the exact formula is: [p(1)*1-p(2)] / [p(1)*1-p(2)] + [p(2)*1-p(1)] - IE, the chance that Player 1 wins and player 2 loses, divided by the combined chance of both that and the inverse. Because Trade had exactly a 50% winrate, it cancelled itself out in the final are these calculated? 0.714 seems like 71.4/100 but 0.287 seems to come out of nowhere other than possibly being 1 - 0.714 with a rounding error. is this something similar to strength of schedule / what are its advantages over strength of schedule?
For a better example, a hypothetical game between GXE (64.7%) and BigWes95 (68.8%) would yield a 0.455 - 0.545 split
I'll take a look at SoS and see if I could incorporate it
The first 2 columns award full points (1-0) to the games that already have been completed. This is why no team has less points than their current score.if "WR" doesn't take into account completed games and restarts from 0, what are the above fractional points that are then used to calculate "WR" derived from?
The 2nd set use the exact same seed probabilities, but try to "predict" the results of games that we already know who won. Thats why US South has only 36 points, even though they have 38 wins
That 11 represents 11 wins in this tournament, based on GxE values of each player in team mexico. There is only 1 player in the entire tournament with a below 50% GxE, and tbh I was tempted to just hard set them to 50% like I did with the many players with no ladder statsi agree that it'd be difficult to find gxe's of players, but how did you end up with sub 40 gxe's for any team? it takes a concerted effort of forfeiting every game to hit below 50, let alone the 11 mexico has in your stats