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  • Im going to be on #pokemon from around 6pm-11pm GMT tonight so I can try and find you. What name do you use? Hopefully just your username.
    second VM incase you didn't notice. Im on PS right now with superwii64cube as my alt
    Do you go on #pokemon much I will try and find you there if yes.
    Yo we are paired up for home field advantage week 3 but we can play at any time and I would like to do my battles asap. I am home so I pick tier, will you accept DPP OU if not I would like BW2 OU. Let me know when you want to play.
    sorry, my time its around 10:30pm i gotta go to sleep at this point. maybe tom my time.
    we are opps for week 1 of the home field advantage tournament. Do you go on IRC? If not, my timezone is GMT+8 and can play around 5-9pm weekdays my time and 2pm-9pm weekends my time. EDIT: I just remembered that you are the home player so you may pick what tier you want.
    Hello, we agreed sometime the week that is coming up to play, I would like to play sometime after Christmas if that is fine with you, anytime after that is good for you please tell me and I will see if I can make that time.
    Hey we gotta try to set up I'll be on morning my time (6-12 AM GMT -8) when hopefully you're on again.
    no hahaha, hey i wanted to ask you if you wanna play the hispanic world cup this year too! :)
    I start break this Friday but will be busy since its before Christmas so probably sometime in between next Monday to next Sunday should be good for me.
    Hello, we were paired up to play in the Official Smogon Tournament 9, I am EST but I do want some time to prepare my teams, when is a good time for yourself?
    Hey, how is the planning for the match between you and yee going for the dpp ou tournament with dragons?
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