League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I tried Kha'zix out in ranked when I had to jungle (after practicing him in normals, of course) and while I was afk for the first 5 minutes because baby stuff I still managed to win the game for us, while my score was a bad 9/7/8, I played like a dps assassin, whittling them down with my W before bursting everyone down (minus a Galio that was decently ahead and a fed Rengar) in teamfights. I actually built SoTEL-Brutalizer-Hydra-Ninja Tabi's-Frozen Heart (make up for my lack of Ionian boots)-Black Cleaver to win us the game. Of course this was due to the fed Rengar. For evolutions, I went E-W-Q evolving Q instead of R because tbh R is kind of bleh and extra damage is always nice despite the lack of isolation in teamfights.

Kha'zix is still viable as hell, actually he's even more fun due to how much poke he has allowing him to whittle down his targets as well as having really good burst and escaping mechanisms. Thanks Lavos Spawn for making me appreciate this amazing bug again! :)

how do we make this good, friends

the 'autoattacks steal movespeed' idea sounds cool but no doubt some ad carry (vayne) would abuse that and get it nerfed

how do we make this good, friends

the 'autoattacks steal movespeed' idea sounds cool but no doubt some ad carry (vayne) would abuse that and get it nerfed
Some useful stats would be extremely nice, I would like to see Frozen Mallet lose 300 HP in stats and gain however much AD makes that cost efficient, since 700 HP is admittedly pretty good but it's not worth a major loss in AD at all which is way more important on an adc.

Even if Frozen Mallet became OP only on Vayne, they would nerf Vayne, not Frozen Mallet, just liked they nerfed Ahri because of DFG, not the other way around


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Do not listen to the above user, giving more offensive power to an item that permaslows is maximum level dumb.

What I would do is take away its offensive itemization all together, removing the pickaxe component (maybe a second ruby crystal? idk the compenent could be played around with), and make it a cheaper pure utility + tertiary defense stat item, effectively re-purposing it as a late game option for more teamfight disruption and tankiness for initiators who already have bought resistances. This would solve its primary problem as an early-mid buy where you could continuously snowball kills off of its permaslow + damage power in a laning phase situation (The only reason it doesn't happen now is because they've intentionally kept it weak to avoid this play pattern).

Downside is It could also wreck face as an early buy on melee supports like leona or braum, so you'd need to watch out for that. This is why I think a double ruby, giants belt build path would be best because as far as build path's go, that's really fukin shitty and expensive for early game supports.
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Colonel M

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how do we make this good, friends

the 'autoattacks steal movespeed' idea sounds cool but no doubt some ad carry (vayne) would abuse that and get it nerfed

Make it not work on ranged champions.

I really think Frozen Mallet should be built more towards initiators (tanks in particular) than anything ADCs. If anything, the last thing ADCs need is +Kite.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Fromal was designed to be the auto-attackers Rylais, Riot should just keep it that way. The build path sucks. Thats literally the only reason you never see it built outside of ARAMs.
there's no such thing as "carrying" in s4, the way people use the word around here and reddit. you can't 1v5 at 35 minutes. stop telling bronze players to "just carry." it's my biggest downfall trying to get out of gold, got into promo series like 20 times and after I lose one I go on tilt and try to 1v5, ignore my whole team, or I try to control the whole team, none of them work.
i mean you don't necessarily have to carry by 1v5ing, you can carry games with a combination of mechanics and map pressure and vision control and shotcalling

there is a reason that if you put a diamond player into bronze they can get themselves out pretty easily and it's not just because of mechanics
Fromal was designed to be the auto-attackers Rylais, Riot should just keep it that way. The build path sucks. Thats literally the only reason you never see it built outside of ARAMs.
Autoattack slow is a lot more powerful than an equivalent spell slow on most champions because spells have higher cooldowns (not to mention that Rylai's is nerfed on AoE spells, which offsets the only real advantage of having it on spells, so we're comparing single-target slows; let's also ignore that a lot of mages have some kind of movement impairment anyway on their spells, and that most spells have to be aimed/some have more obnoxious cast times than properly-cancelled AA windups do), and is very snowbally. Not every item translates perfectly between playstyle. Like Valk said it's supposed to suck because, like early Phage in S2, there are many potential abuse cases with the item as it is, and even more if it gives offensive stats (the same way Rylai's does). Not only are you almost impossible to catch by the things that are meant to keep you in check, you can catch almost anyone you like and snowball off their corpses, which was a huge problem with Phage (cheap early buy, gave a bit of damage and all the slows).

One thing Riot are struggling with right now, as stated by them, is finding the right place for kiting, which is integral to gameplay but potentially very unhealthy.

Also another reason you don't see it built is because other defensive items, particularly ones that give resistances, are more highly favoured in this meta. I don't know how cost-effective it is right now either.

UsernameSayWha: While it is accurate that this is not a game where you are supposed to be able to 1v5, especially without incredible skill advantage, players can improve their teamwork abilities to mitigate the 1v5. Some people will always be difficult, that is true of bots and Diamond alike. The whole point is that if you are that much better than your peers that, after enough games, your placement is somehow very inaccurate, you will be able to carry; otherwise, you almost certainly belong roughly where you are and will have to slog it out trying to improve to make the marginal gains that represent your marginal superiority over the people you play with. Remember also that skill level is something that fluctuates enough to account for some of those gains with variables such as mood, focus, stamina, physical condition, time of day, etc.

Ranked is very grindy, it's the truth. It's grindier if you aren't making the most of every game to learn. Look for your weaknesses, seek feedback, and try to patch them up.
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That post wasn't about me, there was a post a page back that told a player who was in bronze to "just carry" which is the most annoying thing to say to someone if they're down there. actually give them some tips is all I'm saying


Banned deucer.
on a side note sometimes you don't need to play carry champs to carry the game. my best champs are renekton and lee sin, and i'm not great on stuff like yasuo, riven, etc. i don't feel the need to be able to 1v5, i just want to be able to stomp my lane (which i almost always do partly because gator is broken in trades pre-9) and constantly force the other team to send 2-3 people top to deal with me. then the rest of my team gets more breathing room and ability to farm up and make plays mid and bot while the enemy is preoccupied with me. so i very rarely "carry" the game in the traditional sense, but i apply enough pressure on the map that my mid and adc can "carry" much more easily. in my opinion that's the easiest way to win ranked games if you main top and it got me from bronze to plat in under a year!

basically just give your teammates the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise, because there's a reason they are in the same elo as you


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I thought if you stomp lane you were just supposed to youmuu's -> lw -> win

also inclient chat being so fucked and non-functional has made draft so much less toxic lol

also also riot finally got some stats in their games besides total player gold :D (graphs of g/t exp/t and shit in the lcs)

or maybe not exp/t yet but I'm hopeful
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Colonel M

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Granted Im not gold (and yesterday was ass because I had 3-4 matches where 1-2 people constantly went afk in ranked), but what jeb said is really how to carry. You dont ever 1v5 unless youre some splitpusher that is supposed to be a distraction. The goal of carrying is coordinating with your team, possibly time buffs / dragon / baron (ask jungler for help with them!), and above all else attempting to win your lane / outfarm the opponent.

I started Bronze II and got out with a little help of Leona support. Granted it was back when Doran Shield was OP. I admit I even make a lot of mistakes and my shot calling needs to improve (I am trying harder); however, I try to utilize these things and so long as there isnt an AFK / huge crush against the team I am somewhat victorious.

I mean I know I can improve and plan to try to do so. But a lot of people here said a lot that helps you to "carry".
Again, people took what I said differently from what I meant, but w/e.

Best way to carry from any position that isn't bot lane:

- Snowball Mid
- Throw a pink ward down in the river
- Leave your lane and go dive bot
- Take Drag and Mid

Oh, and the last one:

- Don't get matched up with pissed off French Canadians
I started from bronze V then worked my way to my silver 1 provisional matches. Too lazy and busy to do them though. If you realize your mistakes, that means you are better than 95% of the players in low elo and will eventually get out. Since most people do not realize them.

Babysit people so they don't feed. If you are laning, do not die to ganks or by pushing too far. Farm dragon every 6 minutes if you can as a jungler. Gets your entire team fed since its worth 3 kills or better. If you get dragon control early on, your win rate becomes about 70-80% i'd say. By 23 minutes, you could have 3 dragons which is worth around 10-11 kills. Hop through the back of the dragon wall if you need to bypass wards. Jarvan and Amumu can do it and so can Vi etc. Another reason why I like to do this is to deny the enemy team gold since sometimes your bot lane does not care about dragon control and does not ward. (I main jungle and farming dragon is legitimate if there is no ideal way to help your lanes.)

Use strong champs whenever you can or whenever the team comp allows it. If a champ has a 53% win rate, that means the people who are good with that champ are winning 60% of their games if the said champ has a somewhat high usage rate. If you main the role that champ is played in, more the power to you. If you can't use Lucian, use Miss Fortune. Some champions like her are very good in solo queue, are very easy to use, and pubstomp. They just don't see play at LCS level or high elo due to team coordination.

I am 7-1 with Amumu in ranked not just because of me, but because he is an op champ in solo queue (silver at least.) Champions like Leblanc are bad in solo queue (im the odd one out here, but from experience she is) unless you are really good with her and can put your team into an ideal gamestate with strong roams. She works best in skirmishes and not 5 v 5s. 5 v 5s will happen every single game, a lot in solo queue. Especially since half the teamfights are thrown by either team and games last 48+ minutes half the time.

Focus on the late game too without sacrificing too much early game prescence. If you don't have high gold mechanics, there is a good chance that its hard to win lane hard every game and carry from there. Team coordination is an issue, so an early game advantage isn't always able to be pushed with the help of your team. If you use champs which scale naturally and not by snowballing, you will always be relevant if you don't feed and do good in lane.

Locket of the Iron Solari is op if they have like 3 AP guys on their team. Its worth dropping Banshee to make room for it if you want to carry your team and win teamfights. Don't play ranked early at night or early in the morning. I always get fucked up by Diamond smurfs if I do that. Try to play during hours when a lot of people are on to maximize the chances that the teams are even as they possibly can.

Low silver is harder than high silver. In high silver people are slightly more competent and actually want to win. They work together better, don't flame as much, and they know how to build properly a lot more.
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(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
literally the most well put together team comp I've ever been on

and I dc immediately from the game

at least we won? guess braum would be better than leo bot maybe. but besides that I can't think of a better way about this. Come to think of it zac's initiate has no synergy with sivir ult so shy/j4 instead of him maybe. still tho bounces plus wild growth and yas

what could have been :/


Banned deucer.
so i just got matched with BIGGINS THE THUG's smurf and he shit all over the other team with jungle trynd (hes an adc main)

i dont know how to feel about this


is a Top Contributor Alumnus
Low bronze is harder than high diamond. In high diamond people are slightly more competent and actually want to win. They work together better, don't flame as much, and they know how to build properly a lot more.
best way to get out is to play support/jungle/utility mid (no homo)
get yourself + other ppl fed, much better than getting yourself fed. Easiest done in bot lane when you can pull double/triples for a carry.
If teamcomp allows try to play a support that can do dmgs like Lulu/Zyra/Annie b/c that shit helps in low elo when you can't fully rely on followup from teammates. Getting catches on the enemy adc/other squishies as Zyra/Annie has won me so many games. Just build the minimum amount of dmg that you need (as zyra it's like guise/sorcs - bam, you can solo enemy carry after you get frostfang/sightstone)

also peeling is smth you need to learn if you're not in the carry oriented role j/s
means keeping track of your cooldowns. if they've shown that they love to dive your carry, save cooldowns to peel for them instead of jumping on theirs.

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