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  • That Ice is the 0spd Ice from my thread. For some reason I had it cloned, so I just used it as fodder. it's fully redis
    He'll have some up soon for Timid Mewtwo/Jolly Rayquaza/Jolly Ho-oh/Timid Kyogre/Timid Lugia as soon as he tests and writes them now (the ones I gave him). :)
    Oh! Ha! Just saw this too! Actually ABOUT THAT! xD I just traded Levi copies of all my HG Uubers that I've caught on my last runthrough JUST SO he could do writeups on all of them over on SB! XD Funny you should mention that! xD
    Well, I ev according to SB for normal pokes, but I was curious of where you get your uber spreads, seeing as how they have not recently published any uber pages. Sorry if I am being impatient, I just wanna create a team and test the holy hell out of it to make it as good as possible.
    Oh, hey, just saw this. Yeah, Mike and Levi and Thomas and the gang over at Skarm Bliss really do know what they're talking about, and I definitely do believe that you should take a peek at what they have to say before you start EVing/whatever, but ultimately it comes down to molding each pokemon's stats to fit a very specific role on a very specific team. If you just go off SB's or especially Smogon's advice, you'll end up with a "run of the mill" poke on a "run of the mill" team. While they are excelent guides only YOU know exactly how each pokemon should fit on your team.

    Best of luck! :D
    Sorry I was busy today.
    I can trade tomorrow, I'll be on most of the night I think, or sunday.
    Ah, you just happen to be the one to win redis on my Manaphy. I can trade in a few minutes after I Pal Park some things from Emerald.
    sure man hows now for you if so add my diamond FC good you caught me before i went to do other things :)
    yeah I do have it ut, I can level it up with fake out, and no biggie I am just breeding anything useful XD, I'll probably be available tomorrow
    Wow! The Ludi is beautiful! Do you have it UT by chance? I'd need Fakeout on it. I'm not so interested in the Shiftry, not that it's not a perfect poke, it's just not something I'd use in battle personally. Lemme know when you've got time. :D
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