Amazing Catches

I recently discovered that an Azelf I caught way back in April when the game first came out was surprising good, for something I didn't SR for - in fact, its just plain amazing. So I'm making this thread so you all can brag about something you caught randomly that turned out to be pretty damn good (this does not include stuff soft-resetted for).

Azelf, timid - 25/x/28/26/30/30 HP fighting 66 [in a cool luxury ball ;)]
Smeargle with a 31 IV in speed and a speed increasing nature (forget the exact nature though)

Useful when I breed for anything in the Ground egg group and can get any egg moves I want (hello my Ice Punch & Pursuit Weavile)
Never caught any good legendaries without SRing, but I caught a nice Adamant 31 Atk Ditto one time without noticing for two months.

Nice Azelf.
I got the Growlithe in my thread. IV's are 31|31|24|28|4|1 And I get insanely lucky with catches I have a few more things can't remember atm.
I caught this Weezing a few weeks ago actually,

Jolly Weezing: Male
25 - 26 / 24 - 25 / 2 - 3 / 30 - 31 / 31 / 4 - 5

but, due to it's defense it's unuseable....
The best thing I've ever caught is a Rash 30-31/12-13/12-13/30-31/22-23/31 Speed last Azelf; I know the Speed is 31 because it is Alert to Sounds. Damn nature, but it isn't too bad at least.
this is something i caught on LG, then imported....
Lax #15 Beedrill: 25 / 28 / 25 / 13 - 14 / 28 / 30

but all those legends still outshine him greatly though
I caught this Heatran on Jul. 12, 2007 and this Azelf on Jul. 16 ,2077

Heatran: (male) Rash

Azelf: Hasty

I'm very proud of them because they are the first legends that i caught by soft reset ( well here in Perú we play without legends in our metagame so I just caught them for WiFi battles on smogon XD ), The Heatran looks Bulky is not like Azelf but at least i got a Hasty one with 31 iv's in Speed.

That Azelf with HP fighting looks great, after Nasty plot plus life orb he has the chance to kick tyranitar. Nice Catch.
my first azelf was amazing... jolly, 28 hp- 29 attack- 20 defense- 30 special attack- 29 special defense- 31 speed

Heh Azelf's ftw eh?

My Refreshmence.

I wish so bad that it was a wish mence lol, but nice anyways

The best thing I've ever caught is a Rash 30-31/12-13/12-13/30-31/22-23/31 Speed last Azelf; I know the Speed is 31 because it is Alert to Sounds. Damn nature, but it isn't too bad at least.

Dude if that has hp ice, that could be one very sexy azelf, throw a scarf on it and watch it rape scarfchomp.
I got this Bidoof while looking for junk Pokemon: Jolly Bidoof - 29/31/1/2/5/31

The "Likes to Thrash About" characteristic caught my eye so I just decided to check it. xD
My in-game Happiny was Bold with 27 Defense and 31 Sp. Atk. I was happy.
I haven't done anything without purposely resetting or breeding. I'd reset in advance for nature, but that's it. Actually, I should check my Regirock's IVs, it could be good.

Awesome Azelf! =0
Ditto on my gf's FireRed that I am importing to my Diamond. It's Modest with 31 Speed and most stats 28+. I can't say for sure with all of it's stats because I lost the paper that has it and had freaky EVs all over it(force level ups with Exp. Share at EverGrande).
My in-game Happiny was Bold with 27 Defense and 31 Sp. Atk. I was happy.

Mine are always hasty, dunno why, so nice happiny hatch

I got this Bidoof while looking for junk Pokemon: Jolly Bidoof - 29/31/1/2/5/31

The "Likes to Thrash About" characteristic caught my eye so I just decided to check it. xD

byah bidoof, I traded for a decent shiny one (the guy was all pissed he caught a shiny bibarel, and traded it for a "better shiny"), its really fun to use actually.
The Healbell Dragonite in my thread definitely.
2nd reset, wasn't even trying to, just because I killed it the first time.
10/31/21/31/3/30 Careful
I checked it with the IV guy for 2 31's then recently before my thread started I cleared IVs and found those IVs, which are rather spectacular for something I didn't purposely SR for.
So far, I can think of 2 exceptional pokemon I caught in the wild.

When I was getting through the story, I caught this random East-sinnoh gastrodon:

When I ran into this Lickitung, I was shocked:
Lickitung: 27/31/8/31/19/30