UUPL VII Sets/Team Dump


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Approved by: Sage

With UUPL about to end, here's a thread for you who participated to drop any of your cool teams/sets/ideas you used or thought of using this UUPL. Feel free to include anything you think is relevant when posting, have fun lads.

Seismitoad @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch

This a set I thought of using during UUPL. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't used. The gimmick of this set was just to 1v1 suicune, since cune, despite Seismitoad having water absorb, still won the 1v1 without PUP. That's all I gotta say. Thank you for your time.
Absol-Mega @ Absolite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 120 Atk / 136 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Protect

passive hazard setters like forry/glig and other physical ones like lix/aggron/krook take a solid L to this set if wisp actually fking lands (yeah, it decided to miss in my week 7 battle vs eyan); in one test match i managed to burn through all of gligar's roosts with this fker. attack evs are to kill hydra after rocks damage, rest were put into defense to annoy the hazard setters even more. sure, i could probably run fire blast/ice beam for those, but what's the fun in that when i can whittle em down nice 'n painfully? :)


Mienshao @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 140 HP / 152 SpD / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Fake Out

same av shao set as the one in usm, except it doesn't need to outrun base 103s (nihilego) in oras so outrunning 100s was sufficient. 140 evs gives it 306 hp which is a regen number. did very well in my week 2 match vs gama


Aggron-Mega @ Aggronite
Ability: Filter
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Block
- Curse
- Iron Head
- Rest

i ran this set vs kink week 6 and science got the best of me. sleep talk > block is also a good option on this


Gligar @ Eviolite
Ability: Immunity
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Def / 100 SpD / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Sand Tomb
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Roost

wanted to try this one out but didn't have the cojones (or for that matter a solid team that doesn't lose to half of the broken threats) to run it. as to this ev spread? ok i dunno why but it just be that way sometimes


Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Toxic
- Toxic Spikes

not an original set since a few ppl (kink comes to mind here) have used this before, but TOXIC IS ACTUALLY A GOOD MOVE ON THIS MON. I PROMISE YOU
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Weezing @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic Spikes
- Sludge Bomb
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

idea to use weezing came when mcmeghan said he wanted a tspikes + vincune team (i think) and this kind of fits somewhere in between amoonguss and tentacruel in that weezing can take on earthquake altaria and set t spikes but loses out on spore / spin. even with pain split it's really prone to being worn down and definitely needs some wish support.


Lanturn @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Toxic
- Volt Switch
- Protect / Heal Bell

something else i wanted anyone on the grunts to use but nobody ended up doing it :(. pretty sure i remember getting the idea from a team ben gay used? it's a neat pivot that takes on moltres, rotom, some latias, manectric etc and is just a neat specially defensive pivot. there are definitely drawbacks like being a water type weak to grounds so you'll probably have to pair it with something like moltres.


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Protect

harris used this one against cbu and it managed to kill off the nihilego i believe? anyway with all the refresh altaria running around it's a little fucking annoying to have it beat bronzong. this set still manages to check everything it's supposed to. toxic could definitely be used over eq but i think i had eq for chipping at empoleon or something.


Snorlax @ Iapapa Berry
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 172 HP / 176 Atk / 104 Def / 56 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Body Slam / Facade
- Earthquake
- Recycle

I spent the entire UUPL trying to get one of these dorks to bring this but nobody did. this is honestly a good pokemon and this set is probably the best one for it because you eliminate knock off pokes like krookodile switching in because you consume your berry immediately, eliminate toxic users like mega steelix coming in because they face a significant trade off to status it. even unboosted it's very strong and makes it harder for things like terrakion or cobalion to come in as freely
You guys gotta take a look of the best team ever. Not even ripped (no fake, 100% true)

Ash's Glalie (Glalie) @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Explosion
- Ice Beam

First we got this guy. I trained this one in a cold place (Pak's heart, he called me a hoe like 100000 times :psysad:) and it took me like 6 months to get that kind of evs, giving him a lot of fruit, redbull, chocolate and stuff (ty Accel for that things, it made him almost as handsome as you are :blobnom:). You will see him just floating there and of course you will be afraid of it, so using spikes 3 times is the easiest thing in life (even 4, he can break that). Ff in turn 1 is the best counterplay. Pak and Accel made a good work here, he looks scary, handsome and (feeling) cute (to stall).

Ash's overweight Pikachu (Raichu) @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
EVs: 64 HP / 252 SpA / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Grass]

I got a problem here, I didn't even give Raichu (Pikachu) back to Ash. He told me that FBI is searching for me, good stuff is that fat Pikachu know how to surf. I'm living in a island and it has good wifi, better than Venezuela, Lycans, Hikari and Indigo Puto can confirm :blobuwu:. Police still talking to substitute's Raichu/Pikachu. Thanks to this I found Jarii who I married like 5 times in differents countries (good to know that I have more countries if he even try to betray me. Anyway, he isn't going to because I would kill him :blobnom:)

Betrayed by Ash (Primeape) @ Choice Band
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Cross Chop
- Hidden Power [Flying]

This one was easy to get, I told him that we were going to take revenge against Ash; no more Pokémon for you guys, sorry. I stole this one from Caterpiefag, aka Safadao, aka the guy who lives in chimpancé place (I love br by the way, asking someone to give me a house so I can live there, ty). Most people would say that I got this from Wanka because he clicks like a Primeape (not my words, I love u :psycry:). He needed to get in form so YABO got this, the funny thing is that he teached basketball instead of fighting someone lol.

Ash's Noctowl (Noctowl) @ Leftovers
Ability: Insomnia
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 92 SpA / 164 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Whirlwind
- Protect

The guy that never sleep, and it is special because it is shiny. This one knows how to speak french (deustch or some satanic language) where Leru is from. Also, since GC and Thisbemyalt never sleep, he got insomnia with the days. I had to replace rest just for that, sad but true. I'm not going to forget that I love the guys that I talked about (tbh, I love the whole team :psysly:)

Ash's Muk (Muk) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Explosion
- Ice Punch
- Hidden Power [Ground]

I needed someone special here and for sure Clutchalos was asked for this one. He can sit there, eat and throw things to Muk so he can get bigger while Kushalos still do his thing with eyes blinded. Santu did the other part, staying quiet but goating around (got a secret crush on him, that mystery energy just get me all time).

Ash's Torkoal (Torkoal) @ Leftovers
Ability: White Smoke
EVs: 252 HP / 184 SpA / 72 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Explosion
- Yawn
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]

At first, I didn't know who will training this Ash (mine) mon, but I asked Gondra. He was the best option because he just yawn around and explode when someone try to make fun of him (:mad:). I needed some fire there too, so in that place Alive apeared and gave him the FIRE that he needed (it is sad because it did nothing, not like monster Alive in his games :psysad:)

PD: Donny just helped me to get (steal) this mons by talking with Ash, don't know how this happened at all tbh.

I would accept a ban because I'm not even funny but anyway, I love my rangers and everyone there. :blobnom:
You guys gotta take a look of the best team ever. Not even ripped (no fake, 100% true)

Ash's Glalie (Glalie) @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Explosion
- Ice Beam

First we got this guy. I trained this one in a cold place (Pak's heart, he called me a hoe like 100000 times :psysad:) and it took me like 6 months to get that kind of evs, giving him a lot of fruit, redbull, chocolate and stuff (ty Accel for that things, it made him almost as handsome as you are :blobnom:). You will see him just floating there and of course you will be afraid of it, so using spikes 3 times is the easiest thing in life (even 4, he can break that). Ff in turn 1 is the best counterplay. Pak and Accel made a good work here, he looks scary, handsome and (feeling) cute (to stall).

Ash's overweight Pikachu (Raichu) @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
EVs: 64 HP / 252 SpA / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Grass]

I got a problem here, I didn't even give Raichu (Pikachu) back to Ash. He told me that FBI is searching for me, good stuff is that fat Pikachu know how to surf. I'm living in a island and it has good wifi, better than Venezuela, Lycans, Hikari and Indigo Puto can confirm :blobuwu:. Police still talking to substitute's Raichu/Pikachu. Thanks to this I found Jarii who I married like 5 times in differents countries (good to know that I have more countries if he even try to betray me. Anyway, he isn't going to because I would kill him :blobnom:)

Betrayed by Ash (Primeape) @ Choice Band
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Cross Chop
- Hidden Power [Flying]

This one was easy to get, I told him that we were going to take revenge against Ash; no more Pokémon for you guys, sorry. I stole this one from Caterpiefag, aka Safadao, aka the guy who lives in chimpancé place (I love br by the way, asking someone to give me a house so I can live there, ty). Most people would say that I got this from Wanka because he clicks like a Primeape (not my words, I love u :psycry:). He needed to get in form so YABO got this, the funny thing is that he teached basketball instead of fighting someone lol.

Ash's Noctowl (Noctowl) @ Leftovers
Ability: Insomnia
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 92 SpA / 164 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Whirlwind
- Protect

The guy that never sleep, and it is special because it is shiny. This one knows how to speak french (deustch or some satanic language) where Leru is from. Also, since GC and Thisbemyalt never sleep, he got insomnia with the days. I had to replace rest just for that, sad but true. I'm not going to forget that I love the guys that I talked about (tbh, I love the whole team :psysly:)

Ash's Muk (Muk) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Explosion
- Ice Punch
- Hidden Power [Ground]

I needed someone special here and for sure Clutchalos was asked for this one. He can sit there, eat and throw things to Muk so he can get bigger while Kushalos still do his thing with eyes blinded. Santu did the other part, staying quiet but goating around (got a secret crush on him, that mystery energy just get me all time).

Ash's Torkoal (Torkoal) @ Leftovers
Ability: White Smoke
EVs: 252 HP / 184 SpA / 72 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Explosion
- Yawn
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]

At first, I didn't know who will training this Ash (mine) mon, but I asked Gondra. He was the best option because he just yawn around and explode when someone try to make fun of him (:mad:). I needed some fire there too, so in that place Alive apeared and gave him the FIRE that he needed (it is sad because it did nothing, not like monster Alive in his games :psysad:)

PD: Donny just helped me to get (steal) this mons by talking with Ash, don't know how this happened at all tbh.

I would accept a ban because I'm not even funny but anyway, I love my rangers and everyone there. :blobnom:

Houndoom-Mega @ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb

Standard set but literally nobody has used this mon in a competitive setting except me in UU Majors and now UUPL. Houndoom is actually insanely difficult to switch into with Sludge Bomb coverage. Stuff that resist its STABs take a surprising amount of damage from +2 Sludge Bombs (Infernape just dies lmao and Hydreigon takes 70% minimum). Terrakion is pretty annoying for it but Fire Blast chips it a good amount and Doublade makes for a good partner anyway. This pokemon gets a lot of flak for being hard to fit but I find it nice on offense as a fast Zor + Lati check while soft checking a handful of nuisances like Mega Sharpedo and Slowbro.


Empoleon @ Chople Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 176 HP / 116 SpA / 216 Spe
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Knock Off

I used offensive Empoleon before in SPL but I opted for Chople > Shuca against Charmflash since my team was weak to Infernape, Cobalion, and Terrakion. Half of Latias run Gigavolt so losing Tox for it isn't that big a deal while Ice Beam does good damage against Drei, Malt, Celebi etc. Knock Off is very useful against opposing Emp/Tenta and other fat stuff like Blissey. Ngl I have never eaten a Close Combat yet with the berry but one day the surprise will work...


Scizor @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Atk / 28 Def / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Pursuit
- Roost

Life Orb isn't the best item to slap on a Pokemon with a) no setup b) low BP moves, but I wanted my Scizor to trap Lati for Infernape, and Choice Band fucking sucks on Scizor cause getting locked into literally anything besides U-Turn loses so much momentum. LO also gives the benefit of running Roost so Sciz can stick around whereas CB lacks longevity to check Pokemon like Altaria. This set also has the element of surprise, since LO typically signals SD Scizor w/Bug Bite, so Pursuit usually throws off the opponent.
didnt do much this season and overall was pretty useless but i will post my favorite set of all time that i didn't use because i'm a stupid fucking coward


Aggron-Mega @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 240 HP / 16 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Block
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Rest

this beautiful son of a bitch is the greatest. for the past like year or something i've ranted on about how trapping in lower tiers is the greatest thing to ever happen and this is a facet of them, not as "common" as your block slowbro but its way cooler. breaking character here this thing isn't actually that amazing but it cheeses the fuck out of stuff like amoonguss, non roar empoleon, opposing aggron, and a decent slew of other fatmons. stoss + tox is a p reliable way of damage output on those things, rest of the moveset is p obvious, it is extremely clunky and probably not worth it ever, i swear i built like 10 different teams with this abomination and was not satisfied with any of them but yea its a thing LOL

this is the team that i used week 3 against yeezyknows, nothing too out of pocket as much as it is just obnoxious to deal with. hippo amoonguss empo cover most bases defensively with the former two having rocky helmet to punish most physical attackers which softens things up for scizor and maero. togekiss is z aura sphere here to pop most of its usual switchins (again, for zor and aero. enthralling game plans obviously), but heal bell can work here as well. you can fit attacks on both scizor and aero over roost but i feel like that having them healthy is really really valuable to have and they are great at scaring out stuff so you can have opportunities to recover without losing too much momentum.

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Synthesis
Definitely wasn't the first to use this, but it definitely deserves to be seen more. Synthesis lets Sceptile switch into weaker Earthquakes, Scalds, etc. multiple times throughout the match. With Focus Blast too, beating Empoleon is a lot easier.

Azelf @ Adrenaline Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Nasty Plot
- Energy Ball
- Psyshock
Azelf was always my favorite of the lake trio but falls short in comparison to the other Psychic-types-- the coverage is still solid for breaking stall though. Even if it gets Toxic Stalled, stuff is going down. Adrenaline orb works nicely against offense too to punish krook and mane.

Houndoom-Mega @ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Will-O-Wisp
Will-O-Wisp didn't get to come into play in the game, but it's still strong as an option to cripple unsuspecting Aerodactyl, Terrakion, or even Shark. Also echoing Adaam on this mon being really underrated for its ability to check Scizor, Latias, etc.

Roserade @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk
- Toxic Spikes
- Leaf Storm
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Roserade got some love recently and its Sleeping Powder set is more prominent now, and made Toxic Spikes a pretty neat option to exploit people trying to switch into Sleep Fodder or just an extremely fat mon like Umbreon or Blissey. The initial breaking power with Life Orb shouldn't be underestimated too.

Togekiss @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aura Sphere
- Roost
- Air Slash
- Trick
Scarf togekiss traditionally runs Thunder Wave or Nasty Plot and running Aura Sphere makes sniping mons like Aggron and Lix easy with the surprise factor. Figured Charmflash would go for a bulkier build this week, and it was able to snipe their Aggron in the game against elodin. Also cool for more reliably revenging Lucario, Terrakion, and so on

Salazzle @ Life Orb
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Knock Off
- Fire Blast
- Sludge Wave
- Nasty Plot
Tentacruel has seen a lot of use during this tour and Knock Off Salazzle seemed like an interesting option to cripple Tenta, Nihi, Empo, etc. by removing their passive recovery. Knock Off taking away health sucks but at the same time using the Z on Salazzle but lackign Hp Grass seemed a bit wasteful.
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Long post incoming, I didn't meet my own standards this uupl in terms of performance (I went 3-4). But I did bring some unorthodox builds that I enjoyed using quite a bit, so I'll go through most of the builds I made that were used in uupl in this post. If you read the whole thing ty :), also a disclaimer: EVERY 4+ stat EV spread other than the alowak one was made by FUMA HI-FI. Click on the pics for importable.

yeezy has been prone to not use fairies a lot in the past, and diancie is his fairy of choice very often when he does use one. Because of this, DD Kommo felt like the move and I went the HO route because of the hope to be able to overwhelm his more passive BOs with setup. I feel I got the matchup right but didn't end up with the dub. Anyways I started with suicide Azelf + Kommo, I went with twave on Azelf after FUMA HI-FI suggested it to potentially catch an aero lead. Scizor was a pretty obvious move, fairy resist that punishes drei/lati for clicking draco, went with bug bite b/c yeezy loves guss. Shark is pretty self explanatory as well, as I said he's been prone to not use fairies and shark is the godfather of HO in UU w/o a doubt. Scarf Chandy checks nape/coba/luke/sciz (yzy loves nape and luke ._.) for me while offering a lil bit of speed control + Memento support for kommo. Honch worked out well in the last slot b/c I desperately needed a ground immunity and krook check, while it also completed a sort of dark-spam shit to take advantage of yeezy's build patterns. Krow chips diancie for kommo sweep as well which is dope. Team he used was actually Sage's but it highkey looked even more like a yzy team than most yzy teams.

Pretty similar structure to the last team w/ some dark spam type shit. But the general idea was just metro drei + spikes are overworking fairies and flcl/scizorphobic's builds losing to shark. HP Ice Cobalion as my rocker ensures spikes stay up even if their fogger is glig. Jelli is the only fighting resist on the team so it can be overworked hella hard since the other 5 are generally weak to fighting types. But yeah Jelli is blanket checking most fighting types and sciz and spinblocking n all that shit. Mamoswine gives an elec immunity and more speed control w/ prio as i didnt wanna do scarf krook. Ground Z helps pressure bulky waters like alo that can be annoying otherwise. This game was hella messy and went terribly but team is neat enough, I didn't go as hard w/ prepping this week tho.

This team was a bitch to make work. I built this with my partner in crime FUMA HI-FI and I felt aoa starmie fucked w/ roro's shit a bit while he was adamant about decid. Originally we were tryna make one of them work but we eventually tried them as a core and this was our best result but with coba > forre. However with coba as our rocker we hard lost to refresh malt and that was less than ideal, then I half jokingly brought up Forre > coba and was met with a wide range of disapproval. Then Clefable mentioned psplit forre and how it can pivot around and sit on Blissey infinitely which also gets Decid in for free and I was pretty sold. Rotom-H is sciz/tres check/hazard removal/pivot and gives twave support for breakers. Scarf Krook is scarf krook. Malt's typing was pretty much exactly what we needed in the last slot w/ it being able to check lati, drei, nape, etc. while also giving para and cleric support.


Wanted to build around Kyurem + Volt Switch Cobalion for this loser I had to face in week 4. Misa sometimes uses a lot of teams with lower speed tiers and a strong defensive backbone to make up for it, and I felt after looking at her teams that Kyurem would have a good matchup. Coba felt like the perfect pivot with it, bringing in things like guss and tenta for kyurem to sub up on, also just pressures fatter teams w/ CM and does all the things coba does generally. Claydol was kinda a cteam pick but I do think it has some sort of niche, even if it's prolly not worth it most of the time. Misa likes rocks rak and she knows I LOVE Rotom-H, so claydol felt like a good pick. Sage preached dol to me on several occasions and said tres + dol is dope so I went with that since it made a lot of sense. The two blanket check all the fighting types and is a good removal core, checks sciz and all that. Scarf Kiss is the primary form of speed control here and gives a fairy type and all that shit. Rocks empo gives a prima/lati switch in and rocks as i just said.

In my head I thought they'd be expecting webs and I was expecting Moltres/Maero shit. FUMA HI-FI jokingly suggested dual prio luke and I was 100% for it, then suggested screens b/c he loves screens and I whipped this up p fast. Krook I really like as the rocker of choice b/c of fast taunt + sash keeping rocks up pretty reliably. Latias is really good here to pressure fighting types and waters and all that w/ z draco and just clicking buttons behind screens w/ 3 atks. Scizor is there b/c it's fuckin Scizor, I went with Bug Bite as the last move on the set b/c this luke set is walled by guss and killing that would be dope. Gatr was perfect in the last slot b/c I wanted a water that could setup on Scizor that was good on screens. Gatr is p much just that and is fuckin broken as shit GATR TO B+. You're all familiar with this team by now I think.

Kory really likes guss/coba/zong/rotom-h shit, alowak seemed like the breaker to run with. The ideal pivot for it after a lot of thought I think is Scizor, gets it in vs. guss and coba and rotom-h shit. Alowak spread dodges dpulse from drei ohko and +2 steelium z coba after rocks. Gligar made sense b/c it's a shitty volt immunity and I can still kinda bluff being lightning rod while also giving hazard removal and still walling Rotom-h to an extent, it also blanket checks a lot of fighting types. Hydreigon gives a ghost resist and the coveted dragon typing + speed control + pivot. Diancie checks birds like tres and sets rocks, and is also obviously a fairy to check drei and lati (takes a load off sciz's back). I needed a sciz check rlly bad and this was pretty much the best I could do w/ my fire being alowak and steel being Scizor, crocune w/ water z and it ended up working well.

I really like this team even tho I lost, was a p close game. Daunt has a good m/u vs TDK and Pearl teams we felt so I built daunt voltturn type shit and this was the draft I liked most. Sciz pressures fairies and is a wincon + pivot. Rocks Krook w/ Z Ground can kinda lure shit like malt (tdk ended up doing exactly this to me instead of other way around ):). Rotom-H forms a pivot core w/ sciz and does all the glue shit Rotom-h always does but this is my speed control w/ scarf which is p neat. Couldn't fit speed control too well otherwise and I felt a more offensive Rotom-h fit the voltturn shit better. Malt + Guss is a really good defensive backbone here, blanket checking all the fighting types w/ bullet punch/ajet helping w/ rak. Malt takes pressure off of sciz, being able to check lati w/ a bulkier spread. Guss is another fairy resist and pressures waters/removes tspikes which is nice.
I'd like to stress that FUMA HI-FI literally was my building homie all of uupl and was invaluable to every one of my builds. The entirety of the friends supported all my shit mons I tried to justify and I couldn't have asked for a better team. I liked all the builds I used a lot this uupl and I hope y'all do too :blobthumbsup:.

Gonna also give some of the ones I didn't use but did build, and some other ideas I didn't end up using but were detrimental to the final products.

Passion wanted celebi so I searched my builder and found this team I built with Sage and Accelgor like a century ago, I know he loves av shao so he loved it. Team was built around shao, maero is great w/ shao to take advantage the knocks and chip it provides, and giving a flying resist n all that shit, normal maero shit. Hippo + Aero is obviously amazing, hippo also takes pressure off shao since it can v loosely check scarf drei sets n shit. Doub blanket checks fighting types and helps maero and hippo w/ checking lati. Celebi pressures fat, especially fat waters which is super necessary for the team. Tenta checks nape and gives hazard removal, I normally hate tenta + maero but if maero has roost idm.

Moutemoute pasted his team that he was gonna use and I optimized it last minute basically. Malt pressures fat and checks nape and all that shit, im getting tired of writing descriptions. Nape pressures fat even MORE but breaks steels for malt. Scarf Krook is scarf krook. Nihi checks fairies and moltres for malt/doub. Doublade checks all the fighting types and sciz and gives a wincon vs frailer teams. Rotom-M gives hazard removal and checks sciz a lil bit not rlly.
we will be making a comeback in 2020
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Ok im in the Zurich airport for the next two hours so now's a good a time as ever to post shit Ig

W1 Vs: Fatty: https://pokepast.es/1cd4836364598e00
W2 Vs. Gilbert Arenas/Marcop: https://pokepast.es/f2a46b5b14446fc1
W3 Vs. Troller: https://pokepast.es/29016ad6b31332c9
Not uploading BKC team bc its on my phone and cba to do that much work
W6 Vs. Heysup: https://pokepast.es/403bd2390d580896
W7 Vs. Aug https://pokepast.es/3dc79fb82022c70e

Things that I almost brought dump:

Thanks for everything friends was a fun time. We'll gettem next year
Is this where I go to farm likes? Yes? Alright =D.
Disclaimer: This is all ORAS stuff. Most of this stuff was built alongside my bro Ark who is a man of culture.

So basically I walked into this UUPL hoping to annoy as many people as possible... Winning wasn't really the priority in some of my matches, as long as people didn't want to play the game anymore for a week afterwards I was pretty satisfied.

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Def / 104 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Psychic
- Substitute
- Leech Seed

The set can be customized to your liking but move choice wise I think its pretty self explanatory, the EVs let you always live a burned knock off from the standard bulky BU conk as well as the following mach punch. The set mostly takes advantage of passive builds and tries to support some volt turn or offensive presence of some kind. You're supposed to be able to counter gyara with this but flinches are a thing if the opponents get enough lmao.

Another set I wanted to talk about was probably this sableye set I thought of during my run:

Sableye @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Imprison
- Will-O-Wisp
- Knock Off

This set is another one of those interesting conkeldurr answers, this should check every single conk set barring a burned banded conk and even then you can still switch in if you are already knocked. The idea is to remove the only way conk generally has a way of touching sableye, which is knock off.

This next team is christo-esque with a semistall that tried to counter most of the tier with a combination of mons as well as wear down on opposing fatter builds:

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Taunt
- Roost


Steelix-Mega @ Steelixite
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Roar


Florges @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Synthesis
- Aromatherapy
- Moonblast


Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 248 HP / 68 Def / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin


Cresselia @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Signal Beam
- Moonlight


Jellicent @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Scald
- Taunt

Finally I wanted to end this with the "Gym Rats" team I built trying to bring out the essence of conk.

Machamp @ Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Focus Punch
- Heavy Slam
- Dynamic Punch
- Stone Edge


Conk D. Oriano (Conkeldurr) @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Mach Punch

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Recover
- Refresh
- Haze


Gligar @ Eviolite
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 12 Spe
- Defog
- Roost
- U-turn
- Earthquake


Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Aerial Ace
- Pursuit
- Earthquake


Clefairy @ Eviolite
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder Wave
- Moonblast
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled

The team itself is mostly you taking your machamp and forcing it down the opponents generic conkeldurr answers. Machamp can easily break through a lot of what "checks" conk simply through the use of dynamic punch and coverage options. That being said machamp is actually a decent mon on its own just because of this and I am kind of sad I didn't see any usage of it besides me. Clefairy is just kind of what you're forced to use when you need a fairy as well as rocks, sadly it can't check conkeldurr due to it reliance on eviolite.
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Mr. Mime @ Leftovers
Ability: none
- Substitute
- Psychic
- Thunder / Encore
- Baton Pass

I've been looking to this set pretty much all UUPL, but I didn't find much of an opportunity to use it until last week against Alive. You get a free Sub against a lot of the bulkier leads/other psychic leads of GSC, including Mime dittos, since the worst outcome is you losing a tie and Lefties/getting sleep. Also it scares out LK Queen lead and Qwilfish, giving you the free sub and the momentum since turn 1-2. It is quite self explantory itself, but Thunder is for you want to chip down Slowbro and Encore is to ensure you the sub if they try to status you. BP just to pass the Sub or gain momentum with drypassing. I was using this with SD Pass Scyther too, so I could keep the momentum up all early game.


Haunter @ Leftovers
Ability: none
IVs: 26 Def
- Hypnosis
- Nightmare
- Perish Song
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Thunderbolt

Another set that funnily enough also had a similar fate to the Mime one. I've ended up using it against Alive. I felt that I was quite weak to Restalk Granbull with the team, and I didn't want to run into a PP war against it. I originally wanted to use it with Mean Look, but since the SleepTrap ban is a thing, I couldn't really use it but then I remember that it gets Nightmare, so I ended up trying it out. In theory, it should work fine, since if it is last mon, you can just Perish song, and with Nightmare you can punish Bull/other Restalk users that come in afterwards. Maybe only of the two moves was enough but eh. It was a cool tech after all. I've ended up using HP Ice since I don't like getting walled by Queen and I'd rather chip it out than let it come for free. Otherwise just use Bolt/Thunder > Nightmare/Perish.

I may dump some teams later editing this post or in a second one.

Indigo was a guy I'd only played once before, in a discord side tour a few months previously, and I was looking forward to the rematch. I initially wanted to bring a bulkier spikes build with Jellicent, as I liked spikes a lot versus him in general, particularly with Jelli, and it did pretty well versus typical Pak builds too. I ended up being unable to settle on a specific spikes build (after playing around with some Tsareena sand and one FTL build with roar cune), so we abandoned the spikes idea and we begun messing around with Tspikes as an alternative to pressure some of the BO cores Indigo fell back on while building for Lycans. This lead to this build, which was initially a SR Aero + Tspikes Nido variant, but we agreed that Toge was too threatening to justify dropping Roost. This meant that we abandoned the hazard stack idea entirely and ended up with something completely different. The Nido + Jelli core covered Rak (fuck Rak), while Aero acts as a good Molt/ghosts answer, as well as trapping the everpresent Latias. LO Fog Drei was chosen to annoy stuff like Empoleon, Gligar and Hippowdon even more effectively while SP Def SD Sciz provided more Latias counterplay as well as a pinch Toxic switch in. Toge rounded out the team, providing a fairy type (clanger was legal W1, remember) and a way to lure in bulkier steels. It ended up working out pretty well, although I had a few misgivings about this team beforehand, if truth be told



Week 2 was a weird one in terms of prep, as I was meant to face Bouff but drew was subbed in midweek, and both players posed distinctly different challenges. With drew, I knew that he would be extremely motivated, and put in tons of prep, so I didn't want to use a build which was too predictable, or too similar to stuff I'd used in the past. Looking through drew's builds, I noticed that he tended towards hazard setters that struggled to deal with a fat Starmie (a lot of Aggron, Steelix, Rak, Queen, Diancie, Gligar, Coba) and I was confident that I could win the hazard war with it + a consistent rocker. I paired it with Lax, which I thought worked well as a pivot into a lot of the breakers drew likes, as well as providing a potential wincon and synergising well with Starmie. The rest of the team fell into place pretty nicely, with the classic Aero/Hippo sand core providing more insurance against drew's typical balance breakers, as well as rocks and some speed control. Hippo takes 2 HPs from Mane after rocks, and Helmet gives me a way to make Scizor think twice about spamming U-Turn. Sciz and Ape slotted into the last two slots, providing more counterplay for opposing Scizor, a way or luring Prim (a drew staple) and a more consistent answer for stabs Lati. The team ended up working out pretty well, as I managed to control the hazard game and wall Kyurem with good pokemon Lax for 100 turns.



Going into my game versus Poek, I wasn't really sure what to expect in terms of teams. I had a feeling that I'd be facing one of TDK's or Pearl's builds rather than one of Poek's own, so I took a look at what Poek had ended up bringing weeks 1 and 2, as well as when he teamed with Pearl last UUPL. Across both sets of teams, I noticed a weakness to Quick Attack Scizor, and wanted to put it on some sort of Sharpedo Spikes build, as it was something that I hadn't used in forever and I knew the Monsters wouldn't expect me to bring. Iapapa Krook + Froslass are intended to keep up hazards versus Pearl's signature stall, while Elec Z Latias provides a way to bust past steels for Sciz and Shark. Scarf Bish was a cool tech I suggested which helps lure in stuff like Cobalion for Sciz, and provides pursuit support. Unfortunately, this build didn't end up working out, although I still think it's pretty decent.



Versus hs I was really interested to see what the Friends were gonna bring out vs me, as a few of them knew me and my trends pretty well. This team was actually one I'd built earlier to face Bouff, based off the premise that a lot of Kink's Facade DD Alt counterplay consisted of Amoongus/Tenta/Zong, which this one dealt with pretty well. Seismitoad was an FTL suggestion which I really liked here, covering my recent Volcanion weakness (which also tends to be something people who know me well bring vs me) and providing rocks, while Misa suggested Blast over EQ on Alt. Scizor and Drei provide speed control, Celebi counterplay and an initial Latias switch-in. While this team has a relatively solid premise, it's for sure the least favourite of the ones I used this UUPL (which tbf, isn't helped by the fact I played the game it appeared in pretty poorly). The breaking power is pretty non-existent and it can be very clunky, but I'm totally to blame for how it turned out. Muk was extremely nice prep tho on the friends' side, I liked that pick a lot vs me and I was also very happy to see hs getting a run out as I'm pretty high on him.



Week 5 vs Eternally I was on a two match losing streak, and kinda frustrated with how I'd played the last two weeks. I wanted to go back to something a bit more formulaic to find a groove again, and I had a lot less time for prep due to some unfortunate irl conditions. I settled on a doctored version of the Christo SPL stall with Counter Blissey (shoutouts Amane Misa), and was actually feeling pretty confident going into this one, as Eternally's stall matchups really hadn't been great so far. However, he brought out Future Sight Bro + Facade EQ Alt so so much for that LMFAO. Yea I played this one kinda sloppy and could've won if I'd played a near-perfect game, but I ended up 2-3 going into Week 6.



I really wanted to turn it around this week, especially with all the shittalk pre-game. I decided to stray away from using one of my own builds, as my opponents had been able to get really nice matchups the last three weeks, and I felt like I was becoming slightly too predictable in terms of team structures, so I ended up going with this TSR build. Ape seemed decent vs elodin and the Youngsters in general, which Stoise is just good vs the archetypes he was liking. Scarf Twave Toge is really nice, suring up the Lati matchup while revenging Weakened Coba etc. Rhyp is something I hadn't really explored but always seemed to have a decent time vs me, so I was pretty keen to use it here. I was a lot happier with my play this week, and to be honest I think I just needed the motivation the pre-game provided to get back to evens heading into Week 7.



For Week 7 I was still decently motivated, both trying to nab a win in the last week for the Doctors and to salvage my record. I was feeling good in-game too, after the win last week so I decided to use something I knew would be solid and try rather than trying to use any matchup-specific techs or fish. This team was born a few months back during UKPL, and I loved it then so decided to revamp it for UUPL. The initial version had a specs Latias and Z Rock Rak, but I decided to go with Elec Z Lati and Babiri Rak in order to sure up the Scizor matchup. Empo was Knock Roar, to help move around Lati and break down the BOs Alfons had been tending towards, while Amoongus provided an answer to Alt and a Scizor pivot. Alt functions as the primary wincon (and probably did just that on turn 7 if I didn't scout for Gyro) and benefits a ton from Lati and Empo as partners. As for the game itself, I got a really nice matchup with Empo and Alt, and was able to finish with at 4-3.

I really enjoyed the ups and downs of this UUPL, and while often the results didn't go our way for one reason or another the Doctors were as nice a group for my first UUPL as I could've asked for. I genuinely see us as a playoff team, and while results didn't reflect that I honestly think we were one of the strongest teams. Coming up with these whacky memes was always fun (RestTalk Volcanion never forget), or just shitting on Liverpool. Thanks to Rob for giving me a shot, and to everyone who gave the chat such a chilled atmosphere. Hope I get to team with you all again.

As for my own personal performance, while I wouldn't exactly say I'm satisfied with how I played during the 3 middle weeks, or my team choices there, I'd be lying if I said going positive wasn't a goal of mine going into the tournament, and at the base level I am pleased with that. This tournament has brought me outside of my comfort zone for sure in terms of what I'll build and use, and I definitely think I'm in a better place as a player and a builder than I was coming in. That said, I've still got a decent way to go and I'm looking forward to improving over the next few months leading up to Open. However, for my price tag this UUPL has definitely been a good experience, cya all next time around :))

Good to see so many people getting involved and dropping teams and sets already, hope to see more over the next few days, and after finals!
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SLOW YOU DOWN (Araquanid) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Bubble
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 184 SpD / 72 Spe
Careful Nature
- Liquidation
- Spider Web
- Toxic
- Rest
This set lures in bulky Pokemon that can usually take on Araquanid like Amoonguss and Alomomola and PP stalls them. I used it vs HarrisIsAwesome because I expected a fat team of a sort, but instead, it took on a Roserade. No disrespect towards HarrisIsAwesome, but I feel like he could've played around Araquanid better than he actually did, but it's fine; I would also freak out if an Araquanid tried to PP stall me.



Reuniclus @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Recover
- Calm Mind
Turbo Reuniclus is a Pokemon I was introduced to during mid-SM by danger zone but I only decided to make use of it now. I expected a fat team of some sort from Lopunny kicks and so I got the guess right. I did crit Lopunny kicks' Reuniclus, but it was a matter of time until I did, in my opinion, because this is what happens when you're on the defense and are heavily pressured like that.



Hydreigon @ Metronome
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Roost
This Hydreigon pretty much fucks up slower teams that rely on a dedicated Hydreigon Fairy-type like Sylveon or Florges, as with hazards and chip Flash Cannon is enough to pressure them enough to the point that Hydreigon beats them.

I might make a post about the teams I built too, depending on how bored I will get this weekend. :blobshrug:

Doctors - already know how much I appreciate all your help from the team chat, but I decided I will take the opportunity to publicly thank you guys, too:

robjr - thank you so much for drafting me! I hope that I was worth the 10k to you :blobpex:. TSR - you stayed up until hours you shouldn't be up at just to help me test and build and I appreciate that so much! Wouldn't have gotten as many wins as I did if it weren't for all your help. SilvioGuacamole, Amukamara, and Adaam, aka the rest of the SM crew - I had so much fun helping you and getting help from you guys. Finding True Love - our previous interactions were salty ladder games but I am very happy we got to be on the same team, you have a lot of knowledge in pretty much every generation which is really impressive and your ideas are really unique and they've inspired me a lot throughout the tournament. Thank you so much to the rest of the Doctors, too; I hope we all get to be in another team tournament together!

vivalospride, Shiba, and yeezyknows, you guys weren't Doctors but you still helped me a lot throughout the tournament and I probably couldn't had done as well as I did without you, so thanks a lot :psyglad:!
Alright, it's time for me to drop my novel. I don't particularly think my own games need much discussion on top of them all being pretty bad due to my lack of motivation since I only got to play at the end of the tour when we were already out + I'm just like, not that good lol. I do have a couple neat things I'd like sharing that I used in a couple non-smogon tours as well since I might as well + don't wanna write whole ass RMTs for them. Anyhow, I'll just be going down the line with SM ORAS and DPP, building-wise. If I corrected something that was off in the initial version of the team that might've been a problem in the given game, the new version will be here for your viewing pleasure.


When prepping for this game, I noticed Freeroamer's previous builds had been pretty negligent of Starmie, which is a common building blunder that people can make when they don't take Starmie's Speed, nasty coverage, and power from Analytic, into account. I did my best to take Spin off of it to increase the threat level, and chose to use Gligar as a defogger instead. Unfortunately this kinda opens up my team to Manectric from the get-go, and I decided to tack on Moltres over an option like Rotom-H (since I wanted to just throw a ton of attacks at midground special walls like Empoleon and eventually cleave through for the Altaria sweep) that woulda greatly helped me out in the given matchup. I kinda had to play with my nuts out vs Manectric in the game, but didn't do that and took the "season ending" loss for the docs.

The story of this team is so sad can we get 10000 likes. Forgive me for going on a bit of a rant or seeming mad about how this went down. Misa played her game vs TDK in a little less than 9 hours? at the time and was still stressed about her team selection. Me with my godawful sleep schedule was still awake at 2:30 am and what do ya know I'm here to help. After brainstorming till well past 5 am my time we had come up this, in all of its bulky Manectric glory. Mane lives non-Intimidated EQs from Krook and Aero with this spread, as well as letting it handle goons like QA Scizor and Bisharp a tiny bit better, as well as baiting bulky midgrounds like Rhyperior, Amoonguss, and whatnot in for Celebi to come in on and get going. Regardless, the team is pretty damn Bisharp weak and we figured Thunder Wave on Scarf Togekiss wasn't THAT great since nothing truly benefited from slowing Aero down, so Fire Blast came in hot (ha) to hit Bish and overly aggressive Scizors and Cobalions, while still being able to neuter some annoying stuff like Emp and opposing Rhyperiors with Trick. Needless to say, I headed off to bed after we were done giving a good number of test runs and resigned myself to probably sleeping through the game. This gem was the only extra input she got while I was asleep and just like that we switched back to the CB Pert + Klefki (cwl (super down on fishermans mon Klefki right now)) team (even though Tentacruel makes this team hilariously weak to Latias and Ice Beam Slowbro). On a different note, I won a pretty nice game with it in Hispanic Premier League against my own teammate Adaam's STOLEN team, and the GOAT M Dragon is actually the only one to take a game off this team so far.... with Ursaring Crawdaunt Trick Room .-. Enough ranting from me, I can't really talk too much anyhow as Misa did amazing this tour and outperformed me many times over and I really hope she keeps up this great momentum :blobnom:

Now for some non-smogon stuff

I had to play Gondra twice in HPL as well and if the name of this team isn't a telltale sign of what happened, Gondra has taken the title of my alcoholic stepfather from Esche (rip in peace). Anyhow, this game was pretty unfortunate as I missed a gunk that gave me a pretty good chance of winning. I built this around Pursuit + Cune, as Gondra had been recycling Pak's teams in this tour and Suicune matches up great vs Pak's stuff 90% of the time. Pairing it with Z Fire Gunk Shot SD Ape gives you a pretty good lure for Altaria, the other pain in Suicune's ass that can't be pursuited easily. Scarf Twave from Toge can Snipe Latias, and Scizor is EV'd to be faster than it once para'd. Since Rotom doesn't really have a better item, I gave it a second Z crystal since it opened up 2 Z-moves for more situational use as well as sponging a knock or two from Krook better.

Our HPL team somehow made it all the way to finals somehow and I had to face off against drew once again. Our team was already down literally 0-5 by the time we played so I just brought this nice spicy team with the (first) forbidden one (read: not Lanturn), big dino daddy. It seemed to have an incredible matchup at preview, as drew brought a kink team with the doofus sylveon set (cm rest) that he revealed to be considerably invested in SpA in the game he brought this vs dingbat earlier. So if my calcs were right, the Head Smash roll on sylveon was heavily in my favor, and then just, like, gg.


This team's really bad guys. I had been itching for our ORAS to try and use Garde and of course abuse Conk more. So what is more threatening than one conk? TWO conks, i.e. where HW Garde comes in. I took a few creative liberties with this team, such as the lack of actual grass resists, as kink literally has never used Celebi, Whimsicott, or Sceptile in his ORAS games. Game was fairly self explanitory, conk does conk stuff since kink used a Sylveon instead of Florges xd xd, with rob getting some nice luck that made the endgame much more convincing. I stand by itemless defensive gyara on this, but Helmet that got used in the game actually isn't too bad either, and chips down some annoying stuff like Infernape and Heracross.

I built a team with Charizard. Why? Don't ask me questions I don't have answers to.

I tried to build some anti-killintime stuff the week we went up against the grunts and took this nasty Entei set into consideration. I was fairly sure he'd bring his signature wack-make-the-opponent-beat-themself balance type of team featuring the slowturn pivots like Gilgar and Mandibuzz. HP Ice Celebi + Rocks Cobalion is a pretty nice core to have vs these kinda teams since Cobal can rock up vs Mandi and let Celebi pressure it harder, while SpDef Gligar gets nuked into next week by a +2 HP Ice, allowing Cobalion to get em up. Toxic Slowking was also a nice lure to bring in the few bulky waters that actually annoyed VinTei like Milotic and CM Slowking. Unfortunately when I posted this team I got a response of "CM entei :aborto:" from AHD and we brought standard Florges balance that KT squads loves to eat for breakfast :blobshrug:

I wasn't to concerned with hard counterteaming Teddeh bringing Pearl's AloBliss even though I knew I was 90% seeing it since the week wasn't important for either team and tbh I just wanted to flex my ORAS creativity for the week. Since I was doing my usual shit and going hilariously negative in half the tours I was in, with the distinct exception of me fucking up ORAS in RUPL with a 7-1 record, I realzied the only way I could win was to spam Registeel/Venusaur/Slowking in every tier possible. Originally I had a Conk on this team over Heracross, which led to my doofus move of keeping Roar on Venusaur for the game rather than switching it to what you see now, which hard punished me in practice in the game (ftr; Conk is pretty much interchangeable with Hera here, use Block with cross and Roar with Conk. Venu AKA RU Conk (seriously I'd ban this thing 1000 times over in RU before even considering RegiMola) has some nice utility in UU as well, since it can fuck up the Fairy-type checks to Hera/Conk the same way Empoleon does, as well as ACTUALLY check opposing CB/ Bulk Up Conk pretty nicely. In my game here I didnt throw out Roars very liberally when I should have, which let Crobat have a little too much breathing room vs cross early on. Unfortunately getting Hera burned is ironically worse for you when playing against this team, and as much as I enjoyed the game vs ted here I really have to question the Scald that came out that burned Heracross and basically lost me the game. From what was revealed during earlier turns Sludge Bomb appeared to be a roll to kill Alomomola (though not in my favor) on that turn and I was convinced he should tect there to keep his mola alive and switch out to Bliss or something after (wouldn't have been a problem with Block >_>). I wanna say I actually telegraphed the switch that hard since I suck and get called out on stuff like that all the time, but it's the one thing I just really don't get from an empirical perspective of the game. Despite that, that was the most fun I had playing an ORAS UU game in a long time and I gotta give a lot of respect to Ted both as a player in general, and for using the same 5 teams in UUPL every year and somehow coming out with fire records regardless. GG my man.

Was doing some experimentation with Heracross in general after seeing it in that KT vs DRACOman Wanka game and ended up with this, but never got to use in tour. Pretty self explanitory set-wise, but absolutely gorgeous aesthetically and works very well.


This stuff is pretty cool, I didn't get to play myself with much on the line, but it felt pretty good feeding my teams to Troller and BKC and watching them collect wins with em.


Probably my single favorite team I've built for the entire tour. Pretty solid, well-rounded Spikestack offense with alright offensive or defensive counterplay to just about everything. Swellow keeps a lot of spooky offensive goons like Sceptile and Zam in check, paired with Sdef k9, defensive spikes oma, and bulky NP Croak + a spinblocker and Roar Donphan for shuffling. This team's really good at choking down the defensive answers for swellow and croak and differs from a lot of popular Spike builds by being (somewhat) sturdy against Venusaur. You can't watch the replay since BKC and heysup didn't save it lmao, but this team unfortunately gets hard robbed by heysup deciding a chipped Donphan is the best way to revenge a +2 Croak (instead of a full hp Moltres; granted rocks were up but like, cmon now) and dodged Focus Blast to win. rip.


Not much to say about this. Tried making some Hail memes since winning wasn't too important for me. I had to name my Jynx after the LORD OF THE FREEZE. It has no rock resist and no good Rotom counterplay, so don't use this in a serious game unless you're super sure you can cheese your opponent with it. And remember,

With my team out, I got offered to hop in the Grunts chat and help out Troller in DPP and try to salvage a week for them and keep them in playoffs contention. We tried building some SD venu bulky offense which turned out like this. Scarf Moltres is a great scouting lead except for when you play Scarf HP Rock Houndoom lead (dab), Dugtrio picks off some annoying stuff like Blaziken, Toxicroak thanks to sub, and SDef Clefable thanks to Screech here. Trying to eliminate SD venu checks brought me to put Occa Boom Registeel on this team as it can lure Moltres pretty easily. Cloyster sucks at spinning but it can get it done if really need be, and with the SDef set it can abuse stuff like Blastoise and Milotic to lay down hazards, which helps a potential Molt clean at the end.

The next week grunts were out but we still tried squeezing another W out. Marcop had used some pretty cookie cutter / known bulky offensive builds most weeks, so I threw together some nice Sceptile stuff since playing Scep well usually fucks offense without k9 or Swellow sideways. Unfortunately Troller had the win in the bag then EQ'd the Milo that died to Crunch and lost. I guess if you use my teams you're cursed to click EQ against the water snake pokemon when the dark move wins. rip.

I'll keep the shoutouts short since I've already wrote a whole ass essay on a tour I went 0-3 in. It was a fun season with all the doctors, I know we didn't pull through when we needed to but y'know, only up from here and stuff. Adaam, Misa, and Silvio, you guys were especially fire and i never sweat too much over you guys bringing home the Ws every week, as well as BKC and Troller later on for trusting in my dpp squads week in and week out. Thanks again to rob for bothering to pick me up even after I've had only subpar performances in the previous iterations of this tour. Donny P and the Pak + Jarii combo too for the likely hundreds of DPP and SM/ORAS games respectively I've played in the last months thanks to you guys, and ofc Kreme Killintime and Ark in the background keeping me sane for the duration of the tour. Been lit once again y'all, I'll hopefully bring it to the table for real next year :blobthumbsup:[/spoiler]
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Reminder: BP was not legal in this edition of UUPL. Aside from my Week 1 team, all of these were built for a metagame without BP. Do not use these teams in the upcoming ADV UU Cup without first editing them to provide BP countermeasures.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/6d6d0e6034dcb73e

Week 1 I was unable to find any information about my opponent, Raichy, so I simply brought an old team I built several years ago that I knew was solid. This team is built around a normal spam core of Kangaskhan + Fearow where SubPunch Kangaskhan weakens normal resists to support Fearow. The defensive core uses Lanturn and Muk to absorb special attacks, and defensive Gligar as the main physical wall with Aggron able to absorb hits from banded normal types. Lead Lanturn is something I innovated in order to win the lead matchup against both spikes leads (Omastar, Qwilfish) and prevalent anti-spikes leads (Offensive Walrein, Electrics.)

The game quickly went off track for me because Raichy, who turned out to be a very talented player who I now respect immensely, brought a genius stall team with a Qwilfish lead. Qwilfish is a niche spiker that is usually used only on offensive teams because it has Self-Destruct. This led me to believe Raichy was using an offensive team, so I ended up spamming T-Wave trying to catch offensive Pokémon that didn't exist. Instead, I ended up T-Waving a bunch of defensive Pokémon I would have preferred to Toxic. This proved to be a huge headache. I had to rely on getting T-Wave paras to break through his team, but with some luck I was eventually was able to get the W and start 1-0.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/a1c968173e64158f

I noticed The Kyle looked consistently weak to DD Altaria in replays, so I decided to build around DD Altaria + Spikes + Roar Kangaskhan. Kangaskhan can phaze things around to get chip for Altaria (Altaria appreciates any chip you can get -- it's not a strong Pokémon.) Since he prefers fatter teams in general I slapped on a PerishTrap Missy for spin blocking + wallbreaking. Gligar serves as a secondary sweeper. Ampharos is there to deal with opposing electric types and rain sweepers.

My prep worked out and I got a good matchup. Unfortunately, The Kyle crit my Gligar (when it was about to sweep) and froze my Kangaskhan with Ice Beam during the game. I couldn't do anything and lost. 1-1.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/dc12e4bd1ae04d23

Week 3 I wasn't too sure what Plas would bring, but I thought I just needed to build something solid and I would be able to outplay. This team uses Spikes + Roar Kangaskhan again, with Electabuzz in the back as the primary sweeper. CM Lunatone is another WinCon that appreciates support from spikes. Banette spin blocks + wallbreaks. Offensive Walrein is one of the most dominant leads in the tier and needs no introduction.

The game was anticlimactic. I had a complete matchup win with Walrein and got a quick W. 2-1.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/7ea34404efab5db7

Week 4 I thought Amber Lamps looked very weak to special Tentacruel in previous weeks. I used spike stack again to support Tentacruel, but this time without Roar Kangaskhan. Instead I used SubPunch Kanga to help wallbreak, and a defensive core of Omastar + Hypno + Lanturn. Note that my Hypno is 252 hp/252+ def which ended up coming in to play in the game. The Smogon set recommends running speed, but the speed is only to outspeed BPers before they Sub down which wasn't relevant in this tournament.

The game ended up being very high quality and concluded with a complicated endgame where I got several key predictions right to get the W and go 3-1. If you're interested in ADV UU then I recommend watching the replay of this game.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/8630e0adf9aa7cdb

I noticed r0ady used a lot of Rock + Grass defensive cores (such as Golem + Vileplume and Aggron + Meganium) so I decided to build with DD Altaria + Spikes again. This team uses SubPunch Kangaskhan and SubTwave Aggron to weaken walls for Altaria. The defensive core uses Gligar as the primary physical wall and Lanturn as the primary special wall. Aggron can absorb banded normal type attacks.

The game ended up being a quick W for me that showcased exactly why defensive Gligar is so good. I killed his offensive Gligar with counter, his Tentacruel with earthquake, and could still wall Golem and Kangaskhan afterwards. 4-1.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/bc90efee1639b633

Week 6 we were unfortunately already eliminated from playoffs. Rob encouraged us to bring fun teams, so I built around Cacturne, an obscure Pokémon that I thought had the potential to be viable. Cacturne has the niche of being a grass type spiker, which on paper sounds great because it wins the lead matchup against the prevalent water type spikers. Unfortunately, it loses the lead matchup against other popular leads such as Walrein, Banded Kangaskhan, and Nidoking. I paired Cacturne with Missy to mitigate this, as Missy can pivot into pretty much everything that threatens Cacturne. The rest of the team is quite offensive, with no real physical wall and an offensive special wall in Muk. You need to keep the pressure up when using this team.

In the game Cacturne got the W and put in massive ammounts of work. 5-1. This thing should probably be ranked. It's certainly a better grass type spiker than useless Roselia.


Importable: https://pokepast.es/73d61272291d04c8

Week 7 I knew I wanted to use Walrein. Mazz always looks weak to Walrein. Because we were already eliminated, I was originally going to pair Walrein with Wailord (I thought Walrein could weaken opposing water types for Curse Wailord) but then I remembered that Wailord is both terrible and not fun. Instead I built with RestoChesto Hitmontop, a set that I think is pretty bad but also fun to use. This team uses Spikes + Roar Kangaskhan to support the sweep from Hitmontop or Electrode (both of these Pokémon are pretty weak, so they really appreciate the chip from spikes.) Banette wallbreaks + spin blocks.

Hitmontop actually ended up carrying the team, getting to +5 (!) and then sweeping for the W. 6-1. Mazz used a very intriguing team with Counter Kangaskhan.

robjr Thanks for putting together such a nice team. In the past I was wary of participating in team tours because I heard rumors about rampant ghosting and also didn't want to get paired with people I disliked, but you put together a team that was both honest and fun. Congratulations for your good record.

Adaam Beast! I'm sure you already know this, but you built great teams and played outstandingly. I also appreciate that you had great activity helping out the other members of the SM core. You probably did more for the team than anyone else. I just hope your back isn't sore after carrying us for seven weeks...

SilvioGuacamole I never heard of you before this tour, but you really impressed me with your strong playing ability. You also had fantastic activity and a great attitude. You were one of the key people that made our Discord such a fun place. I think you have great potential as a player and will be observing your progress in upcoming tours. Good luck!

Amane Misa I really admire your creative teambuilding and I think you're one of the best teambuilders in the tier. Your creativity rekindled my passion for SM UU, a tier I honestly had stopped caring about before this tour. I'm glad I was able to inspire you as well. You also had great activity and did so much work behind the scenes.

Amukamara I think you're a very strong player and I appreciate that you had high activity and helped out so many other people on the team (I think you even helped me test in ADV UU one week.) You have a great personality as well. I wish you the best of luck in future tours.

Highways I still think you're a heat player with good potential. I just can't fathom your team selections...

mael I really enjoyed meeting you and you were one of our best Discord presences. I'm still confused how you went 0-5 because I thought you brought good teams and played well. BW UU is a really strange tier.

CKW Thanks for being such a great presence on the bench. You were very active in helping people, and I'm glad you eventually got the chance to come off the bench. If you continue to play UU in the future I think you have high potential!

Diophantine Thanks for teaching me GSC UU. It's a very interesting tier and I enjoyed helping you test and watching your games. Your record was unfortunate but I was happy to see you get at least one win in the end.

My thanks to the rest of the Doctors as well. I appreciate all of our teammates and wish you all the best going forwards.
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It's late so hopefully this doesn't end up too long but here are things bop



Starmie @ Choice Specs
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Trick

This one isn't too unheard of I guess, but the premise is pretty simple. Common Starmie pivots are stuff like Tentacruel, Empoleon, Blissey, Amoonguss, and Dragons. Specs Psychic murks the 2 poisons, OHKOing Amoonguss on the switch. Empoleon and Blissey get tricked, essentially neutering them the rest of the game. Then, Dragons obviously take a shit load from Analytic Ice Beam on the switch. Latias can generally come into non Life Orb Starmie once due to its great special bulk, but that is not the case here. I had this paired with a generic Gligar + DD Altaria core because Gligar can slow U-turn it in on p much everything it threatens, while removing hazards itself so Starmie doesn't have to Spin. Mega Alt abuses Pursuit locks, takes advantage of tricked Empoleon and jazz, or appreciates the Poison-types above being sniped. Also, this set can revenge Scizor half way reliably without needing Z, so that's cool too.


Nihilego @ Passho Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Grass Knot
- Stealth Rock

This is actually one I came up with in SPL but there was no dump thread and we used it here too I think. It may look a little weird at a glance, but Passho Nihilego is a surprisingly consistent set. Beyond Z crystals, Nihilego doesn't have any great item, or at least one that stands above the rest in viability. On the original team I put this on, there obviously wasn't a Z available, but I still wanted to maximize Nihilego's one-on-one matchup vs stuff like Tentacruel and Empoleon. Although it does accomplish that, in practice, what it mostly helped with was providing a safe pivot to other more offensive Waters like Primarina and Volcanion. Since it resists Fairy and Fire while being immune to Toxic, it is a safe at-least-one-time pivot on both. Another cool thing is sniping a stray Crawdaunt early on bc you tank Aqua Jet. Anyway, not the most ground-breaking thing but it's a p solid set.


Toxicroak @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Cross Chop
- Gunk Shot
- Ice Punch

This was a set I gave to Kush in finals (an IP team but I changed some sets), and it basically did what I had in mind. Toxicroak isn't the most common or greatest mon ever, but it does have its uses. It's pretty anti-meta in that it abuses some common defensive staples like Amoonguss, Tentacruel, and other Waters. However, with the previously most popular set (Poisonium w Sucker, albeit still uncommon as hell), it had trouble making much of any progress against them on its own. That's when I was like ay yo fuck it. Let's have it kill everything fat. Instead of piss weak Drain Punch, Cross Chop and Fight Z can nuke or at least dent a bunch of stuff like bulky Grounds at +2 or simply doing more to Steels like Scizor or Mega Steelix. Gunk is still really strong so I didn't really see the need for Poisonium since it can still pound Amoognuss, Toge, and all them. While priority is hot mainly for Lati, Ice Punch lets Toxicroak murk the ever-present Gligar teams that heavily depend on it pivoting on everything and grabbing momentum. Simply put, being stopped cold by it is dicks. Ice Punch nails it and allows Croak to truly threaten most defensive cores on balance/bulky offense atm.


Beedrill-Mega @ Beedrillite
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Poison Jab
- Knock Off
- Toxic Spikes

Unfortunately, we never ended up using this despite me coming up with a couple versions I liked featuring this goon and Spin Tsareena, but I'm pretty convinced this is the best Beedrill set. After a bunch of testing, I found that Knock Off is ridiculously spammable. It may not seem like it considering how frail Bee is, weak to Pursuit and Sciz, yata yata, but hear me out. You can fairly easily expect your opponent to predict U-turn p much every time Bee is in, which is fair considering that's most of what it does. But, this obviously forces switches the vast majority of the time, and Bee often loses nothing by Knocking Off and U-turning out the following turn. Some goons this annoys are like Gligar, Doublade, Tentacruel, and Helmet Amoonguss. Something something broken move. Beyond that, TSpikes can find use in scenarios similar to Knock Off, except even more ratchet. It may sound dumb but if you Knock Gligar on the switch, chances are they will 100% U-turn themselves, meaning TSpikes can be pretty free to click. Knock the Poisons, try to keep them down in the long run, you get the point. Bee isn't great, but it does have a weird blend of utility in that it gives Speed control, removes TSpikes itself, and does all the stuff mentioned above. Just because Scizor is popular doesn't mean it's unusable. Try it out sirs.



Magneton @ Eviolite
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Metal Sound
- Magnet Rise

For the most part, I was pretty lazy when it came to ORAS building, because something something awful tier, but this is something I was pretty proud of. The Pearls had been spamming the living shit out of non-Roar Mega Steelix, so I was like ay yo how do I fuck that up. This set basically takes advantage of it being the initial switch to Magnet's STABs on those types of teams, which obviously leads to a free trap. Magnet Rise up, Metal Sound, then Flash Cannon spam. HP Fire is also alright ig, but I preferred Metal Sound because it's more universally good against stuff like CM Florges, CM Cress, Suicune, Snorlax, and the rest of those fat goons. On that specific team I paired it with the SM special of NP Recover Celebi with Leaf Storm, as in theory with Steels weakened or removed, it would have an easy time cleaning later on. Other small stuff includes bluffing Scarf initially if it doesn't take reveal Eviolite damage, and Eviolite letting you pivot more comfortably into the aforementioned fat stuff to drop their Sp Def and annoy the shit out of them.


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Lanturn @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Toxic
- Volt Switch
- Protect / Heal Bell

something else i wanted anyone on the grunts to use but nobody ended up doing it :(. pretty sure i remember getting the idea from a team ben gay used? it's a neat pivot that takes on moltres, rotom, some latias, manectric etc and is just a neat specially defensive pivot. there are definitely drawbacks like being a water type weak to grounds so you'll probably have to pair it with something like moltres.


What do you think?

I think Aggron/Steelix is the perfect partner for Lanturn since Lanturn annihilates Moltres and Rotom-H which sort of badly counter Aggron/Steelix unless you have a big enough Penis to use Head Smash which I don't. I like Aggron more than Steelix because Steelix is a very poor Celebi check and while Aggron isn't great either, it at least resists Grass.

I'm using double Heal Bell because I feel like Lanturn doesn't counter Rotom-H very well without Heal Bell and Sylveon still likes Heal Bell overall because Scald burns mainly. I might want to run Rest on Aggron because of this? Or maybe just run Rest Talk Lanturn if the Heal Bell is too redundant.

Is there any reason why Toxic is necessary? It cripples Latias but my team already has pretty solid Latias responses. And I don't use Volt Switch because my team doesn't really abuse momentum.

I know you said Moltres is a good partner but that was because of the Ground matchup, I followed your logic and used Mantine (counters Nidos) and Chesnaught (counters Krook and Zydog) although I'm pretty weak to Mamoswine still.

I feel I'm a tad weak to Togekiss, Celebi, Specs Primarina, and stall. So it's not a great team. But I do think Lanturn works, I'm really trying hard to build with it and Steelix/Aggron cores.

Anyways thanks for posting this and other sets and other people for posting sets. I have pretty much used all these SM sets now and it's fun trying to improve them. Special shout out to Belly Drum Lax.[/QUOTE]

A WORLD ALONE. (Lucario) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flash Cannon
- Vacuum Wave
- Focus Blast or Aura Sphere / Dark Pulse / Psychic
- Aura Sphere or Focus Blast / Dark Pulse / Psychic

When I originally conceived this set I wanted to build Lucario, but disliked how all or nothing it was depending on matchup. Choice Specs doesn’t have the ceiling of Nasty Plot, but it has a better matchup against faster paced teams with strong priority + decent speed for a wallbreaker. Lucario also the advantage of Aura Sphere if you choose, which negates the disadvantage of special Fighting-types having to rely on Focus if they choose to be choiced. With the element of surprise on its side, you can have it function as an effective early/mid game wallbreaker b/c it dents traditional Lucario answers like Gligar (who gets 2HKOed) / Tentacruel or you can save it for the late game with strong Vacuum Waves. The second option is especially effective against hyper offensive builds with how often they run at least 2 or 3 Fighting-weak Pokemon. If you want don’t want both Fighting STABs (which depends on what you feel your opponent may bring), the last slot is extremely customizable between Dark Pulse / Psychic with Dark Pulse hitting Doublade and Slowbro while Psychic deals with Tenta and Amoonguss and Nidoqueen. Shadow Ball and Hidden Power Ice can even be used in that last slot for the neutral coverage or just to play for midgrounds since once you reveal the set, you’re entirely prediction reliant.

Team discussion is below, importables are found by clicking the images:

Manipulative’s scouting report was scarce, but what we did manage to scrounge up was weak to Thunderbolt / Ice Beam CM Latias and Bulky Swords Dance Scizor, so naturally I went with that. The rest is extremely standard outside of the Ice Beam Primarina, which was to cover the Grass + Dragon cores I saw a lot from Manipulative. Ordinarily, I still wouldn’t put Ice Beam there, but not knowing how good basa actually was at the time led me to place it there to give him a safe out at all times versus those cores, a safe midground to cover most options, especially considering Psychic targets were covered pretty well by the rest of the team anyhow. Unfortunately, Manipulative brought a team with that gives this one a hard but playable matchup and even though my teammate is a decent player, he just didn’t play well enough to prevent the loss given the skill/experience differential.

I was pestering our bo3 and ORAS squad to use this team all season but it never showed up. Scarf Rotom + Entei is a nasty offensive core to deal with especially considering the Pert/Empo cores that have been popular as of late. Florg/Forre/MegaPert is a pretty standard fat nucleus that can control momentum and hazards really well. Curse is optional over Rest on Pert to provide a safe wincon. Noivern May seem like an inferior Hydreigon, but the additional speed and Flying-type allow it to check Celebi / Conk / Rose while still providing a safe endgame against fat, which I find to be pretty valuable from a role compression standpoint.
