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  • Yeah some time over the weekend should be fine, I'll find out when exacly i'm free and send you the times I'm available over the next couple of days.
    Always same types, although the teams can be different as long as they don't break the rules. And I'm not really sure what you mean by "what kind of bo3" but the finals are to be a best of three matchup.
    heya we are matched up again, this time for the Monotype Tournament. I will be on grotto and can battle whenever I'm at home and online, pretty much. My time is GMT -5
    That's cool. I can also battle in about an hour from this post if you gonna be online then
    Hey, we're paired up for round 3 of the OU Team Style Tour. I'm GMT + 13:00 and I can play from ~4:00pm - 10:30 pm weekdays. I can play almost anytime on Saturday and Sunday.
    yo we are paired for the dpp fest tourney. i can battle if you log on within 30 mins of this post. if not, i am free GMT - 5 around 6pm most days and flexible on the weekend
    Ah, I vaguely remembered seeing something like that somewhere thanks for giving me the link. As far as screens/hazards/etc. Offense, I'm just going to consider those as possible support options an offensive team can use as they have no direct bearing on what types of attackers you are going to pick. Obviously, certain variants of Offense are going to appreciate a certain type of support more than another variant would due to the inherent nature of their playstyle but they certainly aren't exclusive nor do they greatly affect the way the rest of the team is formed. (A standard offense core can function with just SR or it can have a Deo-S member somewhere) Also, although the thread is in OU subforum, the glossary isn't supposed to be tier specific. Outside of those things, I'm going to take as much as I can out of that article as its descriptions are clear and accurate. (at least I feel they are, if not somebody can also post their disagreement) Thanks again for sharing it with me.
    If you get on tonight shoot me a pm so I get the email notification and we'll play.
    Sorry my ride back from Vegas left much later than I anticipated and I didn't get back until much later than I thought last night. I see you're on now though, want to play?
    You've been given an extension for DPP Fest until Wednesday. Please get it done soon, preferably today or tomorrow.
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