Lifestyle What is something you learned in the past year?


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Something I learned in the past year is to value my time more and looking at the bigger picture. An example could just be spending more time with my family when I'm visiting (just appreciating the smaller things), which was hard to do when I was younger.


Our life is what our thoughts make it
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Over the past two years, I have learned much about life and myself.

The main thing I learned is that social media is not a good use of my time. Over the past two years, I have dropped Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and Twitter. I also never installed Tik Tok. Currently, I use Snapchat sparingly, with only 50 people added. Quitting social media has been the best thing to ever happen to me, as when I have new experiences, I am not quick to take a picture and post it on social media; rather, I enjoy the moment for it is.

Another thing that helped me is having a journal where I write about my thoughts, whether they are negative or positive. It was a productive way to internalize life's good and bad. If I'm upset, I usually write something related to what I am mad about and write something meaningful (typically philosophical), and it helps me understand myself and others.

Another lesson I learned is that most people do not care what you do. In adolescence, most people believe that someone is analyzing your every move; it took me some time to adopt a more stoic mentality, drastically improving my mental health.

One major thing is to keep an open mind as I can learn something new, which allows me to engage with ideas I would have never heard of so I still have much to learn in life!
One of the things I have realized that is the older you get the faster you perceive the time going by. I am still super young bu I definitely notice that many days are close to identical and they kind of morph into one period of time. I remember when I was 2 years and it felt I was in a time warp.
Over the past two years, I have learned much about life and myself.

The main thing I learned is that social media is not a good use of my time. Over the past two years, I have dropped Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and Twitter. I also never installed Tik Tok. Currently, I use Snapchat sparingly, with only 50 people added. Quitting social media has been the best thing to ever happen to me, as when I have new experiences, I am not quick to take a picture and post it on social media; rather, I enjoy the moment for it is.

Another thing that helped me is having a journal where I write about my thoughts, whether they are negative or positive. It was a productive way to internalize life's good and bad. If I'm upset, I usually write something related to what I am mad about and write something meaningful (typically philosophical), and it helps me understand myself and others.

Another lesson I learned is that most people do not care what you do. In adolescence, most people believe that someone is analyzing your every move; it took me some time to adopt a more stoic mentality, drastically improving my mental health.

One major thing is to keep an open mind as I can learn something new, which allows me to engage with ideas I would have never heard of so I still have much to learn in life!
Glad you were able to break away from social media. I’m trying to learn to spend less time on the phone in general I think that will be good lol. Also I respect you for basically changing your outlook on life. I might try the journal thing too, thanks for this post.
Multiple things -
  • Social Media sucks, and I wish I didn't have to use it (career, work, keeping in contact with friends, etc.).
  • Forgiving myself doesn't make me weaker, nor does it allow people who have wronged me to "win" (as stupid as that sounds).
  • Not engaging in certain "types" of conversation is exceptionally beneficial for my mental health.
  • Introspection really, REALLY helps.
Multiple things -
  • Social Media sucks, and I wish I didn't have to use it (career, work, keeping in contact with friends, etc.).
  • Forgiving myself doesn't make me weaker, nor does it allow people who have wronged me to "win" (as stupid as that sounds).
  • Not engaging in certain "types" of conversation is exceptionally beneficial for my mental health.
  • Introspection really, REALLY helps.
I agree with the social media last year was the least I ever used it and I felt pretty good about it ngl. Yup and always forgive yourself that’s the only way to heal. You avoiding certain convos can be good for you you mental health in of itself yup. Thanks for this post.
Spent 4 months working indoor construction, felt like I was at that time in my life where I'm gonna need to learn it eventually. Overall, not much, but you learn quite a few basics that will probably come handy in the future
Spent 4 months working indoor construction, felt like I was at that time in my life where I'm gonna need to learn it eventually. Overall, not much, but you learn quite a few basics that will probably come handy in the future
Nice glad you was able to pick up a new skill. It does sound like it would come in handy.


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I've learned a lot in 2022 as this year was full of surprises for me.

The most important thing I've learned is to enjoy life for what it is. I have a mindset that is very focused around self improvement, but something I have realized is to focus on the present alongside this. Beforehand, I would spend a lot of my time trying to get better instead of appreciating the little things and moments as well as the positive aspects of myself. This would lead to me never being satisfied with things and instead just zooming in on the next achievement, but this mindset was damaging as it pushed me out of the present moment.

Another thing I realized is that life is so much better when you just focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. Life is essentially just being satisfied with what you do, and conforming to society's standards isn't necessarily necessary for that. Celebrate the little things, as they matter as much as the big milestones. Some people will make fun of you inevitably, but it's important to ignore them and just doing what you please. Social media makes this hard, so it's important to limit your time there or at least just stopping yourself from drawing comparisons to other people because everyone takes life at their own pace.

The last thing that I learned in 2022 is that eating raw onions is very painful but surprisingly enjoyable. It's the same as eating spicy food.
I've learned a lot in 2022 as this year was full of surprises for me.

The most important thing I've learned is to enjoy life for what it is. I have a mindset that is very focused around self improvement, but something I have realized is to focus on the present alongside this. Beforehand, I would spend a lot of my time trying to get better instead of appreciating the little things and moments as well as the positive aspects of myself. This would lead to me never being satisfied with things and instead just zooming in on the next achievement, but this mindset was damaging as it pushed me out of the present moment.

Another thing I realized is that life is so much better when you just focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. Life is essentially just being satisfied with what you do, and conforming to society's standards isn't necessarily necessary for that. Celebrate the little things, as they matter as much as the big milestones. Some people will make fun of you inevitably, but it's important to ignore them and just doing what you please. Social media makes this hard, so it's important to limit your time there or at least just stopping yourself from drawing comparisons to other people because everyone takes life at their own pace.

The last thing that I learned in 2022 is that eating raw onions is very painful but surprisingly enjoyable. It's the same as eating spicy food.
Glad you learned alot I hope the rest of 2023 goes well for you.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
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I don't need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy with myself or to have a happy life. I can be happy without a romantic relationship.
Yep True happiness must come from within first
Can you two do me a favor? Say that louder so everyone at my college can hear you. Seriously, it drives me insane just how much people here can flip their attitude completely depending on how much time they've spent with their S.O. recently. It's gotten so bad that the natural assumption whenever any of the guys is gone becomes "Oh, they're probably at so-and-so" doing... things with each other. Things that I won't say online, that's for sure.

I've spent pretty much my whole life completely away from the idea of committing to relationship, and I'd like to think I've been much happier as a result of being able to try and make my own decisions.


goes to eleven
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I've been trying to learn guitar! Started in September. Wish I was better at it. Apparently for the first year you just totally suck and it sucks because you can't get anything to sound good during the process.
Can you two do me a favor? Say that louder so everyone at my college can hear you. Seriously, it drives me insane just how much people here can flip their attitude completely depending on how much time they've spent with their S.O. recently. It's gotten so bad that the natural assumption whenever any of the guys is gone becomes "Oh, they're probably at so-and-so" doing... things with each other. Things that I won't say online, that's for sure.

I've spent pretty much my whole life completely away from the idea of committing to relationship, and I'd like to think I've been much happier as a result of being able to try and make my own decisions.

I can try :).
I've been trying to learn guitar! Started in September. Wish I was better at it. Apparently for the first year you just totally suck and it sucks because you can't get anything to sound good during the process.
You’ll get there keep at it!
I've discovered a passion for machine learning, and have been learning all I can this past year to improve my knowledge. In this process, I've become super good at several coding languages and have published a few case studies (i.e., applying a logistic regression model to improve client retention) at my business school where I'm doing my masters degree.

It has even helped get me a new upcoming job as a data scientist!!! I'm super excited for what the future holds.
That’s amazing keep it up and good luck!
Recently been taking new classes to learn how to code and do programming since this industry has stood firm during COVID although my head is borderline fried trying to comprehend all the commands and inputs.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
This might sound painfully pessimistic for a thread that no one’s posted on in three weeks now, but unfortunately that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Case in point, it’s no secret that the past 12 months for me has consisted of a lot, and I mean a lot of self-reflection. It’s felt like a constant roller coaster of positive and negative emotions, where on some days I feel really happy and on other days I feel very sad. As our family’s busiest summer season in several years looms on the horizon, with birthdays galore and an older sibling’s first child on the way in July, there’s one lesson I learned above all else that I want to write a post about here.

There’s little point in trying to maintain my personal wellness in a time where I live controlled by fear and anticipation of the future. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for my friends and family, especially for the ones having a child soon. I love how healthy their relationship still is after such a surprising turn of events. At the same time, however, my constant uncertainty about the thing in life that I hold dear hasn’t yet given me a reason to be optimistic about my own potential future. The problem with a post like this is that I don’t want to come across as selfish or irresponsible. That being said, the only feelings of joy I’ve gotten over the past year was only when I was trying to go out of my way to do something for other people to make them happy and make sure they’re content with whatever the situation is.

I think what I’m trying to say here is that my real life hasn’t yet given me a reason to believe against what I’m about to say. Our value in the eyes of other people solely comes from what we are able to offer them. If everyone else in your life gets extremely busy while you’re forced to watch, you’ll start feeling sorry for yourself. And when you feel sorry for yourself like I do, you have two options- either try and think of ways to make yourself useful to get out of that slump, or give up your entire sense of sanity out of fear that your loved ones will be upset with you.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
Started learning Japanese in like June 2022. I feel more productive because of it
この翻訳は Google 翻訳によって作成されました。 Google 翻訳は本当にそんなに正確なのかといつも疑問に思っていました。私の知っている多くの人が、Google 翻訳はあまり良くないと主張しているためです。

Translation: This translation was produced by Google Translate. I have always wondered if Google Translate is really that accurate, because a lot of people I know claim that it isn't very good.


free فلسطين
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I've been drawing for 2 and a half years, through to now. It was only in the past year where I really saw where I wanted to go with art, and have been slowly moving in that direction. I wouldn't even say I've learned art in this past year, because a part of it has been discovering how expansive it really is. To be able to draw things from memory, to be able to make something to unique and to be able to write stories that are told through art for me particularly... all tiny aspects of art.

I'm sure I've learned this though, might be useful for everyone else: A big aspect of it is learning how to learn. It's all about how you organise yourself, knowing when you should learn something, whether you're missing any fundamentals and even just being confident enough to finish a piece with patience so you can look back on how much you've improved (Totally lacking on patience with my 'everything needs to be finished within an hour' mentality lol). This is applicable to everyday things. For example, before you judge someone, take the time to analyse them. It's all a story at its core. Think about why someone would perform an action and whether it's right. Consider the fundamentals, know whether it was meant to effect you and be patient to figure it all out. You'll probably be happier if you turn narcissistic thoughts into an objective analysis. This is a really short summary of what I've learned, but the gist gets across I'd say

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