As is the case with any Pokémon game, Speed is arguably the most important stat; going first gives you the initiative, giving you the most control over the game in many situations. In the primitive world of RBY, however, many of the staple Speed changing options you see today—such as Choice Scarf, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Sticky Web—simply do not exist. Not only that, Speed works a bit differently in these games, being linked to the critical hit mechanic and the interesting workings behind paralysis. Understanding the ins and outs of this stat is pivotal to succeeding in Pokémon as a whole, not just RBY, so let's go ahead and get right into it.
The first thing to understand about RBY is that critical hit rates are determined through your base Speed. There's a common misconception that they're determined by current Speed, which is false, so boosting with Agility will not influence your chance for a critical hit. Therefore, outside of a few attacks that can influence the formula, such as Slash, critical hit rates are consistent for a given Pokémon. Some Pokémon, such as Kingler and Persian, are heavily designed around making the best use of this mechanic. Your base critical hit rate is calculated with Base Speed * 100 / 512; applied to the fastest and slowest Pokémon in the game, this gives Electrode a 27.3% critical hit rate, and Slowpoke gets a 2.9% critical hit rate.
As aforementioned, some attacks will influence your critical hit rate: high critical hit rate moves and Focus Energy.
The "high-crit" moves include Slash, Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, and Crabhammer, which all multiply your critical hit rate by 8, making the formula Base Speed * 100 / 64. Because of this, almost every Pokémon in the game will get an extremely high critical hit rate, though it can't go beyond 99.6%. In practice, this effect effectively doubles the Base Power of each of these moves, making them incredible STAB options that give their users immediate offensive potential. For example, Kingler's Crabhammer can be treated as a 180 Base Power STAB move, largely making up for its decidedly poor Special stat.
Focus Energy, on the other hand, isn't so fortunate. Due to a programming flaw, it makes the formula Base Speed * 100 / 2048, quartering the user's chance for a critical hit until they switch. Preventing critical hits is often very counterproductive, but there are some minor applications. The damage dealt by a critical hit at L100 is 1.95x and ignores your boosts, so it amounts to less than a typical +2 boost. As a result, lowering the chance for a critical hit can help make a sweep more consistent. However, spending a moveslot and a turn to pull this off is absurd and oftentimes not something the few compatible Pokémon can afford. If put together, Focus Energy and a high-crit move will make the formula Base Speed * 100 / 256, leaving the user with a doubled critical hit rate. This move was later fixed in Stadium, which we'll go over later!
Critical hits will ignore all stat changes from both parties when they land, including the Attack drop from being burned. So, for example, a +2 Slash will hit like a +0 Slash if used by a Pokémon like Persian. In the same vein, Jolteon landing a critical hit Thunderbolt will ignore a +2 Amnesia Slowbro or Snorlax. This further extends to Reflect and Light Screen, so a Reflect Chansey is not immune to being OHKOed by a critical hit Hyper Beam from Tauros. Thanks to this mechanic, high-crit moves are excellent for smashing through Pokémon with boosted defenses, a common sight on Snorlax and Chansey in RBY OU and Ubers.
Here is a small role compendium of Pokémon that get moves that alter their critical hit rates. For high-crit moves, they are sorted by strength from left to right, factoring in STAB and including only fully evolved Pokémon. Focus Energy is sorted alphabetically. Moves learned through Tradebacks are separated by a vertical bar.
Pokémon Stadium changed things up a bit with critical hits. For starters, the formula was changed to ((Base Speed + 76) / 1024) * 100, which shapes up to increasing the critical hit rates of Pokémon with Speed stats of 65 or lower, and decreasing it for those above. For example, Snorlax will have its critical hit rate raised from 5.86% to 10%, while Tauros goes from 21.48% to 18%. Additionally, critical hit rates now cap at 99% and are rounded down. Considering the majority of RBY OU is relatively slow, contrary to popular belief, critical hits are arguably more common. This increased critical hit frequency can also be seen with the high-crit moves, having their formula changed to ((Base Speed + 76) / 128) * 100, which makes Pokémon with 55 base Speed reach the 99% cap, rather than 65.
Pokémon Stadium also famously fixed Focus Energy, making the formula (( BaseSpeed + 236 ) / 512) * 100. Together with high-crit moves, this becomes ((Base Speed + 236 ) / 64) * 100, which makes every single Pokémon get a 99% critical hit chance, though this combined effect doesn't help any fully evolved Pokémon. The fix to Focus Energy helps many Pokémon, especially Jolteon and Nidoking, which can fire off critical hits more than 50% of the time when active. For Jolteon in particular, Focus Energy helps it win much more consistently against Chansey when using Double Kick, and even Rhydon fears switching in when at around half HP.
Due to the lack of items and many variables that increase Speed in modern games, a fast Pokémon will almost always have the initiative. You're not going to see Starmie outspeed Jolteon without doing something to lower its Speed first, be it through Thunder Wave or the suboptimal Bubble Beam. This consistency is part of what makes Tauros so dominant: once the few Pokémon that outspeed it are paralyzed, it's simply a case of putting the opposing team in Hyper Beam range for it to win. Ergo, many Pokémon gain significant increases in viability if they can cripple it; these include Pokémon like Starmie, Jolteon, and Alakazam. Those that can't get Thunder Wave off by outspeeding it are bulky enough to stomach a blow, like Slowbro and Zapdos. It's not uncommon to see Thunder Wave thrown around a lot because of its high distribution and near-perfect accuracy, allowing for many Pokémon to often permanently incapacitate their foes. Avoiding paralysis through switching in Ground-types or already-statused Pokémon is pivotal to succeeding in RBY.
Because of the lack of Sticky Web, Tailwind, Choice Scarf, and other variables, raising and decreasing Speed is limited to manually doing so. This makes controlling Speed fairly difficult and largely reserved to using paralysis.
RBY features only a single move that raises Speed in Agility, which is found on many Pokémon, particularly the legendary birds. Thanks to the way the game handles boosting stats, Agility completely cures the Speed drop inflicted by paralysis upon use. As a result, this move is extremely helpful for maintaining an advantage in Speed and finds its way into many sweeper sets. On the flip side, there are three moves that lower Speed in RBY: Bubble, Bubble Beam, and String Shot. Out of these, only Bubble Beam sees large distribution, and even it rarely sees use. Keep in mind that increases and decreases in Speed do not influence a Pokémon's critical hit rate!
Paralysis is a bit easier to spread, mainly thanks to the wide distribution of Thunder Wave and Body Slam. Other moves that inflict paralysis include Glare, Lick, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Thunder Shock, and Stun Spore. It should be noted that Normal-types are immune to paralysis from Body Slam, which is an important method of staving it off; this is a large part of why Pokémon like Snorlax and Chansey see so much usage, especially with Reflect. Because of Body Slam and Thunder Wave being the most popular options and Glare being on the largely unviable Arbok, paralyzing Ground-types like Rhydon is very difficult. To viably paralyze them, you need either the difficult-to-fit Stun Spore or some luck with Body Slam. As a result of this, using Ground-types is important counterplay to Speed control, since many fast Pokémon, even Tauros, become virtually unusable when paralyzed.
Paralysis, along with burn, is subject to the stat reapplication glitch. This means that, if the opposing Pokémon uses a stat-raising move like Swords Dance, the stat drop of your Pokémon's status is reapplied. For example, if a Starmie with 328 Speed were to be paralyzed, it would first drop to 82 as normal. If an opposing Kabutops were to use Swords Dance, though, it would drop further to a mere 20 Speed. This glitch can be helpful in the event both Pokémon are paralyzed, as it enables the setup Pokémon to gain the upper hand. In Ubers, this glitch can be applied against a paralyzed Mewtwo before your setup Pokémon is KOed, potentially forcing it out with your next Pokémon. The stat drop from paralysis doesn't go away when using Rest either, which can lead to interesting interactions. For example, Jolteon can use Rest to shake off paralysis, but the Speed drop still remains. If it's paralyzed again, the drops will stack, leaving it outsped by even a paralyzed Snorlax. In a similar—albeit different—vein, if Jolteon were to get paralyzed on the turn it uses Rest, its Speed would drop to 1/16, just 22 Speed.
Here's a role compendium for the aforementioned moves amongst fully evolved Pokémon, ordered alphabetically. Moves learned through Tradebacks are separated by a vertical bar, and offensive moves have their effect chances noted in brackets.
The notorious partial trapping mechanics in RBY benefit from Speed, as being faster than an opposing Pokémon can allow the user to "loop" them and force them to wait for a miss. Remember that the partial-trapping moves are Wrap, Bind, Fire Spin, and Clamp. The main counterplay to this is switching in a Pokémon that's faster, which consumes the partial trapper's PP and leaves them in a position to be attacked once the move ends. Both parties can switch, though, which creates a lot of potential for mind games. As one would expect, Agility makes these moves particularly potent, removing any counterplay the opponent has outside of PP stalling or hoping for a miss.
Here is a role compendium showing Pokémon that learn these moves, ordered alphabetically. Moves and combinations gained through Tradebacks are separated by a vertical bar.
Pokémon | Speed | Actual Speed | Critical Hit Rate | w/High-crit moves | w/Focus Energy | w/Both | Stad1 Critical Hit | Stad1 w/High-crit | Stad1 w/Focus Energy | Stad1 w/Both |
Bulbasaur | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Ivysaur | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Venusaur | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Charmander | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Charmeleon | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Charizard | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Squirtle | 43 | 184 | 8.40% | 67.19% | 2.10% | 16.80% | 11% | 92% | 54% | 99% |
Wartortle | 58 | 214 | 11.33% | 90.63% | 2.83% | 22.66% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Blastoise | 78 | 254 | 15.23% | 99.90% | 3.81% | 30.47% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Caterpie | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Metapod | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Butterfree | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Weedle | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Kakuna | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Beedrill | 75 | 248 | 14.65% | 99.90% | 3.66% | 29.30% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Pidgey | 56 | 210 | 10.94% | 87.50% | 2.73% | 21.88% | 12% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Pidgeotto | 71 | 240 | 13.87% | 99.90% | 3.47% | 27.73% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Pidgeot | 91 | 280 | 17.77% | 99.90% | 4.44% | 35.55% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Rattata | 72 | 242 | 14.06% | 99.90% | 3.52% | 28.13% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Raticate | 97 | 292 | 18.95% | 99.90% | 4.74% | 37.89% | 16% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Spearow | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Fearow | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Ekans | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Arbok | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Pikachu | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Raichu | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Sandshrew | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Sandslash | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Nidoran-F | 41 | 180 | 8.01% | 64.06% | 2.00% | 16.02% | 11% | 91% | 54% | 99% |
Nidorina | 56 | 210 | 10.94% | 87.50% | 2.73% | 21.88% | 12% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Nidoqueen | 76 | 250 | 14.84% | 99.90% | 3.71% | 29.69% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Nidoran-M | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Nidorino | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Nidoking | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Clefairy | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Clefable | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Vulpix | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Ninetales | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Jigglypuff | 20 | 138 | 3.91% | 31.25% | 0.98% | 7.81% | 9% | 75% | 50% | 99% |
Wigglytuff | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Zubat | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Golbat | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Oddish | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Gloom | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Vileplume | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Paras | 25 | 148 | 4.88% | 39.06% | 1.22% | 9.77% | 9% | 78% | 50% | 99% |
Parasect | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Venonat | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Venomoth | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Diglett | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Dugtrio | 120 | 338 | 23.44% | 99.90% | 5.86% | 46.88% | 19% | 99% | 69% | 99% |
Meowth | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Persian | 115 | 328 | 22.46% | 99.90% | 5.62% | 44.92% | 18% | 99% | 68% | 99% |
Psyduck | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Golduck | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Mankey | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Primeape | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Growlithe | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Arcanine | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Poliwag | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Poliwhirl | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Poliwrath | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Abra | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Kadabra | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 17% | 99% | 66% | 99% |
Alakazam | 120 | 338 | 23.44% | 99.90% | 5.86% | 46.88% | 19% | 99% | 69% | 99% |
Machop | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Machoke | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Machamp | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Bellsprout | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Weepinbell | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Victreebel | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Tentacool | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Tentacruel | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Geodude | 20 | 138 | 3.91% | 31.25% | 0.98% | 7.81% | 9% | 75% | 50% | 99% |
Graveler | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Golem | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Ponyta | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Rapidash | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 17% | 99% | 66% | 99% |
Slowpoke | 15 | 128 | 2.93% | 23.44% | 0.73% | 5.86% | 8% | 71% | 49% | 99% |
Slowbro | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Magnemite | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Magneton | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Farfetch'd | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Doduo | 75 | 248 | 14.65% | 99.90% | 3.66% | 29.30% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Dodrio | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Seel | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Dewgong | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Grimer | 25 | 148 | 4.88% | 39.06% | 1.22% | 9.77% | 9% | 78% | 50% | 99% |
Muk | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Shellder | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Cloyster | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Gastly | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Haunter | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Gengar | 110 | 318 | 21.48% | 99.90% | 5.37% | 42.97% | 18% | 99% | 67% | 99% |
Onix | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Drowzee | 42 | 182 | 8.20% | 65.63% | 2.05% | 16.41% | 11% | 92% | 54% | 99% |
Hypno | 67 | 232 | 13.09% | 99.90% | 3.27% | 26.17% | 13% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Krabby | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Kingler | 75 | 248 | 14.65% | 99.90% | 3.66% | 29.30% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Voltorb | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Electrode | 140 | 378 | 27.34% | 99.90% | 6.84% | 54.69% | 21% | 99% | 73% | 99% |
Exeggcute | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Exeggutor | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Cubone | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Marowak | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 11% | 94% | 54% | 99% |
Hitmonlee | 87 | 272 | 16.99% | 99.90% | 4.25% | 33.98% | 15% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Hitmonchan | 76 | 250 | 14.84% | 99.90% | 3.71% | 29.69% | 14% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Lickitung | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Koffing | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Weezing | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Rhyhorn | 25 | 148 | 4.88% | 39.06% | 1.22% | 9.77% | 9% | 78% | 50% | 99% |
Rhydon | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Chansey | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Tangela | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Kangaskhan | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Horsea | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Seadra | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Goldeen | 63 | 224 | 12.30% | 98.44% | 3.08% | 24.61% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Seaking | 68 | 234 | 13.28% | 99.90% | 3.32% | 26.56% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Staryu | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Starmie | 115 | 328 | 22.46% | 99.90% | 5.62% | 44.92% | 18% | 99% | 68% | 99% |
Mr. Mime | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Scyther | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 17% | 66% | 99% | 99% |
Jynx | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Electabuzz | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 17% | 99% | 66% | 99% |
Magmar | 93 | 284 | 18.16% | 99.90% | 4.54% | 36.33% | 16% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Pinsir | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Tauros | 110 | 318 | 21.48% | 99.90% | 5.37% | 42.97% | 18% | 99% | 67% | 99% |
Magikarp | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Gyarados | 81 | 260 | 15.82% | 99.90% | 3.96% | 31.64% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Lapras | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Ditto | 48 | 194 | 9.38% | 75.00% | 2.34% | 18.75% | 12% | 96% | 55% | 99% |
Eevee | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Vaporeon | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Jolteon | 130 | 358 | 25.39% | 99.90% | 6.35% | 50.78% | 20% | 99% | 71% | 99% |
Flareon | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 13% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Porygon | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 90% | 53% | 99% |
Omanyte | 35 | 168 | 6.84% | 54.69% | 1.71% | 13.67% | 10% | 86% | 52% | 99% |
Omastar | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Kabuto | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 12% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Kabutops | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Aerodactyl | 130 | 358 | 25.39% | 99.90% | 6.35% | 50.78% | 20% | 99% | 71% | 99% |
Snorlax | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 82% | 51% | 99% |
Articuno | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 15% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Zapdos | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Moltres | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Dratini | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Dragonair | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Dragonite | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Mewtwo | 130 | 358 | 25.39% | 99.90% | 6.35% | 50.78% | 20% | 99% | 71% | 99% |
Mew | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
This lists Pokémon from S-D on the 2020 Viability Rankings.
Pokémon | Speed | Actual Speed | Critical Hit Rate | w/High-crit moves | w/Focus Energy | w/Both | Stad1 Critical Hit | Stad1 w/High-crit | Stad1 w/Focus Energy | Stad1 w/Both |
Jolteon | 130 | 358 | 25.39% | 99.90% | 6.35% | 50.78% | 20% | 99% | 71% | 99% |
Alakazam | 120 | 338 | 23.44% | 99.90% | 5.86% | 46.88% | 19% | 99% | 69% | 99% |
Starmie | 115 | 328 | 22.46% | 99.90% | 5.62% | 44.92% | 19% | 99% | 68% | 99% |
Persian | 115 | 328 | 22.46% | 99.90% | 5.62% | 44.92% | 19% | 99% | 68% | 99% |
Tauros | 110 | 318 | 21.48% | 99.90% | 5.37% | 42.97% | 18% | 99% | 67% | 99% |
Gengar | 110 | 318 | 21.48% | 99.90% | 5.37% | 42.97% | 18% | 99% | 67% | 99% |
Zapdos | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Jynx | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 17% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Moltres | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Kangaskhan | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Articuno | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 16% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Dragonite | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Kingler | 75 | 248 | 14.65% | 99.90% | 3.66% | 29.30% | 15% | 99% | 60% | 99% |
Victreebel | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Cloyster | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Hypno | 67 | 232 | 13.09% | 99.90% | 3.27% | 26.17% | 14% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Sandslash | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 14% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Lapras | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Exeggutor | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 13% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Chansey | 50 | 198 | 9.77% | 78.13% | 2.44% | 19.53% | 12% | 98% | 55% | 99% |
Golem | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 12% | 95% | 54% | 99% |
Rhydon | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 91% | 53% | 99% |
Porygon | 40 | 178 | 7.81% | 62.50% | 1.95% | 15.63% | 11% | 91% | 53% | 99% |
Slowbro | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 83% | 51% | 99% |
Snorlax | 30 | 158 | 5.86% | 46.88% | 1.46% | 11.72% | 10% | 83% | 51% | 99% |
This lists Pokémon from S-C on the April 2021 Viability Rankings.
Pokémon | Speed | Actual Speed | Critical Hit Rate | w/High-crit moves | w/Focus Energy | w/Both | Stad1 Critical Hit | Stad1 w/High-crit | Stad1 w/Focus Energy | Stad1 w/Both |
Aerodactyl | 130 | 358 | 25.39% | 99.90% | 6.35% | 50.78% | 20% | 99% | 71% | 99% |
Dugtrio | 120 | 338 | 23.44% | 99.90% | 5.86% | 46.88% | 19% | 99% | 69% | 99% |
Persian | 115 | 328 | 22.46% | 99.90% | 5.62% | 44.92% | 19% | 99% | 68% | 99% |
Kadabra | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 18% | 99% | 66% | 99% |
Electabuzz | 105 | 308 | 20.51% | 99.90% | 5.13% | 41.02% | 18% | 99% | 66% | 99% |
Raichu | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Tentacruel | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Dodrio | 100 | 298 | 19.53% | 99.90% | 4.88% | 39.06% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Raticate | 97 | 292 | 18.95% | 99.90% | 4.74% | 37.89% | 17% | 99% | 65% | 99% |
Haunter | 95 | 288 | 18.55% | 99.90% | 4.64% | 37.11% | 17% | 99% | 64% | 99% |
Kangaskhan | 90 | 278 | 17.58% | 99.90% | 4.39% | 35.16% | 16% | 99% | 63% | 99% |
Articuno | 85 | 268 | 16.60% | 99.90% | 4.15% | 33.20% | 16% | 99% | 62% | 99% |
Dragonite | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Venusaur | 80 | 258 | 15.63% | 99.90% | 3.91% | 31.25% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Gyarados | 81 | 260 | 15.82% | 99.90% | 3.96% | 31.64% | 15% | 99% | 61% | 99% |
Poliwrath | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Dewgong | 70 | 238 | 13.67% | 99.90% | 3.42% | 27.34% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Hypno | 67 | 232 | 13.09% | 99.90% | 3.27% | 26.17% | 14% | 99% | 59% | 99% |
Vaporeon | 65 | 228 | 12.70% | 99.90% | 3.17% | 25.39% | 14% | 99% | 58% | 99% |
Tangela | 60 | 218 | 11.72% | 93.75% | 2.93% | 23.44% | 13% | 99% | 57% | 99% |
Omastar | 55 | 208 | 10.74% | 85.94% | 2.69% | 21.48% | 13% | 99% | 56% | 99% |
Golem | 45 | 188 | 8.79% | 70.31% | 2.20% | 17.58% | 12% | 95% | 54% | 99% |