile pick on many compositions, as its kit does not need much support and is mainly used to enhance a teams offensive pressure with strong attacks. With Tera Dark, Urshifu-S is capable of OHKOing Pokemon such as both Calyrex formes and Flutter Mane as well as bringing most other targets to red health, such as Miraidon and Tornadus. Focus Sash helps Urshifu-S remedy its poor defensive typing, while Sucker Punch is able to somewhat bypass Urshifu-S's middling Speed tier.

Urshifu-S functions well on many teams, however those with strong Speed control are where Urshifu-S shines, particularly Trick Room compositions with Calyrex-I which appreciate the immediate pressure as well as Trick Room letting Urshifu-S outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane and Zamazenta-C. Additionally, Unseen Fist ignoring Protect means stalling Trick Room with it is much more risky. Speaking of which, Urshifu-S struggles against Pokemon which resist Wicked Blow, as they nullify Urshifu-S's main benefit in dealing big damage with Wicked Blow. While Close Combat is strong, its vulnerable to opposing Intimidates as well as dropping its defenses. Additionally, many of these threats also outspeed and hit for Super Effective, such as the aforementioned Zamazenta and opposing Urshifu-R. However, Pokemon like Amoonguss and Incineroar are able to somewhat make up for these weaknesses. Amoonguss provides redirection and resists Fairy and Fighting while threatening foes with Spore, while Incineroar offers general utility and Fake Out, which opponents can't Protect into at risk of a attack from Urshifu-S. Tera-Fairy is also a popular Tera-type (Such as on Raging Bolt and Calrex-S), which Urshifu-S struggles to break through on account of resisting both of its STABs.

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Good work, gave a lot of thoughts but implement the following and it can be marked as QC 1/2!

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Urshifu @ Focus Sash (Set name.)
Ability: Unseen Fist
Level: 50
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Sucker Punch
- Close Combat
- Detect

Urshifu-S is used as a generally strong attacker, its Wicked Blow's deal massive damage to much of the metagame with Unseen Fist and Critical Hit ignoring ignores (Worded like dex info, consider mentioning Intimidate in particular to make it more metagame related but up to you.) Attack drops minimizing counterplay. Its use cases are pretty flexible, as its kit does not need much support and is mainly used to enhance a teams offensive pressure. With Tera Dark, Urshifu-S is capable of OHKOing even bulky (252 hp Tornadus, uninvested Peli and Ogerpon aren't exactly bulky.) targets such as Tornadus, Pelipper (Is there something else you could mention here? Pelipper either invests in bulk or runs Focus Sash so Urshifu-S won't be OHKOing it.), and the various Ogerpon formes, bringing most other targets to red health. Focus Sash helps Urshifu-S remedy its poor defensive typing, while Sucker Punch is able to somewhat bypass Urshifu-S's middling Speed tier. (These are a bit out of order, Moves -> Item -> Tera is what should be done.)

Urshifu-S functions well on many teams, however those with strong Speed control are where Urshifu-S shines, particularly Trick Room compositions which appreciate the immediate pressure as well as Trick Room letting Urshifu-S outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane and Zamazenta. (One of the biggest things you're missing here is Unseen Fist minimizing how many Trick Room turns they can stall through Protect. Probably why so many look to Urshifu. Bringing up examples of Trick Room setters would also help make this section more about Urshifu-S as a Pokemon.) Speaking of which, Urshifu-S struggles against Pokemon which resist Wicked Blow, as they nullify its entire role. Additionally, many of these threats also outspeed and hit for Super Effective, such as the aformentioned Zamazenta and opposing Urshifu-R. (Bring up common partners that take on Zama and Shifu, think Amoonguss, Raging Bolt, and maybe even Gholdengo.)

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Put a lot of comments here so I'd like to recheck, ask any questions on disc.
Urshifu @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unseen Fist
Level: 50
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Sucker Punch
- Close Combat
- Detect

Urshifu-S is used as a generally strong attacker, its Wicked Blow's deals massive damage to much of the metagame with Unseen Fist and ignores Attack drops minimizing counterplay. Its use cases are pretty flexible, as its kit does not need much support and is mainly used to enhance a teams offensive pressure. With Tera Dark, Urshifu-S is capable of OHKOing Pokemon such as Tornadus 252+ Atk Tera-Dark Urshifu-Single Strike Wicked Blow vs. 252 HP / 124+ Def Tornadus on a critical hit: 146-174 (78.4 - 93.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO, this is our dex spread so not even taking that out feels bad, Flutter Mane, and the various Ogerpon-W formes 252+ Atk Tera-Dark Urshifu-Single Strike Wicked Blow vs. 204 HP / 4 Def Ogerpon-Wellspring on a critical hit: 162-192 (89.5 - 106%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO, this is also a dex spread , bringing most other targets to red health. Focus Sash helps Urshifu-S remedy its poor defensive typing, while Sucker Punch is able to somewhat bypass Urshifu-S's middling Speed tier. Not mentioning the ability to force Caly-S's tera feels like a huge missed opportunity, could be worth adding.

Urshifu-S functions well on many teams, however those with strong Speed control are where Urshifu-S shines, particularly Trick Room compositions with Calyrex-I which appreciate the immediate pressure as well as Trick Room letting Urshifu-S outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane and Zamazenta what does outspeeding zama do? you mention zama as a counter later. CC 2hkos ig but something else may fit better here. Up to you.. Additionally, Unseen Fist ignoring Protect means stalling Trick Room with it is much more risky. Speaking of which, Urshifu-S struggles against Pokemon which resist Wicked Blow, as they nullify its entire role. Additionally, many of these threats also outspeed and hit for Super Effective, such as the aforementioned Zamazenta-C and opposing Urshifu-R. However, Amoonguss, Raging Bolt, and other partners are able to somewhat make up for these weaknesses. Is tera fairy flutter not a weakness or yk, any tera fairy mon in general? Feel like it's important to mention as tera fairy is one of the most common ways to stifle urshifu.
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1/1 GP Team done
Needs a set name (Urshifu) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unseen Fist
Level: 50
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Sucker Punch
- Close Combat
- Detect

Urshifu-S is used as a generally strong attacker, its Wicked Blow's deal Blow deals massive damage to much of the metagame with Unseen Fist (this doesn't really make sense- they don't deal damage bc of unseen fist. if you want to make a separate point about unseen fist bypasing portect, that might eb worth doing, but it's all crammed into one and doesn't make sense as is) and ignores Attack drops, (AC) minimizing counterplay. Its It is a versatile pick on many compositions, as its kit does not need much support and is mainly used to enhance a teams team's offensive pressure with strong attacks. With Tera Dark, Urshifu-S is capable of OHKOing Pokemon such as both Calyrex formes and Flutter Mane as well as bringing most other targets to red health down to low HP ('red health' isn't really a phrase we use), such as Miraidon and Tornadus. Focus Sash helps Urshifu-S remedy its poor defensive typing, while Sucker Punch is able to somewhat bypass Urshifu-S's middling Speed tier.

Urshifu-S functions well on many teams, however those with strong Speed teams, but those with strong speed control are where Urshifu-S shines, particularly Trick Room compositions with Calyrex-I, (AC) which appreciate the immediate pressure as well as Trick Room letting pressure. Trick Room lets Urshifu-S outspeed threats such as Flutter Mane and Zamazenta-C. Additionally, Unseen Fist ignoring Protect means stalling Trick Room with it is much more risky that it is more risky for foes to attempt to stall out Trick Room turns. Speaking of which, Urshifu-S struggles against Pokemon which that resist Wicked Blow Dark, as they nullify Urshifu-S's main benefit in dealing big damage with Wicked Blow. (changed to resist dark to avoid repetition with the new addition. might be worth an example, or two of dark resists to make the point stronger?) While Close Combat is strong, its vulnerable to opposing Intimidates as well as dropping its defenses it's less consistent because it doesnt bypass Intimidate and drops Urshifu-S's defenses. Additionally, many of these threats also outspeed and hit for Super Effective Urshifu-S for super effective damage, such as the aforementioned Zamazenta and opposing Zamazzenta-C and Urshifu-R. (zama and zama-c aren't the same mon. urshifu-r and -s also aren't the same mon, so saying 'opposing urshifu-r' on an urshifu-s analysis isn't needed) However, Pokemon like Amoonguss and Incineroar are able to somewhat make up for these weaknesses. Amoonguss provides redirection, resists Fairy and Fighting, and threatens redirection and resists Fairy and Fighting while threatening foes with Spore, while Incineroar offers general utility and Fake Out, which opponents can't Protect into foes can't block with Protect at risk of a attack from Urshifu-S. Tera (remove hyphen) Fairy is also a popular Tera-type (Such as on Raging Bolt and Calrex-S), Tera type, used by foes like Ranging Bolt and Calyrex-S, and Urshifu-S cannot break through Tera Fairy users because they resist its STAB combination which Urshifu-S struggles to break through on account of resisting both of its STABs.

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