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  • Reshiram has the same name in german ;) I got time this whole evening if you want to trade today..
    Are you free to trade today? Apparently we have either 1 or 2 pending trades, so let's get these done ASAP. :)
    Hello, ok heres the list
    Venasaur: Modest
    Blaziken: Jolly
    HP grass Politoed: Modest <- UT version available
    Reshiram: Timid <- Only trained version

    If you want, I can give them their english names as nicknames. Or the name will just change as you evolve some of them.
    Just to be sure, I should have asked earlier but this Bulbasaur belongs to Bond right?
    Oh thats fine, I will shift Kyogre over to gen5 since I need to shift a few pokemon over. I will be ready to trade in about 20-25 mins if your still on then, Still recieving clones.
    Thank you, Would you be able to send me 2 clones of the Bulba? I cannot clone on a Gen5 game so im unable to clone copies for myself..
    Hey there :), For our trade may I get the Jolly DW Bulbasaur instead of the Politoed? I got someone else to breed me the Politoed already. I will be able to trade as soon as someone finishes cloning some Pokemon for me and if your ready to do the trade.
    Shit, I can't clone the Raikou. Says 'it has a special ribbon, it can't be offered for trade'. I'll send it back as is, no worries, but if at some point you find someone with an AR to clone I would love to have a copy of it. I just can't upload it to copy, because the game still thinks the GTS is actually real.
    The three of the Bulbasaur, Torchic and Paras? Take a bit longer but sure I can do that. I need you to end the trade first, though; I have to connect to the "GTS" to do this.
    Okay, give me about 5-10 minutes and I'll have clones of these for you to have back.

    Also, the Bulbasaur and Torchic aren't nicknamed; they become Ivysaur / Combusken upon evolving; I've checked.
    Can do. It'll take me a moment because I clone by IR-GTS, so I'll have to connect and disconnect from the fake GTS each time for each mon but I can do that.
    Okay, I've got 'em all cloned and ready to go. I'm available for trade for another hour before I'm going to head off to bed; let me know if we can trade tonight, if not there's always another day.
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