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  • Yo, we're playing for the multigen tour, I'm GMT+1 and free most evenings, when's good for you?
    EST is GMT-4, so 1700 your time would be 2200 my time. But 2300 my time tomorrow (1800 your time) would be fine for me.
    Oh ok well evidently I couldn't make it lol what about same time tomorrow? I'll def be available
    That's fine for me.
    Hey man, I just wanted to say that was a nice post in the suspect thread. I don't agree with the overall point, so I don't want to like it, but I did want to acknowledge you did a good job writing it and arguing the no ban side.
    ey :] when can you get on between 6 am-11 am this week gmt -8? that's my only time I'm open sadly :<
    Monte Cristo
    you literally joined and left within the span of a minute and never came back. there should be literally no reson to do that aside from testing an internet connection or somethin. and in that case you should test your connection with another website seeing how PS can be unstable. anyways no need to get worked up and leave 3 messages, calm down.
    " there should be literally no reson to do that aside from testing an internet connection or somethin"

    How about you ask me the reason behind what happened instead of assuming things in the first place?
    Perhaps if you had come to me in a considerate manner, I wouldn't "need to get worked up and leave 3 messages". Sorry bro but if you don't like it maybe you should step back and figure out what set me off in the first place, then maybe we can do this thing like adults
    Hey we need to battle for OMPL. When works for you?
    I can adjust my schedule to yours; I am pretty free atm. When is convient for you?
    Peef Rimgar
    If you can hop on ps right now that'd be fine. Otherwise i'm free whenever
    yo hit me up with some solid monotype teams if you'd be so kind, trying to get back into it and my only team is getting a bit boring to play (plus I don't even know if it's good.
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