Dusclops X Mawile
Well it's my turn now. 85percent wanted either a stall team or a balance team built around the aforementioned mons. I built a stall team around those two (which was a bit hard since I never play stall). Dusclops and Mawile do perform a nice core, with Mawile being able to tank physical attacks very well, while Dusclops with evio takes special attacks with ease. Adding Lickilicky and Pyumuku to the team was mandatory, since both of them are important for stall teams (Licky as a cleric and wish passer and Pyumuku as an unaware user). Vally ground was added later on, since the team in the first draft, was very weak to mixed evire, so I added him to serve as a defogger who can pivot and take on Evire. Lastly, Bellosom here serves as our winmon. Originally, Muk took this spot, but then the team got to weak to ground type moves, so I replaced it Bellosom. It is really hard to stop, once it set up with QD.
Considering replays I only have one, but the replay does not contain Bellosom, but Muk. I'll just link it anyway if you're interested y'know.
Anyway I hope you like the team, 85percent. It was def a challenge to build a functional stall team that was actually easy to use. That rarely happens y'see. I really do look forward to the next challenge. Have a great holiday and a fresh start for the new year everyone!![]()
Marowak Ninjask Team for MonkeySniper |
MonkeySniper wished for a Marowak Ninjask team without any specific sets. I opted to go with a Stealth Rock Marowak and SD Z-Dig Ninjask. Ninjask has a hard time coping with hazards, and a Choice Band set would just aggravate those issues. Marowak is relatively good at pressuring certain hazard setters like Bronzor and Golem, so it helps Ninjask out a bit. This obviously isn't enough to keep hazards off the field, so I added Defog Silvally-Water. I chose Silvally-Water since it covers the Ice weakness of the initial core and helps out vs Swanna. It's a pretty standard set, with Parting Shot to provide the rather frail Marowak and Ninjask with opportunities to come in safely. It has enough speed for Komala and physically defensive investment to better check Combusken and Swanna. To really, really make sure Ninjask can enter the field without losing 50% of its health, I added Assault Vest Komala with Rapid Spin. This a) covers the team's weakness to Thunderbolt + Ice Beam Silvally forms and b) adds another slow pivot to support the offensive members. Since relying on Marowak to discourage opposing Electivire from Volt Switching is a bit awkward because of Marowak's poor bulk, I decided to add another Volt Switch immunity in Choice Scarf Electivire. Lastly I added Pursuit Pawniard to a) provide the team with a normal resist and secondary Exeggutor answer, and b) support the team by trapping Choice Scarf users - mostly Electivire locked into Ice Punch - with Pursuit. I gave it enough speed for Golem. Overall you should watch out for Silvally-Fighting with Ice Beam and Combusken. |
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to ZU teambuilding, so this isn't my best creation ever. But I hope this team meets your expectations. I wish you fun with this team and wonderful holidays! Lastly, I wanna thank Quagg for taking a look at the team to make sure it's presentable. |