Tournament World Cup of Randbats 2023 - Captain Signups

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World Cup of Randbats 2023 - Captain Signups
Hosted by Javi, sharpclaw, and Syrinix
With help from Amaranth

wcor logo-01(2).png

Logo by Syrinix

It is time to find our illustrious team captains! If you wish to captain a team for WCOR 2023, you must post in this thread.

Each team is led by two captains, who themselves count among the total roster of 12 starters and 3 substitutes. To be clear, the captains will only count among the total roster if they choose to play. Both captains can play as well.
Gen 9 Random Battle bo5
Gen 9 Random Battle bo3
Gen 9 Random Battle bo3
Gen 8 Random Battle bo5
Gen 8 Random Battle bo3
Gen 7 Random Battle bo3
Gen 6 Random Battle bo3
Gen 5 Random Battle bo3
Gen 4 Random Battle bo3
Gen 3 Random Battle bo3
Gen 2 Random Battle bo3
Gen 1 Random Battle bo3

The following is a list of teams that are already qualified to participate in WCOR 2023 based on their performance from last year’s WCOR. Any teams not on this list and are hoping to participate in WCOR must participate in qualifiers if more than 18 teams sign up. If you wish to captain a team not on this list, you must send a preliminary roster to Syrinix (syrinix on discord) or Javi (javitu on discord) on Smogon PMs or Discord by the deadline.
Europe + Oceania
South America
US Midwest
US West
NOTE: Europe and Oceania may sign up as separate teams. However, both teams will have to compete in qualifiers if they do. If Europe fields a team but Oceania does not, Europe will still be automatically qualified (and vice versa).

The United States will be split into 4 regions, which are US Northeast, US South, US West, and US Midwest. Any other United States teams will not be allowed.

If you would like to captain a team, please post using the format below. Only post if you are applying to captain; all other posts will be deleted. All users are eligible to captain, and you may sign up as a captaining pair or as a solo captain in search of a co-captain. Captaining pairs will be chosen by the hosts.
Co-Captain Name (If Any):
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate:
Why would you make a good captain?:


The structure of the regular season for WCOR has also been updated! Please check out this thread in case you were unaware.
Captain: Clementine
Co-Captain: Tuthur
Region: France
Both of us are long-time randbats players, both of us have entered Randbats tours to great results
Tuthur has managed ZUPL like 10 times now, I've managed multiple tours as well including RBTT4 & RBTT5, you know who we are, wink wink

Joueurs Randbats Français !! Tuthur et moi-même connaissons une bonne partie de la playerbase mais nous sommes très intéressés si jamais vous voulez nous contacter pour discuter de vos résultats, de vos formats de prédilection ou simplement de votre motivation à faire partie de la Team France pour cette World Cup.
Contactez moi sur discord (claquettesgucci) si vous êtes intéressés par un slot dans l'équipe
Captain: LoSconosciuto
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Amaranth
Region: Italy
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: LoSco captained Italy as well as many editions of RBTT. I have captained Italy in many oldgen world cups and have many years of experience with managing other team tournaments, including SPL and SCL
Why would you make a good manager?: See above
Captain: za
Co-captain: Casual dot exe
Region: US Northbeast
Prior managing experience: I get carried by losco annually in RBTT and casual used to manage RBTT back in the 1990s, among other things… also I managed for this tournament last year and I believe our immense success speaks for itself
Why would you make a good manager?: I’m kinda just good at everything, and I’ll vouch for casual he’s not bad either
Captain: MrSoup
Co-manager: BigFatMantis
Region: US West
Prior managing experience?: I've managed ALTPL I while BFM managed back to back years of RoA Olympics for US West. He has also hosted and cohosted many tours, including UUFPLs III, II, & I, ALTPL I, ADV UUPBL Tour I, and more.
Why would you make a good manager?: I'm super committed and active in old gen randbat formats and have participated in several tiering discussions regarding them, most notably GSC. I'm well respected in these communities as a strong player and active in their discords. Being previously on US West last year, as well as many other WC tours, I'm very familiar with the US West and randbat player bases. I'm a randbats main and involved in the West community, so I really want to lead USW to victory this year.
BFM is super committed to all of the hosting and managing he does. Hell, look at these banners he made for US West in UUWC and all of the story writing he did for UUFPL. He's in stellar standing with the rest of the US West player base, and will serve as an excellent co for managing and keeping things running smoothly.
Captain: Wubben
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Chains of Markov
Region: BeNeLux
Prior managing experience? Yes, I managed Benelux last year to the finals with Elgino and had some prior managing done for retro cup representing The Netherlands. CoM doesn’t have a lot of experience but this is a good learning tool for him to coach future projects as well.
Why would you make a good manager?: We both are very well known in the Random Battles community and the Benelux Community and work very well together. Last years communication with the hosts went very well and I don’t see any reasoning that is going to change.
Captain: MaswoodShaheb
Co- Captain: Xboy
Region: Bangladesh JOY BANGLA
Prior Managing Experience: Captained Bangladesh to the main stage of the WcoP from qualifiers (don't ask what happened afterwards) and managed Team Arcanine in RBTT5 to the finals.
Why would I make a good captain: Positive feedback from all the players I managed in previous team tournaments + I am well connected with the Bangladeshi Battlers community. Also I will send them Gm texts everyday.


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Captain: Rage
Co-captain: susciety
Region: Canada
Prior managing experience?

Rage: RBTT 3 Team Regirock, RBTT 4 Team Lugia, RBTT 5 Team Darkrai, RBTT 6 Team Mewtwo, CoRN 1 Team Canada

susciety: PSPL (RoA)

Why Would You Be a Good Captain?

Rage: Same as last year but learned more of Canadian players since last time lol and its been a lot of tours now we gotta break through eventually right?

susciety: Played in many team tours including losing to Team France in finals twice (but not this time!)

Captain: Dorron
Co-Captain Name (If Any): TheSergio235
Region: Spain
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: Two Natdex World Cups, Monotype World Cup, Retro Cup, RoA Olympics and WCoP
Why would you make a good captain?: Due to my prior experience and knowledge about how to manage, as well as getting along with most of the Spanish community. Sergio is starting to get involved in the Spanish community and he's a good Rands player too so I personally believe it's a good moment to give him a chance.
Captain: clean
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Theia
Region: US South
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: I've managed in several discord PLs and helped shadow manage in various side tours such as SSPL and the current iteration of ZUPL.
Why would you make a good captain?: Given that both of the previous south captains have been inactive for months, myself and Theia thought it would be pertinent to take matters into our own hands. Thanks to our involvement in the ongoing smogon world cup, we already have vast knowledge of and connections to much of the South playerbase. Together, we will lead South to a swift and decisive victory.
Captain: Xceloh
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Drifting
Region: Euroceania
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate:
Xceloh managed The Palkias in RBTT6. I managed this team last year (Xceloh was on vacation), and have experience managing in other tours like the Little Cup Winter League and Ubers Premier League
Why would you make a good captain?:
Xceloh is a mainstay of the randbats community, being roomstaff, part of the random battles development council and is arguably the best gen 6 rands player. I represent the Australian half of the team and am the only Australian who grinds Rands Slam (currently #15 in the standings). We were a single win from making playoffs last year and hope to not go 0-5 in rby make it this time.
Captain: my big diggersby
Co-Captain Name (If Any): -
Region: US South
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: I am co-founder and long time captain of popular and crowd favorite CCC (Challenge Cup Cup)

Why would you make a good captain?: They say in the business that those who can't play, coach. I believe that as a very middle of the road pokemon player (especially rands) this qualifies me to take up the head and lead a team to victory. You may see more qualified members above me, but I promise you won't find too many that are less qualified.
Captain: luisin
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Elian
Region: México

Prior managing experience? BSS World Cup, in addition to many tournaments in the Hispanic community.

Why would you make a good captain?: I would like Mexico to try to win this tour, everyone is very excited to participate, Elian and I will make it possible and we both have a lot of experience captaining Mexico in different tours like World Cup of Pokémon, RoA, side tours, etc.
Captain: Raahel
Co-Captain Name (if any): disgusting
Región: Venezuela

Prior managing experience?: I manage rcop with la and Venezuela, roa olympics, wcop, and many team tours in discord and hispanic comunnity.

Why would you make a good captain?: I really want make a good run in this tour with my country and give opportunity to new venezuelan players to play this wcor.
Captain: xbossarux
Co-Captain Name (If Any): tbd
Region: USA ''mid-west''
i'll manage with u big dog

- star player of midwest last year (5-0 in pools, 6-2 overall)
- 2 time Rands Slam qualifier
- fearless navigator of 50/50s
- manager of rbtt2 yveltals (finals finish)
- manager of uufpl1 (finals finish)
- host of several official trophy tournaments

managing ethos:
Captain: MTB
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Brammi
Region: Oceania.
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: I have previously captained for OCE in RBYWC and RCOP. I've also captained in other small tours here and there. But I do have the experience in managing.
Why would you make a good captain?: As for me, i'm quite aware of the tour scene in general and can identify strong players. I am also experienced in tours as a whole, and have played for oce in various tours and also know a team environment should be like. As for Brammi - they have been around the tour scene as far back as when Oceania was winning world cups back in the dpp era - and they are a multiformat oceanic representative.
We are looking to expands Oceania's reach as it once previously was and trying to get our own region for tours and building an actual team for ourself which we deserve. We are experienced in randbats and want to make a mark with our new and upcoming players.
Captain: Thiago Nunes
Co-Captain Name (If Any): Beraldo
Region: Brazil
Prior managing experience? If so, please elaborate: Managed a lot of br tours like PTPL, co-captain NUPL and BLT, while beraldo managed and won last ruwc and rupl
Why would you make a good captain?: We do know a lot of br community + i do love randbats (vamos mewtwos) :mewtwos: surely we havin a strong and fun roster which will win the tour
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