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  • Hey, man, it started raining, so with the chances of the power going out, it's better for me to leave the battling for when it stops, sorry.
    ugh i knew this would happen. It never was me, they always blame it on me =/ Whenever i have set up for a sweep it D/C and since i get haxed alot they say "omg, you D/C cuz hax" but it' cool man, i could see why you would say that
    lol, i dont use chomp without peoples permission. I only use that rule cause i could care less if people used chomp. I liked the days when chomp was ou and how the tiers were then
    i'll admit, there was two bullshit haxes in a row, the sucker punch crit and the sleep powder miss, but I did not d/c.

    I respect you enough not to d/c on you, it was a good battle up until then.
    Argh, sorry man.. Can't come atm, having some problems with my Wifi. Once it's fixed, I'll challenge you again :D
    Guarda, seriamente, io odio la gente che dopo mezz'ora di lotta arriva all'ultimo mostro e poi spegne.
    Proprio per questo non l'ho mai fatto e mai lo farò, comprendo benissimo!
    Io da parte mia invece ho pensato "guarda te questo che mi spacca il culo e poi spegne due secondi prima della vittoria!"
    E poi obiettivamente, non sarei credibile se scrivessi "PLEASE DO NOT DISCONNECT" e poi fossi il primo a farlo ._.
    Wow, that was embarrassing. I think I'll stick to battling UU against you. Seriosly though, what is the EV spread on you lead? gg
    Ma tra l'altro, sei italiano ._.
    Ci ho fatto caso solo ora.
    Bho, seriamente, non ho mai spento sto benedetto DS in vita mia, ne ho perse parecchie e una in piu o una in meno sinceramente non mi cambia granchè...
    My connection was perfect too...
    I've NEVER DCed lifetime, and I particularly HATE DCers...
    Really, I don't give a damn to get one more loss count, so if that's THAT essential for you we could just connect back and i'll just run, in order to give you the win count...
    And that's not even the first time you beat the hell outa me, so why on earth should I DC?!
    I was long gone by that time. Check my online status and VM me when you see me online, please.
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