Resource VGC 2023 Series 2 Viability Rankings


These are the official Viability Rankings for VGC 2023 Series 2. In this thread, we as a community will be ranking each and every usable pokemon into different tiers based on how viable we believe them to be. We encourage you to post your thoughts and opinions on on the various usable Pokemon in VGC and what tier you think they should belong in. Posts in this thread will be taken into consideration when deciding changes to the VR.

The general idea of this is to rank every usable Pokemon in VGC into different rankings that will go in descending order. Since we are evaluating the entirety of the metagame, we will not be splitting Pokemon based on their roles within teams - supportive and offensive Pokemon will be ranked based on their impact that they have on the meta and the teams they will be brought for.

Finally, there will be a Council of experienced players who will discuss and vote on the ranking of each Pokemon. As the Series tend to be fairly short, we will be attempting to keep this up-to-date based on what's going on in the tournament scene and adapting our list based on both tournament results and ladder success as the metagame evolves. Keep in mind, your posts and insights are still very valuable to us and will be a factor in any changes that we make. This thread would be nothing without the community and all of your input, so if you feel you have a good grasp on the metagame and fully understand the forum rules, then don't be hesitant to post.

VGC 2023 Series 2 Viability Rankings



:Flutter Mane: Flutter Mane
:Iron Bundle: Iron Bundle

:Iron Hands: Iron Hands
:Amoonguss: Amoonguss



:Great Tusk: Great Tusk
:Palafin: Palafin
:Gholdengo: Gholdengo
:Arcanine: Arcanine

:Maushold: Maushold
:Kingambit: Kingambit
:Tatsugiri: Tatsugiri
:Dondozo: Dondozo
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Gothitelle: Gothitelle

:Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon:
:Brute Bonnet: Brute Bonnet
:Torkoal: Torkoal
:Talonflame: Talonflame
:Indeedee-F: Indeedee-F
:Armarouge: Armarouge



:Ceruledge: Ceruledge
:Annihilape: Annihilape
:Tyranitar: Tyranitar
:Volcarona: Volcarona
:Glimmora: Glimmora

:Iron Moth: Iron Moth
:Sylveon: Sylveon
:pelipper: Pelipper
:Iron Jugulis: Iron Jugulis
:Baxcalibur: Baxcalibur
:Mimikyu: Mimikyu
:Garchomp: Garchomp

:Hatterene: Hatterene
:Murkrow: Murkrow
:Pawmot: Pawmot
:Scream Tail: Scream Tail
:Grimmsnarl: Grimmsnarl
:Corviknight: Corviknight



:Meowscarada: Meowscarada
:Vivillon: Vivillon
:Sandy Shocks: Sandy Shocks
:Espathra: Espathra
:Gyarados: Gyarados
:Abomasnow: Abomasnow
:Gastrodon: Gastrodon
:Farigiraf: Farigiraf
:Hydreigon: Hydreigon
:Rotom-Wash: Rotom-Wash
:Lilligant: Lilligant

:Stonjourner: Stonjourner
:Lycanroc: Lycanroc
:Sableye: Sableye
:Klefki: Klefki
:Salamence: Salamence
:Dragapult: Dragapult
:Scizor: Scizor
:Skeledirge: Skeledirge
:Jumpluff: Jumpluff
:Gardevoir: Gardevoir
:Drifblim: Drifblim

:Slither Wing: Slither Wing
:Rotom-Heat: Rotom-Heat
:Arboliva: Arboliva
:Oranguru: Oranguru
:Gallade: Gallade
:Hariyama: Hariyama
:Bellibolt: Bellibolt
:Flamigo: Flamigo



:Kilowattrel: Kilowattrel
:Houndstone: Houndstone
:Magnezone: Magnezone
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I know that using doodle to change Slaking's ability is an unviable gimmick, but what exactly would be its most common counters if I try to use it?
I know that using doodle to change Slaking's ability is an unviable gimmick, but what exactly would be its most common counters if I try to use it?
There arent any hard counters i would say, but its very easy to double the slaking when grafaiai doesnt contribute much on its own because it is forced to lose prankster. Slaking is also slower than many common threats and still has underwhelming SpD at 65.
I know that using doodle to change Slaking's ability is an unviable gimmick, but what exactly would be its most common counters if I try to use it?
Pokemon paradox and darks are totally inmune to pranskter doodle. The gimmick can work but is difficult and no worth for serious matches because all the risks you need to avoid. Sableye skill swap probably better, but nothing op.