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  • Hey we're opponents for the UU open. I'm GMT -5 and I'm always on between 9.30-11 am my time, and I'm also on loads randomly throughout the day. I'm mainly a PO player though, so you'll either have to find me there or set up a time. I'll try to join irc a bit more often too; i'll be in #wcop
    yep that sounds good, at night works well for me. i'm gmt-5 so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.
    If you ever saw your VMs you'd knew that i cant play now and i was able to play all week.
    Now what
    Hey we need to battle on sunday, today im leaving in some hours (ltho we could play in the following hours) and i wont be here on saturday, and i wont be here all the next week so i really need to battle you on sunday, please answer me ;_;
    Hey we are paired for the fukDW tournament, when can you battle? im GMt-4 i can battle tomorrow at any time
    Yo, when do you want to play for rby tradebacks. I can play from 4 PM to 7 PM GMT-3 on the week and pretty much anytime you tell me on weekends
    Atticus has recently been subbed out of world cup, making me your new opponent. I'm available to play from 2:00 AM - 1:00 PM on any date prior to June 26. (GMT -4)
    when do u want to play for pokemon online world cup. im gmt +2 when do u want to play oO
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