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What is there to "know" about homosexuality? It's a sexual fetish wherein one desires the sexual attention of people of the same gender. The idea it is a topic which requires further elaboration is a profoundly disturbing notion. It is a dysfunctional behavior that has built a cult around itself. That doesn't change what homosexuality is at it's core: a mental tendency towards a dysfunctional sexual behavior. All the pink, leather, and raibow flairs are just window dressing.

A purely homosexual species (with multiple different functioning genders, of course) would die off. Theoretically they teach that in evolution. Except that animals don't build a lifestyle out of it, they just do it and inevitably die off without offspring.

The age at which extreme leftists want to start sex education is ridiculous. Little boys and little girls are not thinking about what they do with their genitals, the perverted adults who run the early sex ed programs are. What the hell other reason is there for a 26+ year old man or woman to be teaching first graders about such an adult concept?
Should homosexuality be included in sexual education? Is it an acceptable "lifestyle"?

Personally I believe that one cannot help their sexuality and that homosexuality is involuntary. Penalizing someone for something that isn't their fault is ludicrous and I also know many homosexual people who are successful and are in healthy relationships.

The world right now in many nations is actually overpopulated. There are orphans without parents and people having kids that they cannot support. I believe that homosexual couples should be allowed to raise children. I don't think that homosexuality is necessarily bad for the human race because we're not in nomadic tribes anymore.


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What is there to "know" about homosexuality? It's a sexual fetish wherein one desires the sexual attention of people of the same gender. The idea it is a topic which requires further elaboration is a profoundly disturbing notion. It is a dysfunctional behavior that has built a cult around itself. That doesn't change what homosexuality is at it's core: a mental tendency towards a dysfunctional sexual behavior. All the pink, leather, and raibow flairs are just window dressing.
Ok, first of all: fuck you. That was a thread about parents removing their kids from sex education and you decide to post this asinine, offensive pointless hate speech?

You obviously don't understand homosexuality at all. That is understandable, since you are (presumably) straight...however, can you please stop acting like this bullshit homophobia is fact? Homosexuality is no more of a fetish than heterosexuality is, you are just using the word "fetish" because it sounds dirty.

It is a topic that requires further elaboration. I am not attracted to women, and I am attracted to men. You are telling me that this is wrong, yet it still happens no matter how icky you think gay people are (we all have cooties and AIDS you know). I am personally really interested in why this happens to me and not other people......

I am gay and I have never once worn leather pants or rainbow flairs. I personally find obnoxiously homosexual people annoying as well, but that is because they are obnoxious and not because they are gay. Your notion that the core of homosexuality is acting like a (BAN ME PLEASE) to get attention is utterly disturbing.

A purely homosexual species (with multiple different functioning genders, of course) would die off. Theoretically they teach that in evolution. Except that animals don't build a lifestyle out of it, they just do it and inevitably die off without offspring.
Actually, they just found an entirely female species of ant that reproduces via cloning itself. An entire species of one gender, literally a homosexual species by definition: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/04/090417-female-ants-picture.html . So yeah, this "natural" process of male-female breeding might not be natural law after all (as if what one person thinks is natural should have an impact on my life anyways)

Should homosexuality be included in sexual education? Is it an acceptable "lifestyle"?
Since homosexuality is still sexuality, yes it should be included in sex ed. It is a touchy subject, so obviously 1st graders shouldnt be learning it. However, there is no reason why any 10th or 11th grader shouldn't make an effort to understand what about 10% of the population experiences (not physically).

What about being gay makes it an unacceptable lifestyle? I just want to know, please.

The world right now in many nations is actually overpopulated. There are orphans without parents and people having kids that they cannot support. I believe that homosexual couples should be allowed to raise children. I don't think that homosexuality is necessarily bad for the human race because we're not in nomadic tribes anymore.
Well, considering that nearly 1 BILLION people in this world are starving on a daily basis...if anything, we should be encouraging people to have homosexual encounters.

Honestly Deck, I am not personally offended by your comments (I have heard much worse from people who mean a lot more to me), but I am worried that someone else will see that and think that your view is legitimate. There is a reason why people who identify as gay are 4 times as likely to commit suicide, and even though I love free speech, when people abuse it with retarded bullshit that can seriously hurt someone like Deck just did I get really upset.
Since homosexuality is still sexuality, yes it should be included in sex ed. It is a touchy subject, so obviously 1st graders shouldnt be learning it. However, there is no reason why any 10th or 11th grader shouldn't make an effort to understand what about 10% of the population experiences (not physically).

What about being gay makes it an unacceptable lifestyle? I just want to know, please.
I believe all sexual education should begin at the age of 12 or 13. I don't see homosexuality as a lifestyle at all. I believe that it used to be a lifestyle when homosexuality was illegal but not anymore, it's merely just a sexual orientation in my eyes.

Well, considering that nearly 1 BILLION people in this world are starving on a daily basis...if anything, we should be encouraging people to have homosexual encounters.
From an economic standpoint, yes. You're absolutely right. I'm pretty sure homosexuality is growing and that there are many different homosexual people, the stereotypes are becoming more and more vague, people are starting to realize that homosexuality is just one small aspect that comprises a persons identity.


i woke up in a new bugatti
Honestly Deck, I am not personally offended by your comments (I have heard much worse from people who mean a lot more to me), but I am worried that someone else will see that and think that your view is legitimate. There is a reason why people who identify as gay are 4 times as likely to commit suicide, and even though I love free speech, when people abuse it with retarded bullshit that can seriously hurt someone like Deck just did I get really upset.
Agreeing here, well, with actually the whole post, but mainly this.

But the homosexuality debate is pretty much kicking a dead horse if you're talking with a christian. (or any other follower of a religion that sees homosexuality as "wrong)

Also, homosexuality should be taught in sex ed, I honestly don't see why they would skip it (besides religion). Maybe people will stop being fucking idiots about homosexuals just because they're homosexual.

Don't really have much else to say unless any non-believer comes in here.

Edit: homosexuality to beat overpopulation, fuck yes.


i woke up in a new bugatti
Well tbh I was joking when I suggested homosexuality as a cure to the fact that more than 1 out of every 7 people won't be eating dinner tonight...
Actually, morm mentioned (in the sex ed thread?) that some animals, like a kind of bunnies, stop procreating when the population is too high, and instead have gay sex.
Penalizing someone for something that isn't their fault is ludicrous
I find this very interesting, not so much because of homosexuality though. Say there is a criminal who grew up in a bad neighborhood, and had abusive or deadbeat parents. Was the crime a choice of the criminal or merely a result of the environment he/she was in. Surely there is someone who committed a crime that wouldn't have if they were in a better situation. So should the criminal be punished for the crime or not because it wasn't his fault. The logical argument against this would be that not everyone in that situation committed that crime so therefore at least some of it is the fault of the criminal. You could also say that not everyone in the same situation became as successful as the most successful person in the situation. Are they too at fault for their lack of success? Is there some element of chance present? If so could that have been what kept the criminal from living a lawful life? It's interesting to think about,

Either way though people are punished all the time for things that aren't there fault. Say you were born with some disease or paralyzed or whatever. Surely life would be easier/longer if this wasn't the case. People are also punished for other things too like naturally being dumb, ugly, etc. I'm not saying smart attractive healthy people will automatically be happy, but I think it helps.

More on topic with the homosexuality thing. I have a friend who said "Why would anyone choose to be gay?" in a gay marriage argument and despite being incredibly simple, it really makes sense. Why would you choose to be alienated by a large part of society? You would only put yourself into that situation it it's just your nature. That is probably coming across as offensive and that's not what I'm trying to say. I don't have any problem with gay people but right now I think society does.

By the way I read a cool article online some time ago about a gay penguin couple at a zoo that would try to steal baby penguins from other penguins. Just thought I'd share.
I am gay and I have never once worn leather pants or rainbow flairs. I personally find obnoxiously homosexual people annoying as well, but that is because they are obnoxious and not because they are gay. Your notion that the core of homosexuality is acting like a (BAN ME PLEASE) to get attention is utterly disturbing.
The core of rednecks don't all pork their sisters, own shotguns, throw rocks at Forrest Gump and lynch "dem queers". That is however, the image of a redneck instilled in our lives. I apologize if this is offensive to you, but when I'm told that someone is gay, I assume they were walking down a fashion show runway with an excessive amount of silk on. I'd be hard pressed to find a gay person who has ever actually done that, but it doesn't change the fact that it is what people think of.
Phantasia, just posting to back up what I said before and elaborate it to show that I completely and totally back Jrrrrrr based ONLY on biology, though I do support the gay community morally as well.

Some rabbits and insects (and I'm sure other animals too) have homosexual relations when population density exceeds carrying capacity within an environment as a method of easing the population growth and perhaps containing the rapid deaths and population crashes when this isn't observed. It's marginally effective at best, but the trend is certainly there whether homophobes want to admit it or not. I'd say humanity is pretty damn high on population densities- infact, we've outsourced for resources because, in all honesty, the major metropolitan centers would crash if not for outside resources coming in. That, functionally, is the same as exceeding the carrying capacity in one area and you can interpret an increase of homosexuality partly as reflecting this trend.

It's also because of increase acceptance and a community of homosexuals forming to support one another that these people are apparent. The trend of homosexuality increasing with population density can be completely and utterly masked by societies that find homosexuality to be unacceptable and you have far fewer cases of it.


Have fun with birds and bees.
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But the homosexuality debate is pretty much kicking a dead horse if you're talking with a christian. (or any other follower of a religion that sees homosexuality as "wrong)
I beg to differ. I'm a christian who goes to church every week, but I honestly don't mind homosexuals, as long as they aren't acting like douchebags who just want attention because they're gay. Then again, I don't like straight people who just want attention because they're pimping the opposite sex either. I think it might be because my church is accepting of everyone, and my ministers are all extremely skilled at conveying their message without mentioning God in every sentence that I like being a christian and am tolerant of homosexuals.

In addition, I'm of the opinion that homosexuality is genetic, and that God wouldn't create someone who is "wrong" in his eyes. It doesn't make any sense at all for him to do that.

I guess that a lot of the hardcore christians/catholics don't believe that homosexuality is part of genetics, which is why they don't think the way I do. But, I personally just like trying to put religion and science together, that's just the kind of person I am. For instance, I believe that evolution happened, and I don't believe that the creation story tells the whole story, but I still have my own theories about how god created the earth and such.

On the topic of homosexuality being taught in sex education, I don't see why not. However, I'd like to know what they'd actually be teaching about homosexuality. Would they be teaching what it is? Struggles that homosexuals may face? Sex techniques? (I'm not sure if they'd teach this one, I'm not even sure they teach sex techs for straight couples either) How to protect? (I'm not sure how lesbians are supposed to really protect themselves during sex) From what I can think of, it doesn't sound like it's much to teach, but I probably missed something.
Firm backer of homosexuality being taught in sex ed. Infact, I'd love to see stuff about transgenders or any other variant or 'differer from the norm' (no offense) just so that people can better understand what is going on with all that. Education is perhaps the best cure for ignorance.


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The core of rednecks don't all pork their sisters, own shotguns, throw rocks at Forrest Gump and lynch "dem queers". That is however, the image of a redneck instilled in our lives. I apologize if this is offensive to you, but when I'm told that someone is gay, I assume they were walking down a fashion show runway with an excessive amount of silk on. I'd be hard pressed to find a gay person who has ever actually done that, but it doesn't change the fact that it is what people think of.
That is my entire point. Not even a significant part of the gay community "walks down runways" with silk on. I have more gay friends that could pass for straight athletes than little sissy girls.

If you're told that someone is gay, you immediately get a negative idea in your head...how is that justifiable in any way? "Oh, gays arent the only one with a harmful stereotype, so encouraging more stereotyping and hate is acceptable!" Making fun of Texans for being rednecks isn't any better than making fun of gays (although "rednecks" don't have to worry about the very real threat of violence from non-rednecks)

I just want to personally thank Bologo for showing us that homophobia is not a "christian" thing. It's a "psychopath" thing.
Really, is there any really logical reason to not address homosexuality in sex ed? Why is it that taboo a subject? "Alright, so we have a minority group that is often discriminated against and has a lot of misinformation about them, but we're not gonna teach you anything about them or try to clear up those misconceptions because that's just a little too much for school. Now, open up to page 87 and we'll review the fertilization process with diagrams and watch an educational video over it." Fuck that. Of course, even if they did put it in Sex Ed, too many retarded middle school kids would just go, "Ew, lol, that's gay" and take nothing about it seriously.

EDIT: On another note, I'd really support education on transgender, as there doesn't seem to be any info on it anywhere. It really bugs me, because there are two transgender students at my school, and it makes me absolutely sick when I hear people talking about them ("There's another (BAN ME PLEASE)? God, they're multiplying!" "I don't care, that's just fucked up" etc)--but what makes it even more frustrating is that some of these people have gay, lesbian, and bi friends and claim to support homosexuality. How the fuck do you claim to be open minded about sexuality then treat someone confused in his or her gender role as less than human? Same goes for those douchebags who are like, "I don't support gays, but lesbians are awesome." Yeah, only because you like to jerk off to them, ass.

Sorry, this has just been really bothering me lately.
I would just like to say something about how religious buffs say 'Homosexuality is bad because they are having sex and not conceiving children! shameshame!' crap. So many people think that's weird but...

How many times have you had sex?

Now, how many times have you had sex to produce a child?

Just some food for thought. I will come back to edit this post when I have some time.
I'm pretty sure if legislation was passed that made infertile straight people and straight people who don't have kids within three years of being married would be opposed with extreme ferocity. It's really just a double standard.


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heres a big info pub

Living in likely the most pro-homosexual 'state' in North America has its props: homosexuality has long been put behind us as a main theme of social debates.

Homosexuality was I believe very well explained in sexual education classes I had and that was 15 years ago.

The government even announced yesterday it would spend half a million on education campaigns to improve the lives of gay, lesbian and transgendered seniors, as roughly only the much older generations still hold prejudice against them.

Québec : first jurisdiction larger than a city in the world to condemn discrimination based on sexual orientation in it's charter of human rights.
Actually, morm mentioned (in the sex ed thread?) that some animals, like a kind of bunnies, stop procreating when the population is too high, and instead have gay sex.
so youre idea of birth control isnt a condom, or cap on number of children, but gay sex?
yeah, that ideas gonna catch on.

Penalizing someone for something that isn't their fault is ludicrous
i assume youre for the legalizing of pedophilia and necrophilia then, after all, they cant help being who they are.
As I said in the other thread,

The only reason any of those should be illegal would be pedophilia, and that's to protect the children, not because it's "gross" or "just not natural".
Vanguard: read this and then come back and tell me how many animals have the option of using a condom? The whole point is that homosexuality is natural, so deal with it.

Pedophiles really did get a shitty deal vanguard.
Also, Vanguard.. I know you're trolling and all but: Homosexuality isn't harmful and between two consenting adults who use protection it's perfectly safe.

Necrophilia is offensive because it disrespects the dead, I'm pretty sure this is a universal belief and also because rotting corpses are disgusting.

Pedophilia is wrong because the children are too young to have an informed decision when it comes to consent and they're too young to deal with possible consequences of sex ie: pregnancy.
As I said in the other thread,
The only reason any of those should be illegal would be pedophilia, and that's to protect the children, not because it's "gross" or "just not natural"
so, as long as the children understand what they are doing, it should be fine then? meaning if the kids are learning about sex and the consequences of it earlier, and if they consent to the sex and know the scope of their actions, then it should be fine then right?

also, gonna point out that pedophilia (sorry, i meant to use the term as law enforcement sees it) can also be applied to a 18 year old fucking a 17 year old. where is the logic that if a guy have sex with a 17 year old on monday, turns 18 on tuesday and has sex with her again, he is suddenly a pedophile?

seeing as how many teenagers are sexually active, i believe that as long as they understand their actions, they should be able to fuck whomever they want. if that person is not a minor, why should the adult be held responsible if they were both consenting?

and morm, it seems to me as if the problem is that the results of their sex is much greater than humans. the rabbits realize that sex with the opposite gender leads to overpopulation, so they turn to gay sex. also, given the short gestation period of rabbits and the large litter size, the effects of their actions can be seen very shortly. humans, on the other hand, have a much longer gestation period and typically only give birth to one child, so humans have a much lower impact on the population, especially since polygamy is looked down upon (i assume rabbits dont practice monogamy)

also, given the choice, i would much rather give up sex than go gay.


Also, Vanguard.. I know you're trolling and all but: Homosexuality isn't harmful and between two consenting adults who use protection it's perfectly safe.
i can only control what i think, not what you think.

also, necrophilia isnt harmful between someone and s consenting dead person (people consent to organ donors, im sure theres some way people would be able to donate themself to necrophiles)

pedophilia isnt harmful between a consenting adult and consenting teenager (teenagers are having sex with each other already yet it becomes wrong when its a teen and an adult)

Necrophilia is offensive because it disrespects the dead, I'm pretty sure this is a universal belief and also because rotting corpses are disgusting.
Homosexuality is offensive because it disrespects a lot of christians, I'm pretty sure this is a universal belief amongst them, and also because two men getting it on is disgusting.

cool, isnt it.

Pedophilia is wrong because the children are too young to have an informed decision when it comes to consent and they're too young to deal with possible consequences of sex ie: pregnancy.
you do know children means anyone up to the age of 17, right?

also, why does everyone assume pedophile = 60 year old due with 5 year old kid?
it can just as easily be 20 year old dude with 17 year old chick.

with this, i ask you,
what is so wrong with a 17 and 18 year old having sex?
what is so wrong with a 17 and 19 year old having sex?
what is so wrong with a 17 and 20 year old having sex?
what is so wrong with a 17 and 21 year old having sex?

where exactly do we draw the line?

Deck Knight

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The government even announced it would spend half a million on education campaigns to improve the lives of gay, lesbian and transgendered seniors, as roughly only the much older generations still hold prejudice against them.
Just curious.... how does one go about proving they are gay before they receive government benefits?

Do they have to show up dressed as one of the gay stereotypes jrrrrr scolded me for mentioning?

My point is very simple for those who don't want to accuse me of being some sort of psychopath. Nowhere did I or will I incite violence against homosexuals. Jrrrrr's idea some madman will go on a bender because I posted my belief that there's absolutely nothing special or noteworthy about being gay is ludicrous. He'd rather I be silenced than people have access to words on a page. And I'm the psychopath here?

Please jrrrrrr, my views are only threatening to you because they challenge your preconceived notions of your identity. They challenge the idea gays have built themselves around, namely that they are special people who deserve special recognition because of special discrimination against them.

Gay people aren't special. They're just people with a different sexual attraction. They aren't some poor aggrieved victim class who have been given the short shift in life. Look at the statistics on self-identified gay folks. Yeah they have a higher propensity to commit suicide. They also tend to have much more income than straights.

Of all lesbians and gay men, 45.1% and 52.7% live in urban areas,
respectively, while 33.1% and 31.7% live in the suburbs, respectively.
The average household income for lesbians in the U.S. is estimated at
$45,927, while for gay men it was $51,325. In 1990 the average household
income in the U.S. for all families was $36,520.
Can you feel the burning discrimination? America is forcing gay men and lesbians to be fabulously wealthy against their will. You aren't in an aggrieved class, you're just overly emotional and can't stand it when the facts don't add up to discrimination. Maybe homosexuality causes a hormonal imbalance that leads to suicide. Maybe the damage over time of anal scarring and feelings of pain, emptiness, and brokenness does it. Maybe all of the other things associated with the generally more voracious and reckless sexual appetites of homosexuals is what gets them in trouble. Maybe instead of looking outward to transfix your blame on the 90% of us who don't shack-up with samey you could look into your own community for answers.

Homosexuals have become just another lefty victim class demanding free food at the trough of the grievance-mongers. One wonders what they have to be so proud about when they make their living crying injustice and woe is them. One wonders why they go on violent rampages against the religious when they don't get their way through legislation, as happened to several Mormons after the passage of Prop 8, and then complain when no one takes their crusade for "justice" seriously anymore.

To be blunt jrrrrrrr, the homosexual grievance-monger is just another regular old asshole to me, and he can go fuck himself seeing as he enjoys it so much.

I'm for equality jrrrrr. I'll treat them the same as anyone else who is gaming the system. Trust me on that. How can you honestly accuse me of inciting violence and hatred when my entire argument is "you and I are exactly the same. You'll pull your weight and put in your share just as I have to."

The truth is you want to be treated differently, not the same. You can't just be jrrr, you have to be big gay jrrr.


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Just curious.... how does one go about proving they are gay before they receive government benefits?
They are informative campaigns made to inform the least (generally) informed portion of our population on homosexuality (seniors).

Those are not direct handout benefits :p

and yeah, informing is enough to improve the life of gay and lesbian seniors.

Sex education for old people, roughly.
so, as long as the children understand what they are doing, it should be fine then? meaning if the kids are learning about sex and the consequences of it earlier, and if they consent to the sex and know the scope of their actions, then it should be fine then right?

also, gonna point out that pedophilia (sorry, i meant to use the term as law enforcement sees it) can also be applied to a 18 year old fucking a 17 year old. where is the logic that if a guy have sex with a 17 year old on monday, turns 18 on tuesday and has sex with her again, he is suddenly a pedophile?

seeing as how many teenagers are sexually active, i believe that as long as they understand their actions, they should be able to fuck whomever they want. if that person is not a minor, why should the adult be held responsible if they were both consenting?

and morm, it seems to me as if the problem is that the results of their sex is much greater than humans. the rabbits realize that sex with the opposite gender leads to overpopulation, so they turn to gay sex. also, given the short gestation period of rabbits and the large litter size, the effects of their actions can be seen very shortly. humans, on the other hand, have a much longer gestation period and typically only give birth to one child, so humans have a much lower impact on the population, especially since polygamy is looked down upon (i assume rabbits dont practice monogamy)

also, given the choice, i would much rather give up sex than go gay.
your first post made me think you were stupid, this post cleared up any doubt

this post is absolute fucking drivel, seriously. you sum up 4 paragraphs of absolute bullshit with 'given the choice, id rather give up sex than go gay'? what the fuck does that have to do with anything lol
Deck Knight has proven to be the definition of both offensive, insulting and hatemongering to homosexuals- all in one post!
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