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"We are arriving at Copenhagen, Denmark. Thank you for flying with us, and enjoy the rest of the flight."
Copenhagen, the number-one most livable city in the world. With extremely environmentally friendly people, the nation of Denmark strives for green living and overall human welfare. Motor vehicles are not, in fact, the most used form of transportation; it is the bicycle that reigns supreme and is seen in every direction. Although the nation still uses some fossil fuel, fields of wind turbines are expanding, and energy will hopefully be based solely on natural, renewable resources in the future.
I wish America was like that. No, not just America, the whole world. Every day, we pollute the environment with smog and litter. Debris and trash. Toxic waste and pollution. Although it is much better now than before in the 19th century, we are still continuing to ruin the planet, on top of using its resources in a very unsustainable way, and it's a hard way backwards to square one. Even the trash system itself is not very effective; landfills are poisoning the ground and filling up desirable space that we need. So I have to say, thank goodness for Denmark! Oh, and the other countries that have begun to work for a greener world as well. Keep it up!
As I enter the passenger seating area, I notice a piece of paper on the ground that no one, for whatever reason, has picked up. I grab and read it: "Enter the forbidden lands of the strong and meet with me... please? It's easy to find; just smell it!" No name left behind, but this person seems nice enough! While I question whether or not the note was left for someone floralse, it wouldn't hurt to be a troll and find this person regardless! Where in this airport would the "forbidden lands of the strong" be though?
Following my powerful sense of smell, I end up at the food court. There are so many things that I don't even recognize, but they smell good anyway! A sinister man seems to be crouching behind me. He's not very sneaky, however, and besides, I have another pair of eyes on the back of my head. Wait... I'm pretty sure I've heard of this person before. Ah, it's him!
Before we even speak, Hugendugen immediately shakes my hand, makes eye contact, and smiles at me. Such niceness!
Hello, Hugendugen! You appear to be next on my list and so here we are! First things first, can you tell me who you are? Are you a professional/still-in-training somewhere? Do you go to a top university? Where do you live? Age?
Heya Flora; thanks for having me! I'm 20-years-old studying economics, mathematics, and politics at the University of Copenhagen. Even though I'm half Danish/Irish, I only recently moved to Denmark in late 2013. I come from a diplomatic family, so you'll notice I have a pretty weird background.
Nice, nice. I've two questions to ask about that. First, how do you like Denmark? Are the people nice? Cool places to see?
I've lived in Denmark for a little over 9 years total, so it's probably the closest thing I have to a home country. It's pretty small, so there ain't that much to see. Except Copenhagen. Copenhagen is fantastic—definitely one of my favorite cities in the world. Great atmosphere, the people are friendly, and it's super easy to get around. Oh and of course I'm here, for the time being.
Great to hear that! Second, I'd like to hear more of your weird background. Can you tell me about some of the other places you have lived at?
Haha, where to start? So, my mum works for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which means we've pretty much lived all over the world. Specifically, Lesotho, Denmark, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Denmark, Australia, the United States, and now Denmark again. It's weird, but I've sort of gotten used to the nomadic lifestyle. It has reached a point where if I live in one place for too long, I begin to feel restless, as if it's time to move on.
A man and a woman suddenly start speaking gibberish towards me. Hugendugen quickly mentions that I am blocking their way to a restaurant, and guides me to a table. What a gentleman!
That's actually one of the reasons I moved from Australia to the US. Even though I had started a degree at the Australian National University, my mum got posted to DC, and I figured that was as good a time as any to try something new. I ended up interning for a congressman on The Hill until I decided to transfer to Copenhagen.
That's quite the number of places you visited! What is this The Hill you speak of?
It's another name for the United States Congress. Basically where political idealism goes to die. Specifically, I worked for a democratic representative from northern California. Mostly I just answered phone calls from crazy people who saw something on the news and wanted to complain. Still, I also got to write a few speeches for the congressman and was a part of planning a successful NDAA amendment to end the War in Afghanistan in 2014. I have lots to say about American politics, but I'll leave that for another time.
Wow, that's awesome to hear! Do you have any hobbies you enjoy doing on your free-time?
Other than wasting spending time on PS! and Smogon, I'm a big fan of extreme sports. After finishing high school, I went on a major trip around Australia and New Zealand, where I did everything from mountain climbing and spelunking to bungee jumping and skydiving. I also got my scuba diving instructor's license. Sadly, there aren't as many opportunities to do that stuff here in Denmark, so mainly just football and hanging out with friends.
I can't even imagine skydiving or mountain climbing. I'd be waaay too afraid to even think about it, haha! I'd like to ask one more question before we move on to Pokémon and Smogon. What's the meaning of your username, and where did you get your username from? Okay, I lied; that was two.
This is actually the third username in a series of poor choices. I was Moe_Joe back on Serebii and when I first joined Smogon. Then I was Oohlala for like a day and finally I settled on Hugendugen. It was actually one of my nicknames in high school, since my Australian mates thought that was what Danish sounds like. Basically think the Swedish Chef from The Muppets. Others included The Great Dane, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Gurdi Gurdi, Dirty Gerty, Pork F*cker, and Shiner (because of my last name). I think I made the right choice.
Pork F*cker...
lol. Those other names are most excellent. So what were you doing on Serebii? What made you join Smogon?
Not many people know this story, but I joined for one reason and one reason only: Mysterial, the final Colosseum leader from Pokémon Battle Revolution. I tried for weeks, but he had a Choice Scarf Kyogre and a goddamn Lustrous Orb Palkia. Seriously, apart from a few weird sets, he would have had a legit DPP Ubers team. I mentioned it to a friend and he suggested we practice for a bit on Shoddy Battle. From there, I heard about Smogon and quickly got into Ubers (obviously to prepare for that top hat-wearing, mustachioed wanker).
Eventually, I found out that Kingdra swept half of his team, but at this point I was already caught. I'd spend hours upon hours on the Ubers ladder. That was where I met trickroom, who'd also recently started playing competitively. We'd speak daily and basically just taught each other how to play Pokémon.
Wow, that's quite interesting to hear! From a console game right into competitive Ubers laddering, that's awesome! I'd like to talk about your status as the Ubers leader. How did you become the Ubers leader? Why were you chosen? How long have you been the leader?
I've been the Ubers leader since Bojangles stepped down at the end of BW2. Basically, I've just been a part of the community for a long-ass time, ever since early Gen 4 Ubers, where I spent most of my time laddering with trickroom. This carried over to 2011, when I returned from my hiatus in the middle of BW1. trickroom and I would test with Stallion (who I went to university with) incessantly and eventually we got pretty good, to the point that I won a couple of tournaments and did fairly well in SPL. From here, I started joining metagame discussions in #ubers and #pokemon, and met good peeps like ibojangles, Theorymon, and Poppy. Eventually, when ibo stepped down, he picked me to fill his shoes. Senior Staff trusted me with the job and the rest is history.
Hugendugen straightens up in a proud position. I wink.
Is there a direction you want to be taking Ubers in? Do you plan to have anything new for it or will it just be chugging along as it is right now?
While XY Ubers is chugging along just fine, I'd like to bring some of the previous Ubers gens back into the limelight. This will probably include a subforum overhaul, as well as a couple of tournaments to get people playing BW and DPP Ubers again. Lots of people will agree with me when I say that Pre-Arceus DPP Ubers was definitely one of the most enjoyable Smogon metagames. The problem is just that not too many people play it anymore, so it'll be great to get some fresh blood. Sweep, for example, who didn't join until Gen 5, recently picked it up and has been absolutely killing it (mainly because of his Omastar fetish). This isn't to say that we won't still be focusing on Gen 6, just that we'll be diversifying a little.
Pre-Arceus DPP Ubers was actually the only time I've played some Ubers lol. It was indeed enjoyable! Is there anything you would recommend to a new XY Ubers player? Like, how to get started, things to keep in mind, suggested Pokémon, builds, playstyles, etc?
My advice for anyone wanting to learn a new metagame: ladder and just keep on laddering. If you're starting from scratch, it can be helpful to pick up a team or two from the RMT section, perhaps one of Donkey's teams from SPL. Then, once you've gotten a good idea of the metagame, try building some of your own. If you need a hand, you can always join #ubers on synIRC or the Ubers room on Showdown to ask for for help. Another great resource is the SPL replay thread, where you can watch and learn from some of the best players around. Just be aware that there are some fairly unorthodox strategies, which might look weird at first, but make sense once you have a little more experience.
Hugendugen takes some time to dig into his thoughts a bit. He must be searching for specific details.
Two Pokémon to look out for that are tearing up the XY metagame are Geomancy Xerneas and Mega Gengar. One can quickly set up and power through opposing teams, while the other can be used to eliminate a specific Pokémon that really gives you trouble. And, of course, even though Drizzle was nerfed with 6th gen weather mechanics, Kyogre is still a massive threat that you should keep in mind whenever you're building a team.
Okay, awesome! I see that you're also a PS! leader. Moreover, I notice that there are multiple PS!/battle server administrators on board. I'm assuming that being an administrator means that they're pretty much a leader as well, but I'm thinking you're more of the supreme leader of all the leaders. But wasn't it Zarel who created PS! and is the most leader-ish of them all? Or is it just that Zarel is creator, you're leader, and that's that? I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, haha! I just want to clear up the confusion.
Don't worry, I understand the confusion. We all have different roles, but if you're really interested, this thread gives a pretty good run down. The short version is that Zarel owns the site and does most of the dev work (with help from other Admins (~) and Leaders (&) like V4, Joim, TheImmortal, and Quinella), while I do most of the policy leadership. With help from Jasmine, Haunter, and a number of our policy leaders, I make sure that the global staff runs smoothly, that new rooms are made and staffed appropriately, and that any other issues that might arise from a policy standpoint are dealt with properly.
I actually started off as a driver and then a mod back on the Smogon PO server, but slowly moved up the ranks until Zarel eventually pushed for me to take over as the main PS! policy admin in June 2013.
Thanks for the answer! So, multiple roles, got it. Since I've already covered PS! a ton with Joim and Treecko, I'll leave it at that. Let's talk about your favorites! What's your favorite food/dish?
Tough call, but probably shawarma. Just found a great place right next to where I study. Hasn't been good for my wallet. :S
Hugendugen blinks his eyes over to a stand, where sandwich-like cones of meat and vegetables are being prepared. It doesn't seem to be boiling hot, so it's safe to assume it's either a cold or at-room-temperature meal.
Oh, interesting food! I don't know too much about Arabian food, sadly enough. Anyway, moving onto the next one. Do you have a favorite overall video game (doesn't have to be Pokémon)? You can pick a couple if one is too hard, hehehe.
Definitely Ratchet & Clank. I've played every non-handheld game in the series. If you see a R & C related alt on PS!, chances are it's probably me.
I had never heard of that one until now. Guess I'll have to do my own personal research on it! Alrighty! Last favorite: what's your favorite Pokémon and why?
Latios, because it was the first shiny I ever caught and because it can fly faster than a fricking jet plane.
Good choice! Okay, let's call this a day. Thanks Hugendugen, and hope this wasn't too bad of an experience haha! Take care now!
Thanks for having me Flora! It's been fun to talk about myself for 3 hours.
We shake hands, again, say our goodbyes, and part ways. The handshaking must be a big part of Danish customs, it seems. Well, here I am, at the food court. I don't think I'll be moving out for a while... I have to find some tasty yummies first!
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