Stats for this month are based solely on August usage, with a 4.52% rise/drop cutoff.
A few things to note:
Aegislash moved from UUBL to OU
Gengar moved from UUBL to OU
Primarina moved from UUBL to OU
Hatterene moved from UU to OU
Kyurem moved from UU to OU
Necrozma moved from UU to OU
Skarmory moved from UU to OU
Toxtricity moved from UU to OU
Tyranitar moved from UU to OU
Ditto moved from NU to OU
Chansey moved from OU to UUBL
Venusaur moved from OU to UUBL
Kingdra moved from OU to UU
Marowak-Alola moved from OU to UU
Slowbro moved from OU to UU
Zarude moved from OU to UU
Torkoal moved from OU to RU
Sharpedo moved from RUBL to UU
Araquanid moved from RU to UU
Rotom-Mow moved from RU to UU
Heracross moved from UU to RU
Golurk moved from NU to RU
Tauros moved from RU to NUBL
Vanilluxe moved from RU to NUBL
Vikavolt moved from RU to NUBL
Aromatisse moved from RU to NU
Cinccino moved from RU to NU
Clawitzer moved from RU to NU
Corsola-Galar moved from RU to NU
Drampa moved from RU to NU
Duraludon moved from RU to NU
Exeggutor-Alola moved from RU to NU
Frosmoth moved from RU to NU
Galvantula moved from RU to NU
Gastrodon moved from RU to NU
Jellicent moved from RU to NU
Mudsdale moved from RU to NU
Ninetales moved from RU to NU
Pincurchin moved from RU to NU
Poliwrath moved from RU to NU
Rhydon moved from RU to NU
Ribombee moved from RU to NU
Runerigus moved from RU to NU
Sableye moved from RU to NU
Sandslash-Alola moved from RU to NU
Sigilyph moved from RU to NU
Silvally-Steel moved from RU to NU
Whimsicott moved from RU to NU
Arctovish moved from NU to PUBL
Bouffalant moved from NU to PU
Gourgeist-Small moved from NU to PU
Liepard moved from NU to PU
Lurantis moved from NU to PU
Luxray moved from NU to PU
Politoed moved from NU to PU
Silvally-Water moved from NU to PU
Leafeon moved from ZU to PU
Dugtrio moved from PU to ZU
Hattrem moved from PU to NFE
A few things to note:
- Zarude drops to UU despite being released 6 days into the month because it's a brand new Pokemon and its low usage in OU can't be explained by simply missing out on the first 5 days.
- Torkoal drops to RU because it was in RU before moving directly to OU last month.
- Sigilyph drops to NU despite being unbanned from RUBL 2 days into the month, because Virizion was unbanned the same day and got to 10% usage, so Sigilyph's lower usage does reflect the new metagame.
- Ditto would have fallen to PU this month if it hadn't also moved to OU. If Ditto drops out of OU again later, it will go straight to PU instead of NU.
Combined usage for OU (1695 stats)
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Clefable | 37.126% |
| 2 | Rillaboom | 32.617% |
| 3 | Dragapult | 28.314% |
| 4 | Zeraora | 26.677% |
| 5 | Excadrill | 24.244% |
| 6 | Urshifu | 23.449% |
| 7 | Toxapex | 21.447% |
| 8 | Volcarona | 20.216% |
| 9 | Togekiss | 17.240% |
| 10 | Corviknight | 15.981% |
| 11 | Mandibuzz | 14.801% |
| 12 | Hippowdon | 14.190% |
| 13 | Blissey | 13.064% |
| 14 | Crawdaunt | 11.863% |
| 15 | Ferrothorn | 11.511% |
| 16 | Scizor | 10.667% |
| 17 | Azumarill | 9.595% |
| 18 | Magnezone | 9.344% |
| 19 | Kommo-o | 8.882% |
| 20 | Hawlucha | 8.549% |
| 21 | Kyurem | 8.365% |
| 22 | Amoonguss | 8.226% |
| 23 | Rotom-Heat | 8.093% |
| 24 | Skarmory | 8.024% |
| 25 | Mew | 7.857% |
| 26 | Tangrowth | 6.886% |
| 27 | Hydreigon | 6.803% |
| 28 | Toxtricity | 6.650% |
| 29 | Pelipper | 6.639% |
| 30 | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike | 6.569% |
| 31 | Hatterene | 6.199% |
| 32 | Ditto | 6.104% |
| 33 | Primarina | 5.963% |
| 34 | Necrozma | 5.785% |
| 35 | Aegislash | 5.558% |
| 36 | Alakazam | 5.098% |
| 37 | Cinderace | 4.899% |
| 38 | Tyranitar | 4.705% |
| 39 | Gengar | 4.677% |
| 40 | Kingdra | 4.414% |
| 41 | Venusaur | 4.390% |
| 42 | Torkoal | 4.318% |
| 43 | Magearna | 3.985% |
| 44 | Jirachi | 3.772% |
| 45 | Bisharp | 3.695% |
| 46 | Slowbro | 3.670% |
| 47 | Chansey | 3.614% |
| 48 | Weezing-Galar | 3.256% |
| 49 | Marowak-Alola | 2.890% |
| 50 | Rhyperior | 2.761% |
| 51 | Charizard | 2.748% |
| 52 | Gastrodon | 2.688% |
| 53 | Mantine | 2.602% |
| 54 | Conkeldurr | 2.578% |
| 55 | Seismitoad | 2.492% |
| 56 | Diggersby | 2.368% |
| 57 | Cloyster | 2.301% |
| 58 | Mamoswine | 1.916% |
| 59 | Darmanitan | 1.913% |
| 60 | Terrakion | 1.831% |
| 61 | Scolipede | 1.803% |
| 62 | Zarude | 1.797% |
| 63 | Quagsire | 1.748% |
| 64 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 1.698% |
| 65 | Grimmsnarl | 1.639% |
| 66 | Xatu | 1.513% |
| 67 | Shuckle | 1.476% |
| 68 | Reuniclus | 1.446% |
| 69 | Keldeo | 1.333% |
| 70 | Ninetales-Alola | 1.306% |
| 71 | Mimikyu | 1.305% |
| 72 | Weavile | 1.293% |
| 73 | Chandelure | 1.284% |
| 74 | Slowbro-Galar | 1.207% |
| 75 | Dracozolt | 1.133% |
| 76 | Haxorus | 1.075% |
| 77 | Talonflame | 1.067% |
| 78 | Barraskewda | 1.062% |
| 79 | Obstagoon | 1.045% |
| 80 | Gyarados | 0.961% |
| 81 | Rotom-Wash | 0.946% |
| 82 | Krookodile | 0.908% |
| 83 | Indeedee | 0.899% |
| 84 | Ribombee | 0.737% |
| 85 | Druddigon | 0.683% |
| 86 | Coalossal | 0.643% |
| 87 | Slowking | 0.623% |
| 88 | Porygon2 | 0.591% |
| 89 | Accelgor | 0.588% |
| 90 | Flygon | 0.460% |
| 91 | Incineroar | 0.454% |
| 92 | Snorlax | 0.454% |
| 93 | Comfey | 0.436% |
| 94 | Porygon-Z | 0.430% |
| 95 | Klefki | 0.415% |
| 96 | Salazzle | 0.414% |
| 97 | Heracross | 0.407% |
| 98 | Dragalge | 0.406% |
| 99 | Arcanine | 0.399% |
| 100 | Sandaconda | 0.374% |
| 101 | Ninetales | 0.372% |
| 102 | Lucario | 0.341% |
| 103 | Sandslash-Alola | 0.333% |
| 104 | Gardevoir | 0.318% |
| 105 | Sylveon | 0.314% |
| 106 | Scyther | 0.311% |
| 107 | Starmie | 0.295% |
| 108 | Durant | 0.285% |
| 109 | Araquanid | 0.278% |
| 110 | Cobalion | 0.273% |
| 111 | Mienshao | 0.265% |
| 112 | Espeon | 0.260% |
| 113 | Shiftry | 0.251% |
| 114 | Goodra | 0.249% |
| 115 | Milotic | 0.246% |
| 116 | Umbreon | 0.245% |
| 117 | Pyukumuku | 0.245% |
| 118 | Stunfisk | 0.243% |
| 119 | Poliwrath | 0.227% |
| 120 | Golurk | 0.223% |
| 121 | Heliolisk | 0.220% |
| 122 | Roserade | 0.212% |
| 123 | Shiinotic | 0.210% |
| 124 | Centiskorch | 0.205% |
| 125 | Exploud | 0.193% |
| 126 | Pincurchin | 0.189% |
| 127 | Polteageist | 0.189% |
| 128 | Vaporeon | 0.185% |
| 129 | Sirfetch’d | 0.183% |
| 130 | Noctowl | 0.178% |
| 131 | Celebi | 0.170% |
| 132 | Tentacruel | 0.159% |
| 133 | Galvantula | 0.157% |
| 134 | Vikavolt | 0.151% |
| 135 | Raichu-Alola | 0.149% |
| 136 | Zoroark | 0.149% |
| 137 | Palossand | 0.145% |
| 138 | Slurpuff | 0.144% |
| 139 | Gigalith | 0.143% |
| 140 | Bronzong | 0.137% |
| 141 | Shedinja | 0.135% |
| 142 | Lanturn | 0.130% |
| 143 | Steelix | 0.128% |
| 144 | Frosmoth | 0.122% |
| 145 | Runerigus | 0.121% |
| 146 | Vanilluxe | 0.119% |
| 147 | Toxicroak | 0.118% |
| 148 | Noivern | 0.115% |
| 149 | Drapion | 0.114% |
| 150 | Corsola-Galar | 0.110% |
| 151 | Whimsicott | 0.110% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for UU (1630 stats)
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Jirachi | 38.066% |
| 2 | Skarmory | 22.801% |
| 3 | Rotom-Wash | 21.998% |
| 4 | Mimikyu | 19.945% |
| 5 | Noivern | 19.548% |
| 6 | Keldeo | 18.709% |
| 7 | Bisharp | 17.767% |
| 8 | Cobalion | 17.526% |
| 9 | Weezing-Galar | 15.365% |
| 10 | Hatterene | 15.125% |
| 11 | Krookodile | 14.018% |
| 12 | Kyurem | 13.922% |
| 13 | Slowking | 13.851% |
| 14 | Incineroar | 13.490% |
| 15 | Terrakion | 13.462% |
| 16 | Mienshao | 12.192% |
| 17 | Tyranitar | 11.818% |
| 18 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 11.200% |
| 19 | Toxtricity | 10.430% |
| 20 | Sylveon | 10.339% |
| 21 | Chandelure | 8.537% |
| 22 | Necrozma | 8.395% |
| 23 | Palossand | 8.155% |
| 24 | Flygon | 7.655% |
| 25 | Darmanitan | 7.632% |
| 26 | Obstagoon | 7.588% |
| 27 | Grimmsnarl | 7.306% |
| 28 | Scyther | 7.274% |
| 29 | Rotom-Mow | 7.030% |
| 30 | Tentacruel | 6.933% |
| 31 | Polteageist | 6.909% |
| 32 | Starmie | 6.689% |
| 33 | Araquanid | 6.511% |
| 34 | Mamoswine | 6.085% |
| 35 | Celebi | 6.046% |
| 36 | Doublade | 5.413% |
| 37 | Porygon-Z | 5.315% |
| 38 | Cloyster | 5.216% |
| 39 | Roserade | 5.142% |
| 40 | Talonflame | 5.134% |
| 41 | Sharpedo | 5.025% |
| 42 | Tsareena | 4.770% |
| 43 | Heracross | 4.096% |
| 44 | Seismitoad | 3.910% |
| 45 | Froslass | 3.508% |
| 46 | Umbreon | 3.319% |
| 47 | Rhyperior | 3.028% |
| 48 | Magneton | 2.939% |
| 49 | Reuniclus | 2.881% |
| 50 | Dragalge | 2.838% |
| 51 | Ribombee | 2.631% |
| 52 | Lucario | 2.553% |
| 53 | Druddigon | 2.393% |
| 54 | Porygon2 | 2.382% |
| 55 | Gastrodon | 2.356% |
| 56 | Mantine | 2.333% |
| 57 | Golurk | 2.258% |
| 58 | Heliolisk | 2.053% |
| 59 | Indeedee | 1.995% |
| 60 | Golisopod | 1.937% |
| 61 | Pangoro | 1.881% |
| 62 | Barraskewda | 1.840% |
| 63 | Klefki | 1.734% |
| 64 | Bronzong | 1.721% |
| 65 | Ninetales | 1.643% |
| 66 | Quagsire | 1.640% |
| 67 | Gardevoir | 1.632% |
| 68 | Raichu-Alola | 1.621% |
| 69 | Slurpuff | 1.514% |
| 70 | Sirfetch’d | 1.492% |
| 71 | Exploud | 1.464% |
| 72 | Pincurchin | 1.461% |
| 73 | Blastoise | 1.453% |
| 74 | Galvantula | 1.424% |
| 75 | Charizard | 1.356% |
| 76 | Vikavolt | 1.320% |
| 77 | Lycanroc | 1.315% |
| 78 | Goodra | 1.263% |
| 79 | Arcanine | 1.246% |
| 80 | Escavalier | 1.224% |
| 81 | Comfey | 1.196% |
| 82 | Copperajah | 1.159% |
| 83 | Bewear | 1.149% |
| 84 | Shiftry | 1.110% |
| 85 | Virizion | 1.096% |
| 86 | Milotic | 1.094% |
| 87 | Dhelmise | 1.074% |
| 88 | Slowbro-Galar | 1.059% |
| 89 | Espeon | 1.039% |
| 90 | Machamp | 1.034% |
| 91 | Blissey | 1.032% |
| 92 | Whimsicott | 1.011% |
| 93 | Steelix | 0.980% |
| 94 | Barbaracle | 0.947% |
| 95 | Zoroark | 0.943% |
| 96 | Snorlax | 0.925% |
| 97 | Mudsdale | 0.920% |
| 98 | Inteleon | 0.822% |
| 99 | Decidueye | 0.796% |
| 100 | Shedinja | 0.773% |
| 101 | Ditto | 0.730% |
| 102 | Jolteon | 0.674% |
| 103 | Shuckle | 0.627% |
| 104 | Gigalith | 0.619% |
| 105 | Runerigus | 0.596% |
| 106 | Clawitzer | 0.581% |
| 107 | Salazzle | 0.551% |
| 108 | Drapion | 0.546% |
| 109 | Corsola-Galar | 0.524% |
| 110 | Jellicent | 0.515% |
| 111 | Eldegoss | 0.511% |
| 112 | Crawdaunt | 0.509% |
| 113 | Accelgor | 0.478% |
| 114 | Passimian | 0.468% |
| 115 | Frosmoth | 0.463% |
| 116 | Vaporeon | 0.454% |
| 117 | Lanturn | 0.452% |
| 118 | Toxicroak | 0.448% |
| 119 | Xatu | 0.437% |
| 120 | Claydol | 0.402% |
| 121 | Cofagrigus | 0.389% |
| 122 | Vileplume | 0.380% |
| 123 | Dugtrio | 0.372% |
| 124 | Dugtrio-Alola | 0.367% |
| 125 | Coalossal | 0.358% |
| 126 | Hitmonlee | 0.338% |
| 127 | Braviary | 0.333% |
| 128 | Centiskorch | 0.325% |
| 129 | Poliwrath | 0.320% |
| 130 | Avalugg | 0.312% |
| 131 | Trevenant | 0.311% |
| 132 | Sandslash | 0.309% |
| 133 | Cinccino | 0.297% |
| 134 | Torkoal | 0.251% |
| 135 | Indeedee-F | 0.250% |
| 136 | Tauros | 0.242% |
| 137 | Leafeon | 0.234% |
| 138 | Sigilyph | 0.228% |
| 139 | Linoone | 0.219% |
| 140 | Venusaur | 0.212% |
| 141 | Ninjask | 0.209% |
| 142 | Tangela | 0.203% |
| 143 | Stoutland | 0.189% |
| 144 | Dusknoir | 0.180% |
| 145 | Togedemaru | 0.180% |
| 146 | Duraludon | 0.172% |
| 147 | Dusclops | 0.162% |
| 148 | Pinsir | 0.152% |
| 149 | Cursola | 0.148% |
| 150 | Drampa | 0.138% |
| 151 | Thwackey | 0.138% |
| 152 | Vanilluxe | 0.137% |
| 153 | Silvally-Fairy | 0.130% |
| 154 | Morpeko | 0.128% |
| 155 | Scrafty | 0.126% |
| 156 | Boltund | 0.125% |
| 157 | Miltank | 0.123% |
| 158 | Haunter | 0.123% |
| 159 | Malamar | 0.123% |
| 160 | Throh | 0.119% |
| 161 | Exeggutor-Alola | 0.112% |
| 162 | Sandaconda | 0.112% |
| 163 | Weezing | 0.104% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for RU (1630 stats)
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Rotom-Mow | 27.176% |
| 2 | Gardevoir | 18.722% |
| 3 | Mantine | 18.230% |
| 4 | Dragalge | 18.123% |
| 5 | Klefki | 15.760% |
| 6 | Steelix | 15.333% |
| 7 | Slowbro-Galar | 15.212% |
| 8 | Passimian | 14.066% |
| 9 | Rhyperior | 12.165% |
| 10 | Umbreon | 11.912% |
| 11 | Bronzong | 11.714% |
| 12 | Drapion | 11.080% |
| 13 | Dhelmise | 10.797% |
| 14 | Scrafty | 10.594% |
| 15 | Virizion | 10.404% |
| 16 | Charizard | 9.669% |
| 17 | Salazzle | 9.049% |
| 18 | Gigalith | 8.715% |
| 19 | Bewear | 8.633% |
| 20 | Espeon | 8.584% |
| 21 | Xatu | 8.478% |
| 22 | Copperajah | 8.391% |
| 23 | Lycanroc | 8.312% |
| 24 | Golisopod | 7.858% |
| 25 | Barraskewda | 7.836% |
| 26 | Vileplume | 7.661% |
| 27 | Indeedee-F | 7.588% |
| 28 | Silvally-Fairy | 7.585% |
| 29 | Porygon2 | 7.423% |
| 30 | Arcanine | 7.302% |
| 31 | Vaporeon | 7.101% |
| 32 | Heliolisk | 7.061% |
| 33 | Goodra | 7.027% |
| 34 | Exploud | 6.725% |
| 35 | Druddigon | 6.579% |
| 36 | Inteleon | 6.419% |
| 37 | Comfey | 6.340% |
| 38 | Centiskorch | 6.118% |
| 39 | Seismitoad | 6.092% |
| 40 | Hitmonlee | 6.068% |
| 41 | Snorlax | 5.837% |
| 42 | Blastoise | 5.835% |
| 43 | Braviary | 5.766% |
| 44 | Sharpedo | 5.732% |
| 45 | Milotic | 5.137% |
| 46 | Araquanid | 4.970% |
| 47 | Golurk | 4.891% |
| 48 | Coalossal | 4.636% |
| 49 | Claydol | 4.569% |
| 50 | Escavalier | 4.517% |
| 51 | Sigilyph | 4.481% |
| 52 | Toxicroak | 4.401% |
| 53 | Decidueye | 4.204% |
| 54 | Duraludon | 4.111% |
| 55 | Tangela | 4.020% |
| 56 | Zoroark | 3.538% |
| 57 | Frosmoth | 3.443% |
| 58 | Corsola-Galar | 3.368% |
| 59 | Runerigus | 3.304% |
| 60 | Gastrodon | 3.256% |
| 61 | Tauros | 3.228% |
| 62 | Aromatisse | 3.177% |
| 63 | Quagsire | 3.048% |
| 64 | Silvally-Steel | 3.047% |
| 65 | Ninetales | 3.017% |
| 66 | Sandaconda | 3.010% |
| 67 | Cinccino | 2.969% |
| 68 | Galvantula | 2.967% |
| 69 | Mudsdale | 2.946% |
| 70 | Vikavolt | 2.857% |
| 71 | Vanilluxe | 2.746% |
| 72 | Ribombee | 2.658% |
| 73 | Sneasel | 2.354% |
| 74 | Sableye | 2.267% |
| 75 | Poliwrath | 2.191% |
| 76 | Gallade | 2.112% |
| 77 | Exeggutor-Alola | 2.070% |
| 78 | Eldegoss | 2.048% |
| 79 | Clawitzer | 2.045% |
| 80 | Whimsicott | 1.963% |
| 81 | Jellicent | 1.927% |
| 82 | Sandslash-Alola | 1.866% |
| 83 | Gourgeist-Small | 1.505% |
| 84 | Sandslash | 1.387% |
| 85 | Weezing | 1.372% |
| 86 | Ditto | 1.180% |
| 87 | Rhydon | 1.154% |
| 88 | Silvally-Ghost | 0.995% |
| 89 | Drampa | 0.993% |
| 90 | Thwackey | 0.981% |
| 91 | Magneton | 0.953% |
| 92 | Jolteon | 0.923% |
| 93 | Leafeon | 0.919% |
| 94 | Haunter | 0.898% |
| 95 | Accelgor | 0.876% |
| 96 | Malamar | 0.871% |
| 97 | Pincurchin | 0.858% |
| 98 | Arctovish | 0.836% |
| 99 | Hitmontop | 0.831% |
| 100 | Silvally-Dark | 0.795% |
| 101 | Linoone | 0.757% |
| 102 | Turtonator | 0.724% |
| 103 | Dugtrio-Alola | 0.717% |
| 104 | Kingler | 0.709% |
| 105 | Rotom | 0.594% |
| 106 | Garbodor | 0.565% |
| 107 | Shuckle | 0.511% |
| 108 | Ninjask | 0.496% |
| 109 | Froslass | 0.492% |
| 110 | Stunfisk-Galar | 0.469% |
| 111 | Silvally-Dragon | 0.461% |
| 112 | Qwilfish | 0.450% |
| 113 | Avalugg | 0.449% |
| 114 | Silvally-Ground | 0.433% |
| 115 | Stoutland | 0.392% |
| 116 | Luxray | 0.390% |
| 117 | Lanturn | 0.353% |
| 118 | Sirfetch’d | 0.352% |
| 119 | Bouffalant | 0.350% |
| 120 | Miltank | 0.343% |
| 121 | Togedemaru | 0.335% |
| 122 | Mr. Rime | 0.326% |
| 123 | Cursola | 0.325% |
| 124 | Clefairy | 0.316% |
| 125 | Torkoal | 0.303% |
| 126 | Cofagrigus | 0.303% |
| 127 | Sawk | 0.301% |
| 128 | Maractus | 0.295% |
| 129 | Cramorant | 0.293% |
| 130 | Ferroseed | 0.284% |
| 131 | Drednaw | 0.276% |
| 132 | Abomasnow | 0.271% |
| 133 | Marowak | 0.271% |
| 134 | Pyukumuku | 0.268% |
| 135 | Piloswine | 0.262% |
| 136 | Silvally | 0.260% |
| 137 | Liepard | 0.252% |
| 138 | Boltund | 0.247% |
| 139 | Rotom-Fan | 0.242% |
| 140 | Ludicolo | 0.241% |
| 141 | Lucario | 0.237% |
| 142 | Rapidash-Galar | 0.226% |
| 143 | Exeggutor | 0.226% |
| 144 | Musharna | 0.222% |
| 145 | Kadabra | 0.220% |
| 146 | Perrserker | 0.219% |
| 147 | Flapple | 0.216% |
| 148 | Glaceon | 0.203% |
| 149 | Persian-Alola | 0.198% |
| 150 | Alcremie | 0.197% |
| 151 | Silvally-Water | 0.194% |
| 152 | Arctozolt | 0.194% |
| 153 | Shedinja | 0.191% |
| 154 | Wishiwashi | 0.191% |
| 155 | Lickilicky | 0.187% |
| 156 | Octillery | 0.184% |
| 157 | Basculin | 0.182% |
| 158 | Gurdurr | 0.177% |
| 159 | Flareon | 0.171% |
| 160 | Morpeko | 0.166% |
| 161 | Orbeetle | 0.164% |
| 162 | Grapploct | 0.159% |
| 163 | Eiscue | 0.158% |
| 164 | Lurantis | 0.153% |
| 165 | Trevenant | 0.152% |
| 166 | Reuniclus | 0.147% |
| 167 | Dubwool | 0.144% |
| 168 | Pinsir | 0.144% |
| 169 | Rapidash | 0.144% |
| 170 | Mawile | 0.141% |
| 171 | Skuntank | 0.139% |
| 172 | Hitmonchan | 0.128% |
| 173 | Appletun | 0.113% |
| 174 | Gourgeist-Large | 0.109% |
| 175 | Marill | 0.101% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for NU (1630 stats)
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Toxicroak | 25.829% |
| 2 | Miltank | 22.224% |
| 3 | Decidueye | 18.865% |
| 4 | Piloswine | 16.174% |
| 5 | Persian-Alola | 16.049% |
| 6 | Weezing | 15.910% |
| 7 | Ninjask | 15.221% |
| 8 | Rotom | 15.213% |
| 9 | Lanturn | 14.934% |
| 10 | Accelgor | 13.384% |
| 11 | Basculin | 13.285% |
| 12 | Hitmontop | 13.043% |
| 13 | Stunfisk-Galar | 12.707% |
| 14 | Garbodor | 12.389% |
| 15 | Sandaconda | 12.001% |
| 16 | Rotom-Fan | 11.961% |
| 17 | Clefairy | 11.957% |
| 18 | Golurk | 11.682% |
| 19 | Abomasnow | 11.636% |
| 20 | Cofagrigus | 11.352% |
| 21 | Skuntank | 10.867% |
| 22 | Kangaskhan | 10.525% |
| 23 | Gurdurr | 10.508% |
| 24 | Froslass | 9.624% |
| 25 | Magneton | 9.516% |
| 26 | Eldegoss | 9.382% |
| 27 | Thwackey | 9.206% |
| 28 | Silvally-Dark | 8.823% |
| 29 | Silvally-Dragon | 8.615% |
| 30 | Wishiwashi | 8.604% |
| 31 | Alcremie | 8.389% |
| 32 | Silvally-Ghost | 7.981% |
| 33 | Quagsire | 7.872% |
| 34 | Rapidash | 7.527% |
| 35 | Jolteon | 6.699% |
| 36 | Sawk | 6.608% |
| 37 | Cramorant | 6.521% |
| 38 | Qwilfish | 6.082% |
| 39 | Togedemaru | 5.969% |
| 40 | Ferroseed | 5.803% |
| 41 | Malamar | 5.519% |
| 42 | Avalugg | 4.899% |
| 43 | Rotom-Frost | 4.830% |
| 44 | Cursola | 4.548% |
| 45 | Liepard | 4.399% |
| 46 | Silvally-Water | 4.270% |
| 47 | Gourgeist-Small | 4.166% |
| 48 | Lurantis | 4.152% |
| 49 | Bouffalant | 4.098% |
| 50 | Arctovish | 3.597% |
| 51 | Orbeetle | 3.095% |
| 52 | Luxray | 3.046% |
| 53 | Silvally-Poison | 2.911% |
| 54 | Hattrem | 2.856% |
| 55 | Flapple | 2.637% |
| 56 | Exeggutor | 2.369% |
| 57 | Silvally-Ground | 2.297% |
| 58 | Butterfree | 2.194% |
| 59 | Perrserker | 2.142% |
| 60 | Silvally-Fire | 2.096% |
| 61 | Thievul | 1.977% |
| 62 | Kadabra | 1.970% |
| 63 | Politoed | 1.918% |
| 64 | Ditto | 1.883% |
| 65 | Klinklang | 1.832% |
| 66 | Silvally | 1.802% |
| 67 | Flareon | 1.590% |
| 68 | Stunfisk | 1.583% |
| 69 | Dugtrio-Alola | 1.577% |
| 70 | Lickilicky | 1.518% |
| 71 | Raboot | 1.466% |
| 72 | Drednaw | 1.394% |
| 73 | Mr. Rime | 1.384% |
| 74 | Pinsir | 1.371% |
| 75 | Morpeko | 1.329% |
| 76 | Unfezant | 1.274% |
| 77 | Boltund | 1.226% |
| 78 | Shuckle | 1.172% |
| 79 | Lilligant | 1.032% |
| 80 | Glaceon | 1.014% |
| 81 | Rapidash-Galar | 1.009% |
| 82 | Tangela | 1.006% |
| 83 | Hitmonchan | 0.976% |
| 84 | Drifblim | 0.932% |
| 85 | Noctowl | 0.917% |
| 86 | Falinks | 0.907% |
| 87 | Mr. Mime-Galar | 0.876% |
| 88 | Leafeon | 0.866% |
| 89 | Beartic | 0.865% |
| 90 | Heatmor | 0.862% |
| 91 | Ludicolo | 0.846% |
| 92 | Silvally-Grass | 0.838% |
| 93 | Golduck | 0.830% |
| 94 | Arctozolt | 0.827% |
| 95 | Sandslash | 0.799% |
| 96 | Meowstic | 0.798% |
| 97 | Shiinotic | 0.783% |
| 98 | Gourgeist-Super | 0.662% |
| 99 | Vullaby | 0.654% |
| 100 | Lycanroc-Midnight | 0.652% |
| 101 | Mareanie | 0.637% |
| 102 | Appletun | 0.628% |
| 103 | Lapras | 0.598% |
| 104 | Swoobat | 0.587% |
| 105 | Manectric | 0.571% |
| 106 | Silvally-Flying | 0.565% |
| 107 | Pyukumuku | 0.536% |
| 108 | Lunatone | 0.533% |
| 109 | Slowpoke | 0.511% |
| 110 | Dusknoir | 0.511% |
| 111 | Emolga | 0.506% |
| 112 | Ivysaur | 0.504% |
| 113 | Stoutland | 0.486% |
| 114 | Krokorok | 0.484% |
| 115 | Marill | 0.484% |
| 116 | Crustle | 0.464% |
| 117 | Wartortle | 0.448% |
| 118 | Silvally-Steel | 0.419% |
| 119 | Dubwool | 0.403% |
| 120 | Silvally-Fighting | 0.393% |
| 121 | Togetic | 0.384% |
| 122 | Wigglytuff | 0.339% |
| 123 | Roselia | 0.323% |
| 124 | Mawile | 0.322% |
| 125 | Pawniard | 0.311% |
| 126 | Dugtrio | 0.305% |
| 127 | Marowak | 0.302% |
| 128 | Gloom | 0.300% |
| 129 | Pikachu | 0.298% |
| 130 | Duosion | 0.298% |
| 131 | Dusclops | 0.278% |
| 132 | Farfetch’d-Galar | 0.276% |
| 133 | Musharna | 0.272% |
| 134 | Lampent | 0.255% |
| 135 | Hippopotas | 0.250% |
| 136 | Carkol | 0.240% |
| 137 | Shedinja | 0.240% |
| 138 | Drakloak | 0.224% |
| 139 | Silvally-Psychic | 0.219% |
| 140 | Beheeyem | 0.207% |
| 141 | Bronzor | 0.202% |
| 142 | Vespiquen | 0.200% |
| 143 | Raichu | 0.200% |
| 144 | Porygon | 0.195% |
| 145 | Fletchinder | 0.193% |
| 146 | Silvally-Rock | 0.179% |
| 147 | Grapploct | 0.174% |
| 148 | Mr. Mime | 0.162% |
| 149 | Throh | 0.159% |
| 150 | Swirlix | 0.155% |
| 151 | Eiscue | 0.155% |
| 152 | Wailord | 0.151% |
| 153 | Trevenant | 0.148% |
| 154 | Whiscash | 0.145% |
| 155 | Seaking | 0.142% |
| 156 | Stonjourner | 0.137% |
| 157 | Silvally-Electric | 0.136% |
| 158 | Bellossom | 0.136% |
| 159 | Octillery | 0.133% |
| 160 | Type: Null | 0.132% |
| 161 | Corsola | 0.129% |
| 162 | Fraxure | 0.128% |
| 163 | Gothitelle | 0.127% |
| 164 | Zweilous | 0.122% |
| 165 | Cottonee | 0.122% |
| 166 | Hakamo-o | 0.119% |
| 167 | Chinchou | 0.115% |
| 168 | Seadra | 0.108% |
| 169 | Gourgeist | 0.107% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for PU (1630 stats)
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Sandslash | 27.663% |
| 2 | Unfezant | 22.170% |
| 3 | Hitmonchan | 20.414% |
| 4 | Stunfisk | 18.303% |
| 5 | Klinklang | 16.842% |
| 6 | Drifblim | 16.450% |
| 7 | Morpeko | 16.071% |
| 8 | Appletun | 14.567% |
| 9 | Mr. Rime | 13.754% |
| 10 | Golduck | 13.441% |
| 11 | Pinsir | 13.432% |
| 12 | Dusknoir | 13.334% |
| 13 | Rapidash-Galar | 12.955% |
| 14 | Tangela | 12.566% |
| 15 | Lilligant | 12.564% |
| 16 | Manectric | 11.649% |
| 17 | Type: Null | 11.585% |
| 18 | Raboot | 11.234% |
| 19 | Mawile | 10.948% |
| 20 | Kadabra | 10.820% |
| 21 | Throh | 10.657% |
| 22 | Gourgeist | 10.396% |
| 23 | Crustle | 10.283% |
| 24 | Glaceon | 10.018% |
| 25 | Flareon | 9.459% |
| 26 | Mareanie | 9.398% |
| 27 | Roselia | 9.219% |
| 28 | Lickilicky | 8.788% |
| 29 | Wigglytuff | 8.751% |
| 30 | Boltund | 8.708% |
| 31 | Dubwool | 8.338% |
| 32 | Falinks | 7.872% |
| 33 | Dugtrio-Alola | 7.723% |
| 34 | Drednaw | 7.665% |
| 35 | Pawniard | 7.291% |
| 36 | Lapras | 7.158% |
| 37 | Marowak | 6.917% |
| 38 | Shuckle | 6.189% |
| 39 | Meowstic | 6.050% |
| 40 | Lycanroc-Midnight | 5.994% |
| 41 | Heatmor | 5.665% |
| 42 | Gourgeist-Super | 5.109% |
| 43 | Leafeon | 4.652% |
| 44 | Silvally-Rock | 4.596% |
| 45 | Hattrem | 4.496% |
| 46 | Trevenant | 4.337% |
| 47 | Gothitelle | 3.457% |
| 48 | Stoutland | 3.352% |
| 49 | Beheeyem | 3.233% |
| 50 | Dugtrio | 3.190% |
| 51 | Pikachu | 3.071% |
| 52 | Ludicolo | 2.978% |
| 53 | Shedinja | 2.955% |
| 54 | Oranguru | 2.827% |
| 55 | Swoobat | 2.690% |
| 56 | Togetic | 2.464% |
| 57 | Raichu | 2.393% |
| 58 | Lunatone | 2.351% |
| 59 | Musharna | 2.227% |
| 60 | Mr. Mime-Galar | 2.186% |
| 61 | Fraxure | 2.068% |
| 62 | Pyukumuku | 2.045% |
| 63 | Bellossom | 2.045% |
| 64 | Dusclops | 1.964% |
| 65 | Silvally-Ice | 1.956% |
| 66 | Hippopotas | 1.919% |
| 67 | Emolga | 1.775% |
| 68 | Lopunny | 1.771% |
| 69 | Seaking | 1.728% |
| 70 | Stonjourner | 1.716% |
| 71 | Gloom | 1.667% |
| 72 | Grapploct | 1.630% |
| 73 | Eiscue | 1.612% |
| 74 | Mr. Mime | 1.585% |
| 75 | Vespiquen | 1.572% |
| 76 | Shiinotic | 1.561% |
| 77 | Persian | 1.529% |
| 78 | Flapple | 1.447% |
| 79 | Carkol | 1.379% |
| 80 | Grookey | 1.280% |
| 81 | Beartic | 1.276% |
| 82 | Natu | 1.214% |
| 83 | Vibrava | 1.165% |
| 84 | Wartortle | 1.083% |
| 85 | Dedenne | 1.075% |
| 86 | Duosion | 0.975% |
| 87 | Swirlix | 0.968% |
| 88 | Thievul | 0.947% |
| 89 | Solrock | 0.903% |
| 90 | Gourgeist-Large | 0.847% |
| 91 | Maractus | 0.825% |
| 92 | Vullaby | 0.815% |
| 93 | Bronzor | 0.733% |
| 94 | Palpitoad | 0.729% |
| 95 | Onix | 0.691% |
| 96 | Machoke | 0.592% |
| 97 | Octillery | 0.564% |
| 98 | Whiscash | 0.562% |
| 99 | Glalie | 0.554% |
| 100 | Wailord | 0.539% |
| 101 | Marill | 0.526% |
| 102 | Corsola | 0.522% |
| 103 | Drakloak | 0.521% |
| 104 | Dunsparce | 0.513% |
| 105 | Charjabug | 0.434% |
| 106 | Torracat | 0.424% |
| 107 | Delibird | 0.415% |
| 108 | Cutiefly | 0.402% |
| 109 | Slowpoke | 0.398% |
| 110 | Ivysaur | 0.396% |
| 111 | Corphish | 0.394% |
| 112 | Whirlipede | 0.387% |
| 113 | Gastly | 0.385% |
| 114 | Greedent | 0.377% |
| 115 | Magnemite | 0.363% |
| 116 | Carvanha | 0.320% |
| 117 | Porygon | 0.315% |
| 118 | Linoone-Galar | 0.309% |
| 119 | Sudowoodo | 0.302% |
| 120 | Morgrem | 0.297% |
| 121 | Hakamo-o | 0.274% |
| 122 | Zweilous | 0.258% |
| 123 | Sliggoo | 0.254% |
| 124 | Krokorok | 0.233% |
| 125 | Seadra | 0.224% |
| 126 | Dartrix | 0.207% |
| 127 | Lampent | 0.166% |
| 128 | Spritzee | 0.164% |
| 129 | Scraggy | 0.163% |
| 130 | Farfetch’d-Galar | 0.163% |
| 131 | Darumaka-Galar | 0.162% |
| 132 | Purrloin | 0.156% |
| 133 | Dewpider | 0.144% |
| 134 | Farfetch’d | 0.143% |
| 135 | Boldore | 0.141% |
| 136 | Wobbuffet | 0.133% |
| 137 | Charmeleon | 0.117% |
| 138 | Sandygast | 0.114% |
| 139 | Fletchinder | 0.103% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Aegislash moved from UUBL to OU
Gengar moved from UUBL to OU
Primarina moved from UUBL to OU
Hatterene moved from UU to OU
Kyurem moved from UU to OU
Necrozma moved from UU to OU
Skarmory moved from UU to OU
Toxtricity moved from UU to OU
Tyranitar moved from UU to OU
Ditto moved from NU to OU
Chansey moved from OU to UUBL
Venusaur moved from OU to UUBL
Kingdra moved from OU to UU
Marowak-Alola moved from OU to UU
Slowbro moved from OU to UU
Zarude moved from OU to UU
Torkoal moved from OU to RU
Sharpedo moved from RUBL to UU
Araquanid moved from RU to UU
Rotom-Mow moved from RU to UU
Heracross moved from UU to RU
Golurk moved from NU to RU
Tauros moved from RU to NUBL
Vanilluxe moved from RU to NUBL
Vikavolt moved from RU to NUBL
Aromatisse moved from RU to NU
Cinccino moved from RU to NU
Clawitzer moved from RU to NU
Corsola-Galar moved from RU to NU
Drampa moved from RU to NU
Duraludon moved from RU to NU
Exeggutor-Alola moved from RU to NU
Frosmoth moved from RU to NU
Galvantula moved from RU to NU
Gastrodon moved from RU to NU
Jellicent moved from RU to NU
Mudsdale moved from RU to NU
Ninetales moved from RU to NU
Pincurchin moved from RU to NU
Poliwrath moved from RU to NU
Rhydon moved from RU to NU
Ribombee moved from RU to NU
Runerigus moved from RU to NU
Sableye moved from RU to NU
Sandslash-Alola moved from RU to NU
Sigilyph moved from RU to NU
Silvally-Steel moved from RU to NU
Whimsicott moved from RU to NU
Arctovish moved from NU to PUBL
Bouffalant moved from NU to PU
Gourgeist-Small moved from NU to PU
Liepard moved from NU to PU
Lurantis moved from NU to PU
Luxray moved from NU to PU
Politoed moved from NU to PU
Silvally-Water moved from NU to PU
Leafeon moved from ZU to PU
Dugtrio moved from PU to ZU
Hattrem moved from PU to NFE