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  • to be honest, i just want to get battling 6v6 and i figured smogon was the way to go, i figured out how to use the wifi battle finder, is there anythign else i should know with regards to getting battles?
    I can pokegen the groudon if you are still interested. Do you care about perfect IV's and what moveset/items/abilities do you want?
    GG, yea it does that a lot with its scarf :p

    I have latias over alakazam sometimes in this version while the best version has kyurem-b and latios over weavile and latias.

    Variety and versatility
    Lol, well it took morningsun 3 times before he beat me, but my ice team is tough to say the least
    also notice that many of the most important ones (such as taking out bin laden) are done in person although sometimes that just isnt an option and the "greater good" moral questions are raised.
    true but sometimes it is easier to use a drone strike to eliminate one specific threat as opposed to declaring war and invading a country just for the sake of killing one individual or small group. risking lives of course is another drawback to that. just remember countrys who are attacked always try to make their attackers worse than they are and dictators such as saddam huessein were famous for hiding military targets under schools, hospitals and other civilian targets in the hopes that we wouldnt have the guts to hit them. unfortunately, doing the right thing sometimes requires that you look like the bad guy. i place the blame with the bastards who put military targets in places like that to begin with
    well america dominates the worlds economy which from some peoples' view makes us oppressive, however the people who respond by killing only civilians in attacks that have no military or political targets and instead kill people who have nothing to do with their predicament just to spite our country, are completely in the wrong.
    its fine. the distinction i make between us and the terrorists, which in my view makes us the good guys, is that we dont attack civilians with no intent to hit military targets and we dont hide weapons and bomb factories under schools and hospitals and such. no we are not perfect, far from it but those are the reasons that i believe make us the "good guys"
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