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  • bulbapedia and Ps !data both state that nature power bypasses protect, but I tested it with tapu lele and chansey, and for some reason nature power didn't bypass chansey's protect?
    Every move it can call is blocked by Protect, so it doesn't matter that Nature Power itself has no "protect" flag. You'll notice other calling moves like Metronome also """bypass""" Protect. It makes no difference because they aren't the resulting attack.
    Hey Marty --

    Turns out Lovely Kiss Smoochum isn't blocked by Transporter after all (and is therefore legal in Little Cup). Seems to be the odd one out of all the egg moves that can only be passed down with a glitch moveset Ditto.
    That's really interesting, thanks for the info! LC leadership isn't interested in allowing it though. It's possible they patch it out eventually anyway like they patched in Mewtwo getting Pay Day, etc.
    Thanks for fixing the adv ladder, do you happen to know when the smogtours ladders broke? We need to know for GSC because of a ladder tournament RoA is currently hosting.
    It was actually a bug from the main server that made its way to SmogTours at some point. Looking at the Gen 2 OU ladder there, I only see 2 matches that went to a tie, so I'd say it probably happened the last day before the Gen 3 week started.
    Hey I'm wondering if you can upload these animated sprites of Plasmanta (CAP) onto Showdown. I got approval from Quanyail's one of the mods of CAP
    Oh I also want to clarify the animated sprites were made by Quanyail's herself.
    I can't upload things to the server, you might be looking for Zarel.
    Ah okay, thanks for the help!
    Hey, just wanted to notify you: I should have the first sprites (blacephalon and stakataka) done by Monday if nothing goes wrong.
    Sorry for the long wait on these
    No worries, I'm sure it's a time consuming process to get it just right. Thanks again!
    np :)
    Hello, following a Twitter discussion with DaWoblefet ( initiated by me (Luca Toni in the thread), we were wondering if you knew of any resources about turn order as of Gen VI or even better Gen VII?

    The only thing I could find from my memories were those two threads: for Gen III (thankfully archived), and for Gen V (with some info about older Gens)
    Whoever added that was definitely using a Mold Breaker Pokemon at the time and thought the hit was due to using a Z-Move instead. It's a shame people who have no idea what's going on can edit any page there.
    Piccolo Daimao
    Piccolo Daimao
    Thanks for clearing that up!
    hi, gsc sleep is currently implemented incorrectly on ps. it's supposed to be 1-6 (they count the turn you're put to sleep)
    Generation II
    Sleep now lasts 2-7 turns (2-4 in the Battle Tower), and a Pokémon can make a move on the turn it wakes up. Sleeping Pokémon are also vulnerable to Nightmare. Roaming Pokémon do not flee while asleep.
    would you be able to fix it? earthworm has done a lot of tests and it's definitely not 1-6 rn.
    Hey Marty I was wondering what the move flag "Mystery" does. I noticed all of the flags are documented, but I did not see documentation for this flag, thanks! Zarel told me to ask you.
    Hi, it's still unknown what the flag is for but the best guess right now is those moves are immune to being redirected to an opponent using Follow Me/Rage Powder if you're trying to use them on your ally in Doubles. Will follow up with results after I get the chance to test that theory.
    That makes sense, I thought it was something cooler than that! lol maybe it will always be a mystery har har har. I appreciate your response!
    Turns out that wasn't it, so the search continues!
    Hey sorry to bother you, I've been trying to log into my showdown account (which I've had for about a year) and am having problems. Some time last month i typed in my password and it said it was wrong, though I'm positive it was correct. So I think I need you to reset my password, could you please help me I don't want to lose my account! my username is: shadowlordmelkor
    Heh, for what it's worth I think you did a really good job with the edits for Gen 6. I'm glad the 8 pixel overlap I went with for the battle sidebars looks way better than I expected! :)
    Heh yea I had actually been meaning to suggest the overlap since I knew those would rarely ever overlap. MegaRay and ZardX being the two biggest offenders. Glad it got done, I have sprites to edit and compile now : U
    I have a problem. I already asked 2 other admins about this and they haven't responded I forgot the password to my showdown account and I can't remember what it was. I looked on google to find ways on reseting it, and I came across someone who said you have to ask a admin about it. and I looked at the list of admins and I found you. so, long story short, think you can help me please?
    hi friend grats

    also Metal Burst fail when called by metronome, even if the user could use metal burst that turn. Is it normal?

    That would be pretty hard to test, but I assume it shouldn't fail if the conditions are right. The way counter moves are implemented right now on PS makes it not easy to fix though. :(
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