I was close to using BoldCaps on you because even power drills aren't sufficient enough to get through your skull. Kangaskhan has perfect coverage with Return, Crunch/Sucker Punch, Earthquake, and Power-Up Punch. If Power-Up Punch were to be removed for some reason, replace with Fire move and PRESTO!
What he said.
I used a picture earlier explaining how I feel about this thread and those that don't listen. I won't repeat it again, but you should honestly know what you're saying BEFORE posting.
Oh the irony...
Let's look at the moves Kangaskhan would normally use.
Power-Up Punch
Sucker Punch
Fire Punch
Assuming Return and Power-Up Punch are staples, this leaves us with only two available move slots. Which are usually the combination of Sucker Punch/Earthquake, Sucker Punch/Crunch, Crunch/Earthquake.
The set lacking Sucker Punch can easily be taken out by faster Fighting Pokemon.
The set using Sucker Punch/Earthquake can be easily countered by any Flying/Levitating pokemon.
The set using Sucker Punch/Crunch can be countered by steel types that can deal enough damage back.