Tournament ZUPL - Manager Signups

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Hello and welcome to the first ZUPL! I'm the wrong TL but none of these dudes wanted to host so there you go. This will adhere fairly similarly to the structure you see in other low tier premier leagues: 6 managers will draft teams and play each other across 5 weeks before moving on to a 3 team playoffs- 2nd and 3rd place play a semifinals week before playing 1st place for the distinction of winning ZUPL.

There will be 6 teams in this ZUPL, so 6 managers will be chosen from this thread. If you want to manage, all you have to do is post and explain why you are fit to manage a team. Managers will be selected based on ZU experience, Smogon experience, and general subjective good-managerialness evaluations made by myself, probably with some input from the ZU council. You just try to prove to us that you have what it takes. Managers will be given the opportunity to buy themselves from the auction for 12k credits so they can play as well (this is not required). Additionally, managers will be expected to:
  • Draft a team of at least 10 players at auction (8 starters + 2 substitutes)
  • Send in a roster every week
  • Keep activity high in your team / make subs when required
  • Managers may optionally designate an official assistant manager from the people they've drafted to have a second person with the ability to make substitutes and liaise with the host (me). Although there was some discussion about this previously, assistant managers will not be chosen before the draft, since two auto-buys would significantly skew the draft
Manager signups will last for 1 week. After that there will be 2 weeks of player signups, with the auction happening sometime around 3 weeks from now and almost certainly during the weekend. This also means ZUPL group stages will avoid starting until OMPL group stages are over to avoid conflicts within ZU's two team tours.

The 8 slots for ZUPL will be as follows: USUM ZU / USUM ZU / USUM ZU / USUM ZU / USUM ZU / ORAS ZU / BW ZU / DPP ZU

I think that's all the necessary info for this tour, good luck to all prospective managers and players!
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I'd like to manage the Fiery Flamencos this year. I'm sure you all know me, but I'm a council member and room moderator with lots of experience playing in the other subforum premier leagues on Smogon. I also have some managing experience to my name.

Let's have a good inaugural ZUPL!!

edit: oh right im old gens dictator as well

edit 2: got bullied for my original team name so shoutout xayah for second
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I'd like to sign up for a manager slot and plan to buy myself in the draft if chosen. (Dunno if I have to say that but :shrug:). I've been room staff for a year now and council for most of that time which is actually nuts to me. My old gens knowledge could probably use some help so I'll study up a bit. Don't really know if I need to say anything else but hopefully my play and relationships with the general player base will speak for themselves.

Edit: Team name would be the Sovereign Swannas
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I’d like to manage to take a shot at managing if given the chance. I haven’t really done anything relevant besides using a meme team to get to quarterfinals of zu open. I haven’t really been active that much in zu lately due to irl stuff, but I’d like to get back into it.
The team name would be the Majestic Mr. Mimes. Even if I don’t get picked as manager or drafted (which is highly likely) Id like to wish everyone good luck in the first ZUPL
I would like to manage the Dragon Dancing Delibirds for ZUPL. I am the longest-serving non-TL council member, have been moderator for over a year and a half, and have played a huge role in organizing and creating resources for several of our ZU Old Gens. I also feel like I have a good grasp on who the underrated ZU players are, and can formulate a well-drafted team with ZU mains and tournament players that cohesively work well together.
I'd like to manage the Humilau Hakamo-os for the upcoming ZUPL. I am a ZU council member and room moderator as well as a member of the QC team. I've been a part of the ZU community for well over a year and believe I have an understanding of both the metagame and playerbase to be a competent manager.

I would like to be a manager for the Seductive Spindas this ZUPL season. I have been with the tier for about two years and the majority of that time I have been voice or driver. I have experience in the current meta winning the most recent seasonal. In previous generations, I enjoy playing ORAS and I'm in the semi-finals for the DPP cup. For team tour experience: I have played for Random Battles Premier League, in the current OMPL playing ZU, won in OUPL 2 years ago, and managed for PSPL bringing the chess team to PSPL finals only to lose to them PU nerds. I am active and excited for this year's ZUPL and would love an opportunity to manage a team!
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I'd like to submit my candidacy for a ZUPL manager. While I am still a PU main, I know SM ZU very well and I would need to read up on previous gens since I do have the time to do it. I've been playing ZU for couple of months now and have been playing PU before that so I know what mons are there and what makes them tick. Not to mention I did sign up for PUPL (did not get drafted however). I was going to name my team the Fabled Fraxures. I have yet to manage any sort of team/league team but I feel like I have the know-how to do it and I know I can invest the time that's needed as well as more. Getting my foot in the door somewhere as a manager is a goal and I also would like to submit myself as a player as well for my team.
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Been a long time coming, I'm glad we finally have the player base and fun enough metas to make ZUPL happen. Thanks to everyone who's been a part of ZU up to this point, hope this PL is a good one.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to manage the TCB Basculins. I've been a part of the community for a while now and know the tier inside out, bar BW (ironically) and DPP since I haven't been super into them. Easy pick-ups. Played in PUPL and OMPL and have been a leader in the community for a substantial amount of time so I should be able to handle managing a team.
I want to be manager beacause its a really good experience.

I have never won a zu tour, and im not in the zu council, and i just managed a random french tour. I want to do this zupl like an outsider, because i know i can pick THE good players for win this season.

I am bad in old gens, but i am a good player in smzu and after the zu classic i know who is good in the others generations and who pick. I would give all my time for this tournament, and win this for sure !

So, lets go, Rainbow's Masquerains !

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I’d also like to throw my hat in the ring to manage the Polyamorous Poliwrath in the upcoming ZUPL.
Whilst having never won any tours, I have had decent success in the recent tours in both old gens and USUM.
I have a very firm grip on the meta and have not only built for myself and also have offered a lot of building support for friends for various ZU tours over the last ~6 months. I also have a very good handle on the current ZU player base as well and what a lot of current players would offer to teams. I have a very strong network within the ZU community, which would allow me to accurately appraise and price players in a draft.
I feel that my experience in ZU, as well as my ability to manage and co-ordinate team members and offer support to them based on my IRL skill set would make me a viable choice to manage in what already looks like a stacked managerial pool.
Im not signing up but these team names suck (ok polyamorous poliwraths get a pass)

Here are some good name tips for the uninspired zu community

The brexit bronzors
The uwunfezants
The ghosting gourgeists
The macho-loving machokes
The marxist mareanies
The black swannas
The flat-earther flareons
The religious relicanths
The illumise-nati or the illumise illuminati or some shit idc figure it out

Youre all welcome
So here I go again. I would like to announce my intentions to manage a team of the first ZUPL tour. As some of you may know, I am an active Smogon user which normally plays ZU, PU and LC currently.

I admit I am not a great competitive player and my builds are mainly defensive (stall lover). But in my real life I am a neurobiologist and I work in a laboratory. I am explaining this because one of the most important things there is to build a creative and confident team that feel comfortable sharing everything: not only the positive results but also the negative ones to discuss how experiment designs can be improved.

This aformentioned and the fact that I have been participating in ZU recently hosting a project (BotW) and working in a new one, I think this would be a great opportunity to show what I am good at: building an important ZUPL team and creating a good environment for ZU playerbase. Moreover, without hesitation, managing a ZUPL team would be the biggest project I would have been enrolled with in Pokémon community. I am absolutely hyped and thrilled for this.

Although I am not really active in the PS! chat, I am always checking all results for each tour and most of the replays. I do not have a ton of time to convert all my thoughts in a straightforward post about nominations here and there but I truly believe I have a good idea of how all the different generations work (focusing on ORAS and SM as the ones I have been participating deeply).

And just to finish... let's go Golden Electrobuzzers!
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Hi there! you may know me as the guy who uses unmons on a weekly basis, but i know my way around the current metagame trends and whats hot and whats not. i'm currently managing GCPL, so i know how to manage. I've also won ZU Team Tour alongside my dank teammates, and I'd like to manage the Ruthless Raticates!
Our selected managers will be:

DurzaOffTopic and the Fiery Flamencos
Aaronboyer and the Dragon Dancing Delibirds (let me know if u wanna change this please)
BloodAce0107 and the Humilau Hakamo-os
LPY and the Sovereign Swannas
5gen and the TCB Basculins
a fruitshop owner and the Seductive Spindas

Congratulations to our selected managers. Player signups are up now and the info hub will be up soon
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