Search results

  1. Synthesizes Trade Thread, with Porygon Sigilyph and Dunsparce and more!

    perfect 5iv adament timburr with drain and mach punch for your 5iv perfect hippopotas??
  2. tea_and_blues' Trade Corner (Newest: Repeat Ball Cynda + Level Ball mons!)

    naive gible, naive bagon adament growlithe or modest magby for your toxic spike koffing?
  3. Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

    hey crashteamalphing, do u have the heracross already?
  4. Sparta23 Trade Shop

    naive gible ms sp def interested?
  5. Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

    haha alright! goodnight then! :)
  6. Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

    hahaha intimidate then! when would u have the heracross?
  7. Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

    haha i was referring to the ability! do u want flash fire or intimidate??
  8. Sparta23 Trade Shop

    growlithe with crunch, flare blitz, morning sun and close combat for your koffing??
  9. Asche's Trade Thread! Gen 7, HP Fire Popplio and Alolan Vulpix!

    adament growlithe with crunch morning sun, close combat and flare blitz for your naive gible?
  10. Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

    hi! adament growlithe with crunch, flare blitz, close combat and morning sun for your heracross?
  11. [CLOSED]

    Hi, would you be interested in trading a 6iv guts/sheer force timburr for your 6iv sheer force bagon?