World Cup of 1v1 - Discussion

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Low quality OC
Yo US West almost pulling through

S/o time cuz most of y’all are goats

dom hard carry build god for BW DPP and ORAS
Kardistry King you aren’t Dom don’t let people get u down u popped off
Synonimous you did great in pools and were a delight to be on a team with. Tough luck with playing ggopw in Semis, but whatever, you tried your best, and brought it to game 5.
Scraftionite RIP in tourban but you did fantastic this tour, 3-0 in pools, almost pulled through in Semis
Waylaid super fun addition to the discord, enjoyed your presence, decently helpful as well with building
Elo Bandit great job in this tour, good pools performance, good win v Melo in semis
gyffyrd we pulled you out of retirement for semis, not sure if it was the right call, but you tried your hardest in a tough matchup.
Boat (phiwings99) good co captain, helped with building a lot. I know you weren’t having a great tour here, but I know you’ll get them next time
ima you had difficult opponents and Kaif, but I know you worked your butt off to try and get us that last win, but it’s okay, we all tried our hardest.

Maki's Fox hi sorry we didn’t play u
rozes we almost put you in a couple times, shame we didn’t get to talk much

Delete SM, bad tier, free DPP ladder

Gen 8 better have balanced mechanics

Stay tuned for me and Whaleeeee ’s Super fun Tournament: Time Warp 1v1, coming after Ghosting Tour
s/o post

Thanks to all of west for making my first wcup very enjoyable. I have a lot of regrets about my own performance but first shoutouts to my wonderful teammates.

dom the level of effort you put into this tour is super impressive, and you played amazing as always. whether it was prepping me for dpp or teaching Kard ORAS, you were always there putting in 100% for the team. considering what happened vs PA, you should have went 4-0 cause you're a beast. west hard carry for sure.

Kardistry King coming in to learn ORAS with dom and whaleeee was super clutch and absolutely what our roster needed. great job man, I hope you stick around in 1v1.

ima i know you arent happy with your performance but nobody is perfect and I really hope you know that nobody on west holds it against you. it was great having you on the team and I hope we can team for more stuff in the future.

Waylaid of all the players on west, I think you are the most underappreciated. despite being "dangerously comfortable on the bench", you were putting in the time and effort that most starters dont put in. it takes a lot of discipline to do that, and I respect that a lot. 10/10 would draft again.

AllFourtyOne was a pleasure being cocaps w/ you. you came in clutch week 3 with your two wins, and you had some great calls in slotting decisions.

Synonimous same story as dom dude, you were S+ team support for sm while casually 3-0ing dpp in pools. absolutely what we needed going into week 3 of pools, very clutch.

Scraftionite you made the difference in pools and are my favorite person on west to team build with. you should be proud of your performance this tour cause we wouldnt have even gotten out of pools without you.

Elo Bandit you truly are the goat of bo7, we should have put you there from the start. the quality of your prep before each match is always impressive and your series are always great because of it.

Maki's Fox you're one of my favorite people in 1v1 and even though we didnt play you this tour, I know you would have been great.

gyffyrd I stand by our play to put you in for semis, you did your best and we cant ask more than that.

rozes even though you dont have much experience with 1v1 you still found ways to contribute, whether it be set optimization or just being there for the team. very glad we drafted you. hmu about Tours Policy forum when you get the chance.

sincere apology to my team for not being the player I needed to be this tour. pools didnt end up mattering but I still was awful. g5 of my playoff series will haunt me forever and im very sorry.
Obligatory shoutout post:
It's been really fun, this is the first team tour that I've really played and this squad is my favorite so far.

dom you've been one of the best teammates in a tour I've ever had, carrying all our oldgens and being supportive. I don't wanna do another team tour without you bro

Kardistry the only disappointment I had was that the allegations of ghosting detracted from the real skill you showed off, especially since this was your first time playing the format

Boat even tho you went 0-3 in pools you were still there every step of the way and never stopped supporting or rooting for our team till the very end

Bandit despite the lack of ORAS, you still played really hard and were really active. Calling late at night with you guys is one of the most fun things I've done on this site

Scraft eternal goat, when you called act it reminded me of you doing the same my first ssnl when I didn't even know who you were. Despite being an ORAS main you decked your pools and pulled us into poffs

Ima BW goat, you had tough MUs but still fought hard and played some of the best series I've seen, especially that last one against Wanony.

JV Vungle cap numero dos, thanks for clutching those key wins in pools and being there to support us and manage things

Waylaid the best cheerleader we could've asked for, thanks for all your help and support throughout this tour

Gyff thanks for joining us for one last hurrah, no regrets and it was good

Maki rozes even though you guys didn't play it was fun working with you guys and I know you'll do great things in the future

Bye WC, it's been fun. Rooting for CEU to take it all, after that they definitely deserve it!
"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. Losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not.

I am done with competitive Pokemon, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little boys that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance.

One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment.

But for real Yami well played, I was very unexperienced in the wonders of gen 4 1v1 and I learnt a lot from your play.

Thanks to everyone on team Cone, hopefully we take it back next year :D
Apparently shout out posts are cool or something so heres some shit from everyone's third favorite ghoster.

Cone GOATs:

ThePanthar IDK you kinda like died early in the tour but you existed I guess.
WilliamTheo13 I'm still salty that you brought fucking monosleep to a g5, but for real you were always a great presence to have in the discord, best emotional support I've ever seen
plant based Bro you need more confidence in yourself, you a cone goat so stop doubting yourself. Also big shoutout to the comedically timed BRUH's in discord. <3 those
Jytcampbell The man who goated up for playoffs after an unfortunate pools run, sucks that it had to be in vain
Corporal Levi Gareth Adamson Ninjadog13 I'm just gonna clump you all together because holy fuck LC mains coming out of nowhere to be clutch af in wc. Also Remember when everyone said Cone had the worst oras
M24 Big shoutouts for stepping up to play after all the chaos in semis, Im sorry I couldnt be more help in getting you ready for your set.
Hys Sorry about the chaos in semi's and you missing your chance to play cos of a weekend trip but thanks for being so good with that entire shitshow
Chickenpie2 Lol u bad

And Freddy Kyogre You deserve your own shout out. You've been amazing, probably the best captain you could ask for. You were there to make sure everyone hit the ground running, but then trusted us all enough to play our sets and get the job done. I'm sorry we couldn't take it further to finals and to a title, and I'm especially sorry because I know that a good chunk of that is down to me but make no mistake you took a team which by most measure was the worst in the world cup, a team of relative unknowns to semi's within grasping distance of finals.

Other people

dom Your hatred for us east was great, it got us teams and some amusement. Sorry we couldnt knock them out for you
Inkreativ What a clutch dpp player and OML that team you brought g5 was heat, whoever built that must be really cool and good looking.
Maki's Fox I just wanted to say hi
Dj Breloominati♬ Shout outs just cos that set was really fun and with all the shit thats gone down this tour, its great just to have those good games where it is actually about playing mons and having fun as it should be
Also shoutouts to the rest of the tour-banned club, see you all in three months

Final Notes:

Re DPP: Its been great to see the level of competition and the quality of teams in this tournament. Its a step up from what we saw in PL and I'm excited for it. After Ink plays his final set, I've got a big WC review post, some noms and a builder to share in the hopes that it can continue growing.

Re Ghosting: Lol

Re Mons: Bar the aforementioned plans, this is, or at least I intend it to be, the last time you'll see me for a while. Whilst the list is far too long to say thank you or fuck you to everyone individually, its been fun and as much as everyone is literally a toxic twelve year old, it was good getting to know you all (well most of you).

US West 2019 Postmortem~
Great job guys, making it into the semifinals was no easy task and you all proved yourselves as seriously impressive players and invaluable team support.

Boat (phiwings99) Best captain in WC despite some unfortunate games. Looking forward to participating in future tours with you, and teambuilding was an absolute blast.
AllFourtyOne Big shout-out to VG Jungle for pulling through and grabbing wins in some shaky matchups during pools. Your flexibility, $wag, and team spirit made you an essential asset for West.
dom The old-gens goat, carried a virtually undefeated oras slot and trained up a new 1v1 player to go toe to toe with the best and win. Not only did dom provide teams for oras, bw, and dpp, he's got the best eye for cutting bad sets before they can lose in tour matches - so thanks for stopping me from bringing Mismagius and other... questionable Pokemon. It was fun building and practicing oras with the best.
Kardistry King You did a phenomenal job against crazy tough opponents and managed to grab significant victories vs DEG and SolarflareRo in gen 6 - very few players are able to pick up a metagame so quickly and actually find wins at that level of play. Hope you stay with 1v1 now that our WC run is over.
Synonimous Incredible performance in pools (3-0 in an old gen??) I know you would have done well wherever we put you, I'd have trusted you with sm had we made tiebreakers. Thanks for showing up and giving it your all.
ima Your record this tourney doesn't accurately reflect your skill level, I still view you as one of the truly great players of gen 5. Watching your matches was incredibly tense (P2 vs Jumpluff AHHH) and I know you made the best choices given rough matchups and some unfortunate RNG. I hope to see you come back next tournament and slap some fools around with kyub and the gang.
Scraftionite I know things took a slight downturn after pools, but your 3-0 performance in round 1 was a huge motivator for our sm and our old gens alike. Your game knowledge and unique playstyle make you extremely fun to build with and your picks in longer series are legendary - it only takes you a game or two to start reading people with scary accuracy.
gyffyrd Thanks for jumping in when we needed you, I know you gave it your best and it was really fun to see you playing again.
rozes Just showing up was a huge motivator for West, I'm really glad you were able to join us and watch semifinals. Also, big thanks for fixing up some of my EVs.
Maki's Fox Our ultimate safety-net. If any one person had been unable to play, Maki's would have stepped in and snagged a win with ease. Thanks for joining us this WC!

Waylaid I can't stress enough how much work this man put in behind the scenes. No one can drive a team from the bench like Waylaid, happy to provide input on building, team selection, roster drafting, or testing whatever little thing needed to be tested. Waylaid was the person who actually leveled me up this tour and showed me how to improve my prediction game. Despite not playing a match, Waylaid kept USW together and brought us to a respectable finish, so thanks for being the team player we needed.

other shout-outs
ryyjyywyy Thanks for building with me and setting me up with some the most satisfying wins I've pulled off in competitive 1v1.
Whaleeeee For helping us out after R1. You provide a great discord presence and it was fun to talk to you again.
Osra For maintaining balance in a universe where people think chomper is still funny
The entirety of CEU for being worthy opponents, hope you win finals ggopw Blazikin
I'm actually Cash For documenting these games, keep up the tournament content!
pqs For the good sportsmanship and the memes

Finally, a line of self reflection - I gave my all this tournament and put in the time to prep and secure victories against my opponents. 3-1 is a record I can be proud of, and I feel as though I carried usum to the very best of my ability. One thing I wish I'd done more was helping our sm bo5 slots prep for specific matchups in addition to my own during semis, I could have acted as a better resource for gen 7. Moving forward, I'll be posting a video or two going over matches, so stay tuned for that.

Thanks everyone for a fun and engaging tournament experience!
That was wild. Sad to see it go but happy it happened. Shoutouts are in order

Boat (phiwings99): Easily top 2 for best captain, from solely personal experience. Your tour record doesn't begin to show how hard you worked and how much you cared. Don't go chasing the past you, just be who you are and you'll find success. Regardless of your under performance here. I'm glad we were on the same team and worked together. I could say more, but I'm planning on staying friends with you post-wc.

AllFourtyOne: Glad we didn't let any silly things pull us apart like before wc. You were a laid back captain, and nice work in pools. I'll have to play smash 64 with you and Yech sometime.

dom: You disliked me after your first series and continued to for the rest of wc. I actually don't think I could fit how many ill-intentioned things you said to and about me while I was literally on your team in this post, but then again, I don't think anybody drafted you for "Waylaid's moral support". You're an incredibly strong player and fantastic builder, and even though, if you had your way, I'd have been banned from West, even I could recognize how helpful you were. It was a wild ride with you on my team, but you still worked hard and helped carry us as far as we got. You likely accounted for like half of our wins, and despite our differences, I respect that. Good work.

Elo Bandit: I wouldn't change a single thing about your performance or you as a teammate. You worked hard, played hard, and gave it your all. I'm sorry that all the teams I prepped with you didn't go so great, but it's pretty clear that you had your prep covered. You played amazingly, and thanks for being one of the west players that took what I had to say with a grain of salt, even though it was you out there instead of me. This is absolutely the height of your prime, so go out, play tours, and kick ass. Also, record that AV Forretress live.

Synonimous: great player, great builder, great music taste, great friend. You popped off this tour, and I think you're easily one of the top players in all of 1v1 right now. Also, get Ramen Nagi with me.

ima: You went 1-3. I wouldn't want anybody else playing bw. I do not care in the slightest what your record shows, I wholeheartedly believe that you're the best bw player. Keep in touch, link me more of your songs, and be on my pl team next year, cuz a tour without your playing and teamwork seems horrible.

Kardistry King: I have no idea who you are, but you did great work in games. Absolutely no regrets about you in ORAS, and keep playing. You clearly have a knack for it.

Scraftionite: One of my favorite 1v1 players and people, you were a constant light in discord, and your fantastic work in pools is what inspired us all to keep on fighting. Except for me, I didn't really have to. But regardless, I'm glad that I got to be in a tour with you, and I look forward to building more wacky sets with you in vc. I still don't know what my shoes are called, btw. Your ban was dumb, but don't tell Osra I said that.

gyffyrd: I know you didn't get to play much, but I really enjoyed mock bo5-ing with you on ps. You're clearly a great player, and thanks for being a chill dude, as well as a chill teammate. If this is your goodbye to 1v1, I'll be sorry to see you go. Play me in BH if you want. I don't know the tier but I'm down to help you practice if you want the help.

Maki's Fox: Dude, I asked boat to play you soooooo many times. You're a great player and would've done amazingly, but I still enjoyed your company and help even when you didn't. Wouldn't rather have anyone else as my bench buddy.

rozes: Okay, I have no idea who you are, but thanks for being on the team!! I'm sure you would've done great if you'd gotten to play, and I'm glad to have had you on West. See you around, probably.

Non-West Shoutouts:

Baleblaze: I miss you.

DEG: I was sad to see Asia go, but I'm glad to finally see you in action. You're a great player and person in general. Thanks for sending me all those instagram posts, and for commenting on my prom pictures. Yeah, it confused my parents, but that just made it funnier.

Whaleeeee: You're chill as hell and a cool dude. Not too much else to say, but thanks for being a west ally!

Joker 1v1: You weren't in wc, but this is just kinda a shoutout to you. You're a super cool dude, and thanks for always looking out for me. I look forward to testing more silly sets with you.

JediR & I'm actually Cash & ayedan: Y'all are great, and even though you guys were our "rivals", I'm still glad to be in 1v1 with y'all in it. Cash, I'll give you all the heat I built for wc that west didn't use.

WilliamTheo13: You're cool, and go cone!

5luke: Best 1v1 player.

stableprince569: Nobody really cut you any slack, but I think you're a chill dude with a tough job. Nice job managing this year, and I wish it had paid off more for FRITA.

Iron Crusher: You rock

UnleashOurPassion: Thanks for listening to music with me. I wanna be on your team at some point.

alive: Thanks for helping me remember where I came from. Wish I got to team with you, and I'm sorry that central didn't do as well as I had hoped. I'll see you in the Heatrans-remake for pl.

motogp: Thanks for calling me hot

Favorite WC moment was easily Elo's teams against Blazikin, and the series in general. Wasn't sure they'd work, and it was beautiful to see. Best baiter. It made me laugh to see those replays.

Y'all, Waylaid out. Will Waylaid be back? For ghosting tour. Following that? Idk. Prob not. I'll just make an alt so good that not even Quote can rat me out.
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That was wild. Sad to see it go but happy it happened. Shoutouts are in order

Boat (phiwings99): Easily top 2 for best captain, from solely personal experience. Your tour record doesn't begin to show how hard you worked and how much you cared. Don't go chasing the past you, just be who you are and you'll find success. Regardless of your under performance here. I'm glad we were on the same team and worked together. I could say more, but I'm planning on staying friends with you post-wc.

AllFourtyOne: Glad we didn't let any silly things pull us apart like before wc. You were a laid back captain, and nice work in pools. I'll have to play smash 64 with you and Yech sometime.

dom: You disliked me after your first series and continued to for the rest of wc. I actually don't think I could fit how many ill-intentioned things you said to and about me while I was literally on your team in this post, but then again, I don't think anybody drafted you for "Waylaid's moral support". You're an incredibly strong player and fantastic builder, and even though, if you had your way, I'd have been banned from West, even I could recognize how helpful you were. It was a wild ride with you on my team, but you still worked hard and helped carry us as far as we got. You likely accounted for like half of our wins, and despite our differences, I respect that. Good work.

Elo Bandit: I wouldn't change a single thing about your performance or you as a teammate. You worked hard, played hard, and gave it your all. I'm sorry that all the teams I prepped with you didn't go so great, but it's pretty clear that you had your prep covered. You played amazingly, and thanks for being one of the west players that took what I had to say with a grain of salt, even though it was you out there instead of me. This is absolutely the height of your prime, so go out, play tours, and kick ass. Also, record that AV Forretress live.

Synonimous: great player, great builder, great music taste, great friend. You popped off this tour, and I think you're easily one of the top players in all of 1v1 right now. Also, get Ramen Nagi with me.

ima: You went 1-3. I wouldn't want anybody else playing bw. I do not care in the slightest what your record shows, I wholeheartedly believe that you're the best bw player. Keep in touch, link me more of your songs, and be on my pl team next year, cuz a tour without your playing and teamwork seems horrible.

Kardistry King: I have no idea who you are, but you did great work in games. Absolutely no regrets about you in ORAS, and keep playing. You clearly have a knack for it.

Scraftionite: One of my favorite 1v1 players and people, you were a constant light in discord, and your fantastic work in pools is what inspired us all to keep on fighting. Except for me, I didn't really have to. But regardless, I'm glad that I got to be in a tour with you, and I look forward to building more wacky sets with you in vc. I still don't know what my shoes are called, btw. Your ban was dumb, but don't tell Osra I said that.

gyffyrd: I know you didn't get to play much, but I really enjoyed mock bo5-ing with you on ps. You're clearly a great player, and thanks for being a chill dude, as well as a chill teammate. If this is your goodbye to 1v1, I'll be sorry to see you go. Play me in BH if you want. I don't know the tier but I'm down to help you practice if you want the help.

Maki's Fox: Dude, I asked boat to play you soooooo many times. You're a great player and would've done amazingly, but I still enjoyed your company and help even when you didn't. Wouldn't rather have anyone else as my bench buddy.

rozes: Okay, I have no idea who you are, but thanks for being on the team!! I'm sure you would've done great if you'd gotten to play, and I'm glad to have had you on West. See you around, probably.

Non-West Shoutouts:

Baleblaze: I miss you.

DEG: I was sad to see Asia go, but I'm glad to finally see you in action. You're a great player and person in general. Thanks for sending me all those instagram posts, and for commenting on my prom pictures. Yeah, it confused my parents, but that just made it funnier.

Whaleeeee: You're chill as hell and a cool dude. Not too much else to say, but thanks for being a west ally!

Joker 1v1: You weren't in wc, but this is just kinda a shoutout to you. You're a super cool dude, and thanks for always looking out for me. I look forward to testing more silly sets with you.

JediR & I'm actually Cash & ayedan: Y'all are great, and even though you guys were our "rivals", I'm still glad to be in 1v1 with y'all in it. Cash, I'll give you all the heat I built for wc that west didn't use.

WilliamTheo13: You're cool, and go cone!

5luke: Best 1v1 player.

stableprince569: Nobody really cut you any slack, but I think you're a chill dude with a tough job. Nice job managing this year, and I wish it had paid off more for FRITA.

Iron Crusher: You rock

UnleashOurPassion: Thanks for listening to music with me. I wanna be on your team at some point.

alive: Thanks for helping me remember where I came from. Wish I got to team with you, and I'm sorry that central didn't do as well as I had hoped. I'll see you in the Heatrans-remake for pl.

motogp: Thanks for calling me hot

Favorite WC moment was easily Elo's teams against Blazikin, and the series in general. Wasn't sure they'd work, and it was beautiful to see. Best baiter. It made me laugh to see those replays.

Y'all, Waylaid out. Will Waylaid be back? For ghosting tour. Following that? Idk. Prob not. I'll just make an alt so good that not even Quote can rat me out.

Bench Life <3, I gotta get good enough to maybe get a game next wc.
s/o TDA for being the homie and tagging everyone it didn't tag, cuz I was worried that some of you guys wouldn't see my post and not know how much you guys meant to my wc. Thank you all for making this tour what it was, and 1v1 is a messy but lovable community. Also, s/o to Osra, not for banning everyone, but for keeping this tour running. Tour management seems like a nightmare, and seems even harder under criticism, so while I may not agree with the decisions made this tour, thanks for making wc possible.
Congrats CEU! and every other team that ghosted them


ayedan Thanks for drafting me, I wouldn't have had such a positive experience this World Cup without you, was fun calling to build teams and stuff with you. Unfort how semi's went but you're still a great player no doubt.

Alakazam You were great in helping build teams and stuff, sadly at the beginning you weren't able to play but you were put against a very hard opponent in finals but still did well.

Jamez155 how does the mobile man do so well, i can barely build a team in an hour on there

blondesasukeuchiha You had a great record this WC and that was an unfort L in finals but you still did fantastic overall. Gj.

lost heros Unfort you didn't get to shine in pools but you're still great. you're still the meme master in our hearts.

Betathunder man you're the goat. stepping in semis/finals and kicking ass was awesome of you. congrats!!

power also goat. you were a great help in the discord and was really good in pools, unfort we had to put all that stress on you in finals.

Yami GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT you did great in dpp and are a great 1v1 player overall. idfc what people say but you should've been 5-0 this wc (though 4-1 is still an great record), unfort tie thing.

I'm actually Cash and JediR unfort you guys weren't able to play at all, i bet you would've rocked it this year, but you still helped alot with teams and stuff and weren't team cancer, thanks.

TGC United mans swooped in vs jyt and got us a spot in poffs... thanks so much. Also fun vc'ing w u

pazza RIP ban. you were still a great help for all gens in the discord after, really was the backbone for the team even after you weren't on it.

Freddy Kyogre thanks for that last min help with power

s/o all of my opponents for not johning and making this a really fun world cup for me playing-wise - all of the series were v fun, Elo Bandit Shyom Close Jytcampbell Iron Crusher

Osra we would've won if you fangirled more

ggs ceu

we have next year
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alright time for shoutouts,

First off, I just wanna say congrats to Central Europe! We may have had bad blood but thats mostly the competitive spirit of this tournament. Truly a great team from the beginning and you did great.

Alright, Alakazam I can not thank you enough for being a great Co-Captain and trusting me enough to be Main Captain. You may have been somewhat inactive at times but you helped when you could. It was also funny seeing a ton of people pissing their brains out over the fact we got Captain lmao, but again thanks for everything, hopefully we can run it back next year.

Jamez155 Alright, i will be the first to admit I didn't like you before WC but you changed my opinion on you and I honestly think you are a great user and player as a whole. Thanks for being understanding and overall helpful as well.

blondesasukeuchiha you washed bitch, somehow pulled out a 4-1 record out of nowhere which is amazing. You were super busy with school but still managed to play super well regardless. Thanks for coming out of the grave to play for us LOL. Hopefully you are still around next year. Remember wham is bad.

pqs my son, you somehow managed to go 4-1 like WTF lmao. alot of people underestimate you and thats disappointing because you are really good in reality. My little boy is growing up so well and hopefully hes still around next year to carry us once again.

Betathunder another player that rose out of the dead, you did amazing in oras. Amazing personality and even if pazza built mostly for you, you still played near flawlessly. Thanks for being a great dude!

power BW KING, even if you didn't win against wanony, you prepped really well every single series and played great throughout the tour. We had some nice chats in VC and overall you are a funny as fuck dude. Keep listening to Young Thug and being a great guy. Hope we stay in touch.

Yami even with your struggles, you are one of the best users I know on this site. You and I prepped a ton in DPP and it all turned out great. Great player and i hope you stay with it. Dont let the haters get to you and stay strong man.

I'm actually Cash KING CASH, you helped alot in SM and was willing to help in BW as well. Sorry i didnt get to play you because you would have definitely carried. Hope you stay being chill and hanging around longer even after your ripe age.
JediR i think everyone knows this but you are leaving 1v1 sadly :(. You helped not only me, but every single player on the team prep and stay positive. You were also very willing to be subbed in whenever need be. I hopefully still see you around and u come back next WC because you are still amazing <3
TGC United you were subbed in on the spot and got the dub. Might be a little washed but u got a much needed win. Made VC fun and goofy ass dude.
lost heros sorry about the 0-3 record. I still think you are a cool lad and helpful. School sucks.

WilliamTheo13 Waylaid pazza and many others
Thank you Will for being a great guy and not being a dick after smashing me LOL. Waylaid, even with US West Beef, you were still nice and a great guy. And finally, pazza, before and after you were banned you were one of the most helpful users on our team and i admire you for that. Keep being wack as fuck and funny but dont get banned again pls.

Again, grats to everyone and hopefully East can run it back next year but win that time around LOL. See yall in Classic.
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s/o post for Central:psyglad:

You two were the best captain duo out of all in this WCoP. It was a pleasure to play with such experienced and nice People.
Iron Crusher You were a very cool Person to talk to and I sadly wasnt able to build with you.
ggopw You are probably the best 1v1 Player rn and it was Always a blast watching your games. I like your teambuilding style and I accidentally build a the exact same Team you passed TSC to Play with.

TheShadowClaw You were an absolute beast throughout this whole Tournament. You went 5-0 and it was 100% deserved. You are an great Player and and one of the best teambuilders I know.

UnleashOurPassion Sadly I couldnt talk to you much. You left the Server on your own after the report thingy and it was Pretty sad you didnt Play further.

pasy_g Fuck the haters. You didnt Need ghosting to go 3-0 in games and it was very cool to work with you.

SolarflareRo Beast. You are probably the not captain Player with the most fault at this win. Your builds were insane every week and you even almost won in ORAs once. Sadly got haxed but still.

Wanonymous1616 You going 0-3 in pools doesnt describe your capabilities as an Player. You won in Semis and Finals which both were the deciding games.

Inkreativ Fuck the haters. You didnt Need ghosting to do good in DPP. Your series vs. was unfortonate but was still good for your first tour plying dpp.

DezShizzels You sadly got banned and I didnt got to talk to you. But I like your Teams, they Arent Mainstream.

Blazikin You got to Play once and were quite busy. You tried your best but got prepped on...

neomon You won in the only serires you played and it was a very important. I laughed multiple tiems at Things you wrote in Disc and it was very nice to Play with you.

Djokra You got subbed in for pasy and dez and played once in ORAS. Sadly you had one if not the best ORAS Player as an Opponent.

Sificon You also got subbed in and didnt write that much. I got to learn you better after our ssnl games and you are a very nice Person.

Me: I personally didnt do that good and played far under my exspectations. I got haxed in two of the three serieses I lost and it wasnt that nice of a Feeling. It was a lot of fun to prep for several opponents. I hope I can do better in further tours.
Other People:
CrashinBoomBang You were Always in Chat when we asked and it was a pleasure with you during this WCoP. You sadly didnt compete in this tour and sadly wont compete in classic:psygrump:.

Toad the goat: You also were very helpful in chat and had a lot of Knowledge About opponents and metas. It was cool working with you and im Looking Forward to your unban to face you in tours.

dom Thanks for the help in ORAS and sorry I couldnt bring it home. You are an amazing teambuilder and an fantastic Player.

In the end I wanna thank CEU overall for such a great tourny and experience. Im Looking Forward to Play with you guys in the future

Thats it. See yall in classic!
shoutouts post time, this was the best tour I've ever played in and I think all of east should be proud of what we did. Congrats to CEU.

US BEast players:

ayedan before this tour I thought you were some 12 year old with a big mouth. Now I know you are, in fact, a 17 year old with a big mouth. You were the greatest captain this team could've had and never stopped helping in any way you could, even when you were piss drunk and sayin some heccin weird shit in my DMs ( :pikuh: ). Thank you for drafting me, and thank you for making this tour great

Alakazam you were like a dad to this team in the best way possible, and even though you weren't always around whenever you were you made the team feel special. Long Live #dating-strategy.

Jamez155 you already know I love you bro, let's win ghosting tour.

pqs I genuinely thought you were a troll before this started. turns out you're actually a goat?? keep being you and keep flexing on em

blondesasukeuchiha I didn't really talk to you that often but you absolutely slammed this tour and proved you're still gr8/8

Betathunder ALPHALIGHTNINGGGGGG!!!!!! you came back from the grave and did AMAZING, winning nonstop even through some real shit.

power even if you didn't beat wanony, you were one of our best and the determination you had in building and prep has given me some mad respect for you.

Yami absolute goat. literally a fucking lord. You pushed through a constant stream of shit and never let it stop you. ppl always gonna hate but I know you're never gonna stop proving them wrong.

lost heros pools didn't end too well for you, but that doesn't mean you aren't an amazing person.

TGC United C L U T C H

I'm actually Cash you're a king, and I expect you're never gonna stop doing the good you do for this community

you all made this tour amazing, and I can never thank you enough for that. Even if I'm dipping on 1v1 as we go into gen8, I hope we stay in touch and who knows, maybe I'll come back someday. <3333

Other people:

Osra for hosting.

UnleashOurPassion you know what this is for, and thank you again for it.

@ all of CEU for being gracious winners.
tourbanned user will do shoutouts :mehowth:

ayedan Alakazam thought you guys would be bad as managers, since tda said he wasn't going to be active but you guys were really good winning games and helping others out.

James155 you did great, but you always overthink things most of the time. Quick thinking ins the best thinking but make sure you wont choke uwu.

blondesasukeuchiha came back from the dead and went 3-1 pretty good for a "washed" player. im happy you used my teams to win :D.

pqs anther washed player and my 1v1 best friend. 4-1 is also really good for a "washed" player hehe boi

Betathunder hows he so good

power i never thought you would be this good at BW you rocked

Yami your an amazing dpp player don't let other people get you down

lost heros idk we haven't really interacted much other than you calling me dum dum in vc xd

TGC United came in for the fast sub and 1-0 hot

JediR you were a cool person and presence

CAsh wish you played more but you were a good builder

SolarflareRo Kaif my indian brothers we will overtake whale and bubbie and manage for asia next year
I would just like to say that I think I proved that with non dom teams I can flourish in a team tour. Someone draft me for Lt because I like team tours.

Also shoutout basically everyone on my team for providing teams and just being super supportive. Thanks to ayedan+Tda for making me a starter and believing in me
Ggs everyone
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