UUnleashed [Round 3]

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Approved by Oglemi


Art by TSM Ryan

Tournament Specific Rules

  • This is a single elimination Bo1 tournament
  • Any Pokemon that are currently Borderline or under (as of the most recent usage stats) are free to be used in this tour
  • Each team can have a maximum of only one BL Pokemon. You are not required to use a BL Pokemon, and you are not restricted to the same BL Pokemon throughout later rounds (don't put yourself at a disadvantage - creating new teams for each round is the best way to halt counter-teaming!)
  • All OU Pokemon are banned
  • All games are to be played in the OU format, but the only Pokemon permitted are BL and below

  • If a BL Pokemon becomes OU while the tournament is in progress, it will be allowed for the same round that encompasses the date it became BL
  • If an OU Pokemon becomes BL or UU while the tournament is in progress, it will not be allowed in the round that encompasses the date it dropped

  • Shadow Tag, Drought, and Drizzle are banned
  • Please post replays (or private message them after posting in the thread). If no replay is given and if both players disagree on who won, I will assume there was no game. Coin flips due to you and your opponent's negligence are not fun for anyone
  • Worst comes to worst, send screenshots if you encounter cheating (like Shadow Tag)

Borderline Pokemon (as of November 2015 Tier Update)

Crawdaunt - Diggersby - Gallade-Mega - Hawlucha - Heracross-Mega
Pidgeot-Mega - Scolipede - Staraptor - Terrakion - Thundurus-Therian
Togekiss - Victini - Volcarona - Zygarde

General Tournament Rules

  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Moody Clause: Players cannot use a Pokémon with the Moody ability.
  • Swagger Clause: Players cannot use the move Swagger.
  • Baton Pass Clause: Players cannot have more than one Pokémon with the move Baton Pass.
Tournament Rules and General Guidelines


Sacri' vs NotAGymLdr
Megazard vs Obliviate
Criticality vs teal6
Lord Ninjax vs Sam I Yam
WhiteQueen vs Sabella
Alice Kazumi vs Tom0410
Arifeen vs Nineage
Legacy Raider vs Confide.

Deadline: Sunday, December 13th 4:00 GMT

(aka Saturday, December 12th 22:00 CST)
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All the mons that shifted to UU thanks to the new tiering system are free to be used, Crawdaunt is still not allowed considered BL

im tired
isn't crawdaunt allowed under being BL anyway though?
Also vm'd
i won vs whitequeen but our game was trash i haxed him like 4 times and got a bunch of crits didnt really deserve it but thats mons i guess sorry dude
Activity wins/coinflips

Criticality vs teal6 - No contact, coinflip

Lord Ninjax vs Sam I Yam - Ninjax didn't reply to Sam about scheduling for two days (inactivity?), and never gave his timezone/overall availability. Ever since, Sam has been inactive for two days. Because both have around the same inactivity, I'm going to use coinflip

Legacy Raider vs Confide. - Raider contacted me personally and I was able to set up an extension for their match


On to Round 4
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