
I've been meaning to use this, but like others I wanted to run a Hydration/Rest combo with DD and couldn't find a decent type that paired with Water (since using Ground STAB gets no benefit from Rain) until I seen that it learns Thrash. Normal/ Water is walled by exactly 7 fully evolved Pokemon, 2 of which are Uber (Dialga and Giratina), and 3 of which are likely to be OU/in a different tier than Whiscash (Nattorei, Burungeru and Empoleon), leaving exactly 2 Pokemon in the lower tiers that walls it, Cradily and Shedinja.

I think that its possibly the best answer to Whiscash's coverage problems. Granted, being locked into the move isn't ideal, but Whiscash is actually more of an ideal user of it than others thanks to the bulk afforded Whiscash by Hydration/Rest and its typing, it can easily survive if something than resists comes in until the move has run its course and rest off the damage and confusion.

EDIT: Seems like I missed the entire "Water/ Normal is the best option" discussion on the last page :( Oh well, Return is probably better, unless you really need the extra 18 BP afforded by Thrash to kill something...
I've been meaning to use this, but like others I wanted to run a Hydration/Rest combo with DD and couldn't find a decent type that paired with Water (since using Ground STAB gets no benefit from Rain) until I seen that it learns Thrash. Normal/ Water is walled by exactly 7 fully evolved Pokemon, 2 of which are Uber (Dialga and Giratina), and 3 of which are likely to be OU/in a different tier than Whiscash (Nattorei, Burungeru and Empoleon), leaving exactly 2 Pokemon in the lower tiers that walls it, Cradily and Shedinja.

I think that its possibly the best answer to Whiscash's coverage problems. Granted, being locked into the move isn't ideal, but Whiscash is actually more of an ideal user of it than others thanks to the bulk afforded Whiscash by Hydration/Rest and its typing, it can easily survive if something than resists comes in until the move has run its course and rest off the damage and confusion.

EDIT: Seems like I missed the entire "Water/ Normal is the best option" discussion on the last page :( Oh well, Return is probably better, unless you really need the extra 18 BP afforded by Thrash to kill something...

Actually Normal/Ground is best. Gengar is rare and skarm can't be too difficult to kill in DW.
Actually Normal/Ground is best. Gengar is rare and skarm can't be too difficult to kill in DW.

Is it really though? The levitating ghosts (Rotom, Mismagius, Gengar), Drifblim, Aerodactyl, Aaken, Skarmory and quite a few others wall this combo completely. Combined with the fact that quite a few of these pokes are bound to be lower tier and I'd say that Water/ Normal is a better combo. A Rain boosted Waterfall will still hurt something that resists it quite a bit harder than say, a neutral EQ would, IMO.
Is it really though? The levitating ghosts (Rotom, Mismagius, Gengar), Drifblim, Aerodactyl, Aaken, Skarmory and quite a few others wall this combo completely. Combined with the fact that quite a few of these pokes are bound to be lower tier and I'd say that Water/ Normal is a better combo. A Rain boosted Waterfall will still hurt something that resists it quite a bit harder than say, a neutral EQ would, IMO.

I was assuming that it would be used in standard OU. Without Burungeru Water/Normal becomes much better, obviously.
I have used Whiscash extensively and can confidently say that Waterfall/Earthquake are easily its two best attacking moves.

All one needs to do is remove its counters before setting up a sweep, its main counters being most grass types, Gyarados and flying/levitate dragons. If you did not notice all these types of pokemon do not like being hit with an ice beam so pokemon like starmie work very well at helping Whiscash sweep.

Most of the time even with a normal type attack like return Whiscash has to switch out against the mentioned pokemon as grass type attacks and powerful dragon attacks will often 1hko and it does not usually 1hko with 1 or 2 Dragon dances that it commonly gets.
I have used Ancipation Whiscash with rest. U can use DD many times and when u have only little HP just use Rest. There are priority moves but bullet puch is not problem. U dont need worry about burn either. U dont need Hydration to use Rest. U can have Chesto Berry. U need only one full recovery because after that u are ready to sweep. It can sweep in OU but its better in UU. Jellicent and Gyarados can be bad counter (if u use Earthquake and Waterfall) but u dont see them in UU. Baffuron can help Whiscash in UU too.
I disagree. Anticipation helps Whiscash in no way whatsoever, and Whishcash barely has the natural bulk to sweep after only 2-3 boosts, and even getting those 2-3 boosts is being a little too optimistic. I'd rather use SubDD Kingdra or Chesto Resto Kingdra, since they could possibly wall the shit out of Vaporeon and other bulky waters long enough to boost till they almost drop and rape the shit out of said bulky water. Whiscash doesn't have quite the bulk nor the typing to do so.
It has worked well when I have used it. Well it helps if opponents pokemon had paralyze. And its typing is great with only one weakness. But like I said it works better in UU.
Sorry for bumping this, but with the metagame being so much different from in November, I feel that Whiscash could be up for discussion again. I might update if anyone adds something useful.
I was looking at your possible movesets and did not see anyone else mention it but i do believe spark and Ddance are an illegal combination on whiscash.