Volcarona (Analysis)

I changed the thread title to Urugamosu's English name (Volcarona). Make sure to change Urugamosu to Volcarona when this is ready to be GP checked!

I'm with Bad Ass 100%. Morning Sun is essential on the Bulky Dance, especially with the prevalence of Stealth Rock and sandstorm nowadays. If you somehow fail to get rid of Stealth Rock, Volcorona will be at 50% when it's in, significantly reducing it's chances of pulling off a sweep. With Morning Sun, you can heal yourself back up and actually have a chance of powering yourself up with Butterfly Dance and potentially sweeping your opponent after a couple of boosts.

You don't need healing to set up on Jellicent or Heatran

What? How are you beating Heatran and Jellicent without healing? Let's take a look at this scenario:

There's a 5% Pokemon vs a 1% Pokemon holding Life Orb. The 1% Pokemon with Life Orb attacks, the 5% Pokemon dies, and the 1% Pokemon dies to LO damage. You switch in Volcorona, your opponent switches in Heatran; here's what will happen:

Since Heatran's faster, it will Fire Blast, doing 50.00% - 59.36%, as you Butterfly Dance. You Butterfly Dance again, meaning you're at +2 Special Defense, so Heatran will be doing 25.13% - 29.95% with Fire Blast. Without Morning Sun, you lose this match-up; however, with Morning Sun, you can heal back up, continue Butterfly Dancing until you reach +6, making yourself nearly impenetrable. Barring a critical hit, you will come out on top in this scenario.

Long story short, Morning Sun > Hidden Power Rock on the bulky dancer. The set is called bulky dancer for a reason - it's there to make full use of Volcarona's bulk in order to set up as many Butterfly Dances as possible while healing with Morning Sun.
I've just taken over the analysis and will be playtesting it from now on.

Meanwhile this will be moved back to Quality Control as I think people will agree it needs some important edits.

I'd like to apologize to all the people who made GP checks before...
I would like to say that HP Electric should be the preferred HP on any of Volcarona's sets that use Hidden Power. From using Volcarona, one of the things I most noticed is that while HP Rock affords it neutral coverage on everything important, the moth still tends to struggle against bulky waters like Jellicent, Gyarados, Milotic etc. all of which can do some combination of Toxic, Taunt, or phazing it out, before being KO'd by HP Rock or Bug Buzz, thus screwing its sweep. I found that by switching to HP Electric, my Volcarona was able to muscle past these guys a lot easier, and thus sweep more reliably. And it still hits Heatran neutral, just like HP Rock... IMO HP Ground isn't doing much for it anyway, since many Heatran run Balloon. Anyway, just a suggestion.
Firstly, you didn't make it. Someone used it before you.

Who exactly? I was using it on PO back in June/July... You must be omniscient to know that someone had to have used it first.

Secondly, it's not an offensive set.


I dunno what you do with a Volcarona at +6 in 3 stats, two of which are offensive, maybe you use a set of Toxic/WoW/Protect/Butterfly Dance and sit there stalling and spreading status with a mon who's highest stat is an attack stat... ...but I intend to um, sweep. IMO, a pokemon for whom the end goal is to well, SWEEP ...is... OFFENSIVE.

It's a set made to abuse the good natural bulk of Volcarona to set up multiple BDs, healing off the damage it takes as it goes. The whole point of having bulk is being able to get up to +6 on things like Heatran. Who cares if you 4-5HKO Heatran when you are OHKOing everything else and have nearly untouchable defensive stats? He doesn't need to play like a wall, but a bulky booster.

First of all, once you get 2 or 3 boosts, simple leftovers recovery will negate any special attacks. Secondly, I prefer efficiency (the 1 or 2HKO that boosted HP Rock/Ground would provide) over playing russian roulette with a mon like Heatran that has a million different sets whilst praying it doesn't get a critical hit or have Explosion/Roar/Taunt/Torment, not to mention having to whittle away at it with a move that it QUAD RESISTS (that means at +6 I'm getting the power of a NEUTRAL Bug Buzz) while it has a metric fuckton of possible moves that hit for neutral damage off the bat. Thirdly, this entire argument revolves around Morning Sun, which I'm arguing against for the same reason that people argue against certain other moves that rely on sun, which brings me to my next point...

I assume you think that CM / Rest Suicune should be using Ice Beam / Surf / HP Fire these days?

I assume you think that Drought Ninetales should be using SOLARBEAM in a metagame gangorgyraped by sandstorm?

Are you even aware of how much Morning Sun heals you for in weather other than Sun?


And, no, I don't. Look at Suicune's base stats. Its defensive pokemon. CM/Rest is a slightly more offensive set on a defensive pokemon, but that doesn't mean its a sweeper or an offensive pokemon. An offensive pokemon running a bulky EV spread to make conditions more favorable for sweeping is still offensive. Volcarona on the other hand has the stat spread of a born killer. What you're doing with Suicune is completely different: fixing the subpar offenses of a tank so that it can do damage while it tanks... vs. fixing the defenses of a sweeper so it can take hits while it sweeps. The comparison itself fails.

And it needs a healing move because of U-turn + Sandstorm, Stealth Rock, etc.

So what you're saying is that your Volcarona with "untouchable" defensive stats is taking damage that worries you from a resisted U-turn, and you're bringing it out in the face of Sandstorm (which you cite as a reason it needs a healing move, while said healing move is reduced to a 100% waste of a moveslot by the aforementioned weather condition; great argument), AND you're foolhardy enough to use Volcarona without getting the damn rocks off the field. Genius.
I would like to say that HP Electric should be the preferred HP on any of Volcarona's sets that use Hidden Power. From using Volcarona, one of the things I most noticed is that while HP Rock affords it neutral coverage on everything important, the moth still tends to struggle against bulky waters like Jellicent, Gyarados, Milotic etc. all of which can do some combination of Toxic, Taunt, or phazing it out, before being KO'd by HP Rock or Bug Buzz, thus screwing its sweep. I found that by switching to HP Electric, my Volcarona was able to muscle past these guys a lot easier, and thus sweep more reliably. And it still hits Heatran neutral, just like HP Rock... IMO HP Ground isn't doing much for it anyway, since many Heatran run Balloon. Anyway, just a suggestion.

Volcarona can set up on Jellicent (not positive about offensive variants, I don't use one). Milotic is hit for only 5 BP less from Bug Buzz, and unless Volcarona has gained many Butterfly Dance boosts, it has no business staying in on Milotic anyhow. Actually, all of these threats are relatively easily handled by Starmie. But I do get what you mean. Hidden Power choice is actually rather difficult, considering that Volcarona's choices are not likely to remedy vulnerabilities that are best handled by team mates. But it's not too bad of a choice, I guess. But the point is that Hidden Power Rock hits all of the listed counters for super effective or neutral damage, excluding Terrakion.

I dunno what you do with a Volcarona at +6 in 3 stats, two of which are offensive, maybe you use a set of Toxic/WoW/Protect/Butterfly Dance and sit there stalling and spreading status with a mon who's highest stat is an attack stat... ...but I intend to um, sweep. IMO, a pokemon for whom the end goal is to well, SWEEP ...is... OFFENSIVE.

Just because a pokemon can attack does not make it offensive lol. The point of the set is to accumulate multiple boosts and then sweep - there is already a set whose goal is "boost once then attack." So relatively speaking, this is a more defensive set up for Volcarona.

First of all, once you get 2 or 3 boosts, simple leftovers recovery will negate any special attacks. Secondly, I prefer efficiency (the 1 or 2HKO that boosted HP Rock/Ground would provide) over playing russian roulette with a mon like Heatran that has a million different sets whilst praying it doesn't get a critical hit or have Explosion/Roar/Taunt/Torment, not to mention having to whittle away at it with a move that it QUAD RESISTS (that means at +6 I'm getting the power of a NEUTRAL Bug Buzz) while it has a metric fuckton of possible moves that hit for neutral damage off the bat. Thirdly, this entire argument revolves around Morning Sun, which I'm arguing against for the same reason that people argue against certain other moves that rely on sun, which brings me to my next point...

Let's stop exaggerating here. Heatran isn't running Explosion these days and Taunt / Torment are easily dealt with as they are less offensive. I'm really not sure why you are arguing against Morning Sun when the analysis is littered with the suggestion to run Volcarona alongside Drought.

I assume you think that Drought Ninetales should be using SOLARBEAM in a metagame gangorgyraped by sandstorm?

Are you even aware of how much Morning Sun heals you for in weather other than Sun?

Though you've missed the point entirely, Solarbeam =/= Morning Sun. Tyranitar and Politoed don't trap and kill you on the charge turn like they do with Solarbeam because, well, there is no charge turn. Neither are particularly fond of a boosted Bug Buzz, either.

So what you're saying is that your Volcarona with "untouchable" defensive stats is taking damage that worries you from a resisted U-turn, and you're bringing it out in the face of Sandstorm (which you cite as a reason it needs a healing move, while said healing move is reduced to a 100% waste of a moveslot by the aforementioned weather condition; great argument), AND you're foolhardy enough to use Volcarona without getting the damn rocks off the field. Genius.

This I'll give you. The analysis heavily emphasizes Drought and Rapid Spin, so assuming rocks + sand all of the time isn't really a fair assumption. Still, Volcarona will be taking hits while it sets up, so it will want recovery to heal those off once it is finished boosting, and then sweep from full health. Otherwise, Milotic and Vaporeon will simply Surf you until they die, leaving Conkeldurr or Scizor with an easy target for their priority attacks since you did not heal.

Tl;dr - defensive approaches to sweeping aren't as concerned with coverage compared to offensive approaches, especially when it is for one pokemon who isn't even all that threatening.
With entry hazards, weather conditions, and Life Orb recoil, shouldn't Swarm be the superior ability?

I'm personally of the opinion that it depends on what spread you're using. When running a sweepy spread, Swarm tends to be better; when running a bulky spread, Flame Body is the way to go. I personally run max HP / Def with Flame Body, as the burn chance often makes it easier for you to set on physical/contact sweepers and thus accumulate more boosts.

Volcarona can set up on Jellicent (not positive about offensive variants, I don't use one). Milotic is hit for only 5 BP less from Bug Buzz, and unless Volcarona has gained many Butterfly Dance boosts, it has no business staying in on Milotic anyhow. Actually, all of these threats are relatively easily handled by Starmie. But I do get what you mean. Hidden Power choice is actually rather difficult, considering that Volcarona's choices are not likely to remedy vulnerabilities that are best handled by team mates. But it's not too bad of a choice, I guess. But the point is that Hidden Power Rock hits all of the listed counters for super effective or neutral damage, excluding Terrakion.

Regarding Jellicent, Volcarona can't set up on ones that run Taunt or Toxic (or especially both); with Taunt, Volcarona becomes unable to get any more boosts, which makes HP Rock variants especially walled by it, and what's more the lack of SDef boosts makes it easier for even defensive Jellicent to take it down. With Toxic, Jellicent can stall you out before you get enough boosts to KO it with neutral HP Rock. In the case of Milotic, it's just an instance where you have a better chance of KOing it and avoiding the Toxic/Dragon Tail phaze after getting so many boosts, I agree that Volcarona has no business staying in without enough BDs.

If anything, it sounds to me like your argument actually strengthens my logic for HP Electric, since it CAN hit Terrakion neutrally, which HP Rock cannot. Fire-types with Flash Fire and whatnot are a bit more tough to take down without HP Rock, but I found most Fire-type special sweepers easily get set up on and taken down even with the weak neutral HP Electric after several boosts. (Exceptions are of course physical Fire-types, especially ones that run Rock-type moves like Blaziken and Darmanitan-- but they're problematic regardless.) That isn't to say that you shouldn't still use Starmie for backup, but with HP 'Lectric, Volcarona just doesn't need to rely on it as much-- isn't that a good thing? The biggest downside I can think of is that it will most likely lose against other Volcarona that run Rock over Electric, unless you get a head start on your boosts.

So yeah, I'm pretty much more sure than ever that Electric > Rock. :P Just give it a try, you'll see what I mean.
Or... don't, and it can just be my secret weapon. >w> Either way.
I don't think HP electric is good. It is only use for hit Jellicent and STAB bugbuzz is 135 that less power than SE HP electric only 5.

The issue is that, being a Ghost, Jellicent takes the resisted Bug Buzz like a champ, making HP Electric superior in that case. I'm of the opinion that Electric (even though I've never used it) is a fair balance between the HP Ground/Rock debate. It hits Sala/Nit neutrally at least, and hurts Waters badly, while also getting a fair neutral hit against Terrakion and Heatran (who often carry Balloons anyway, making HP Gound dangerous). I'd think that HP electric might be for the extremely conservative player wanting to get the best neutral coverage possible, and hurt the Water counters. The Bulky set might like that opportunity, since it's built to get multiple BD's anyway, making the neutral damage really hurt when your SpA breaches one thousand after a good few boosts.
name: Bulky Butterfly Dance
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Flame Dance / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Morning Sun / Flame thrower/HP Ground
nature: Calm
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

This is close to my bulky version, I suppose you could run 252 SpD if you wanted to stay uber specially bulky and beat those trans. Rapid Spin OR Espeon help this set a lot, preventing stealth rocks from getting up.
name: Bulky Butterfly Dance
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Flame Dance / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Morning Sun / Flame thrower/HP Ground
nature: Calm
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

This is close to my bulky version, I suppose you could run 252 SpD if you wanted to stay uber specially bulky and beat those trans. Rapid Spin OR Espeon help this set a lot, preventing stealth rocks from getting up.

Calm is... well no. Timid or Modest is what you want. also, HP should be 248 (i think) otherwise you die on your second SR switchin (not that you should be doing that anyway).

Also there's pretty much zero need for such gratuitous SpD investment, in fact most bulky sets don't invest in it at all. After a BD your average STAB surf/scald barely 3HKOs. After two BDs, well you get the idea.

As far as moves... why is flamethrower slashed in? Last but not least its pretty much unanimous that HP Ground sucks compared to HP Rock/Electric, the former of which gets you an equivalent number of super-effective hits without having to worry about flyers, levitators, and balloon users getting in for free, whilst the latter has the best neutral coverage.
I really think there should be a Scarf set, it would look something like this:

Urugamosu @ Choice scarf
EV: 4 Def, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Timid nature
-Flame dance/Fire blast
-Bug buzz
-Hidden power [Rock]/Hidden power [Ground] ETC.

I find this really effective with the fast U-turn, strong Flame dance, and Bug buzz, and The quick HP Rock to kill pesky flyers.
I dunno if this sucks but I like it.
I really think there should be a Scarf set, it would look something like this:

Urugamosu @ Choice scarf
EV: 4 Def, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Timid nature
-Flame dance/Fire blast
-Bug buzz
-Hidden power [Rock]/Hidden power [Ground] ETC.

I find this really effective with the fast U-turn, strong Flame dance, and Bug buzz, and The quick HP Rock to kill pesky flyers.
I dunno if this sucks but I like it.

This set is just not really applicable to the metagame. Scarf + U-turn means it will be switching in and out a lot, and with those nasty stealth rocks on the field, Volcarona won't be able to switch in more than twice. Really not worth it IMO. And besides, U-turn is pathetically weak coming off a base 60 atk stat.
I use Volcarona as a lead with the offensive set but with a Focus Sash and Psychic instead of HP. I have swept almost 3 teams with just Volcarona using this set
i approved it once and i still approve of it..........

morning sun is only viable on sun teams seeing as sandstorm is probably on like 40+% of teams. i wouldn't object to hidden power rock being slashed over it on the bulky set

GPing now

EDIT: I need to be afk for an hour or so now, but it is still being done. Also, Chou, he VM'd me asking me to do it so I did it. I don't think the queue is such an integral part that it can't wait until a check is done if it is already being done.


Small Grammar Change


Pokedex page

QC Approvals: Iconic, PK Gaming and Bloo


<p>The fifth generation introduced another moth pokemon, which may seem unappealing when one takes into account its "relatives" from previous generations! Volcarona has a type combination that means it takes 50% to switch in if Stealth Rock is on the field and it is vulnerable to every type of entry hazard. And yet, it is considered a huge threat in OU. But why?</p>

<p>The moth has terrific stats for a special sweeper as well as one of the best and most exclusive boosting moves in Quiver Dance. It also has a great base 100 Special Defense and its typing grants it resistances against the most common priority moves such as Bullet Punch, Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave, making it much harder to revenge kill. All in all, it's fair to say moths no longer mean bad Pokemon and if your opponent decides not to be prepared for Volcarona, this moth will be dancing over his / her team.</p>

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: Fiery Dance / Fire Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Rock / Hidden Power Ground
nature: Timid
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


<p>Volcarona's stat spread screams special sweeper and this is the most offensive approach at to it. Quiver Dance is the boosting move of choice and for good reasons. It not only boosts Volcarona's Special Attack and Speed making it a fearsome special sweeper but the Special Defense boost also makes it a lot harder to revenge kill. Bug Buzz is the Bug-type STAB move of choice and is a reliable and powerful attack that will cripple anything that doesn't resist it after some boosts. Fiery Dance is the best Fire-type STAB, even though it is weaker than some other options, because of its secondary Special Attack raising secondary effect, which makes it better on in the long run. Despite these powerful attacks, there is a significant number of Pokemon in OU that resist these combination. Hidden Power Rock is the best option and lets it hit Gyarados, Dragonite, and Salamence for neutral damage, just to name a few.</p>


<p>A Timid nature and this EV spread are the typical for a special sweeper and they work well with this set, since they maximize Volcarona's Speed, allowing it to tie with other base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Ninetales, Mew, and Celebi and set up on them. The 252 Special Attack EVs are used to maximize Volcarona's damage output and the leftovers should go into Special Defense. Life Orb is the best item for this set since Volcarona's not supposed to be around for longer and will want to maximize the destruction it causes.</p>

<p>Fire Blast is the second best option after Fiery Dance on in the third slot because Fire Blast has tremendous power, but its accuracy is less than perfect and will let Volcarona down sometimes. Also, Fiery Dance's secondary effect may provide the moth with a damage output as great as Fire Blast after just one use, with the former while still being being much more reliable and has enabling some important OHKOs at +1 such as the one on Blaziken at +1. On the last slot, as previously mentioned, Volcarona must carry an Hidden Power for coverage purposes. Hidden Power Ground stands out as the second best option for its ability to destroy Heatran while it can't do much to fight back.</p>

<p>The first thing one has to take into account when using the moth is the presence of entry hazards on the field. With them being everywhere, Stealth Rock's 4x weakness isn't the only problem and, with Life Orb as its item, it will want to switch in as healthy as possible. Therefore, a rapid spinner is always a good teammate: Excadrill attracts the Fighting-type attacks which Volcarona can set up on; Starmie attracts Bug- and Grass-types that are free switch-ins for the moth.</p>

<p>No matter what it does, with this set, Volcarona can't beat some dedicated speciall walls. Chansey / Blissey are the worst nightmares of most special sweepers and this something one needs to address when using the Offensive Quiver Dance. Pairing Volcarona with a strong physical attacker that can beat these two Pokemon is therefore a must: Conkeldurr can switch in on everythink the pink duo throws at it, even status moves, and proceed to beat them to a pulp; Scrafty is another example of a good teammate, with its ability keeping it safe of from status and its Fighting-type weakness providing opportunities for Volcarona to switch in and set up.</p>

name: ChestoRest
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Rest
move 3: Fire Blast / Fiery Dance
move 4: Bug Buzz
nature: Modest
ability: Flame Body
item: Chesto Berry
evs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe


<p>ChestoRest may seem weird at first so let's check it out to see how it works. Taking advantage of Volcarona's natural special bulk, this set attempts to set up as many Quiver Dances as possible as your opponent keeps attacking and then use Rest to heal off any damage and especially status the moth might have taken. From this point on, it's sweeping time!</p>

<p>Quiver Dance is obviously the boosting move of choice and will allow Volcarona to set up easier, which helps as it will be taking damage while dancing. Rest is the crux of this set and it's wonderful when used alongside Quiver Dance because it just turns Volcarona into a really fast hard-hitter, at full health, while also having the bulk to take hits from the special side of the spectrum. Fire Blast is the superior option as this set will often get at least 2 / 3 boosts, making it a devastating move. Bug Buzz is the Bug-type attack of choice and it really helps to have a reliable and powerful move when Volcarona's faced with a Pokemon that is gambling on a Fire Blast miss to destroy it. Rest is mentioned here for a reason, I assume?</p>


<p>A Modest nature with max Special Attack EVs let Volcarona hit as hard as it possibly can, thus allowing the moth to overcome its opponents with STAB boosted Bug Buzz and Fire Blast. 96 Speed EVs are just enough to outspeed Adamant max Speed Blaziken, possibly saving the moth from a OHKO from the kicking chicken's Stone Edge. The rest of the EVs are dumped on HP to provide some much needed bulk, and therefore, more setup turns. On this set, Volcarona can't really afford not to carry the aforementioned moves. They are all crucial and the only change one should consider is Fiery Dance over Fire Blast. They both have their merits, but, Fire Blast provides more initial power, letting the moth start destroying its opponents off the bat. Fiery Dance does offer a more reliable alternative but the power difference will be missed very noticable, especially when the physical bulk can be easily exploitabled.</p>

<p>By now, you should be able to guess what is the number one obstacle for this fearsome moth, right? Well, not quite. Stealth Rock is obviously a huge problem for Volcarona as taking 50% of health just to switch in has the potential to ruin its setup chances, but there's something worse to for this set: phazing. And not only because of the residual damage it racks on Volcarona, but also because this set aims to get as many boosts as possible and then Rest, taking advantage of Chesto Berry to heal. However, since there aren't Leftovers to provide more durability or Life Orb to give more power, if the moth is phazed after having consumed its Berry, you'll end up with a item-less, not-so-fast Pokemon, which will have a really hard time setting up.</p>

<p> For the aforementioned reason, Pokemon such as Vaporeon and Heatran with Roar are Pokemon you need to severely cripple, to say the least, for Valcorona to sweep. Virizion is therefore a good partner as it can easily dispose of both threats with its STAB attacks and has overall good synergy with the moth. Shaymin is also a good choice because it can use Earth Power to KO Heatran.</p>

name: Bulky Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Fiery Dance
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Morning Sun
nature: Bold
ability: Flame Body
item: Leftovers
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>This set exchanges raw power for bulk and lets Volcarona set up multiple Quiver Dances, but should be used mainly on Sun teams. It capitalizes on Volcarona's great special bulk (for a sweeper) and, when played well, it can easily sweep. Quiver Dance is the boosting move of choice and it raises Volcarona's best stats, making it tremendously bulky after some boosts. Fiery Dance is the Fire STAB move of choice and it is exactly what this set needs: a strong and reliable attack that may achieve further boosts and thus lets the moth sweep better. Bug Buzz is the secondary STAB and hits the Water-types that pack a Fire-type resistance like Vaporeon and Suicune. Morning Sun may seem awkward on a metagame plagued with Sandstorm teams and it's the main reason why Volcarona performs the bulky sweeper job much better on Sun teams, where Morning Sun recovers most of the moth's health, transforming it into a very tough Pokemon to break.</p>


<p>As this set's goal is to focus on bulk, Bold is the preferred nature and almost all the EVs are invested in its Defense and HP to maximize its weaker stat. This, combined with the ability Flame Body allows for a much better chance to set up on physical attacks. To achieve more boosts, Leftovers is the preferred item for the greater durability it provides. This sets' four moves are all a stapples and therefore there aren't any alternatives as good as the ones moves already on the set.</p>

<p>This set doesn't fear Stealth Rock as much but it requires Rapid Spin support for a slightly different reason: Toxic Spikes. Since Volcarona isn't hitting as hard off the bat, it needs to be around for a while to be dangerous and poison completely ruins it. As previously mentioned, Ninetales is a very important teammate because it provides the moth with a reliable healing move. Volcarona also has troubles with strong physical attackers that aren't hit by its STAB attacks for super effective damage: Terrakion, Landorus, Tyranitar Just a note that TTay is hit super-effectively by a STAB move, and Blaziken. Therefore, Tentacruel is one of the best teammates as it absorbs the Toxic Spikes, can also Rapid Spin to remove Stealth Rock, and fares well against three of these Pokemon. Starmie is another good option for the good synergy between it and the moth, and for the ability to spin while still being a threat to the aforementioned Pokemon. If one's using Volcarona on a sun team, Venusaur is a great partner to absorb the aforementioned entry hazard, enjoying the free switch-ins Volcarona can provide by attracting the Water- and Rock-types.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Volcarona has a number of moves it could use on the more offensive sets, such as: Flamethrower, Silver Wind, Psychic, Hurricane, and Solarbeam. The first is a reliable and powerful STAB attack that can be used instead of Fiery Dance or Fire Blast since it's more powerful than the former and more reliable than the latter. However, they both offer either a better secondary effect or just more power, leaving Flamethrower outclassed. Silver Wind is an alternative for Bug Buzz and does have a wonderful secondary effect, but itis so rare that the drop in power isn't justified. On a metagame with a myriad of Fighting-types, one can't overlook Psychic as a good option to hit them for super effective damage. What makes it a not-so-good option is the fact that Volcarona would rather set up on those Pokemon thatn promptly eliminate them. The final moves, Hurricane and Solarbeam, are good options if one's using the moth on a Sun team, as their downsides are nullified. However, a Sun-boosted STAB Fire attack will often hit harder than Hurricane and, should the opponent switch a Tyranitar in on a Solarbeam, Volcarona is in danger of being OHKOed.</p>

<p>OIn the defensive / support department, Volcarona also has many viable options, such as: Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Light Screen, and Whirlwind, but it is usually better setting up Quiver Dances to attempt a sweep than supporting the team because its Defense stat won't let it perform as a status inducer / phazer as well as other much bulkier Pokemon.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>The main obstacle is obviously Stealth Rock. It takes away 50% of Volcarona's health each time it switches in and thus, Pokemon that can set it up are indirectly a problem for the moth: Heatran, Hippowdon, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar are some examples of such Pokemon for their ability to set Stealth Rock up so reliably.</p>

<p>Even though Volcarona has great Special Attack and great STAB moves, there are some Pokemon in OU that resist both of them and that can KO the moth in return. Gyarados, Dragonite, Salamence, Heatran, and Terrakion are the most important ones, and they can all give troubles to Volcarona in return. Gyarados has Waterfall, Dragonite and Salamence have either Dragon Tail or very strong physical Dragon STAB moves, Heatran can use Roar, and Terrakion destroys it with STAB Stone Edge. The first three however must first be sure that Volcarona isn't running an offensive set with Hidden Power Rock; and the latter two have to be careful about Hidden Power Ground.</p>

<p>Lastly, Volcarona relies mostly on its Fire-type attack to inflict damage on its opponents. Therefore, Rain teams reduce the moth's ability to perform and, besides that, those type of teams usually include some really dangerous Pokemon for Volcarona. Politoed and its Drizzle ability can unleash very strong rain-boosted Hydro Pumps to end the moth's stay on the field. On to the sweepers, rain abusering Dragonite and Tornadus have a very powerful STAB Hurricanes that can OHKO Volcarona.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Volcarona's Dream World ability is Swarm. Taking into account its Special Defense is much better than its Defense, it will be more targeted by physical attackers and so, Flame Body has the potential of giving it more setup turns, while crippling the opponent's Pokemon. Therefore, it is always the superior option.</p>


I very strongly suggest that a coverage move be slashed in (preferably HP Rock/Electric, or Psychic) with the Bulky QD set after Morning Sun.

Its too good and too successful a set for its use to be given a bad rap in the context of non-drought teams. Volcarona is very well known for NOT needing sun (it requires enough support as it is why the hell anyone would wanna burden it with more is anyone's guess) and I run the Bulky set with a coverage move in place of Morning Sun and it is very successful.

The fact is after you accumulate x number of boosts the idea is that you heal and then sweep. Something could Stone Edge or Aqua jet your ass in that turn. What difference does it make how much HP you have left if you're at +3/4 SpA/SpD/Spe???????? Its GG at that point, more often than not. When you win the match you probably won't give a damn if you have 1% or 100% of your HP left. I grant you that if you actually got that low you would be worried about priority but sitting at 30 or 40% HP Vacuum Waves, Ice Shards, Bullet Punches, and Mach Punches aren't going to break through you anyway. As for those Aqua Jets if you're staring at Azumarril at this point you're screwed anyway.

I submit that you keep Morning Sun as the first option if you must, but coverage moves definitely deserve a slash; I know I'm not the only guy that runs that set on a non-sun team.
I very strongly suggest that a coverage move be slashed in (preferably HP Rock/Electric, or Psychic) with the Bulky QD set after Morning Sun.

Its too good and too successful a set for its use to be given a bad rap in the context of non-drought teams. Volcarona is very well known for NOT needing sun (it requires enough support as it is why the hell anyone would wanna burden it with more is anyone's guess) and I run the Bulky set with a coverage move in place of Morning Sun and it is very successful.

The fact is after you accumulate x number of boosts the idea is that you heal and then sweep. Something could Stone Edge or Aqua jet your ass in that turn. What difference does it make how much HP you have left if you're at +3/4 SpA/SpD/Spe???????? Its GG at that point, more often than not. When you win the match you probably won't give a damn if you have 1% or 100% of your HP left. I grant you that if you actually got that low you would be worried about priority but sitting at 30 or 40% HP Vacuum Waves, Ice Shards, Bullet Punches, and Mach Punches aren't going to break through you anyway. As for those Aqua Jets if you're staring at Azumarril at this point you're screwed anyway.

I submit that you keep Morning Sun as the first option if you must, but coverage moves definitely deserve a slash; I know I'm not the only guy that runs that set on a non-sun team.

So your idea is that Morning Sun isn't worthy because if Volcarona tries to heal something will Stone Edge or Aqua Jet it?

Why would I heal in front of an Azumarill or Tyranitar when I could Bug Buzz both to death with Sun making Aqua Jet hitting for much less damage? It should only try to heal when it isn't in danger of being KOed (as with any Pokemon...)

And the moves you suggest don't help against nothing that can use Aqua Jet or Stone Edge bar Terrakion (that should be eliminated before attempting a sweep).

This set was by far the most discussed and it was declared viable but Sun support is very reccomended.
"Hidden Power Rock is the best option and lets it hit Gyarados, Dragonite, and Salamence for neutral damage, just to name a few."

don't you mean super-effective damage?