A little behind but we have yet another tie (I swear y'all do this to me on purpose just to get me to reveal my vote lol) between Ghost/Fighting and Ghost/Fairy and so I will break the tie by revealing my own vote which means that AT Saharaja's typing is...
With that we are onto ability! There was mention of using those turns of invulnerablity to our advantage and I like that approach, so I wanna see what abilities you guys think would help with taking advantage of those turns and/or help us click Shadow Force to begin with. I wanna give this stage the weekend so let's discuss for the next 48-72 hours and then we can get to voting on something :eyes:

With that we are onto ability! There was mention of using those turns of invulnerablity to our advantage and I like that approach, so I wanna see what abilities you guys think would help with taking advantage of those turns and/or help us click Shadow Force to begin with. I wanna give this stage the weekend so let's discuss for the next 48-72 hours and then we can get to voting on something :eyes: