np: UU - Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

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Actually, I beat a guy who had a Raikou Baton Passed +2 Sp. Atk and +2 Speed. I sacrificed three Pokemon to get Life Orb recoil, with Swellow using Quick Attack for more damage. By then, Blaziken's Vacuum Wave finished it off. I actually ended up winning the battle. I guess without Life Orb and with Substitute it might be a bit more challenging. What do you recommened I replace?

That don't mean anything, a person that knows how to use raikou is going to destroy you're team that's already raikou weak, like you said, the only way to bring him down is with swellow and blaziken's priority moves. Im not feeling venamoth, seems like an odd-ball on you're team.
-_- It seems like an oddball on a team based around it? It might look like a weird team, but since its analysis has no Team Options section, I looked at Yanmega's and picked the UU counterparts of each recommended teammate. What do you recommend I do to make the team better?
I use Venomoth alot (actually its my favourite pokemon set, on most of my teams); lefties; bug buzz, sludge bomb, sleep powder, roost.
Its still very hard to switch into. x4 resistance to fighting priority is priceless helping it come in on hitmontop and get the jump on blaziken (who cant really priority it).
I choose leftovers to make Venomoth far more annoying and durable. I think it works far better in the wallbreaking capacity that i use him, the Moth can then take hits from certain weaker walls and roost off the damage. He can also do huge damage to some walls with bug being a useful wallbreaking type.
I played you yesterday flashbolt with the Venomoth team, but sadly the Venomoth didn't get to do anything. I think it has a great niche, especially with Yanmega gone, and the only problem with it imo is its stats just aren't quite good enough to see consistent use. It has a fantastic movepool and abilities though (if only it kept Compoundeyes...).
Compoundeyes pales in comparison to Tinted Lens.

Anyway, after seeing how many people are using the Roost set, I guess I'll give it a shot. Although, with Leftovers, it really misses the boost it gets from Life Orb or Specs.
I played you yesterday flashbolt with the Venomoth team, but sadly the Venomoth didn't get to do anything. I think it has a great niche, especially with Yanmega gone, and the only problem with it imo is its stats just aren't quite good enough to see consistent use. It has a fantastic movepool and abilities though (if only it kept Compoundeyes...).

Darn, if only you could have been one of the several people that it destroyed.
To be fair i usually leave it untill late game, if you were beating me i generally use it as death fodder.
Anyone tried dual weather?? I tested a bit and it's actually not half bad. The idea is to start off using one weather style (I usually start using Rain) to make the opponent conserve all their checks for that weather style. For example, your opponent would pretty much keep their defensive Tangrowth alive to try ward off Kabutops. Then, after they waste their other less "important" Pokemon which wouldn't check Rain or Sun, bring in Sunny Day or your other weather condition and watch your opponents go "WTF??". Basically, it works if you make them sac all their checks. Obviously, you won't have room on your team to have dedicated weather inducers, but that's fine. Just put Rain Dance and Sunny Day on your sweepers.

I've made an example team, if anyone wants to have a try:

Armaldo (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 248 HP/8 Atk/252 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rock Blast
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off
Kabutops (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Rain Dance
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Aqua Jet
Qwilfish (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Rain Dance
- Waterfall
- Poison Jab
- Explosion
Moltres @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Sunny Day
- Fire Blast
- Solarbeam
- Roost
Tangrowth (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 16 HP/252 Atk/240 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sunny Day
- Power Whip
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
Clefable (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP/44 Def/212 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Aromatherapy
- Seismic Toss

Armaldo is there because I just fucking hate Froslass. Clefable is for support. The sweepers are self-explantory.
Then, after they waste their other less "important" Pokemon which wouldn't check Rain or Sun, bring in Sunny Day or your other weather condition and watch your opponents go "WTF??". Basically, it works if you make them sac all their checks.

I don't quite understand. How are you making them sac all their checks if they are saccing Pokemon that don't check either weather?

Also Kabutops and Qwilfish are much easier to deal with if they aren't using Swords Dance.
Yes Shrang i have tried it. I didnt have much success with it, maybe because im not very good at weather.
I would try (with the exception of moltres) to have dedicated weather users.
Uxie; Zen Headbutt, Sun, Rain, Uturn (heat rock). give armaldo RD over Knock off (and Damp Rock). This should give you 13 turns of each weather. Then give SD to your attackers.

Lemmiwinks; I think the idea is that when the opponent see rain, they start sacrificing fire types, which might be a check to moltres and chloropyhll users. Also they start making a huge effort to conserve things like milotic, quagsire, poliwrath (sacrificing others where necessary to keep it alive) which will be swept aside by the later game chloropyhll users.
One problem with this shrang, opposing tangrowth will (try to) wall your rainers and then benefit from chloropyll, prehaps sleeping moltres (as he outspeeds) and somewhat walling tangrowth. Might be an idea to run a more specially based tangrowth with hp fire to deal with opposing tangrowth. It will also create a physical rain and special sun split, could be useful.
Yeah, flashbolt hit it on the head. The idea is to put your opponent into a mentality to check Rain or Sun and then suddenly change. If you start of using Sunny Day, you can make your opponents keep their fire Pokemon, which would be completely stomped over by your Rain sweepers. The other way works exactly the same.

Hm, I will probably give mixed or special Tangrowth a try.
Huh, the ladder's been reset. Sweet.

Dual weather seems really out there and I doubt that I'm going to end up trying it, considering I haven't used Sun teams except in Ubers.
No, not sweet! Because now I've lost a few matches, and all of a sudden, my rating and CRE are crap!

I don't think dual weather would really work at all. Set up rain, and your rain sweepers get a boost, while the sun sweepers get punched in the face. Then you set up sun and the sun sweepers get bandages and surgery, while the rain sweepers a swift kick in the balls. I'd rather have my whole team boosted, or no boosts at all rather than having half my team crippled at a time.
I don't think dual weather would really work at all. Set up rain, and your rain sweepers get a boost, while the sun sweepers get punched in the face. Then you set up sun and the sun sweepers get bandages and surgery, while the rain sweepers a swift kick in the balls.

Why would you bring out sun sweepers while rain is in effect, and vice versa?
Sweeper is forced out/dies. Roar or other phazing moves. Switching to a resist. There are plenty more reasons, but there are reasons to bring out the other type of sweeper. Besides, that's kind of the point. You can't switch out because the other Pokemon are crippled, which limits your options.
Dual Weather sounds amazing. Although, you'll be in a bad spot if you face a standard RD team. Definetely going to try it though.
If you face a standard Rain team, don't forget you have Rain sweepers of your own that can cut down their sweep (I put more speed onto my sweepers for that situation, see Jolly Kabutops). I also chose Tangrowth because he take assaults from stuff like Kabutops and physical Ludicolo and set up the Sun to completely fuck them over. I'm really considering replacing Clefable with Swellow or some sort of late game cleaner just to really rub my opponent's noses in at the end.
Against most offense players you're going to have a lot of trouble setting up rain in particular.

I mean, what do you do against a foe Moltres? It could easily just walk in there and OHKO every one of your Pokemon except your own Moltres and Clefable, which it handily beats still.
Call me crazy, but your "Moltres counter" looks like that entire team. The only thing Moltres will enjoy switching into is Tangrowth and by the time it does, Sunny Day is up and it dies. I don't even see it revenging anything on that team besides Armaldo or Qwilfish after the rain dies.
Yeah, flashbolt hit it on the head. The idea is to put your opponent into a mentality to check Rain or Sun and then suddenly change. If you start of using Sunny Day, you can make your opponents keep their fire Pokemon, which would be completely stomped over by your Rain sweepers. The other way works exactly the same.

Hm, I will probably give mixed or special Tangrowth a try.

Conclusion having tested it; it did exactly what we thought, got alot of easy kills but i wouldnt ladder with it because people wise up to it quickly. When they know whats happening they just use thier rain countres early stopping the assault and keep their fire counters for later. Going for a pure rain team is better on the ladder.
I concur with that. However, I'm not sure with people keeping their fire counters alive when Rain teams are so dominant on the ladder these days. Obviously, it depends on what your opponent does. They do just take the risk of countering your team, and risk actually meeting a proper Rain team and possbily getting obliterated. It's probably an option to use around in tournaments where people don't expect it though.
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