Project ZU Secret Santa

Future Sight Oranguru
click for paste

Guess I'll kick things off. Spook, you wanted future sight Oranguru and I came up with a pretty standard looking build with guru in place of what would usually be eggy. The biggest decision I faced was what Oranguru set to use. I ended up going for av to get some defensive utility out of it and compliment how fat this team is on the physical side. Here's how it holds up against ZU's most prevelant special attackers:
252 SpA Swanna Hydro Vortex (175 BP) vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru in Rain: 202-238 (61.3 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Swanna: 183-216 (62.8 - 74.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Combusken Fire Blast vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 109-129 (33.1 - 39.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Oranguru Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Combusken: 380-450 (145.5 - 172.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Exeggutor Leaf Storm vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 210-247 (63.8 - 75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Exeggutor: 190-224 (57.4 - 67.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Analytic Beheeyem Signal Beam vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 212-250 (64.4 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Shadow Ball vs. 208 HP / 0 SpD Beheeyem: 156-184 (45.4 - 53.6%) -- 36.3% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Kadabra Signal Beam vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 96-114 (29.1 - 34.6%) -- 5.2% chance to 3HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Shadow Ball vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Kadabra: 200-236 (90 - 106.3%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

+2 252 SpA Raichu All-Out Pummeling (190 BP) vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 198-233 (60.1 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Psychic vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Raichu: 151-178 (57.8 - 68.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Camerupt Eruption (150 BP) vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Oranguru: 213-252 (64.7 - 76.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Oranguru Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Camerupt: 160-189 (56.9 - 67.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Another thing to think about is lefties protect with focus blast for coverage or regen Duosion which works well with the hit-and-run nature of future sight.

I have to say Oranguru is a lot less terrible than I initially thought it was. It's not such a magnet for u-turn like Exeggutor is and it has more bulk and speed than Beheyeem. Despite having less special attack than the other psychic types, it should still break teams by using future sight correctly. I didn't get to do too much testing, but this team did pass the beacs test Anyways thanks for the challenge, I had fun building with one of the most obscure zu mons that still has a decent bst, hope you like the team and happy holidays.
Dusclops X Mawile

Well it's my turn now. 85percent wanted either a stall team or a balance team built around the aforementioned mons. I built a stall team around those two (which was a bit hard since I never play stall). Dusclops and Mawile do perform a nice core, with Mawile being able to tank physical attacks very well, while Dusclops with evio takes special attacks with ease. Adding Lickilicky and Pyumuku to the team was mandatory, since both of them are important for stall teams (Licky as a cleric and wish passer and Pyumuku as an unaware user). Vally ground was added later on, since the team in the first draft, was very weak to mixed evire, so I added him to serve as a defogger who can pivot and take on Evire. Lastly, Bellosom here serves as our winmon. Originally, Muk took this spot, but then the team got to weak to ground type moves, so I replaced it Bellosom. It is really hard to stop, once it set up with QD.

Anyway I hope you like the team, 85percent. It was def a challenge to build a functional stall team that was actually easy to use. That rarely happens y'see. I really do look forward to the next challenge. Have a great holiday and a fresh start for the new year everyone! :bloblul:
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Dusclops X Mawile

Well it's my turn now. 85percent wanted either a stall team or a balance team built around the aforementioned mons. I built a stall team around those two (which was a bit hard since I never play stall). Dusclops and Mawile do perform a nice core, with Mawile being able to tank physical attacks very well, while Dusclops with evio takes special attacks with ease. Adding Lickilicky and Pyumuku to the team was mandatory, since both of them are important for stall teams (Licky as a cleric and wish passer and Pyumuku as an unaware user). Vally ground was added later on, since the team in the first draft, was very weak to mixed evire, so I added him to serve as a defogger who can pivot and take on Evire. Lastly, Bellosom here serves as our winmon. Originally, Muk took this spot, but then the team got to weak to ground type moves, so I replaced it Bellosom. It is really hard to stop, once it set up with QD.

Considering replays I only have one, but the replay does not contain Bellosom, but Muk. I'll just link it anyway if you're interested y'know.

Anyway I hope you like the team, 85percent. It was def a challenge to build a functional stall team that was actually easy to use. That rarely happens y'see. I really do look forward to the next challenge. Have a great holiday and a fresh start for the new year everyone! :bloblul:

Thank you, 275p! Haven't really used or seen Bellossom at all lately, even though it's definitely quite unique in how it works.
Also, my message that came with the core: "Balance if possible, not stall" - don't worry though, this is perfectly fine.
First off, I want to thank 5gen and Ho3nConfirm3d for their help in building these teams!

And here we go..........

To one of my buddies in PhantomHurious who requested a team built around a core of Circle Throw Poliwrath and Spikes Quilladin. I actually have 2 teams for you with the second only a slight modification



So, as you know, the core is around CT Poli and Spikes Quil. I gave Quilladin enough Speed EVs to outspeed offensive Golem and Marowak while Wood Hammer bops them better than Seed Bomb and of course, Poli's Circle Throw gives the team it's phazing capabilities. As soon as I saw this core, Swanna was a huge issue. That's why I added Scarf Vire. While it is a soft check to Swanna, it does give the team some much-needed speed control and can deal with Altaria as well thanks to Ice Punch since the other two can't even touch it. The last three mons were basically team needs for being a Spikestack team. First was a Defog switch in like Pawniard. Any of those pesky Defog users who think it's okay to do so should think twice before using it since Pawn can easily become a late-game sweeper if brought in at the right time. Speaking of Defog, having a user of it on your Spikestack team would be counterproductive. This is why I went with Sandslash to be not just a spinner, but your rocker as well. I gave it Toxic for wearing down the opposing team so they'll be forced to switch more if they want to keep precious mons alive. Lastly, I added a spinblocker, as well as some special attacking power in Misdreavus. There are those common spinners like Sandslash and Komala who would love to get rid of those rocks and spikes, but Missy can just say "Nope!"

The team does lack some offensive punch as well as speed outside of Electivire, but it can be worked around though.



The second team is more or less the same as the first, but you'd be going w/o a spinner. 5gen recommended Golem > Sandslash in this case. It does give you a second answer to Altaria and a soft Swanna check should Golem be at full. I threw in Sucker Punch just in case Swanna is close to dead.

Enjoy the teams friend!
Marowak Ninjask Team for MonkeySniper

MonkeySniper wished for a Marowak Ninjask team without any specific sets. I opted to go with a Stealth Rock Marowak and SD Z-Dig Ninjask. Ninjask has a hard time coping with hazards, and a Choice Band set would just aggravate those issues. Marowak is relatively good at pressuring certain hazard setters like Bronzor and Golem, so it helps Ninjask out a bit. This obviously isn't enough to keep hazards off the field, so I added Defog Silvally-Water. I chose Silvally-Water since it covers the Ice weakness of the initial core and helps out vs Swanna. It's a pretty standard set, with Parting Shot to provide the rather frail Marowak and Ninjask with opportunities to come in safely. It has enough speed for Komala and physically defensive investment to better check Combusken and Swanna. To really, really make sure Ninjask can enter the field without losing 50% of its health, I added Assault Vest Komala with Rapid Spin. This a) covers the team's weakness to Thunderbolt + Ice Beam Silvally forms and b) adds another slow pivot to support the offensive members. Since relying on Marowak to discourage opposing Electivire from Volt Switching is a bit awkward because of Marowak's poor bulk, I decided to add another Volt Switch immunity in Choice Scarf Electivire. Lastly I added Pursuit Pawniard to a) provide the team with a normal resist and secondary Exeggutor answer, and b) support the team by trapping Choice Scarf users - mostly Electivire locked into Ice Punch - with Pursuit. I gave it enough speed for Golem. Overall you should watch out for Silvally-Fighting with Ice Beam and Combusken.

I'm a bit rusty when it comes to ZU teambuilding, so this isn't my best creation ever. But I hope this team meets your expectations. I wish you fun with this team and wonderful holidays!
Lastly, I wanna thank Quagg for taking a look at the team to make sure it's presentable.


So 5gen asked for an Eviolite Frogadier and Dual Dance Torterra core, which I understand because it is really hard to build around. I tried my best and I hope you like it!

The team:
Frogadierr.gifTortt.gifSimisear.gifBronzor.gifSilvally-dragon.gifRotom.gif(click for sets)

So I ended up with building a balance team. Scarfed Simisear is added for speedcontrol and the monkey forms a grass-fire-watercore together with Frogadier and Torterra. Bronzor was a mandatory for Ice check and Stealth Rocks. Last but not least I added Silvally-Dragon and Rotom-Fan for a pivoting backbone, which also improves the matchup vs Swanna and Combusken. Parting Shot and Volt Switch will make it easy to bring Frogadier and Torterra in battle.

I hope that you enjoy the teams and I wish everyone a merry Christmas!
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Secret Sunta

So I was tasked to build around the big Spraying candle Z-Eruption Camerupt by Graceclaw , but not using Trick Room.
Sugimori 323.png

Spraying Candle (Camerupt) @ Firium Z
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 1 Atk
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Sunny Day

You Shall not switch in:
252+ SpA Camerupt Inferno Overdrive (200 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Cradily in Sun: 318-375 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Camerupt Inferno Overdrive (200 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Lickilicky in Sun: 345-406 (81.5 - 95.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Camerupt Inferno Overdrive (200 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Muk in Sun: 333-393 (80.4 - 94.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

I don't care if you resist:
252+ SpA Camerupt Inferno Overdrive (200 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Golem in Sun: 329-387 (90.3 - 106.3%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Camerupt Inferno Overdrive (200 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Mareanie in Sun: 256-302 (84.4 - 99.6%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Of course such a mighty fire type doesn't like those cold conditions of Christmas, so I gave our Hero the Support of a little Angel that makes the weather a bit nicer.
Sugimori 313.png

Lil Angel (Volbeat) (M) @ Heat Rock
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Sunny Day
- Defog
- U-turn
- Thunder Wave

The little angel not only sets up the sun but also provides some nice speed control with Thunder wave, while looking cute. But what is Christmas without a nice christmas(plam)tree or someone to bring presents, so I bought a nice tree and hired Rudolf the red nose reindeer.
Sugimori 103.png
Bildergebnis für sawsbuck

Christmas Tree (Exeggutor) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Solar Beam
- Psychic
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Rudolf (Sawsbuck-Winter) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Double-Edge
- Horn Leech
- Jump Kick

Those two really appriciate the sun and synergise well with the light of the Spraying candle. If you feel tired you can even put Sleep powder on your Christmas tree insteed of Giga drain. What is Christmas eve without a delicious Dinner though.
Sugimori 369.png

Christmas Dinner (Relicanth) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Atk / 180 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Head Smash
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Stop I know what yout thinking: "This is an odd Dinner, who eats rocks for christmas?" but hear me out. The fish provides nome much needed proteiny Stealth rock, enough attack to kill max HP flying Dragon cloud pokemon, is a check to pesky Swanns and a sturdy fire resist so the opponent doesn't have to much fun in the sun.

Thats it for our christmas squ... Grrrr The Grinch! Oh No hes here!
Bildergebnis für silvally dark

Grinch (Silvally-Dark) @ Dark Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sunny Day
- U-turn
- Multi-Attack
- Pursuit

The Grinch for some reason has joined the christmas crew and brings darkness to all psychic typs, while also able to set up the sun.


I hope you have fun with my team. Merry Christmas everyone.​


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Happy holidays! crucify had me this time around for the secret santa, and specified a team with LO Cacturne and specs Glaceon!

The Team:
:cacturne: :glaceon: :silvally-water: :komala: :golem: :rotom-fan:
(Click on sprites for pokepaste)

I decided the best route to go down when building off this wallbreaking core was a relatively standard bulky offense. Cacturne is meant to be the wincon with SD into Sucker Punch and Seed Bomb sweeping, with an immediately threatening Super Power as well that breaks walls like Prob or Licki that prevent Ice Beam spam. Glaceon its self is kinda normal, although I did opt for both Blizzard and HP Ground over alternatives. Blizzard can be a risky midground play that can 2HKO Ice Beam switch ins like Mare or Licki while also being Ice coverage, but obviously has that scary accuracy debuff. HP Ground also nails Mare while also hitting Prob and Mawhile for 1HKOs. To support these wallbreakers and to give them easier switch ins, Silv-Water has a nice Fire resistance and MU, and is EV’d as a bulky attacker. It outspeeds Ada Bibaral and everything below it, as well as checks Swanna when needed. Rotom-Fan works as another offensive pivot and as the scarfer which enjoys the wallbreaking support for getting rid of Grounds. Golem is the Vire check and is offensively EV’d while also being a good phys wall for offensive Normals. Lastly, AV Komala works as another bulky pivot that can come in on most special hits while providing Knock support and even more priority as the third Sucker Punch user; you can always have more priority on BO!

Have a happy holiday, I hope this team works for you! Here’s a replay of it in action during my e4 run.
I got sketchy ecchi who requested a core of SD Silvally-Ground + Z-Rain Dance Swanna. When I initially got it, I was just gonna do HO, but decided to do something else, and this is what I came up with

:Silvally-Ground::Swanna::Metang::Komala::Mr Mime::Hakamo-o: (click sprites for paste)

Hazards seemed essential for this core, so I decided on Metang because other rockers had bad type synergy with the already present members. Thunder Punch might be better over eq for Swanna, not sure. Komala acts as a spinner and forms a nice defensive core with Metang. Wish+Protect helps the team be able to win the long game and keeping Metang healthy. U-turn's probably better than knock so the team can gain momentum, but knock is hard for me to pass up ever. Scarf Mr Mime provides som speed control and provides healing wish support to give a set up sweeper another go. I considered a lot of things for the last slot (Simisage, Bouffalant, Pinsir, Simisear, etc), but decided on Hakamo-o so you don't lose to Rapidash from preview, and it provides another set up sweeper that helps against Mawile-less stall.

Anyways, happy holidays and I hope you can find a use for this team! Feel free to make any changes as you see fit as well.
oh god.png

[Click for Paste~] Shoutouts to Ho3nConfirm3d for the Glaceon moveset

I got Tuthur1 who requested Specs Glaceon. You brought hell upon me. Glaceon is one of the Pokemon to build a Specs set off of due to the fact that there's a fourth moveslot that was almost impossible for me to fill. But when i tested it... Glaceon put in some tough work. Normal resists took almost 50% from an Ice Beam switching in, and it basically plowed anything else down. Electivire + Toucannon is something i use rather often because it catches most off guard, due to them both being scarved it made it really fun surprising mons such as Swanna, Silvally, or Rapidash with Toucannon's speed. Scarf Electivire is just Scarf Electivire, no need to explain that one. I know a ton of these sets are basic such as suicide lead Golem and Scarf Evire, but heres where things get interesting: Gogoat. Looking at this team felt very basic when i originally had Swanna over Toucannon, and i needed a Grass type to patch up some Ground weaknesses. Enter the goat. Surprisingly, Gogoat was able to handle mons that i didn't think it would, supporting Golem with it's Torterra matchup and using Rock Slide to catch some Horses and Geese. I kept it on, but as you'll see in a minute, a path splits. Grassium Z Simisear is another fun mon i use on the occasion, since its able to handle Mareanie quite well with it's Z Move and can KO opposing Golem after rocks. It's definitely an odd replacement for Substitute but its definitely a welcome one.

Heres where things change.

[Click for Paste~] Shoutouts to sketchy ecchi for the Silv-Grass moveset

This one changes Gogoat out for Silvally-Grass, mainly as a faster Grass-type and for Defog, supporting Golem even more. Silvally-Grass definitely isn't a mon I've used before but it can put some work in.

Happy Holidays, Tuthur!​
Hi, I got Ho3nConfirm3d who asked for DragMag.

Probopass @ Groundium Z
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 184 HP / 252 SpA / 72 Spe
Modest Nature
- Earth Power
- Power Gem
- Smack Down
- Stealth Rock

Zweilous @ Eviolite
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk / 232 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Outrage
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Silvally-Dragon @ Dragon Memory
Ability: RKS System
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- U-turn
- Defog

Altaria @ Yache Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Roost

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
Hidden Power: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Transform

Misdreavus @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Pain Split
In the role of the Magnet Puller, I chose Probopass for its defensive utility and access to SR, which makes it more useful than Alolalem against non-Steel type team, and helps the MU against Fairy-types. It doesn't have Volt-Switch because imo Probopass really needs a STAB move not to be passive, and also because it almost never can click Volt Switch because almost every Electric-immunity can switch onto Probopass.
For the Dragon spam core, I chose
1) Zweilous as it is an amazing wallbreaker, which can weaken Fairy/Steel-types in case Probopass gets removed. It also helps with the Psychic-types and can act as good status absorber.
2) Altaria is the team's sweeper, it can easily gets one or two Dragon Dance thanks to its good bulk and Yache Berry. Also once Steel/Fairy-types get removed it becomes very threatening. The spread is here to outspeed Scarf Vire after 2 Dragon Dance.
3) Silvally-Dragon is the tier best Dragon, and can easily pivot against Steel-types into Probopass with U-turn, and gives the team a strong Special Attacker.
Ditto is here to help with the stall- and HO match-up, while giving great speed control.
Misdreavus helps with Normal types like Vigoroth and Bouffalant, while also being a great switch-in to Golem, and helping with the Fairy. I chose Foul Play over Hex because the team doesn't like to give Mala free turns, but Hex is a valid option.

happy boxing day Shrub !

you asked for a team based around SD Lickilicky and Silvally-Dragon and i did my best to accomodate.
here's the team:
--> :lickilicky: :silvally: :sandslash: :cacturne: :mareanie: :electivire: <--

so, initially i was looking for something that could abuse bronzor; silvally-dragon lures the shield pretty nicely and lickilicky really doesn't have much chance getting past it, so i figured a strong breaker would come in handy. similarly, using silvally-dragon as a defogger means you're using a defogger that can't directly force out golem, so i decided my next two pokemon would have to be able to take on bronzor and golem, and ideally have a lot of additional compression because to be blunt lickilicky and silvally dragon really don't offer that much defensive utility (although the latter can soft check fire-types like combusken and rapidash to some extent at least).
this brought me to sandslash and cacturne. sandslash is one of the strongest rockers in the tier right now imo because it has a solid matchup vs golem, is one of the two best electric immunities in the tier (alongside defensive golem), and knock off utility is just very very good for pressuring mons like bronzor. on that note, cacturne is the primary bronzor punisher, and is also very useful for soft checking torterra, a mon that sandslash doesn't particularly like. cacturne also acts as a psychic-immunity which is suprisingly really rare in this tier, and very useful on the build so far because most other eggy switchins (silvally-dark, probopass, metang) aren't compatible for multiple reasons mostly stated in that first paragraph.
next up i wanted to patch up the tspikes weakness a bit. cacturne pressures mareanie nicely and lickilicky can do something if forced, but overall we're using a defogger that loses to spdef mareanie on a build with multiple mons that are extremely hurt by tspikes being on the field, so i felt a second t-spikes remover would be best. i opted for a mareanie of my own here simply because it's the easiest to fit, and also helps a ton vs ice beam variants of silvally-fighting which kinda solos the team at the moment. i felt there was enough counterplay to curse muk and z-mm already (especially with a last slot already in mind) so haze wasn't necessary and i didn't especially need knock off support either so that freed up a slot for a largely unused move in protect, which eases switches a lot vs scarf evire, specs eggy, etc. and is also just fun to suprise people with.
lastly was evire, just because it also helps vs swanna and other flying types like touc and rotom-s. speaking of, i went with a full special variant which is not nearly as troubled by will-o-wisp from rotom-s. in addition, it does a better job of revenge killing crustle, doesn't let golem in as freely, and can lure in and suprise gourgeist-xl for lickilicky.

hope you enjoy the team!
:kecleon: OTR Kecleon for Aaronboyer :kecleon:

Hey. Although I missed the initial deadline for submitting a core, AFO still managed to slip me in and I got Aaronboyer, who wanted "OTR Kecleon and the team not be full TR." With that in mind, I figured Aaron would want either semi-TR or Kecleon as a standalone sweeper.

To preface, my first impression was that this is a really neat suggestion as OTR Kecleon is really never seen and on paper it's fairly anti-meta because Protean on 306 Attack with great coverage allows Kecleon to break down defensive cores and smash though offensive Pokemon in the late-game. Aaron did not specify anything for Kecleon outside of it having Trick Room, so I figured OTR Kecleon would work best with high BP moves rather than focusing on weaker coverage that can pick apart Pokemon such as Altaria, Torterra, Mareanie, and so on. Because of that, I decided on three moves: Knock Off, Low Kick, and Return (DE isn't compatible with Protean). Knock Off is self-explanatory. Low Kick is used because of the high BP vs Golem, Lickilicky, Silvs, and Bouffalant. Return is used because it is a fairly spammable and relatively strong move with great neutral coverage against offensive threats such as Electivire, Swanna, Simisage, Komala, etc. Also, having Knock Off and Low Kick makes it easy to break down most Normal-type switch-ins bar Gourgeist-XL.

Kecleon @ Normalium Z
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Trick Room
- Knock Off
- Low Kick
- Return

As for the item and EV spread, I think Normalium Z is the best item to use because it allows Kecleon to break through or one shot Pokemon such as Mareanie, Combusken, Raichu, etc, which is essential as a Trick Room sweeper. Opted not to run 0 Speed IVs because ideally you would want Kecleon to outspeed Bronzor outside of Trick Room so it can Knock Off its Eviolite (if you want it as a pure TR sweeper, you can make it 0 Speed IVs; personally I found it more useful outspeeding Bronzor).

Now onto the teams. It took me a few tries to make solid enough teams and even then, I feel like I haven't perfected the formula with OTR Kecleon.

First version: :kecleon::swanna::gourgeist::golem::raichu::silvally:
I chose to pair Kecleon with Swanna because of its ability to check Kecleon's checks and counters, namely Gourgeist-XL, Torterra, Combusken, and Mawile. Went with Metronome instead of Life Orb to help vs stall as well as Mareanie. Also, I never used the set so I wanted to try it out. Gourgeist-XL and Golem form the defensive backbone of the team. The EVs on Golem are mainly to check Electivire and Silvally-Dragon (being able to swich into Draco, rack up HP with Lefties+Protect). NP Raichu helps break and Scarf Silvally is for speed control. While the team is solid and supports Kecleon relatively well, it has a few weaknesses like Fire-types such as Combusken and Simisear, special attackers such as Exeggutor, Silvally-Dragon, and Swanna, and Rotom-S is annoying as well.
Second version: :kecleon::gourgeist::altaria::marowak::silvally::swanna:
After building and using the first version, I wanted to test out supporting OTR Kecleon defensively rather than focusing on breaking down its checks and counters through offensive partners. Gourgeist-XL covers the myriad of physical attackers from Golem to Torterra to CB Komala that threaten Kecleon. Altaria further supports Kecleon by through Defog and being able to check Fighting-types relatively well. Next up is defensive Marowak, which is something I messed around with within the past couple months. The idea is that normally, Marowak provides fantastic support for teams thanks to its monstrous Attack, access to SR and Knock Off, and its ability to check Golem, Electivire, Bronzor, Mareanie, and so on. As a result, this Marowak set is designed to avoid the 2HKO from Scarf Electivire's Ice Punch after rocks, survive Raichu's +2 LO HP Ice w/o rocks, and have a 0.4% chance to die to lead Golem's EQ. The Speed EVs are to creep base 50s and the rest is dumped into Attack. Really neat set, especially since Toxic cripples a lot of Marowak's incoming switch-ins. Silvally-Dark was chosen since it acts as the obligatory Psychic-type check. Initially I had Z-MM Swanna over Scarf to help vs fatter builds, but the team turned out to be too weak to fast breakers like Simisage so I changed it (i.e had to bluff Scarf vs uhu in an e4 match vs +2 Simisage). Notable weaknesses to the team include special attackers in general like Specs Glaceon, Cacturne, Raichu, etc and the team is not the easiest to use either.

Hope you enjoy man, was definitely fun building with OTR Kecleon and I honestly see it as a viable set.
I got Descending who wanted Butterfree.
I first attempted to use quiver dance but that didnt go too well in testing due to rocks weakness and sleep accuracy, so I went with specs to come in on something like gourgeist and do a lot of damage to whatever switches in.

Komala is to spin things away and has a tendency to lure in stuff like gourgeist.
Metang sets up Stealth Rocks, checks Ice types like Mr Mime and carries priority to finish off things.
Evire does a lot of damage and has an electric immunity.
Scarf Swanna is fast and checks fighting types, Brave Bird is for not needing to hit Hurricanes all the time.
Silvally-Fighting adds another way of hazard control and does fighting type things.

Overall Id say I had a fun time building this and I hope you'll enjoy whatever you're gonna do with this.
SD Psychicvally + NP Simisear for 275p
Sorry for the very late submission (I know I'm still making the deadline, but I procrastinated and took way longer than I should have, which is mb.) Anyway, I was tasked with building around a very strange combination: Psychic Silvally and Simisear. I've never personally used Psychicvally before, so I was a bit stumped as to how to support it. However, after a lot of thinking, I realized that Psychicvally and Simisear can break down each other's checks pretty efficiently, so I came up with a horrible effective team built around supporting their wallbreaking endeavors.

Mind Games (Silvally-Psychic) @ Psychic Memory
Ability: RKS System
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Multi-Attack
- Shadow Claw
- U-turn

Hellblaze (Simisear) @ Firium Z
Ability: Blaze
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Grass Knot
- Taunt

Killerwatt (Electivire) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Motor Drive
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Volt Switch
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Wild Charge

Azure (Bronzor) @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Psywave
- Toxic
- Rest

Hypnotoad (Poliwrath) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spe
Impish Nature
- Scald
- Circle Throw
- Toxic
- Protect

Fluffy Boi (Altaria) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Roost
- Heal Bell
- Flamethrower

Silvally: After an SD boost, this thing can dish out some surprisingly powerful Multi Attacks. I opted for Shadow Claw and U-Turn as my two other offensive moves: Shadow Claw reliably hits Gourgeist and Bronzor, and while U-Turn may seem counter intuitive on an SD set, it's actually really useful for pivoting out of unfavorable match-ups and switching Simisear in against more passive foes. You could run X-Scissor for a more powerful attack against Darkvally, but I find U-Turn to be more useful overall.

Simisear: I opted for a fairly standard Simisear set, with Taunt as my forth move of choice. Taunt is great for abusing defensive mons, and with Psychicvally's pivoting, you can get a lot of opportunities to pressure said mons.

Electivire: I opted for Electivire as my Scarfer. It creates a great VoltTurn core with Psychicvally, and handily deals with Water-types for Simisear.

Bronzor: I realized that the team needed a Golem switch in and hazard setter: Bronzor is effective at both of those things. It's particularly effective at shutting down defensive variants of Golem.

Poliwrath: Poliwrath absorbs Knock Off from things like Komala and Kecleon, and eases the match up against Dark-types like Pawniard and Darkvally. It also has the added utility of being a sturdy Fire-resist, which can come in handy against Combusken and Rapidash.

Altaria: Last but certainly not least, Altaria provides Defog support, cleric support, and status absorption all in one slot. I was concerned about the weaknesses it potentially added to the team, but Poliwrath and Bronzor can handle things like Glaceon pretty well, so I didn't sweat it too much.

I apologize if the team isn't the best: I was in a bit of a teambuilding slump when I made it, but I tried to make everything synergize well. That said, I hope you enjoy your late Christmas present!

P.S. I call the team "Here's Adieu, Sweet Lovely Psychicvally" (no real reason for the name, I just like sea shanties and thought it'd be a funny pun.)
Hey Tsareentje, I was your Secret Santa. Your requested core was Torterra + Vigoroth. I wanted to support Vigoroth with Toxic Spikes absorption and solid Fighting-type checks in Silvally-Poison and Swanna. Electivire + Swanna + Torterra is solid, and because I wanted to use the underutilized SD + RP set, I got the chance to use Solrock as another cool Stealth Rocker that beats Golem pretty handly, and surprise bops Bronzor too with Flare Blitz. I hope you enjoy getting to use this team for the remaining duration of SM ZU!

(Click on the Pokemon for the Importable)
hey Oathkeepre nice coincidence that we both got each other lol

so this starts off with the requested core of cb golem+np sage which is a pretty scary core in itself, both mons have very limited defensive counterplay. i added swanna to start with bc this needs speed control and a ground immunity to support golem. then i added bronz bc it could set rocks and can switch in to many threats in the current meta including golem torterra and eggy. muk was a bit of a weird choice here but i noticed that combusken seemed extremely good against my team and i felt that cromuk wouldnt fit on this type of team at all. this specific muk set (subdisablepunch) is actually really nice in the current meta. the hp evs allow muk to reach 404hp and have 101hp subs, letting it sub up on mons such as dusclops and lickilicky that abuse night shade/seismic toss. disable helps vs slower threats such as defensive golem and mawile. the speed creeps quill and is optional but i prefer it. lastly watervally is good removal and is a solid fire/water resist.

sorry for being late but i hope you enjoy!
Hey Tack:], I was your Secret Santa. Your requested core was Noctowl + Boufallant.

Shortly after receiving the request I thought about adding some Bronzor / steel trapper in order for the 2 normals to spam their STAB moves more freely, but Golem-Alola alongside 2 normals creates just too many holes defensively to fix with only 3 remaining slots so I decided to add Probopass with Smack Down + Groundium Z to beat Bronzor most of the time and changed Noctowls set to Choice Specs accordingly to kick the shit out of other steels & Golem who may wanna switchin. Probopass is one of the best Silvally-Dragon checks in this tier, checks Exeggutor somewhat together with Boufallant & Silvally-Dragon, and can take a non Z water move from Swanna at full and retaliate back with a OHKO.

Silvally-Dragon adds a defogger and water + fire + electric resist for the team, is yet another pokemon that takes advantage of Probopass trapping Bronzor and can take a hit from unboosted Combusken and Swanna at full and retaliate with a OHKO.
I chose Thunderbolt > Flamethrower as coverage move to have a better time in 1v1 vs non Toxic Mareanie + steels are taken care of by Probopass, Tinted Lens Noctowl or even Bouff and another member on this team anyway.

Torterra is both the main check vs grounds minus opposing Torterra and Ice Beam Groundvally, and somewhat of a Volt Switch immunity aswell as a wincon against many teams with it's SD + RP set. Yache Berry allows Torterra to most notably take a Ice Punch from Electivire and retaliate back with a OHKO, but feel free to use another item if you want. Jolly Nature outspeeds +0 Combusken which is a massive threat to the team aswell as choice scarf Rotom-Fan after a Rock Polish boost, but feel free to use Adamant Nature for more immediate power.

Lastly the team needed a fighting + secondary fire resist & some speed control since the team was overall on the slower side so far, so choice scarf Swanna was a natural fit for the last slot of the team. Endeavor allows Swanna to weaken some potential threat after getting low on HP through Rocks damage, and basically makes scarf Swanna not completely useless against any fatter team, while Aqua Jet is mostly for Combusken that went too out of control but you can also run Tailwind or some other filler move if you want.

Sorry for posting the team so late btw, holidays & SPL prevented me from testing and posting this team earlier, hopefully the team's still gonna be fun enough for you or someone else to use for the last few months of SM ZU's life cycle.
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Sieeeffmon requested a team around spikes Cacturne. This is an incredibly hard build as it’s just an awful play style in ZU and has so few mons to fill the roles required. Not to mention that Cacturne is a pretty sub-standard breaker imo. A far better spikes core is Slash + Gourg + Crustle but Cacturne doesn’t fit with that core.

Cacturne has crazy offensive stats, so mixed with sucker punch seems to be the most logical use of the mon, so that’s where the team started. Ran speed for neutral max 45s, as the extra investment on sucker does help a fair bit.
Offensive Golem with a good spread (max max adamant is dumb imo, this one avoids iron head 2hko from pawn and also the eq 2hko from evire) was an easy choice to fill many roles in the team.
Drifblim is another niche pick, but one of the few spin blockers we have whilst also pressuring teams back with acro + unburden with explosion to help stop defog or cause max chaos. The EVs allow it outspeed scarf 95 mons with adamant nature and a little bulk to help it spin block reliably once or twice in conjunction with the colbur on both slash and komala.
Basc and Purugly are both easy picks on Spikes HO providing strong Priorty speed and power and defog deterrent. Choice locked mons kinda suck on Webs/Spikes HO as they allow your opponent to take advantage of you and defog when appropriate. So to overcome this, bulk strong priorty reliably lets the team revenge most threats. Sub/Gambit is a way to wear down some mons that the offensive core struggles to break such as mareanie, watervally, poli etc.
Finally, offensive electricvally to ease the matchup with rotom and also swanna. Boltbeam is so good, and protect to scout the eq or volt from opposing scarf evires is pretty cool.

All in all, it’s a pretty odd team, but it works if played aggressively. The biggest issue with the team is hard it is to get Cacturne in, and how often Cacturne is better off firing off attacks then setting spikes and having to bail out again. Also, use that Golem spread more, it’s very very good.

Merry Easter