Wanna build a team around victini

Hi as I said i want to build a team around my victini, this team will not be used in pokemonshowdown as i would rather not have my rating drop so however i still want to make it a strong team. I recently recieved my friends 14th movie victini as a birthday present, it was jolly which is pretty awesome, (would preferred an adamant but hey jolly is pretty damn good for a random nature), as well the IV's arent half bad. I plan to use this in actual game, my university is having a tournament (OU) coming up in two weeks, (may be postponed depending when pokebank is released), so before then i want to make a fun team that works well with victini. On a side note i

Victini@Choice Scarf -Jolly
-Fusion Bolt
-Zen-Headbutt/Brick Break

252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp

I am planning to run him choice scarf and this moveset seems to cover his good points.

Obviously with Victini switching in and out i need a good rapid spinner

Excadrill@air balloon - Adamant
-rapid spin
-rock slide
-swords dance

as I may run a tyranitar on my team so sand rush may be appropriate but mold breaker seems too good. Mold breaker work extremely well into gengar switch ins predicting your rapid spin and a great move against rotom wash. Also I have know idea what EV's people normally give him, i have never run him and i actually have no idea. 252 HP/252 Speed? 252 HP/252 SpeD? or 252 ATK/252 Speed, honestly i dont know i never run hi and considering my rating is sitting at around 1700 I should probably learn by now.

Tyranitar@assault vest/Tyranitarite - Calm
-Stone Edge
-Low Kick/Stealth Rocks

Ev's depend on the item

Really not sure whether to use mega or not, looking through the mega evolutions there doesnt seem to be anyone who seems to fit well into this team, maybe an mega alakazam or mega garchomp but i feel like mega garchomps move pool has been mostly covered except for the dragon, this one is definetly open to change as is a lot on this team

Greninja@Life Orb -Modest
-Hydro Pump
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot/Spikes

252 SpeA/252 Speed/6 Hp
Standard Protean greninja, maybe spikes over grass knot who knows.

Ferrothorn@Rocky Helmet -Relaxed
-Power Whip
-Stealth Rocks
-Gyro Ball
-Thunder Wave

252 Hp/252 DEF/ 6 SpeD

Standard tank Ferrothorn set, used if tyranitar goes assult vest

Really thats all I got for now I seriously drew a blank on this team, would really appreciate the feedback. I really like victini as a pokemon so i thought i would throw him in a team. Yes I know there are only 5 pokemon but I am leaving the other one open for now and considering feedback before I fill it.