(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

This has been discussed a bit before, but I was annoyed at how all of your rivals/friends were immensely shallow characters. Tierno only danced, Shauna only shared sweet moments with you, etc. Why couldn't we combine the four friends into one or two? Tierno+Shauna, the sweet friend who wanted to teach you to waltz under the fireworks at Parfum Palace and take you on dates. Then Trevor+Serena/Calum could be the aggressive friend who wants to beat you in filling the Pokedex, in battles, etc. Forget this "Hi <player name>, old buddy, old pal. Would you like to battle? Oh, you haven't healed your Pokemon yet? Go ahead and do that. I'll just shelf my tiny desire to defeat you while you prepare yourself to DESTROY ME EVERY SINGLE TIME." You all remember how Blue would just come out of nowhere and whoop you because you weren't ready? I hated Blue because of that, but it made me love the game. Gave me something to care about.

Everyone seems to be annoyed by Diantha, and I agree with that, but because of a reason that applies to more characters. We now have 6? champions and 6? sets of Elite Four members, but most of them get little stage time during the games. X and Y were horrible about this. Diantha seemed too busy to care about Team Flare's desire to <insert bad guy goal here> and didn't help with anything. I am fairly certain the Elite Four in Kalos did nothing except wait in their elaborate dungeons until you show up to speed through them with a behemoth Exp. Share leveled team.

Those PSS messages that others have mentioned are so bad, it makes me laugh. It's funniest when you get consecutive messages. At least you can switch to a different screen.
I think that with the rivals Nintendo was trying to appeal to as many different kids as they could. No-one was trying to make them 3 dimensional people- they were made purely so that a chubby kid could say: I'm like Tierno- it doesn't that I can't battle or I'm bookish, just like Trevor. Reducing the number of rivals would limit the number of sterotypes.

Trevor+ Calum/Serena = Cheren

Tierno - cake/burgers + scarf = Barry

Shauna + Strech machine + 2 IQ points = Bianca

All of them put together = nothing compared to Blue (I call him Green)/Silver.

The Elite 4 has FINALLY learned that saving the world should be left to the local 10 year old and their equally underage friends. And to be fair, Malva supported Team Flare- why should she help you crush them? (I rather liked her actually, awesome attitude and pink hair = win)

Diantha was too busy with her other work, prancing around on TV/sitting in cafes.

Kill PSS messages- I KNOW that my DS needs charging! End of.

(This is no longer a post- it's my dissertation/thesis/whatever)
This has been discussed a bit before, but I was annoyed at how all of your rivals/friends were immensely shallow characters. Tierno only danced, Shauna only shared sweet moments with you, etc. Why couldn't we combine the four friends into one or two? Tierno+Shauna, the sweet friend who wanted to teach you to waltz under the fireworks at Parfum Palace and take you on dates. Then Trevor+Serena/Calum could be the aggressive friend who wants to beat you in filling the Pokedex, in battles, etc. Forget this "Hi <player name>, old buddy, old pal. Would you like to battle? Oh, you haven't healed your Pokemon yet? Go ahead and do that. I'll just shelf my tiny desire to defeat you while you prepare yourself to DESTROY ME EVERY SINGLE TIME." You all remember how Blue would just come out of nowhere and whoop you because you weren't ready? I hated Blue because of that, but it made me love the game. Gave me something to care about.

Everyone seems to be annoyed by Diantha, and I agree with that, but because of a reason that applies to more characters. We now have 6? champions and 6? sets of Elite Four members, but most of them get little stage time during the games. X and Y were horrible about this. Diantha seemed too busy to care about Team Flare's desire to <insert bad guy goal here> and didn't help with anything. I am fairly certain the Elite Four in Kalos did nothing except wait in their elaborate dungeons until you show up to speed through them with a behemoth Exp. Share leveled team.

Those PSS messages that others have mentioned are so bad, it makes me laugh. It's funniest when you get consecutive messages. At least you can switch to a different screen.
Well, most rivals have done this while occasionally being generous enough to let you see them ahead to make you consider preparing to fight them. (Brendan/May on Route 110 below the Cycling Road, for example) Honestly I could have done without Tierno or Trevor and maybe have Shauna be the one who wants to compare Pokedex. Or have both her and Serena/Calum battle you more often. You never see the latter's starter's basic stage, let alone battle it. But what good is it to tell me in the post-game that a certain Pokemon has a possible Mega Evolution? Or ask me to show a move that few Pokemon are likely to know like Lunar Dance for a freaking Heart Scale I can buy them in bulk with PokeMiles?
6 x Lugia and all your other junk not heavy enough for you?

I would also love to know how a bicycle and 3 rods manage to sit in that backpack..
And hundreds of Berries, Potions, Full Restores, Poke Balls, Mega Stones, the key items, and all the other stuff you use like once or twice in the post-game(or is it just me?)
And hundreds of Berries, Potions, Full Restores, Poke Balls, Mega Stones, the key items, and all the other stuff you use like once or twice in the post-game(or is it just me?)
Oh please, your bag is just a personal, portable TaRDiS, DUH!

Which would explain why that loser Looker keeps finding us...he's gone a little wackadoo due to him being away from his TaRDiS for so long.
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Probably it contains a matter-to-data system not unlike the one allowing you to carry Pocket Monsters in, well, your pockets. There's a reason why all items are found in Poké Ball-ish containers.
And this technology is given to ten year olds... Such a waste
Probably it contains a matter-to-data system not unlike the one allowing you to carry Pocket Monsters in, well, your pockets. There's a reason why all items are found in Poké Ball-ish containers.
If only you had told that to Lysandre...

He could have had his "perfect" world and you could have saved him from... blowing himself up.
My biggest pet peeve about X and Y is the fact that the post-game is so short. :l I mean, after catching all the legends and completing the Pokedex and completing all the Looker missions and all that, there's like, nothing to do other than battle competitively. Not saying that battling competitively is bad, not by any means, but there's not much else to do otherwise.
  • WHY NO TEAM ROCKET? Team Flare is so annoying "Team F-L-A-R-E!" They were fabulous, yes, but I would rather have Jessie, James, Meowth, and Woooobbuffet!
Sorry for having so many, but I'm a picky person :3
I'm pretty sure the games are in a different universe, so no Jessie and James except in Yellow. Besides Team Rocket broke up after Giovanni quit the crime business. On top of all that, all other groups have been better than stealing 1 master ball and tearing up graves; destroying the world in water/fire, recreate the universe, questioning the morals of battling and then gaining the powers of yin/yang (N was a cool dude), I will agree team Flare are a down grade from a few of those but atleast their boss is trying to destroy the world with legendaries.


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On top of all that, all other groups have been better than stealing 1 master ball and tearing up graves; destroying the world in water/fire, recreate the universe, questioning the morals of battling and then gaining the powers of yin/yang (N was a cool dude), I will agree team Flare are a down grade from a few of those but atleast their boss is trying to destroy the world with legendaries.
I daresay no, actually.

From Team Aqua/Magma on, all evil teams have been thorougly stupid, wanting to destroy the world for really contrived reasons. It mostly comes down to the hubris of their leader, who somehow tricks a bunch of grunts into following his plan. Said grunts follow the plan without questioning it, idiotically believing that "Team [name] will take over the world!" and that participation in the plan will somehow save them all from the destruction. They also dress in silly costumes, and serve more as comic relief than a legitimate threat.

And of course, the world as we know it is always at stake. This gets really boring after a while. It's always: "Save the world, 10-year-old, because nobody else bother to!". For being a threat to the world, surely the most powerful trainers around take the evil teams lightly. And true enough, the evil organization plotting to destroying/taking over the world is easily beaten by the 10-year-old. That gives me an impression that their plans weren't thought out at all, greatly diminishing the sensation of the world being threatened. In short, the evil teams from RSE on have been a bunch of weirdly-dressing doofuses who bite over way more than they could possibly hope to chew, with no consideration or no backup plan whatsoever.

Contrast Team Rocket, who, while having way smaller ambitions, also achieved the greatest success of all the evil teams.
Firstly, Team Rocket practically owned the region at the start of the game. Team Rocket members were bullying people and stealing Pokémon in every city in the region, save for Pallet Town and Pewter City (and maybe Fuchsia, I can't really remember). They weren't some fringe terrorist organization with greater ambitions than brains, they were the freakin' mafia. Their casino in Celadon raked in money for their organization, while also providing them with a hiding spot. Even though their lair on Cinnabar Island burned down, they succeeded in their plans there, creating Mewtwo (and subsequently losing control of it, but oh well, not really much they could do to stop that, and the player character had zero interference in that plan). The police were powerless to stop them, and Team Rocket managed to seize control of the headquarters of the greatest corporation in Kanto, stealing their technology.

And the grunts? Instead of brainwashed nobodies tricked into following a plan to the end of the world, they willingly joined for money and power. Team Rocket members, freely strolling the streets of Kanto in uniform, were openly bragging about their membership. Meanwhile, the name of the organization was only whispered by others, fearing the iron grip they held on Kanto. At the start of the game, Team Rocket might have been the single most powerful organization in Kanto, nobody opposing them but this one, idealist, talented trainer from Pallet Town. They were at the top of the game, having even infiltrated the Pokémon League (with Giovanni being an official Gym Leader), they were making butt-loads of money, and successfully stole all the Pokémon they wanted. And that was it. They didn't feel like needlessly destroying the world. Kanto was theirs already, they had got everything they wanted. They felt like a powerful enemy, because they were powerful. And instead of beating their leaders in silly outfits, you went from town to town in Kanto, beating back Team Rocket grunts, loosening their grasp on Kanto until you managed to convince their leader to give up and live a crime-free life. He then walks away, unscathed and unpunished. As a ten-year-old, you might convince him to disband the organization, but you have no way of giving him his deserved punishment, or making him speak for his crimes in court. Truly, Giovanni didn't fall from power, he simply stepped down and walked away a free man.

As for the legendary Pokémon, they stayed legendary. Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno were hidden in the most remote corners of the region, outside Team Rocket's sphere of influence, and outside their plans at all, for that matter. What could Team Rocket hope to achieve with them, anyway? They had the region at their fingertips already, no need to bother with a few ultra-rare birds hanging around in the middle of nowhere. Team Rocket didn't need any Legendaries to achieve their goal. Their goal was money and power, and they already had it all when you started your adventure.

TL;DR: Instead of simply observing an evil team trying to destroy the world (and being totally unable to influence it, apart from causing them to fail at the last minute), RBY had you face a powerful organization and actively bring them down from power. Team Rocket were way more badass than all the rest of the evil teams combined.
I daresay no, actually.

From Team Aqua/Magma on, all evil teams have been thorougly stupid, wanting to destroy the world for really contrived reasons. It mostly comes down to the hubris of their leader, who somehow tricks a bunch of grunts into following his plan. Said grunts follow the plan without questioning it, idiotically believing that "Team [name] will take over the world!" and that participation in the plan will somehow save them all from the destruction. They also dress in silly costumes, and serve more as comic relief than a legitimate threat.

And of course, the world as we know it is always at stake. This gets really boring after a while. It's always: "Save the world, 10-year-old, because nobody else bother to!". For being a threat to the world, surely the most powerful trainers around take the evil teams lightly. And true enough, the evil organization plotting to destroying/taking over the world is easily beaten by the 10-year-old. That gives me an impression that their plans weren't thought out at all, greatly diminishing the sensation of the world being threatened. In short, the evil teams from RSE on have been a bunch of weirdly-dressing doofuses who bite over way more than they could possibly hope to chew, with no consideration or no backup plan whatsoever.

Contrast Team Rocket, who, while having way smaller ambitions, also achieved the greatest success of all the evil teams.
Firstly, Team Rocket practically owned the region at the start of the game. Team Rocket members were bullying people and stealing Pokémon in every city in the region, save for Pallet Town and Pewter City (and maybe Fuchsia, I can't really remember). They weren't some fringe terrorist organization with greater ambitions than brains, they were the freakin' mafia. Their casino in Celadon raked in money for their organization, while also providing them with a hiding spot. Even though their lair on Cinnabar Island burned down, they succeeded in their plans there, creating Mewtwo (and subsequently losing control of it, but oh well, not really much they could do to stop that, and the player character had zero interference in that plan). The police were powerless to stop them, and Team Rocket managed to seize control of the headquarters of the greatest corporation in Kanto, stealing their technology.

And the grunts? Instead of brainwashed nobodies tricked into following a plan to the end of the world, they willingly joined for money and power. Team Rocket members, freely strolling the streets of Kanto in uniform, were openly bragging about their membership. Meanwhile, the name of the organization was only whispered by others, fearing the iron grip they held on Kanto. At the start of the game, Team Rocket might have been the single most powerful organization in Kanto, nobody opposing them but this one, idealist, talented trainer from Pallet Town. They were at the top of the game, having even infiltrated the Pokémon League (with Giovanni being an official Gym Leader), they were making butt-loads of money, and successfully stole all the Pokémon they wanted. And that was it. They didn't feel like needlessly destroying the world. Kanto was theirs already, they had got everything they wanted. They felt like a powerful enemy, because they were powerful. And instead of beating their leaders in silly outfits, you went from town to town in Kanto, beating back Team Rocket grunts, loosening their grasp on Kanto until you managed to convince their leader to give up and live a crime-free life. He then walks away, unscathed and unpunished. As a ten-year-old, you might convince him to disband the organization, but you have no way of giving him his deserved punishment, or making him speak for his crimes in court. Truly, Giovanni didn't fall from power, he simply stepped down and walked away a free man.

As for the legendary Pokémon, they stayed legendary. Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno were hidden in the most remote corners of the region, outside Team Rocket's sphere of influence, and outside their plans at all, for that matter. What could Team Rocket hope to achieve with them, anyway? They had the region at their fingertips already, no need to bother with a few ultra-rare birds hanging around in the middle of nowhere. Team Rocket didn't need any Legendaries to achieve their goal. Their goal was money and power, and they already had it all when you started your adventure.

TL;DR: Instead of simply observing an evil team trying to destroy the world (and being totally unable to influence it, apart from causing them to fail at the last minute), RBY had you face a powerful organization and actively bring them down from power. Team Rocket were way more badass than all the rest of the evil teams combined.
Well in b/w2 they at least had team plasma go and freeze entire cities in ice that could not be harmed along with a bunch of ninja badasses that could KNOCK YOU OUT AND TELEPORT you to where ever!

All team rocket had was a bunch of zubats and ratatas that spent all of their time either breeding more low level zubats or ratatas or having their asses kicked because ALL THEY HAD WERE ZUBATS AND RATATAS.
The cabs cost way. Too. Much. It's a cab. Not a limo. And your in it for all of 5 seconds.

Also a lot of the bad guy costumes. Team Flare Grunt costumes were a bit much. At least in Team Galactic you KNOW they were all completely psychotic, which makes it actually pretty awesome and that much more fun. Vote for Cyrus today!
I daresay no, actually.

From Team Aqua/Magma on, all evil teams have been thorougly stupid, wanting to destroy the world for really contrived reasons. It mostly comes down to the hubris of their leader, who somehow tricks a bunch of grunts into following his plan. Said grunts follow the plan without questioning it, idiotically believing that "Team [name] will take over the world!" and that participation in the plan will somehow save them all from the destruction. They also dress in silly costumes, and serve more as comic relief than a legitimate threat.

And of course, the world as we know it is always at stake. This gets really boring after a while. It's always: "Save the world, 10-year-old, because nobody else bother to!". For being a threat to the world, surely the most powerful trainers around take the evil teams lightly. And true enough, the evil organization plotting to destroying/taking over the world is easily beaten by the 10-year-old. That gives me an impression that their plans weren't thought out at all, greatly diminishing the sensation of the world being threatened. In short, the evil teams from RSE on have been a bunch of weirdly-dressing doofuses who bite over way more than they could possibly hope to chew, with no consideration or no backup plan whatsoever.

Contrast Team Rocket, who, while having way smaller ambitions, also achieved the greatest success of all the evil teams.
Firstly, Team Rocket practically owned the region at the start of the game. Team Rocket members were bullying people and stealing Pokémon in every city in the region, save for Pallet Town and Pewter City (and maybe Fuchsia, I can't really remember). They weren't some fringe terrorist organization with greater ambitions than brains, they were the freakin' mafia. Their casino in Celadon raked in money for their organization, while also providing them with a hiding spot. Even though their lair on Cinnabar Island burned down, they succeeded in their plans there, creating Mewtwo (and subsequently losing control of it, but oh well, not really much they could do to stop that, and the player character had zero interference in that plan). The police were powerless to stop them, and Team Rocket managed to seize control of the headquarters of the greatest corporation in Kanto, stealing their technology.

And the grunts? Instead of brainwashed nobodies tricked into following a plan to the end of the world, they willingly joined for money and power. Team Rocket members, freely strolling the streets of Kanto in uniform, were openly bragging about their membership. Meanwhile, the name of the organization was only whispered by others, fearing the iron grip they held on Kanto. At the start of the game, Team Rocket might have been the single most powerful organization in Kanto, nobody opposing them but this one, idealist, talented trainer from Pallet Town. They were at the top of the game, having even infiltrated the Pokémon League (with Giovanni being an official Gym Leader), they were making butt-loads of money, and successfully stole all the Pokémon they wanted. And that was it. They didn't feel like needlessly destroying the world. Kanto was theirs already, they had got everything they wanted. They felt like a powerful enemy, because they were powerful. And instead of beating their leaders in silly outfits, you went from town to town in Kanto, beating back Team Rocket grunts, loosening their grasp on Kanto until you managed to convince their leader to give up and live a crime-free life. He then walks away, unscathed and unpunished. As a ten-year-old, you might convince him to disband the organization, but you have no way of giving him his deserved punishment, or making him speak for his crimes in court. Truly, Giovanni didn't fall from power, he simply stepped down and walked away a free man.

As for the legendary Pokémon, they stayed legendary. Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno were hidden in the most remote corners of the region, outside Team Rocket's sphere of influence, and outside their plans at all, for that matter. What could Team Rocket hope to achieve with them, anyway? They had the region at their fingertips already, no need to bother with a few ultra-rare birds hanging around in the middle of nowhere. Team Rocket didn't need any Legendaries to achieve their goal. Their goal was money and power, and they already had it all when you started your adventure.

TL;DR: Instead of simply observing an evil team trying to destroy the world (and being totally unable to influence it, apart from causing them to fail at the last minute), RBY had you face a powerful organization and actively bring them down from power. Team Rocket were way more badass than all the rest of the evil teams combined.
I agree with all of this.

Out of all the evil teams that we've seen in pokemon, Team Rocket was the only organisation with plans that were understandable/practical/could be related to by criminals in the real world. They wanted to make money and gain power, plain and simple, while not caring how many pokemon/trainers they had to hurt to achieve that goal.

Contrast that with the the other team, you quickly get a sense of how future organisations were created only with a sense of grandiose (and no common sense) in mind.

Team Aqua/Magma: At best they can be called eco-terrorists. But even then, what reasons did they give for wanting more land/oceans? 'Pokemon need more water/soil?' How does that make sense? Pokemon have clearly been around for eons with the existing land masses in place, with no complains. Same with the residents of Hoenn.

Team Galactic: "Our leader is clearly an emotionless insane psychopath who was probably abused as a child. We'll follow him anyway." That makes so much sense. Not. And what did they do to achieve their goals- they steal pixies AND BLEW UP THE 3 LAKES. Because it was really hard to snatch the pixies and just leave quietly. No, they had to leave all those carps to die (bastards) and alert just about everyone in Sinnoh.

And how does a chain manage to trap Dialga/Palkia/open the gateway to the Pokemon hell Distortion world again? I don't how many pixies were tortured to make it, a chain will not let you do any of the above.

Team Plasma: As much as I loved Ghetsis and his plot (which would have worked if it wasn't for the meddling kids), his 'colleagues' were eh... less brilliant, to say the least. The 7 sages had cool outfits but... no pokemon. Not even a Patrat. I know that they were old and thought that they were too important to fight, but would it have really been that hard to give them a pokemon in a world where any 10 year old can get one? They need some way to defend themselves but instead, they surrounded themselves with grunts and hid in frozen storage areas. Better to freeze than to try and fight.

And the grunts. Dear god, a psychiatrist wouldn't be able to work out what in the world they were thinking...

"We're going to liberate pokemon! We love pokemon! But I love kicking this Munna more." What?

For an evil genius, Ghetsis surrounded himself with third class idiots, even by evil team standards. Unless that's what he wanted all along, stupid folks to brain wash.

Team Flare: More worried about their clothes than about changing the world. Enough said.

And last point in defence of Team Rocket. Sure, they didn't use a cover legend to blow up the world but they were (IMO) the most evil team out there.

A million is a statistic, Team ABC tries to kill everyone and it doesn't even seem that horrific/cruel.

Tema Rocket on the other hand:

- Beat pokemon with whips.

-And the Slowpokes.. God, the Slowpokes... :(

Well in b/w2 they at least had team plasma go and freeze entire cities in ice that could not be harmed along with a bunch of ninja badasses that could KNOCK YOU OUT AND TELEPORT you to where ever!

I'm sorry, but ninjas and ice to do not make a team cool/successful.

All team rocket had was a bunch of zubats and ratatas that spent all of their time either breeding more low level zubats or ratatas or having their asses kicked because ALL THEY HAD WERE ZUBATS AND RATATAS.
They had Zubats/rats because that's how an evil organisation works. In the mafia, do you have the lowest members running around with machine guns/kevlar vests/tanks? I think not.

Many of the citizens would not have had pokemon in the first place, so a cheap bat provided by Giovanni would have been more than enough to terrorise the population.

Hey, just thought of something: Giovanni = Italian name

Tema Rocket is the mafia!

PS: I am so sorry for all the typos that I'm sure plague this rant.
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A game without evil organization but some other challenge would feel really fresh and nice.
Still prefer Gen1 when it comes to baddies. Go RatBat!
A game without evil organization but some other challenge would feel really fresh and nice.
Still prefer Gen1 when it comes to baddies. Go RatBat!
No way I love the evil organizations. I can't wait for a gen 4 remake simply because Team Galactic is my favourite team. All the members are borderline legally insane, their leader is a total badass, and the grunts are actually pretty funny at a few different parts in the game
I daresay no, actually.

From Team Aqua/Magma on, all evil teams have been thorougly stupid, wanting to destroy the world for really contrived reasons. It mostly comes down to the hubris of their leader, who somehow tricks a bunch of grunts into following his plan. Said grunts follow the plan without questioning it, idiotically believing that "Team [name] will take over the world!" and that participation in the plan will somehow save them all from the destruction. They also dress in silly costumes, and serve more as comic relief than a legitimate threat.

And of course, the world as we know it is always at stake. This gets really boring after a while. It's always: "Save the world, 10-year-old, because nobody else bother to!". For being a threat to the world, surely the most powerful trainers around take the evil teams lightly. And true enough, the evil organization plotting to destroying/taking over the world is easily beaten by the 10-year-old. That gives me an impression that their plans weren't thought out at all, greatly diminishing the sensation of the world being threatened. In short, the evil teams from RSE on have been a bunch of weirdly-dressing doofuses who bite over way more than they could possibly hope to chew, with no consideration or no backup plan whatsoever.

Contrast Team Rocket, who, while having way smaller ambitions, also achieved the greatest success of all the evil teams.
Firstly, Team Rocket practically owned the region at the start of the game. Team Rocket members were bullying people and stealing Pokémon in every city in the region, save for Pallet Town and Pewter City (and maybe Fuchsia, I can't really remember). They weren't some fringe terrorist organization with greater ambitions than brains, they were the freakin' mafia. Their casino in Celadon raked in money for their organization, while also providing them with a hiding spot. Even though their lair on Cinnabar Island burned down, they succeeded in their plans there, creating Mewtwo (and subsequently losing control of it, but oh well, not really much they could do to stop that, and the player character had zero interference in that plan). The police were powerless to stop them, and Team Rocket managed to seize control of the headquarters of the greatest corporation in Kanto, stealing their technology.

And the grunts? Instead of brainwashed nobodies tricked into following a plan to the end of the world, they willingly joined for money and power. Team Rocket members, freely strolling the streets of Kanto in uniform, were openly bragging about their membership. Meanwhile, the name of the organization was only whispered by others, fearing the iron grip they held on Kanto. At the start of the game, Team Rocket might have been the single most powerful organization in Kanto, nobody opposing them but this one, idealist, talented trainer from Pallet Town. They were at the top of the game, having even infiltrated the Pokémon League (with Giovanni being an official Gym Leader), they were making butt-loads of money, and successfully stole all the Pokémon they wanted. And that was it. They didn't feel like needlessly destroying the world. Kanto was theirs already, they had got everything they wanted. They felt like a powerful enemy, because they were powerful. And instead of beating their leaders in silly outfits, you went from town to town in Kanto, beating back Team Rocket grunts, loosening their grasp on Kanto until you managed to convince their leader to give up and live a crime-free life. He then walks away, unscathed and unpunished. As a ten-year-old, you might convince him to disband the organization, but you have no way of giving him his deserved punishment, or making him speak for his crimes in court. Truly, Giovanni didn't fall from power, he simply stepped down and walked away a free man.

As for the legendary Pokémon, they stayed legendary. Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno were hidden in the most remote corners of the region, outside Team Rocket's sphere of influence, and outside their plans at all, for that matter. What could Team Rocket hope to achieve with them, anyway? They had the region at their fingertips already, no need to bother with a few ultra-rare birds hanging around in the middle of nowhere. Team Rocket didn't need any Legendaries to achieve their goal. Their goal was money and power, and they already had it all when you started your adventure.

TL;DR: Instead of simply observing an evil team trying to destroy the world (and being totally unable to influence it, apart from causing them to fail at the last minute), RBY had you face a powerful organization and actively bring them down from power. Team Rocket were way more badass than all the rest of the evil teams combined.
Wonderful post. Just wonderful.

This made me think that it would be nice if Game Freak could return to using some sort of "more realistic" bad guy team like Team Rocket during the build up to the E4. Then, after you are the champion of the region, you are actually impressive enough to have the cover legendary approach you or wait for you. And perhaps you should have to go through misery just to reach it. Granted, that's how it is with some legends, but lately you earn 7 or 8 badges and you get to be with the best Pokemon available in your game.

Back to the little things that annoy me... I wish the O-Powers recharge-o-meter had 12 of those green circles instead of 10... I also wish Team Flare was a little less PG-rated like Team Rocket was a la BriarRose post.
Back on topic, what annoys me is how Lysandre seemed really cool in the beginning and stuff but then they're like "yah. he's totes evil." and it made no sense. Like, he wanted to make things pretty.
Yeah, make things pretty by killing everybody but a bunch of freaks on tight, red suits. Pokémon included.

My biggest pet peeve about X and Y is the fact that the post-game is so short. :l I mean, after catching all the legends and completing the Pokedex and completing all the Looker missions and all that, there's like, nothing to do other than battle competitively. Not saying that battling competitively is bad, not by any means, but there's not much else to do otherwise.
It's already been mentioned why is that. Remember RS, BW, and DP? Yeah. As crappy as XY, and they all started their generations. Now, remember LGRF and Pt? Some good shit for mid-gen. And last but not least, remember HGSS and BW2? Loads of things to close the generation. Just wait for ORAS Battle Frontier and Z/X2Y2 Southern Kalos ala GSC.

Insert the things you quoted here.
Dude. You can get enough for a damn cab ride on the Le Meh. You damn cheap bastard
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The one thing about X & Y that really gets me is the lack of a powered up E4 rematch post game. Every game's had this since Platinum, with only Diamond and Pearl missing out on it since FR/LG, so why suddenly did they just not do it this time? I mean, we have Le Wow for grinding so it's not really THAT big a deal, but it's really disappointing that I'll never see much of the the E4 since there's literally no reason to fight them again after you've beaten them once.

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