Vanilluxe @ Choice Specs
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Sleep Talk
With summer coming to an end soon, why not cap it off with a sweet treat? Vanilluxe is a very difficult Pokemon to switch into in UU, since many common Steel-types like Celesteela and Excadrill are neutral to Blizzard, and others such as Cobalion and physically defensive Scizor are still 2HKOed. Water-types such as Primarina and Slowking are also not safe against it due to Freeze-Dry. Sleep Talk allows Vanilluxe to switch into Spore from Amoonguss. It only runs three moves to call Freeze-Dry more often with Sleep Talk. Due to its weakness to Stealth Rock, Vanilluxe requires sturdy entry hazard removal to find opportunities to wallbreak. Excadrill and Salamence are able to check entry hazard setters like Nihilego, Skarmory, and Hippowdon. As for offensive partners, Azelf and Choice Scarf Diggersby break past Steel-types and handle faster Pokemon like Keldeo, Zygarde-10%, and Crobat. Swords Dance Cobalion is a good late-game cleaner, and it counters Vanilluxe's best checks, Scizor and Chansey.
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