Wonders of the Pokemon World


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I was recently reading through the wikipedia article about the various Wonders of the World list and it got me wondering: "The world of Pokemon is filled with Wonders, why not make lists for them"! So I began looking through the main 6 regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos) and I've came up with quite a list of locations. Now it wouldn't be fair for just one person to decide which places makes the cut so thus I ask anyone who's interested in their opinions!

There are 9 lists, each one containing a list of candidates.
2. When you make a suggestion for one of the lists you pick 7 candidates from within that list.

Cerulean Cave/Unknown Dungeon (Kanto)
Cinnabar Volcano (Kanto)
Diglett's Cave (Kanto)
Mt. Moon (Kanto)
Seafoam Islands (Kanto)
Sevii Islands (Kanto)
Mt. Silver (Kanto-Johto)
Tohjo Falls (Kanto-Johto)
Dragon's Den (Johto)
Ice Path (Johto)
Lake of Rage (Johto)
Whirl Islands (Johto)
Lavaridge Hot Springs (Hoenn)
Sootopolis Crater (Hoenn)
Mt. Chimney (Hoenn)
Cave of Origin (Hoenn)
Meteor Falls (Hoenn)
Shoal Cave (Hoenn)
Route 111 Desert (Hoenn)
Sea Mauville (Hoenn)
Mirage Island (Hoenn)
Hoenn Underwater (Hoenn)
Hoenn Rapid Currents (Hoenn)
Floaroma Meadow (Sinnoh)
Veilstone Meteorites (Sinnoh)
Great Marsh (Sinnoh)
Sinnoh Lakes (Acuity, Valor, & Verity)(Sinnoh)
Mt. Coronet (Sinnoh)
Stark Mountain (Sinnoh)
Distortion World (Sinnoh)
Seabreak Path/Flower Paradise (Sinnoh)
Hall of Origin (Sinnoh)
White Forest/White Treehollow (Unova)
Desert Resort (Unova)
Chargestone Cave (Unova)
Twist Mountain (Unova)
Giant Chasm (Unova)
Nature Preserve (Unova)
Laverre Tree (Kalos)
Couriway Waterfalls (Kalos)
Glittering Cave (Kalos)
Reflection Cave (Kalos)
Lumiose Badlands (Kalos)
Sea Spirit's Den (Kalos)
Frost Cavern (Kalos)

Sprout Tower (Johto)
Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass)(Johto)
Ruins of Alph (Johto)
Granite Cave Mural (Hoenn)
Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Hoenn)
Sky Pillar (Hoenn)
Ancient Statue (Sinnoh)
Solaceon Ruins (Sinnoh)
Celestic Ruins (Sinnoh)
Snowpoint Temple (Sinnoh)
Spear Pillar (Sinnoh)
Turnback Cave (Sinnoh)
Lacunosa Wall (Unova)
Relic Castle (Unova)
Dragonspiral Tower (Unova)
Abyssal Ruins (Unova)
Abundant Shrine (Unova)
Clay Tunnel/Underground Ruins (Unova)
Shabboneau Castle (Kalos)
Menhir Trail (Kalos)
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon (Kalos)
Anistar Sundial (Kalos)

Kanto Cycling Road (Kanto)
Pokemon Tower (pre-Radio Tower)(Kanto)
Silence Bridge (Kanto)
Nugget Bridge (Kanto)
Magnet Train (Kanto-Johto)
Glitter Lighthouse (Johto)
Pokeathlon Dome (Johto)
National Park (Johto)
Mauville City (Gen VI)(Hoenn)
Seaside Cycling Road (Hoenn)
Fortree Tree Houses (Hoenn)
Mossdeep Space Center (Hoenn)
Pacifidlog Floating Houses (Hoenn)
Super Contest Hall (Sinnoh)
Amity Square (Sinnoh)
Foreign Building (Sinnoh)
Vista Lighthouse (Sinnoh)
Old Chateau (Sinnoh)
Sinnoh Underground (Sinnoh)
Dreamyard (Unova)
Castelia Sewers/Castelia Park (Unova)
Rondez-View Ferris Wheel (Unova)
Mistralton Runway (Unova)
Black City/Black Tower (Unova)
Anville Turntable (Unova)
Old Clock Tower (Unova)
Liberty Garden (Unova)
Battle Subway (Unova)
Celestial Tower (Unova)
N's Castle (Unova)
Entralink (Unova)
Unity Tower (Unova)
Join Avenue (Unova)
Pokestar Studios (Unova)
Pokemon World Tournament (Unova)
Strange House (Unova)
Unova Bridges & Tunnels (Skyarrow B., Driftveil Drawbridge, Tubeline B., Village B., Marvelous B., Marine Tube)(Unova)
Prism Tower (Kalos)
Tower of Mastery (Kalos)
Dendemille Windmill (Kalos)
Parfum Palace (Kalos)
Kalos Power Plant (Kalos)
Lost Hotel (Kalos)
Pokemon Village (Kalos)
Battle Maison (Kalos)

Cerulean Cave/Unknown Dungeon (Natural)
Cinnabar Volcano (Natural)
Diglett's Cave (Natural)
Mt. Moon (Natural)
Seafoam Islands (Natural)
Sevii Islands (Natural)
Mt. Silver (Natural)
Tohjo Falls (Natural)
Kanto Cycling Road (Modern)
Pokemon Tower (pre-Radio Tower)(Modern)
Silence Bridge (Modern)
Nugget Bridge (Modern)
Magnet Train (Modern)

Mt. Silver (Natural)
Tohjo Falls (Natural)
Dragon's Den (Natural)
Ice Path (Natural)
Lake of Rage (Natural)
Whirl Islands (Natural)
Sprout Tower (Ancient)
Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass)(Ancient)
Ruins of Alph (Ancient)
Magnet Train (Modern)
Glitter Lighthouse (Modern)
Pokeathlon Dome (Modern)
National Park (Modern)

Lavaridge Hot Springs (Natural)
Sootopolis Crater (Natural)
Mt. Chimney (Natural)
Cave of Origin (Natural)
Meteor Falls (Natural)
Shoal Cave (Natural)
Route 111 Desert (Natural)
Sea Mauville (Natural)
Mirage Island (Natural)
Hoenn Underwater (Natural)
Hoenn Rapid Currents (Natural)
Granite Cave Mural (Ancient)
Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Ancient)
Sky Pillar (Ancient)
Mauville City (Gen VI)(Modern)
Seaside Cycling Road (Modern)
Fortree Tree Houses (Modern)
Mossdeep Space Center (Modern)
Pacifidlog Floating Houses (Modern)

Floaroma Meadow (Natural)
Veilstone Meteorites (Natural)
Great Marsh (Natural)
Sinnoh Lakes (Acuity, Valor, & Verity)(Natural)
Mt. Coronet (Natural)
Stark Mountain (Natural)
Distortion World (Natural)
Seabreak Path/Flower Paradise (Natural)
Hall of Origin (Natural)
Ancient Statue (Ancient)
Solaceon Ruins (Ancient)
Celestic Ruins (Ancient)
Snowpoint Temple (Ancient)
Spear Pillar (Ancient)
Turnback Cave (Ancient)
Super Contest Hall (Modern)
Amity Square (Modern)
Foreign Building (Modern)
Vista Lighthouse (Modern)
Old Chateau (Modern)
Sinnoh Underground (Modern)

White Forest/White Treehollow (Natural)
Desert Resort (Natural)
Chargestone Cave (Natural)
Twist Mountain (Natural)
Giant Chasm (Natural)
Nature Preserve (Natural)
Lacunosa Wall (Ancient)
Relic Castle (Ancient)
Dragonspiral Tower (Ancient)
Abyssal Ruins (Ancient)
Abundant Shrine (Ancient)
Clay Tunnel/Underground Ruins (Ancient)
Dreamyard (Modern)
Castelia Sewers/Castelia Park (Modern)
Rondez-View Ferris Wheel (Modern)
Mistralton Runway (Modern)
Black City/Black Tower (Modern)
Anville Turntable (Modern)
Old Clock Tower (Modern)
Liberty Garden (Modern)
Battle Subway (Modern)
Celestial Tower (Modern)
N's Castle (Modern)
Entralink (Modern)
Unity Tower (Modern)
Join Avenue (Modern)
Pokestar Studios (Modern)
Pokemon World Tournament (Modern)
Strange House (Modern)
Unova Bridges & Tunnels (Skyarrow B., Driftveil Drawbridge, Tubeline B., Village B., Marvelous B., Marine Tube)(Modern)

Laverre Tree (Natural)
Couriway Waterfalls (Natural)
Glittering Cave (Natural)
Reflection Cave (Natural)
Lumiose Badlands (Natural)
Sea Spirit's Den (Natural)
Frost Cavern (Natural)
Shabboneau Castle (Ancient)
Menhir Trail (Ancient)
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon (Ancient)
Anistar Sundial (Ancient)
Prism Tower (Modern)
Tower of Mastery (Modern)
Dendemille Windmill (Modern)
Parfum Palace (Modern)
Kalos Power Plant (Modern)
Lost Hotel (Modern)
Pokemon Village (Modern)
Battle Maison (Modern)

So what are your thoughts? Anything you feel I missed? Shouldn't be there? Remember when making list you should only have 7 wonders per list. I'm going to hold off on my list until I see everyone's thoughts.
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Wondering if the Pokemon Village counts as a Natural Wonder for Kalos. Would it qualify?

A secluded are made by and for Pokemon who are afraid of humans? With mini constructs and various items laying about (not to mention having its own Unknown Dungeon housing a powerful Pokemon) it feels sort of like a Pokemon shanty town. I've seen no other locations in the main Pokemon World where there's some sort of Pokemon mimicking human living. Even if the Pokemon didn't make it they naturally feel at home there telling me possibly many of the Pokemon who live there were once captured Pokemon but were released (and due to their nervousness around humans they never met possibly abused?) so it's like they're trying to recreate their previous tamed living conditions instead of trying to return back to wild living conditions.

Maybe I should put a reason next to each candidate why I included it?
So I'm going to be that guy and say this needs to be severely cut down. A lot of these places are just that... Places. A list of locations in the games excluding routes. It confuses me why some of them are not considered wonders too when you mention things like cycling path (which is a glorified bridge) or the bridges in Unova.

Wonders are that because there are so few of them. This reads somewhat like a list of "interesting locations". Yes, Pokémon has a huge list of interesting places, but very very few are what I would consider wonders. My moon is just a mountain, pokeathlon dome is just a stadium etc.

The "modern" ones you've picked are not really wonders to me because of how advanced the technology is in Pokémon. Those sorts of buildings are everywhere. For such a tiny landmass Pokémon has an incredibly deep/confusing history.

And as an aside, remember that locations need to be somewhat memorable to make the game interesting. Nameless mountain after nameless river after nameless desert isn't all that fun to traverse.
I'd try to reduce the list to 7:
-Mt. Silver
-Skyarrow Bridge
-Ultimate Weapon (Geosenge)
-Sootopolis City
-Realgam Tower
-N's Castle
-Spear Pillar
So I'm going to be that guy and say this needs to be severely cut down. A lot of these places are just that... Places. A list of locations in the games excluding routes. It confuses me why some of them are not considered wonders too when you mention things like cycling path (which is a glorified bridge) or the bridges in Unova.

Wonders are that because there are so few of them. This reads somewhat like a list of "interesting locations". Yes, Pokémon has a huge list of interesting places, but very very few are what I would consider wonders. My moon is just a mountain, pokeathlon dome is just a stadium etc.

The "modern" ones you've picked are not really wonders to me because of how advanced the technology is in Pokémon. Those sorts of buildings are everywhere. For such a tiny landmass Pokémon has an incredibly deep/confusing history.

And as an aside, remember that locations need to be somewhat memorable to make the game interesting. Nameless mountain after nameless river after nameless desert isn't all that fun to traverse.

What I listed are just candidates, I'm asking for votes. Each list is only going to have locations each.

I'd try to reduce the list to 7:
-Mt. Silver
-Skyarrow Bridge
-Ultimate Weapon (Geosenge)
-Sootopolis City
-Realgam Tower
-N's Castle
-Spear Pillar

You mixed and matched lists. Also I'm not counting non-main game locations at the moment.

EDIT: I added in a rules to explain what I was thinking better.
Seafoam Islands
Mt. Silver
Meteor Falls
Stark Mountain
Chargestone Cave
Glittering Cave
Tohjo Falls

Ruins of Alph
Mt. Pyre Peak
Sky Pillar
Spear Pillar
Relic Castle
Abundant Shrine
Anistar Sundial

Nugget Bridge
Pokeathlon Dome
Seaside Cycling Road
Old Chateau
Battle Subway
N's Castle
Kalos Power Plant

Cerulean Cave
Mt. Moon
Mt. Silver
Tohjo Falls
Nugget Bridge
Magnet Train
Seafoam Islands

Ruins of Alph
Pokeathlon Dome
Dragon's Den
Burned Tower
Lake of Rage
Glitter Lighthouse
National Park

Meteor Falls
Mt. Pyre Peak
Sky Pillar
Seaside Cycling Road
Mirage Road
Shoal Cave
Mt. Chimney

Stark Mountain
Spear Pillar
Old Chateau
Celestic Ruins
Solaceon Ruins
Mt. Coronet
Distortion World

Chargestone Cave
Relic Castle
Abundant Shrine
Battle Subway
N's Castle
Dragonspiral Tower
Nature Preserve

Anistar Sundial
Glittering Cave
Reflection Cave
Kalos Power Plant
Parfume Palace
Lumiose Badlands
Laverre Tree

Not sure if I did this right but here I went anyway. :P
Sorry for reusing a bunch of the places I listed but honestly I think it would be weird for the world wonders to not be listed in their own regions...not sure if you'll understand this particular paragraph but w/e
Seafoam Islands
Mt. Silver
Meteor Falls
Stark Mountain
Chargestone Cave
Glittering Cave
Tohjo Falls

Ruins of Alph
Mt. Pyre Peak
Sky Pillar
Spear Pillar
Relic Castle
Abundant Shrine
Anistar Sundial

Nugget Bridge
Pokeathlon Dome
Seaside Cycling Road
Old Chateau
Battle Subway
N's Castle
Kalos Power Plant

Cerulean Cave
Mt. Moon
Mt. Silver
Tohjo Falls
Nugget Bridge
Magnet Train
Seafoam Islands

Ruins of Alph
Pokeathlon Dome
Dragon's Den
Burned Tower
Lake of Rage
Glitter Lighthouse
National Park

Meteor Falls
Mt. Pyre Peak
Sky Pillar
Seaside Cycling Road
Mirage Road
Shoal Cave
Mt. Chimney

Stark Mountain
Spear Pillar
Old Chateau
Celestic Ruins
Solaceon Ruins
Mt. Coronet
Distortion World

Chargestone Cave
Relic Castle
Abundant Shrine
Battle Subway
N's Castle
Dragonspiral Tower
Nature Preserve

Anistar Sundial
Glittering Cave
Reflection Cave
Kalos Power Plant
Parfume Palace
Lumiose Badlands
Laverre Tree

Not sure if I did this right but here I went anyway. :P
Sorry for reusing a bunch of the places I listed but honestly I think it would be weird for the world wonders to not be listed in their own regions...not sure if you'll understand this particular paragraph but w/e

No, this is exactly what I want! :D

And having the same locations in multiple lists makes perfect sense! Obviously if you do any, if not all, of the regional lists then the overall lists will include locations made up from those lists since it would be sort of a paradox how one place is considered a Wonder yet in their home region it isn't. ;)
Going to ehco DHR-107 and say that the modern wonders are pointless and that this list is basically listing every marginally important landmark. There needs to be something special about the location, such as Chargestone Cave's titular chargestones or how Diglett's Cave was created by Diglett.

The lists should look like this.
Diglett's Cave (Kanto)
Ice Path (Johto)
Sootopolis Crater (Hoenn)
Cave of Origin (Hoenn)
Sea Mauville (Hoenn)
Mirage Island (Hoenn)
Floaroma Meadow (Sinnoh)
White Treehollow (Unova)
Chargestone Cave (Unova)
Giant Chasm (Unova)
Laverre Tree (Kalos)
Reflection Cave (Kalos)
Sprout Tower (Johto)
Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass)(Johto)
Ruins of Alph (Johto)
Granite Cave Mural (Hoenn)
Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Hoenn)
Sky Pillar (Hoenn)
Ancient Statue (Sinnoh)
Solaceon Ruins (Sinnoh)
Celestic Ruins (Sinnoh)
Snowpoint Temple (Sinnoh)
Spear Pillar (Sinnoh)
Turnback Cave (Sinnoh)
Lacunosa Wall (Unova)
Relic Castle (Unova)
Dragonspiral Tower (Unova)
Abyssal Ruins (Unova)
Abundant Shrine (Unova)
Underground Ruins (Unova)
Shabboneau Castle (Kalos)
Menhir Trail (Kalos)
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon (Kalos)
Anistar Sundial (Kalos)
Sinjoh Ruins (other)
I removed anything that wasn't really unique. This includes most caves (look the same and nothing really special about their existence), the islands (look the same and none are really special in content, this includes Whirl Islands because without Lugia they just exist), the volcanoes (there's like 5), the mountains (THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME), and hot springs (common enough in real life that their existence is not really impressive).

I took out Hall of Origin and Flower Paradise because they was never able to legally access, so their status as canon is dubious (plus nobody in-universe knows the Hall exists). I removed the Distortion World for being in another dimension, so it's technically not even part of the "world".

I also added Sinjoh Ruins, which you surprisingly missed.
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Going to ehco DHR-107 and say that the modern wonders are pointless and that this list is basically listing every marginally important landmark. There needs to be something special about the location, such as Chargestone Cave's titular chargestones or how Diglett's Cave was created by Diglett.

The lists should look like this.
Diglett's Cave (Kanto)
Ice Path (Johto)
Sootopolis Crater (Hoenn)
Cave of Origin (Hoenn)
Sea Mauville (Hoenn)
Mirage Island (Hoenn)
Floaroma Meadow (Sinnoh)
White Treehollow (Unova)
Chargestone Cave (Unova)
Giant Chasm (Unova)
Laverre Tree (Kalos)
Reflection Cave (Kalos)
Sprout Tower (Johto)
Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass)(Johto)
Ruins of Alph (Johto)
Granite Cave Mural (Hoenn)
Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Hoenn)
Sky Pillar (Hoenn)
Ancient Statue (Sinnoh)
Solaceon Ruins (Sinnoh)
Celestic Ruins (Sinnoh)
Snowpoint Temple (Sinnoh)
Spear Pillar (Sinnoh)
Turnback Cave (Sinnoh)
Lacunosa Wall (Unova)
Relic Castle (Unova)
Dragonspiral Tower (Unova)
Abyssal Ruins (Unova)
Abundant Shrine (Unova)
Underground Ruins (Unova)
Shabboneau Castle (Kalos)
Menhir Trail (Kalos)
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon (Kalos)
Anistar Sundial (Kalos)
Sinjoh Ruins (other)
I removed anything that wasn't really unique. This includes most caves (look the same and nothing really special about their existence), the islands (look the same and none are really special in content, this includes Whirl Islands because without Lugia they just exist), the volcanoes (there's like 5), the mountains (THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME), and hot springs (common enough in real life that their existence is not really impressive).

I took out Hall of Origin and Flower Paradise because they was never able to legally access, so their status as canon is dubious (plus nobody in-universe knows the Hall exists). I removed the Distortion World for being in another dimension, so it's technically not even part of the "world".

I also added Sinjoh Ruins, which you surprisingly missed.

Okay... now decrease your list to 7 locations each and then that would be your vote.
I wasn't voting, I was making a suggestion.

I did the lists as I did because, even if the locations aren't interesting to you, that doesn't mean they won't be interesting to someone else. Also if I didn't list them someone might have. If you location is agreed upon not being interesting than no one would vote for it. That's the purpose of voting, to pick the best choices.

Also I included modern locations because some modern locations are Wonders. Pokemon Tower, Mauville City, Rondez-View Ferris Wheel, Celestial Tower, N's Castle, Prism Tower, Tower of Mastery, Parfum Palace. Those don't deserve to be given a "Wonder" status or at least a candidacy for one?

I suppose I could have chopped the list into Natural and Manmade. But manmade would feel too big and comparing the ancient & modern structures would be like comparing apples & oranges.
I think it is safe to say that in order to qualify as a Wonder, a candidate would need to be unique/distinctive. Some of my favorites are the Pokémon Tower (which was sadly demolished), the Ruins of Alph, the Abbysal Ruins, the Solaceon Ruins, Mt. Coronet, and the Relic Castle. Yes, I have a huge thing for old relics. Think of it this way: unless they would attract thousands of tourists a year, I doubt they'd count as a Wonder.

I could keep adding more over time, from time to time.

I'm also nominating Mt. Pyre.

Starting my top seven lists:

Abbysal Ruins
Ancient Tomb (all three of them)
Relic Castle
Sinjoh Ruins
Sky Pillar
Solaceon Ruins
The Ruins of Alph
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Whirl Islands
Sootopolis Crater
Meteor Falls
Hoenn Underwater
Flower Paradise
Giant Chasm
Laverre Tree

Ecruteak Towers
Ruins of Alph
Sky Pillar
Snowpoint Temple
Abyssal Ruins
Menhir Trail
Anistar Sundial

Magnet Train
Fortree Tree Houses
Pacifidlog Floating Houses
Sinnoh Underground
Unova Bridges
Parfum Palace
Pokemon Village

Cinnabar Volcano
Sevii Islands
Mt. Silver
Tohjo Falls
Kanto Cycling Road
Silence Bridge
Magnet Train

Mt. Silver
Tohjo Falls
Lake of Rage
Whirl Islands
Ecruteak Towers
Ruins of Alph
Magnet Train

Sootopolis Crater
Meteor Falls
Route 111 Desert
Hoenn Underwater
Granite Cave Mural
Mauville City
Mossdeep Space Center

Floaroma Meadow
Veilstone Meteorites
Sinnoh Lakes
Distortion World
Solaceon Ruins
Snowpoint Temple
Sinnoh Underground

White Forest/White Tree Hollow
Giant Chasm
Relic Castle
Abyssal Ruins
Black City/Black Tower
N's Castle
Unova Bridges

Laverre Tree
Reflection Cave
Frost Cavern
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon
Anistar Sundial
Prism Tower
Tower of Mastery

I'll throw in my two cents and cast my votes haha I'd also like to nominate the Battle Frontier from Hoenn as a candidate
I... actually agree with most of the 'options' in the OP. Yes, these places are everywhere in Pokemon, but they are all unique.

So I'm going to be that guy and say this needs to be severely cut down. A lot of these places are just that... Places. A list of locations in the games excluding routes. It confuses me why some of them are not considered wonders too when you mention things like cycling path (which is a glorified bridge) or the bridges in Unova.

Wonders are that because there are so few of them. This reads somewhat like a list of "interesting locations". Yes, Pokémon has a huge list of interesting places, but very very few are what I would consider wonders. My moon is just a mountain, pokeathlon dome is just a stadium etc.

The "modern" ones you've picked are not really wonders to me because of how advanced the technology is in Pokémon. Those sorts of buildings are everywhere. For such a tiny landmass Pokémon has an incredibly deep/confusing history.

And as an aside, remember that locations need to be somewhat memorable to make the game interesting. Nameless mountain after nameless river after nameless desert isn't all that fun to traverse.

I thought what made the place unique enough for the Pokemon world was if it were special enough to get its own name. I agree that Cycling Path is just... a cycling bridge. Pokéathlon Dome is just a stadium. But Mt. Moon has the fantastic Mt. Moon Square which is really a soothing place to be with Clefairy dancing out in the open! And there are many more like that.

I removed anything that wasn't really unique. This includes most caves (look the same and nothing really special about their existence), the islands (look the same and none are really special in content, this includes Whirl Islands because without Lugia they just exist), the volcanoes (there's like 5), the mountains (THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME), and hot springs (common enough in real life that their existence is not really impressive).

Caves and Mountains can be really cool, and almost every named one has something unique about them. Reversal Mountain has the lava or water substance which makes the experience unique. Glittering Cave has the gemstones inside and a cozy atmosphere because of the close walls en the different way of encountering Pokemon. Reflection Cave has mirrors. Chargestone Cave has electric currents running through it. The Seafoam Islands' Cave with Articuno has a very cold vibe to it, which is reflected in the stone colours in that cave. Cerulean Cave is entirely purple and green, very unusual colours for a cave as well. And Mt. Silver has a very peculiar layout with symmetry, outside parts with grass, outside parts with both snow and grass, and outside parts with only snow, which gives you the feeling of actually climbing it. See? They are all different!

Though... most of the Modern ones like bridges and stadiums do not appeal to me. But I could imagine there'd be some bridge-fanatic out there seeing all those bridges and thinking 'wow!', and if I look closer to the stadium's, I can definitely say there are some that I like better than others. How do they convey the message of what is inside, for example?

Lavaridge Town is actually noted to be famous in-game for its hot-springs. There's even a woman in a hotel in Kalos talking to you about them! Imagine! Talking to a random person and hearing about something like that. Maybe it's common in the real world, but in the Pokemon world, there's only one single place with Hot Springs. And that's Lavaridge Town! It's even tied to the mountain, so next to cultural significance it also has natural significance.

Now I'm not anyone of much importance, but I'd actually really appreciate a list of special locations rankings. Maybe they don't feel much like 'wonders' to you, and I can understand why you think so, but these places are unique. And they can define the region. So here is my list, with explanations for why I think that place is special.

Mt. Silver - Kanto/Johto
I've already explained most of it, haha ^_^"

Well, here I go again:

Exterior: The impression when I'm at the base, standing before it's entrance, Mt. Silver is really looming. You can't go further without going inside, but it's sort of peaceful outside isn't it? There's even a house! Which means someone actually lives at the foot of Mt. Silver! I always imagined that, if I were to live in the Pokemon world, I would want to live there. It's beautiful and quiet, surrounded by Pokemon, a lake, grass, and Mt. Silver. There's a Pokemon Center if I would ever need anything.

1st Floor: If I go inside, there is a beautiful layout. The colour of rock is mostly cold with blueish and grey hues. It feels calming. The waterfalls are beautifully placed. There is some symmetry from the entrance on the upper middle, but to the sides and to the front of it, there's much variation, with waterfalls and flat bodies of water in aesthetically pleasing spots.

2nd Floor: Another room I wanted to lift out for its symmetry. There are no bodies of water, but if you look up this chart, you may recognize the pattern in the abstract sense I described before. There is symmetry aligned with the most important parts of the room (in this case the middle part and the upper middle exit). The first stairs if you start from the middle is at the right end, the second at the left end, the third at the right end, and the fourth at the left end again. There's a pattern in it, but it looks natural nonetheless, because of the randomly placed rocks around the room. It is soothing and calming.

Moltres' Room:
Is complete symmetry. Moltres is right at the middle, with Rock Climb parts to the sides, directly opposite from each other. The entrance is right in the middle, but on the low/early/first part of the room.

Lower Mountainside:
There are grassy patches on the mountainous sides, and there are even some trees growing here! I cannot recognize any symmetry. It feels free. You feel extra aware that you're now in the open because of that contrast between symmetry and freedom.

Upper Mountainside:
There are trees covered in snow, and you can't see the mountain itself anymore either, because there's snow everywhere! But there is still grass, providing nice contrast with the snowy white. There is no symmetry here either, and you feel like you're getting further and further away from the safety you felt before, or from the warmth at the base.

The highest part of the mountain, and... complete symmetry, at last! You're on the outside. You can finally be free and safe at the same time ... !

I love Mt. Silver most, out of any parts in the Pokemon games <3
Also, it connects two regions! Isn't that beautiful?

Southern Island - Hoenn (!!)
Well, this one wasn't on the suggestions list yet. But it left such a big impact on me, that I really had to add it to my own list. The place is beautiful, almost too good to be true. Is it true? You don't know, perhaps this is a dream.

You will receive a telepathic message:
"Those whose memories fade seek to
carve them in their hearts…"

Then, when you enter the inner part, you see Latias or Latios, depending on your game. Once you catch it, you can read the words written on the mysterious object behind the Legendary:

"All dreams are but another reality.
Never forget…"

I promise, I will never forget! <3

Lake of Rage - Johto
This is my favourite lake ^_^
It rains every day, except for Wednesday. The lake is of significance to Magikarp and Gyarados. Not only are they the only Pokemon actually appearing in the water, but the place somehow has an unusual effect on your walking Pokemon as well, if it is a Magikarp or Gyarados. It looks different depending on the weather. If it rains, like it usually does, the lake will be completely filled with water. Lilypads appear, twigs gather, and trees are submerged. The house on the edge is only accessible when Lake of Rage is completely filled with water. On Wednesday, the water has enough time to sink into the ground and be absorbed by the trees. You can finally see the trees now! The fun thing is, Lake of Rage is not a lake you can just traverse freely. It's actually a maze! :D

Mt. Moon Square - Kanto (!!)
I've also talked about this one while responding to what others have commented on this thread. The inside of Mt. Moon is much like any 'regular'/less special cave of HGSS. But once you get to Mt. Moon Square, it is a delight to see! There are even Clefairy there dancing at night! Notice the moon's reflection in the water?

Pledge Grove - Unova (!!)
So far I've put (!!) at every location not mentioned in the suggestions in the OP (though Mt. Moon Square is a part of Mt. Moon).
Pledge Grove is actually my favourite part of Unova, and it was a bit odd not being able to spot it in the list. It's a path with trees to the sides. In Spring, these trees will be a lushy green, but my favourite is actually Pledge Grove in Autumn! The earth underneath your feet will be almost completely covered in leaves, and the trees have this fierce orange/red colour. Once you get to the rock, you notice how special it is. It's a huuuge rock, with a large X carved into it with a | in the middle. You notice that Keldeo wants to get out of its Pokéball, and the special scene ensues. Once it has remembered and found its resolve, you see will know that it were the three Legendary Musketeer Pokemon that had carved the rock... :)

Chargestone Cave - Unova

A very special cave, especially because few typical cave Pokemon appear in it. There's Joltik, and Ferroseed, Klink and Tynamo... Ah, but still there's Boldore. It's an unusual habitat though! And the magnetic currents emitting from the blue stones might have a lot to do with why there's so many Steel and Electric-type species present here. The entire cave is a luminescent dark blue, with the mysterious blue stones being the brightest eye-catchers. They even make zzzZZing noise if you touch or move them. Everything screams magnetism, and the forces can almost be felt there through the DS system.

Reversal Mountain - Unova (!!)

Yet another one not previously on the list. I've personally played White 2, and I could really appreciate the aspect of a pit of molten lava in the centre. It turns the cave into something special, especially in combination with the colouration and contrast this creates. The walls and floor are pure black, but there seems to be cracks visible even here, and there seems to be a hot glowing fluid inside. There are several holes with steam coming out of them, a way for the mountain to release some of its heat. I can understand Heatran likes it here so well! Even I'm glowing and getting warmer from just playing in this cave! Or was Heatran responsible for the heat in the first place? But no, the Legendary appears in Black 2 as well, where the entire Cave has cooled off. There are cracks which let in blue light, and what was formerly lava, is now a cool lake. On the sides of the wall, you can see the insides must be filled with water as well... Did Heatran come here to cool off?
I will edit this post later with ancient and modern personal rankings. But wanted to get this out there first.
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You do realize I had Chargestone Cave and Reflection Cave in my list for the reasons you stated?

I'm busy right now, so I'll argue later.
Yes, I realize that, but find it peculiar why a list of options should be limited by value under the guise of 'objectivity', while I had understood we were going to reach the 'objectivity' part through voting.

I also want to clarify that calling it 'wonders' might indeed be an overstatement (because a lot of these places don't actually leave you 'wondering'), though I can fully relate to how the real-world 7 Wonders could inspire to create a list like this, with special places in the Pokemon world sorted by voting. If it were a thread just posting about favourites, I would not have bothered, because those voices are often lost in the end. But if the voices are collected, and counted, you can measure something objectively. That is the quantity of people voting for one thing. The more votes it gets, the higher it is ranked. That's why I find this thread intriguing. It combines the subjective personal aspect of value with the objective measurable aspect of quantity/popularity.
Just because a bunch of people agree on something not make their decision objectively right, it just makes it democratic.

I still feel like the OP has way too much leeway on what can be considered a "Wonder" based off of the real life inspiration, and the list needs to be culled.
Yes, I realize that, but find it peculiar why a list of options should be limited by value under the guise of 'objectivity', while I had understood we were going to reach the 'objectivity' part through voting.

I also want to clarify that calling it 'wonders' might indeed be an overstatement (because a lot of these places don't actually leave you 'wondering'), though I can fully relate to how the real-world 7 Wonders could inspire to create a list like this, with special places in the Pokemon world sorted through voting. If it were a thread just posting about favourites, I would not have bothered, because those voices are often lost in the end. But if the voices are collected, and counted, you can measure something objectively. That is the quantity of people voting for one thing. The more votes it gets, the higher it is ranked. That's why I find this thread intriguing. It combines the subjective personal aspect of value with the objective measurable aspect of quantity/popularity.

As I said, I included many locations on my list as I thought if I didn't someone else would ask why I didn't include it (though I am open to other places I didn't list).

Did I overdo it a bit with the candidates? Maybe, but I thought that as more people responded to this thread it'll slowly weed out the ones which aren't popular.

Anyway I think this board is a failure. Obviously not everyone got what I was trying to say. Maybe I'll try this idea again another time but just post some very obvious choices while letting members include locations they think deserves a mention be mentioned by them.

So if a mod wants to close this board they can.
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Just because a bunch of people agree on something not make their decision objectively right, it just makes it democratic.

I still feel like the OP has way too much leeway on what can be considered a "Wonder" based off of the real life inspiration, and the list needs to be culled.
You're repeating yourself, and I don't get the idea that you understand what I was saying. I'm not talking about being 'right', I'm talking about counting the quantity to determine what is most popular (and possibly understanding the reasons why, if other people would elaborate as much as I did in my /hide/ tag). I don't feel like we're talking about 'wonders' anymore either, just 'options' to pick.

Anyway I think this board is a failure. Obviously not everyone got what I was trying to say. Maybe I'll try this idea again another time but just post some very obvious choices while letting members include locations they think deserves a mention be mentioned by them.

So if a mod wants to close this board they can.
I'm sad to hear that, but I would understand. Right now it's mostly a discussion about what the thread should be, so perhaps the concept just wasn't ready yet...
That said you still need to decrease your lists to 7 picks.
I wasn't voting, I was making a suggestion.
I think Karx was pretty clear :v.

I also wholly agree with him that your "list", even if you tried to include everything, is essentially just every single location in Pokemon assorted into a small selection of lists. You needed to be more selective I'm afraid. Having that much choice creates the illusion that shrinking it down into 7 picks is a lot more effort than it actually is. I'll do my lists of 7, first by posting the lists I have from my first culling of locations and then my final 7. Arguably my list + whatever I missed which is on Karx's list should be in the OP, and people can always add locations besides that. I added Pacifidlog, for example, because I think it's definitely one of the best natural wonders around. Edit: I just noticed that this was actually in the modern era fsr. This is ] the wrong place, since the buildings are built on coral/corsola colonies, so it definitely belongs as a natural wonder.

My list is far bigger than what Karx's were because I think that his were a little too small for a community activity, but even still:
Diglett's Cave (Kanto)
Ice Path (Johto)
Lake of Rage (Johto)
Lavaridge Hot Springs (Hoenn)
Meteor Falls (Hoenn)
Shoal Cave (Hoenn)
Pacifidlog Town (Hoenn)
Floaroma Meadow (Sinnoh)
Great Marsh (Sinnoh)
Sinnoh Lakes (Acuity, Valor, & Verity)(Sinnoh)
Mt. Coronet (Sinnoh)
White Forest/White Treehollow (Unova)
Chargestone Cave (Unova)
Laverre Tree (Kalos)
Couriway Waterfalls (Kalos)
Glittering Cave (Kalos)
Reflection Cave (Kalos)
Diglett's Cave (Kanto)
Lake of Rage (Johto)
Pacifidlog Town (Hoenn)
Great Marsh (Sinnoh)
Mt. Coronet (Sinnoh)
Laverre Tree (Unova)
Reflection Cave (Kalos)

Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass)(Johto)
Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Hoenn)
Sky Pillar (Hoenn)
Ancient Statue (Sinnoh)
Celestic Ruins (Sinnoh)
Snowpoint Temple (Sinnoh)
Spear Pillar (Sinnoh)
Lacunosa Wall (Unova)
Abyssal Ruins (Unova)
Menhir Trail (Kalos)
Geosenge Ultimate Weapon (Kalos)
Anistar Sundial (Kalos)
Mr. Pyre Graveyard/Peak (Hoenn)
Ancient Statue (Sinnoh)
Snowpoint Temple (Sinnoh)
Lacunosa Wall (Unova)
Abyssal Ruins (Unova)
Anistar Sundial (Kalos)

Pokemon Tower (pre-Radio Tower)(Kanto)
Glitter Lighthouse (Johto)
National Park (Johto)
Fortree Tree Houses (Hoenn)
Mossdeep Space Center (Hoenn)
Foreign Building (Sinnoh)
Marine Tube (Unova)
Dendemille Windmill (Kalos)
Parfum Palace (Kalos)
Kalos Power Plant (Kalos)
Glitter Lighthouse (Johto)
Fortree Tree Houses (Hoenn)
Foreign Building (Sinnoh)
Marine Tube (Unova)
Dendemille Windmill (Kalos)
Kalos Power Plant (Kalos)
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Ah, right. I removed my comment to Karxrida.

I wouldn't call Pacifidlog a natural wonder since its manmade, I'd call it a modern wonder since I don't think its that old of a location.
If places are going to be added, could Mt. Moon Square, Southern Island, Pledge Grove, and Reversal Mountain be added to 'Larger Natural Wonders' as well, please? They are all in my Top 7 a few posts ago, because I think they're quite wonderful.

Finished writing my Ancient Wonders (Personal Top 7) ^_^
Ecruteak Towers (Bell/Tin & Burned/Brass) - Johto
Forever cloaked in autumn leaves, the Bell Tower and its trail is truly beautiful. The music stops while walking the trail, you can hear the sound of the leaves beneath your feet. The Bell Tower itself is impressive, with a seemingly endless climb to the top. You really feel like you're building up to something. Burned Tower is equally impressive, the impact it has to see how it is still left in the condition it had after the rain put out the fire is truly amazing. Ecruteak is my favourite Johto city, and I really love the legends surrounding the towers.

Ruins of Alph - Johto
Oh God, exploring this place really makes me feel like an archaeologist! It's amazing! I also love how Natu and Smeargle can be found there. It reminds me of history and the past, ancient cultures (and I prefer it to stories about aliens and meteorites actually).

Sprout Tower - JohtoAcceptence, that's a vital step towards a healthy way of living with difficult situations. If you have accepted the difficulties, you can work with them instead of against them. Cooperation, like the way Sprout Tower uses flexibility to handle earthquakes. They don't try to counter the earthquake, but they work with it. I have great respect for this, and it inspires me as well. I also love the traditional Japanese architecture in this.

Abundant Shrine - Unova
I like how there are still shrines in Unova, regardless of which version you are playing. We know that Black is modern and White is old, but Abundant Shrine is there, regardless of time. In that sense, I can say that belief is timeless as well. I'm not a religious person, but I have respect for anyone who believes. It's intriguing, the unknown and people's ways to explain the unknown have always intrigued me.

Mt. Pyre Graveyard/Peak - Hoenn
Here lie resting Pokemon who have permanently 'fainted'. It had a bigger impact on me than I anticipated. I'm talking about the interior. The Ghost girl was there again, which surprised me, but the best part of it was the gentleman at the most expensive grave. However much you spend on it, and however beautiful a grave might be, you will never be able to get them back, will you?

Menhir Trail - Kalos
When I first walked through this route, I was noticing how odd those stones were. What were they doing there? The stones reminded me of a Dolmen. When the story unravelled and I learned that these are actually graves, I was both horrified and impressed. I appreciated them more, that's for sure.

Sky Pillar - Hoenn
It's really cool how you can see the story of Rayquaza painted on the wall as you ascend. It truly added to the story.
Modern Wonders (Top 7) as well ^_^
Fortree City - Hoenn
This city was so very satisfying for me to see. I've always dreamed of living in a tree. But how do you do that? Fortree City displays it in all its beauty and serenity.

Glitter Lighthouse - Johto
When you've spent weeks at sea, and finally see that Lighthouse shining it's bright light in the dark, you know that you will almost be home. To be, it's similar to a symbol of hope and longing for safety.

Prism Tower - Kalos
I like how Lumiose is built in a circle. Prism Tower is it's centre, and usually my orientation of direction is determined by that tower. Once I don't know where I am anymore, I'll go towards the light of Prism Tower, and I will be able to find my way again. It is my guidance.

Dreamyard - Unova
The Dreamyard is an abandoned research facility, which has fallen into disorder, but has also made it possible for Pokemon to live there. The most peculiar thing about this place, to me, were actually the trainers there. They avoided your encounter in every way, even turning in the opposite direction.

National Park - Johto
For some reason this felt so realistic to me. Yes, a park, with an actual Bug-Catching Contest. It inspires to that naive part of me. It's a nice place to watch the sun come up, rise to it's prime height in the sky, to go down again and desolve into night. It's soothing how decent it is. There are benches to the sides, and people are just going about their routines. That's why I like it.

Dendemille Windmill - Kalos
It has a brilliant farmer's feel to it. There's even Moomoo Milk being sold there! And I love the railings to the sides of the windmill, and how it has several levels of height.

Strange House - Unova
The final wonder on my list. It's so peculiar how the interior changes. It's mysterious in all the right ways.
That concludes my collection of Top 7 lists, thank you for your time! ^_^
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7 Ancient Wonders of the Pokemon world:
- Ecruteak Towers- The Towers have a beautiful backdrop with orange leaves. Then there are the ancient ceremonies and traditions within.
- Sinjoh Ruins- The collaboration of 2 great ancient civilizations to create a platform to instantly create new life.
- Sky Pillar- The Draconids built a great temple to worship their god Rayquaza. The dedication in this temple is astounding. The giant mural must have required extreme effort to paint.
- Ancient Statue- A great representation of how legends change over time. Palkia and Dialga are mixed to form a hybrid legendary like how we have hybrid mythologies in the real world.
- Spear Pillar- While its original purpose is unknown, it serves as a brilliant backdrop to Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and Arceus.
- Snowpoint Temple- The resting place of the last Regi. This chamber is ancient and mysterious.
- Ultimate Weapon- The route leading up to the Ultimate Weapon has many mysterious stone pillars. When you learn that those were Pokemon graves, the ultimate weapon feels different. It isn't a legendary Pokemon, it is a machine powered by dead Pokemon. That makes it so much more imperative that you stop the weapon.

7 Natural Wonders of the Pokemon World:
- Tohjo Falls- A great natural barrier between Kanto and Johto. Majestic and proud, there is a clear divide between the 2 regions.
- Whirl Islands- It would make sense a Pokemon of the storms would make its home a turbulent sea. In addition, the Waterfall inside the cave is just beautiful.
- Meteor Falls- This cave bears the marks of a meteor shower. The water is almost clear, the light streams through and great waterfalls crash down around the player.
- Seabreak Path- An uninterrupted stretch of pure nature beauty. This is arguably one of the greatest displays of a legendary Pokemon's power. The longest continuous route in any game.
- White Forest- These trees are taller than skyscrapers. This place makes the trainer feel small. The constant light wind gently blows leaves across the screen making the place truly seem leaving.
- Reflection Cave- This is truly one of the coolest places in Pokemon. It makes use of the 3D camera angles and makes the player feel like they are in an almost fantastic place.
- Frost Cavern- This is the best done ice area in the games. It feels like it is constantly cold unlike other mountains which simply warm up a few steps away.

7 Modern Wonders of the Pokemon World:
- Magnet Train- A high-speed train transporting trainers between regions is solid. Trains are largely not seen in the Pokemon games but the Magnet Train is so evocative of modern technology.
- Mossdeep Space Center- I really like outer space and to see an actual space lab in Pokemon is exciting. Also, childhood rumors that you could battle Deoxys by getting on a space ship from Mossdeep.
- Global Trade Center(Platinum)- This is a herald of an online era of Pokemon. Really great building with a lot of cool features.
- Marine Tube- A great unique spin the bridges which ended up being annoying in Gen V.
- Lumiose Gym- The first time an alternative design gym really appealed to me. It is simply majestic. The gym puzzle is actually mildly challenging if you aren't a hardcore Pokemon fan.
- Muavile City (Gen VI)- The first mostly indoor city and it looks like a really nice hotel. It also has an interesting side-quest.