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  • Well then, I never thought it would come to this (And was kinda fearing it.) but mate, I wish you the best of luck with your life stuff, and hope it gets sorted out soon so you can come back. Til then. (._.)7
    Dell no, you're one of the BEST mods, and I wouldn't just say're someone others should model themselves to be.

    Best of luck for anything you go to, and I hope you do return ;_;7
    I know you left because jdarden was gone too long and you couldn't cope. Well he's back now so no worries you can come back :)
    For an indefinite period of time, yeah. I have a wide array of IRL problems that I need to deal with (especially with my current health), and also burned out and demotivated on the grand scheme of things.
    Well, good luck with whatever happens man, it was fun working with you n_n
    Hey Dell, Its RedKingAlmighty. I just noticed my IP is banned from Pokemon Showdown. I have no idea how the hell that happened (I don't remember doing anything worthy of that, besides annoying Capteon and Flan.) There is probably something against going hey, unban me, but i honestly have no idea how i got here in the first place, so it could be a mistake, or i just suck. Thanks anyway, RKA.
    It's been a while! Have you spoken to the OM mods about XY PU? If not, I will lol :P
    yeah that's definitely a plan down the line.
    how have you been, anywho?
    Super busy with 2 part time jobs now. I barely have time for Smogon anymore D: But how have you been? You're in school now right? And maybe we should just chat in #PU ;P
    Hey Dell I spoke with Jasmine today and all I really need to go public at this point is a new name. Do you have any estimated date of when the next big server reset/changes will be coming along with a News post? If so I'll try to speak to her about that and line up the dates of new News post and un-doing private.
    No estimation per say, but tentatively I'd like to see a News post up once a week if anything. We cover major tier, room, forum, or server-related stuff, so I'm fine with giving the room some good press if you have any additional information about the room.
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