When Chlorophyll isn't enough...(UU RMT)

So for a quick overview, this team is mainly focused on Trick Room, and Supporting Sunflora, who's a complete beast after Sunnyday + Trickroom.


Okay, Starting off:


Aggron @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EV's: 252HP/252Atk/6Def
Nature: Adamant
-Stone Edge
-Stealth Rock

Summary: I lead with Aggron almost always to lay down Stealth Rocks. However, one other thing it does is lure in Earthquake. When somebody uses earthquake, Aggron will survive the hit, and I'll be able to predict another and switch to Chimecho to set up w/ Trick Room, or Hypnosis if it's slower. Stone Edge is mostly for the common Abomasnow that like to lead in Hail teams (which I've seen 4 of today out of 13 battles).


Kecleon @ Heat Rock
Ability: Color Change
EV'S: 252HP/172Def/48Sp.Def/36Atk
Nature: Brave
-Trick Room
-Sunny Day
-Shadow Claw
-Brick Break

Summary: Usually, I switch to Kecleon right after Aggron sets up, or after another Pokemon is down/sacrificed. The other half of the time, he's able to switch in on a special based Pokemon such as Raikou. Anyway, Kecleon is my main power source for Sunflora, as he starts off with Sunny Day, and then uses Trick Room. Usually, I switch to Sunflora afterwards if it's safe (meaning Arcanine isn't prowling about, or Swellow/Dodrio isn't lurking around).
Brick Break has been great for Chansey, and Shadow Claw actually hasn't helped me out all that much. Any suggestions for a move over Shadow Claw? I think it helps with Froslass and some psychics, but it usually isn't powerful enough for Hypno or Grumpig.


Sunflora @ Leftovers
Ability: Solar Power
EV's: 248Hp/252SpA/8SpDef
Nature: Quiet/Modest
-Solar Beam
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-HP [Fire]

Summary: After Kecleon sets up, Sunflora comes in for the fun sweep!
With Trick Room in play, it uses it's Base 30 speed to utilize the power of Solar Power against any foe that opposes. HP [Fire] is great for Abomasnow, Opposing Grass Types, Mawile, Scyther, Pinsir, and Shaymin etc. Solar Beam Obviously obliterates pretty much all of the water or ground or rock types that it comes across, and Sludge Bomb is handy if the opponent switches in Arcanine or Typholsion or Entei.


Chimecho @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
EV's: 252HP/80SpA/116Def/60SpDef
Nature: Quiet/Modest
-Trick Room

Summary: Chimecho usually finds itself coming in after Aggron if EQ is predicted, or mid to late game after Sunflora is defeated.
Usually, I Hypnosis whatever's in (Usually Hitmonlee or Nidoqueen), and then I set up with Reflect and Trick Room to support Gorebyss or Ampharos depending on the situation. Psychic is usually strong enough to take out the Hitmons and Primeape, so that's just fine. It's also great against the Nido's when Chimecho switches in on an EQ.

I'm considering changing Chimecho's item to Light Clay because Colbur Berry has NEVER been activated.


Gorebyss @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EV's: 252HP/252SpA/6SpDef
Nature: Modest
-Ice Beam
-HP [Grass]

Summary: Gorebyss uses Trick Room boosts like a champ. With a Base 52 speed, there aren't a lot of Pokemon that outslow it, so Gorebyss then uses it's Life Orb combined with it's beefy base 114 SpA to sweep. HP [Grass] has seen good use against Cloyster, and Unsuspecting Water types like Walrein and Blastoise. And of course, Psychic is for Weezing, The Hitmons, Primeape and such.
Gorebyss is also useful if I need to switch into a Pokemon while using Sunflora and they bring in Entei or Arcanine.

Despite Gorebyss' success, I'm considering changing to a slower physical Water type. Probably Kingler because my team is physically lacking bigtime.


Ampharos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Static
EV's: 252Spa/208HP/48Def
Nature: Quiet
-Focus Blast
-Signal Beam
-HP [Grass]

Summary: Ampharos is nearly always a late game finisher that uses support from Chimecho's Trick Room. Signal Beam has been surprisingly useful in battles of attrition with Raikou, Ampharos, and Luxray. It's also really useful for combating Espeon, Shaymin, and Grumpig. Thunderbolt is always reliable for Water Types and Flying types (Walrein, Blastoise, Scyther, Cloyster, Swellow, etc) and HP Grass is great for the couple of ground types that sneak their way in (Sandslash, Claydol).

So overall, I feel like my team is physically lacking, and I'm not sure if I should substitute Ampharos or Kecleon for a different Poke, or if I should substitute Gorebyss for a physical water type like Kingler (slow AND great attack stat).
I feel like I could benefit from a Priority move Poke for my "late-game-cleaner," and I feel like I could also probably change Chimecho's item to Light Clay because I haven't ONCE been able to utilize Colbur berry, and I could really benefit from the extra turns of Reflect support.

Anyway, I would welcome any suggestions or team changes that you might have. As of now, this team is for shoddy, but after this rate, I'll be raising it for Wi-Fi.
One thing you consider is using endeavor over sludge bomb because I doubt itcomes out more than once. It seems like it could work with SR and it's ability. To make that endeavor more powerful earlier, you could use life orb since after sunny day and TR you only have 3 turns to sweep.
For Kecleon you could use return, but then it would be walled by ghosts. It also does more to psychics. If you want you could use Camerupt
over something, because it does well in TR too, even when eruption weakens. It can be mixed and use Earthquake, and Explosion kills stuff. On Chimecho, you could find a way to fit recover on it's set. Also, use lefties or light clay since it's weaks aren't too common. Also, since your whole team is slow I think having 1 more trick roomer might do you some good, and from personal experience, Ifind it's often more effective to get a sweeper in after an explosion. The 1st that come to mind are Solrock and Claydol. Then again, they might be theonly sunny day trick roomers that can explode in uu.
Wow, it took me half an hour to finsh that post! Wii remotes are SLOW.
If you want to use Kecleon, you ought to make use of the many tricks it has up its sleeve. Trick cripples whatever is sent ought to fight it, although this will be in lieu of your Heat Rock, which is a fairly important item. Knock Off and Fake Out are among the better options.

Marowak is a popular choice on many Trick Room teams and could be a physical swap for Ampharos or Gorebyss, benefiting from its incredible attack, low speed and luxury of switching between attacks. Rampardos is also a good choice.

Chimecho could support the team in a different way through Wish, instead of setting up a screen, healing its teammates.

Gorebyss's pre-evo, Clamperl, may be worth consideration, since with a DeepSeaTooth equipped it reaches a higher Special Attack stat than Gorebyss (542 SAtk in comparison to Gorebyss's 467 SAtk WITH Life Orb) and it is slower, meaning even less outruns it under Trick Room than Gorebyss itself. Granted, its defences aren't up to much, and you lose out on Psychic coverage.

Alternatively, a physical water-type replacement could be Relicanth, who has 'only' 90 base attack but has a no-strings-attached, 150 base power Head Smash, courtesy of its ability, also has little speed, and has 2 STAB moves and Earthquake, unlike Kingler. Bounce can deal with Fighting-types. The downside is that Relicanth's typing means it cannot take on fighting-types easily, but it is physically bulky enough to be a makeshift physical wall, so can switch in, and out, very easily.

Hope I helped.

For Kecleon you could use return, but then it would be walled by ghosts. It also does more to psychics. If you want you could use Camerupt over something, because it does well in TR too, even when eruption weakens. It can be mixed and use Earthquake, and Explosion kills stuff. On Chimecho, you could find a way to fit recover on it's set. Also, use lefties or light clay since it's weaks aren't too common. Also, since your whole team is slow I think having 1 more trick roomer might do you some good, and from personal experience, Ifind it's often more effective to get a sweeper in after an explosion. The 1st that come to mind are Solrock and Claydol. Then again, they might be theonly sunny day trick roomers that can explode in uu.
Wow, it took me half an hour to finsh that post! Wii remotes are SLOW.

Camerupt is a good choice, since I am very fond of Fire/Water/Grass attacking combos.

Chimecho has next to no chance of ever using Recover, I would say Wish>Recover since it helps team-mates as well.

3 Trick Roomers on one team? Well, you would lose a lot of coverage unless you had a seriously good combo.

Solrock and Claydol are both much more bulky than Chimecho, albeit without recovery or Hypnosis. They do have the bonus of Stealth Rock and Explosion, though. Lunatone has Hypnosis, Stealth Rock and Trick Room so could be used to substitute over Chimecho. If so, you may want to substitute Aggron since two Stealth Rockers is a bit too many.
Thankyou both for looking at my team.

I never really thought about Camerupt , that's a great idea! Because when Sunflora comes in, I've gotten sabotaged by either Typhosion, Entei, or Arcanine like every time! And Camerupt can use Sunny Day to it's advantage (and probably carry sunny day), to EQ the opposing Fire Freak out of my way.

And reguarding subbing Aggron, I really can't. It's gotten me so many wins against 1st turn pokes such as Abomasnow, Froslass, and it's also the Pokemon I use to safely allow a switch-in for Chimecho (Or Lunatone if I choose to use).

I do think that replacing either Ampharos or Gorebyss with Camerupt would be an excellent idea.

I'm guessing Ampharos would be a good Pokemon to replace, I'm just not sure.

And I was about to say "Well, I don't want to take Chimy out because it has Levitate, and I use Aggron in Synchronization with Chimecho... Lunatone is an Awesome idea! It's totally Bulkier, Slower, has better Support, and still has Hypnosis!

Wait. If I sub in both Camerupt AND Solrock/Lunatone, then I'll have three Pokemon that are weak to Water. It probably won't be a big deal since Sunflora IS my main sweeper, but I think that I'll probably have Solrock so that I'll be able to have Sunny Day on my side twice.

---AFter thinking, I may sub Solrock for Kecleon and Camerupt for Chimecho?
Okay. Let's start in this section.

Since this looks like it's for UU, I'll only give UU threats.

First you've got NastyPersian to worry about. He'll cripple Aggron, then set himself up on the switch, only to be able to sweep your team with STAB Swift, and Water Pulse, for when Aggron decides to rear his ugly head again. Life Orb will KO with Water Pulse on the first turn. Nidoqueen can also prove to be a problem. STAB EQ will still do a great amount of damage, even through Shuca Berry. Since Nidoquen is generally quite slow, it can come back in later, once it sees an advantage outside of Chimecho to come in. A Registeel lead would prove better than Aggron at walling, and absorbing Hypnosis. Considering you use a ResTalk variant, or use Lum Berry. He also takes much less damage from Nidoqueen's EQ than Aggron ever would.

Next thing that strikes my eye is that Kecleon. It has 2 set up moves. Neither of which it can use to the fullest of its potential. If his only use to you is for those moves, you should rely on other Pokemon. I would get rid of Trick Room, since you've still got Chimecho, and replace it with Fire Punch, since it's powered up in the Sun. I'd also replace Shadow Claw for Return, so you can take advantage of the most of what you have. STAB, and a boosted move can take you a long way.

Sunflora is one of those Pokemon that will work during one match, and totally fail during the next. It's a fine set. I wish you luck getting it set up.

The only thing that I see that could be fixed on your next Pokemon, Chimecho, is that you should add more EVs into your defenses, if the only attacking move that you're going to use is Psychic. in which case, use a Sassy nature.

Gorebyss in the Sun is horrid. You're powering down the poor thing's Surf. If you'd like to use a Water type, I'd recommend a CM Slowbro.

Bold Nature
212 HP / 252 Def / 44 SpAtk
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off
- Surf
- Flamethrower

This is the set that I run on my Slowbro. It's a generic CMer, but if it's stuck in the Sun, it gets a boost on Flamethrower, so that it has one useable move. Flamethrower is there for Shedinja, so that it doesn't come in and set up on Slowbro. Of course with SR being up, there are a smaller variety of things that it's used for. In which case, you could choose to run a different move instead.

In my opinion, you'll need some kind of insurance after all your Trick room is gone. Which is why I'd choose to add a SpecsRaikou over your Ampharos. It has a greater amount of Speed, and packs a much larger punch in things. Of course this is just generic opinion, you could opt for any forme of Speed, so long as you make sure that you have some.

That's all I have to say.
Okay, About Gorebyss: I've used this team in probably 40 or 50 battles. I think that I've had one instance in which I've had to use Gorebyss in the Sun, so I don't think that there's a problem there. However, I may be switching Gorebyss out for a different Poke', so that may not matter later.

I definitely think that you're right about having insurance after Trick Room is no more. I was thinking along the lines of possibly Haunter or Froslass or Mismagius, but I like the sound of SpecsRaikou as well.

And about Aggron. I really appreciate the concern about the EQ weakness, but I'm using the EQ weakness as a magnet to draw in EQ users, which will grant me access to safely switch in Chimecho/Claydol/Whoever I'm replacing Chimecho or Kecleon with.

About Sunflora only working one time. From the 40-50 Battles I've had, Sunflora has successfully KO'ed in probably 40/50 matches or 80% of the time.

I think that for now, I will test out Claydol being in my team instead of Kecleon.

And I'll probably test out Slowbro for Gorebyss.

Camerupt and Raikou are options that I'll probably utilize instead of Amphy.

Thankyou all for analyzing my team.
Why would you tell him/her to take out Gorebyss because his surf could be weakened and then say replace with another water using surf. If you opt to use that Slobro, use psychic over surf. Its coverage is still great.
EDIT: NVM, didn't see what you said afterwards. I scanned it.
BugManiac, I only said that 3 users might be needed is because the first user is defensively lacking and the whole team is slow.
Anyway, good luck making the changes.