Approved By Haunter
Pokedex Number: 721
Type: Fire/Water
Stats: 80 HP/110 Attack/120 Defense/130 Special Attack/90 Special Defense/70 Speed
Ability: Water Absorb - Heals one quarter of the user's maximum HP when hit with a Water-Type attack.
A neutrality becoming an immunity? That's damn good!
Level Up Moves
stab in bold
Flare Blitz
Steam Eruption*
Take Down
Flame Charge
Water Pulse
Weather Ball
Body Slam
Hydro Pump
TM moves
stab in bold
Roar, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Hyper Beam, Protect, Frustration, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Return, Brick Break, Double Team, Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Fire Blast, Facade, Flame Charge, Rest, Round, Overheat, Focus Blast, Scald, Fling, Incinerate, Will-o-Wisp, Explosion, Giga Impact, Flash, Stone Edge, Gyro Ball, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Flash Cannon, Rock Smash, Confide, Cut, Strength
*110 bp water type move. 5 pp. 95 accuracy. 30% chance to burn.
Hydro pump with better accuracy and scalds burn chance? that's pretty scary
Potential Movesets
Substitute attacker
Volcanion @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 172 Spd / 84 HP / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Steam Eruption
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- Hidden Power Electric
Given its 3 x4 resistances (fire, ice, steel) and 1 immunity it can potentially set up a sub very easily and start firing off attacks ala kyurem black.
timid 172 speed ev's allows volcanion to outspeed adamant base 70s such as breloom and bisharp, special attack is maxed to give it maximum power while the rest is dumped into hp to increase bulk
If people list more sets I'll edit them in

Pokedex Number: 721
Type: Fire/Water
Stats: 80 HP/110 Attack/120 Defense/130 Special Attack/90 Special Defense/70 Speed
Ability: Water Absorb - Heals one quarter of the user's maximum HP when hit with a Water-Type attack.
A neutrality becoming an immunity? That's damn good!
Level Up Moves
stab in bold
Flare Blitz
Steam Eruption*
Take Down
Flame Charge
Water Pulse
Weather Ball
Body Slam
Hydro Pump
TM moves
stab in bold
Roar, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Hyper Beam, Protect, Frustration, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Return, Brick Break, Double Team, Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Fire Blast, Facade, Flame Charge, Rest, Round, Overheat, Focus Blast, Scald, Fling, Incinerate, Will-o-Wisp, Explosion, Giga Impact, Flash, Stone Edge, Gyro Ball, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Flash Cannon, Rock Smash, Confide, Cut, Strength
*110 bp water type move. 5 pp. 95 accuracy. 30% chance to burn.
Hydro pump with better accuracy and scalds burn chance? that's pretty scary
Potential Movesets
Substitute attacker
Volcanion @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 172 Spd / 84 HP / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Steam Eruption
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- Hidden Power Electric
Given its 3 x4 resistances (fire, ice, steel) and 1 immunity it can potentially set up a sub very easily and start firing off attacks ala kyurem black.
timid 172 speed ev's allows volcanion to outspeed adamant base 70s such as breloom and bisharp, special attack is maxed to give it maximum power while the rest is dumped into hp to increase bulk
If people list more sets I'll edit them in
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