Pokemon Platinum - The definitive thread.

Do you think there will be a sequel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 487 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 20 3.9%

  • Total voters
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Here goes.... I really hope that what I've said it true and is there any useful even a bit information you can translate for us? (thanks).
It's a lot of contentless hype about how Platinum is the new addition to the core Pokémon games, how Game Freak makes Pokémon, that it's a companion version to Diamond and Pearl, that you encounter Giratina at the same time you encounter Dialga and Palkia, that Giratina has a new form called the "Origin Form" and that there's a big movie hyping all of this up even more due out this summer. No release dates other than the painfully specific "late 2008" right above "Single Player" and "RPG," and I'm certain that if Pokémon were single player then Smogon wouldn't exist.

Oh, Shaymin present given away via wireless at the upcoming movie. Also, Shaymin learns Aromatherapy! I wonder what else it gets? The mind boggles!

Seriously, you're better off not understanding any of it.
The Shaymin portion refers to a Shaymin Mystery Gift, which isn't much help at all. It's a gigantic shame how entire story sections of the game are ignored in favor of Nintendo just giving us an un-nicknameable, un-soft resettable, generic version of super rare Pokes.

Did you know that Deoxys has his own battle themesong in Fire Red and Leaf Green? What a fucking waste. Arceus has his own song, too, which didn't make it onto the OST because "he doesn't exist" yet. How much do you want to bet non-Japanese people will ever get the chance to hear those songs (short of cheating)?

Two amazing battle musics, I must say.

I still hope they release the Event Items via Wi-Fi... Okay, they want to distribute a Shaymin with lol Aromatherapy, but what about in 2009? They'll probably reveal Arceus, and then distribute one with Explosion, while it would be easier to just use Wi-Fi and blahblahblah?
Funnily enough I just found out Nintendo also has the following names Trademarked:

Poke'mon Topaz
Poke'mon Tourmaline
Poke'mon Amethyst
Poke'mon White Gold
Poke'mon Moonstone

From way back in 2002...

Not that it really means much on it's own lol...
I think it's transfered form Ranger 2, since if you look at the right photo (PokeMart) you'll see the hero talking to a guy, which is the same method when many people transfered Manaphy from Ranger...at least I hope so.

While this would be nice, talking to that guy at the PokeMart is also how you get Pokemon received via Mystery Gift :(

And when you add the fact Mystery Gift is mentioned and Ranger 2 isn't, you can come to an almost surefire conclusion.

Poke'mon Topaz
Poke'mon Tourmaline
Poke'mon Amethyst
Poke'mon White Gold
Poke'mon Moonstone
Yes, I remember this. Moonstone/White Gold/Tourmaline are all ridiculous names imo. Silly Nintendo wasting money on trademarks.
While this would be nice, talking to that guy at the PokeMart is also how you get Pokemon received via Mystery Gift :(

And when you add the fact Mystery Gift is mentioned and Ranger 2 isn't, you can come to an almost surefire conclusion.

Yes, but that's also the way to obtain a event ticket after getting it from a wonder spot. I just hope they give away Oak's Letter so we can soft reset for it!
It's a lot of contentless hype about how Platinum is the new addition to the core Pokémon games, how Game Freak makes Pokémon, that it's a companion version to Diamond and Pearl, that you encounter Giratina at the same time you encounter Dialga and Palkia, that Giratina has a new form called the "Origin Form" and that there's a big movie hyping all of this up even more due out this summer. No release dates other than the painfully specific "late 2008" right above "Single Player" and "RPG," and I'm certain that if Pokémon were single player then Smogon wouldn't exist.

Oh, Shaymin present given away via wireless at the upcoming movie. Also, Shaymin learns Aromatherapy! I wonder what else it gets? The mind boggles!

Seriously, you're better off not understanding any of it.
Thanks, anyway. According to Serebii's Joe..we should get more info in a month or so.
Yh :D

I hope there's an item like the Lifo Orb for speed...1.3x faster, but it doesn't apply move restriction :)

This. I was confused as to why they didn't do this in D/P. It would make things so much more interesting. OU/BL battles are so boring now, but adding a speed Life Orb would make so many pokemon much more viable options.
Yeah, but this brings a lot more pokemon to the game, making it so harder to play. I know this makes it much more interesting, but still, countering these new teams will be waaay more harder...

This is just my opinion.. Also, if you have noticed, the release date of the game in america is the spring of 2009. Man, do you think I can really wait for a whole year, with 12 months, and 365 days and a quarter?!?!
Just a thought...

Why are there so many bug pokemon on the scan? (Butterfree, Combee, Beautifly)

It seems very nature-oriented, and maybe Shaymin will be available to everyone.
Yeah, but this brings a lot more pokemon to the game, making it so harder to play. I know this makes it much more interesting, but still, countering these new teams will be waaay more harder...

Isn't that the point of competitive battling? If we wanted it to be easy, we wouldn't compete.
I am LOLing at the poll atm

who voted no? Just wonderng......

Also, what will go in Spring Path if Giratina is at MtCoronet? :D
Just a thought...

Why are there so many bug pokemon on the scan? (Butterfree, Combee, Beautifly)

It seems very nature-oriented, and maybe Shaymin will be available to everyone.

I too was wondering why a bunch of bug Pokemon were on that scan. Seems kind of silly to me, to have Giratina as the main focus and then a bunch of bugs on the side. While an in-game Shaymin is nice, I can only feel as if it's wishful thinking due to that little phrase concerning Mystery Gift.

Off-topic, but Speed Life Orb doesn't sound like that good of an idea to me.

PokeReaver said:
Isn't that the point of competitive battling? If we wanted it to be easy, we wouldn't compete.

Want things to be harder? Throw Kyogre into OU. Garchomp into UU.

Hard is ok, but only to an enjoyable extent.
I too was wondering why a bunch of bug Pokemon were on that scan. Seems kind of silly to me, to have Giratina as the main focus and then a bunch of bugs on the side. While an in-game Shaymin is nice, I can only feel as if it's wishful thinking due to that little phrase concerning Mystery Gift.

Maybe Spring Path will become Platinum's sort of final dungeon, full with high leveled bugs. I know it sounds funny but who knows...

Off-topic, we do not need a Life Orb'd Speed Enhancer. And is there a complete translation for the new full scan yet?
I think a Life-Orb of speed would be a nice addition to the game. It could make some bulky-but-slow pokes more valuable since they could catch things that normally outspeed them. It would definitely make people think twice before using a focus sash to stat up... *shrug* it could work.

Anyways, the game sounds pretty good. I would love to be able to do the underground online. They created a lot of nifty features for that part of the game and pretty much no one uses it because its not online. Hopefully that feature makes the final cut.
Well, one wonders what the possible Levitating Regigigas's potential could be in the metagame, what with his pretty shallow movepool and stuff. Anyone here think he's gonna get some stats sorted or something?

Personally I say we refer to Platinum as Pt, as that would be the chemical symbol.
Funnily enough I just found out Nintendo also has the following names Trademarked:

Poke'mon Topaz
Poke'mon Tourmaline
Poke'mon Amethyst
Poke'mon White Gold
Poke'mon Moonstone

From way back in 2002...

Not that it really means much on it's own lol...

Where do people get this information? Neither in the Japanese Trademark Database nor the American Trademark Database have any record of something like this. Is there some other place that is more reliable than the official government databases?

Outside of the Pokemon logos, it appears that Nintendo has NOT even trademarked "FireRed", let alone any of these other names. They have copyrighted the game, but that does not offer name protection for Nintendo. The only trademarks I can find are the Pokemon name, and various Pokemon logos.

I'm assuming that Nintendo relies on its Pokemon trademark. That is... other people are allowed to call their games Blue or Diamond or whatever. IE: Capcom's Megaman Battle Network "Blue" and "White" versions. And of course in Gunstar Superheros, the main 3 characters are Blue, Red, and Yellow.

On the other hand, Nintendo does have a ton of trademarked Pokemon (Pikachu and a few others are trademarked... but not all of them)...


EDIT: I did just check something though: "pokemontopaz.com" is owned by Nintendo. So Nintendo does have a domain name for at least that. And Nintendo does own pokemonwhitegold.com as well...

So there is some truth to the story after all.
Is the name really going to be Platinum?

From Dragontamer's post it seems that they certainly plan well in advance for names yet they allowed the pokemonplatinum.com name to be bought by a squatter. Also no game names are registered in the UK Trade Mark database either...
Guys, Nintendo has the trademark for Super Mario Sisters since the early 90's.

They don't really mean anything lol.

Well, back then, Princess Daisy was only a damsel in distress, just like Peach. Now that both have made their ways through the Mario sports games, and with them releasing Super Princess Peach in 2006, I bet that they'll put that trademark to good use...maybe. I'd love to see SMS.
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