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  • Hi, I'm an internet strange that stumbled upon your giveaway thread.

    I have an extra Mew Code, but don't have an extra game to use it with. If you have an extra game and want the code and can get an extra Mew for your giveaway thing if you want it.
    If you plan on hanging around now, I can be online on my DS in about 45 minutes-1 hour from now
    So I was just randomly breeding Mawile and got a brave one with a spread of 31/31/31/31/31/0/. Any interest in adding it to the thread? Its just been sitting in my box since I bred it.
    So does the term theorymonning stem from you, or is your name based on the term of theorymonning?
    Hey theorymon, able to trade soon? I ended up ev training the lando cause i needed it for a tourny.
    Theory did you see the pm I sent you, nya? I am just making sure because I know you are quite busy, nya. :3
    Is your giveaway still open? If it is, I'd like to giveaway a Mixed attacking Latios and a bulky Cobalion to your thread. You've helped so many people ( Including me. ) Thanks!
    Hello, was wanting to donate some stuff to just help out...would you only want legendary pokemon? :o
    So it was. ._. New information below:

    Request: Landorus-T
    Deposit: Lv12 Minun (Male)
    IGN: Misery
    Message: Theorymon

    Sorry about that, and thanks again! ><
    I have a copy of XxHASEOxX's Lv 50 31/31/31/27/31/31 Landorus-T (Master Ball) that he would like me to pass on to you. When suits?
    I'm still online for probably 30 more minutes if you want to get it off me now.
    Can I take a raincheck on that? Im hunting for people who need Pokemon at the last minute for regionals.
    No problem, just let me know when you want to pick it up :D
    Is there still nothing on z yet? They better have a VERY good reason keeping it this long if not.
    Well Wreckdra, they did just reveal a new Pokemon, so who knows maybe gamefreak has something grander in mine @_@
    (You saw the news about Magiana right?)
    Actually no, i will look into that when i am off. :)
    Hey theory, I'm gonna leave a msg on you profile as well. I got the landorus for you :)
    It's the following
    Nature: Adamant
    Nickname: none ;)
    IVs: 31/31/31/26,27/31/31
    EVs: None (untrained)
    Forme: Therian
    Need an hour to finish him. ;)
    Please check your donation thread
    Yo, that's a 31/31/31/21/31/31 Jolly Redis Kang I RNGd on Emerald. Obviously not legal in VGC16 because of the lack of pentagon, but from what I've seen SToss/Body Slam Kangaskhan are kinda hard to come by. I had to ability capsule it to have Scrappy though.

    Thanks for the Articuno :D
    Hi Theory weird question do you play super mario maker?
    Holy crap that's awesome o_O. Was it The Goomba and The Lakitu? those two levels are really popular. Ive been having a bad case of level's block, but I got a few ideas I wanna try soon :D
    Yes you guessed both O_O
    They're in number 278, if you're interested. Gl with future lvls!
    Any way to link them @dsm77773?
    its been a while and I was wondering if you still wanted my lugia?
    Hmm, says you're unavailable. If for any reason I fall asleep before you get back on, feel free to put up something trashy on GTS, and I could get your Lugia that way in case we arent on at the same time.
    sorry I left. I'll wait a bit then put something up for gts
    put up a lv. 43 female hawlucha. Message: theorymon
    Hey Tmon, sorry to hear about your asthma! It's been a while, but I still haven't actually gotten around to trading you my Reshiram I mentioned earlier. You still want it?
    Sure! Just tell me when you wanna trade it.
    btw I'll give you this redistrutable Hasty Dinacie Jibaku gave me, 30/31/31/31/30/31
    That's crazy good! Thanks man, if I get anything else you haven't got on your thread yet I'll let you know :D
    Yo dude I figured you would be good to ask; I bought Paper Mario for my old Wii AGES ago. Can I get it on my new Wii U without buying it again?
    Unfortuantely I think you gotta pay a 1-2 dollar fee to upgrade it to the Wii U version, after a Wii transfer
    cant say
    cant say
    LOL I'm surprised drunk me thought of asking you this. Yeah I was thinking of doing a system transfer to see if that works. I'd rather do that and pay a couple bucks than full price!
    Hey Theorymon planning to distribute your Pokemon in your giveaway thread in mine as well when I get my hands on a powersave so people have another source when you are unable to give them all away due to overload. While I myself, will have day/time restrictions in order to not overburden myself. I just wanted to let you know in advance in case I shouldn't . :3
    In fact, I just got my powersave today. :3
    That would be great! Sorry for the late response, Ive been having serious health issues x_x
    Alright. I will attempt to hit as many as I can when I get around to it later but I don't have all your Pokemon so I will just do what I can. :3
    Hi, you need more legendary Pokémon for your giveaway? I see you don't have a Modest Kyogre yet, so if you want, you can have mine? Let me know. :)
    That'd be great! I cant trade till around 8 PM EST today though. Asthma has been giving me some pretty bad issues lately, so I'm seeing a specialist today.
    Oh that sucks, take care! And I'm not sure what time that is exactly but I'll look it up haha, I'll be here for another few hours. If we fail to meet, I will be home tomorrow as well. :) And check out my thread for details, it's in the 6th Gen Soft Resets post at the end of my thread. :)
    So, we haven't been able to see eachother online at the same time, is it an idea that I trade my Kyogre to Blizzicane?
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