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Reading the post earlier about cacturne... how do you get both counter and seed bomb on cacnea?

EDIT: Apparently Breloom is the answer.
Tried to release my Wishcash the other day to free up some space... it goes then comes back that it's worried about me???

Any idea how I can get rid of this moranic creature?
ghandi told me this, and i was curious:

in his words:
Ghandi says:
Oh yeah, tried to release my wishcash yesterday it wouldn't fecking leave
Ghandi says:
kept coming back cos it was worried about me?
Ghandi says:
Aye yeah, tried to release it... it said byebye
Ghandi says:
then it went "..........." It came back was it worried about you?

any ideas?

edit: lol, same time post
@ Chronos; no... I can release pokemon with 4 HM's but some with none is not release-able... just give it to someone if he clones for you xD
Well, i know if the pokemon in question is the only one you have who has a particular hm, then you can't release it. Otherwise, it's probably an error with the game.
I'm having breeding ideas block. What's something that:
  1. Is in the Gound or Water 2 egg group
  2. Is a sweeper of some sort (physical, special, mixed)
  3. Doesn't need really good defenses
  4. Doesn't need Hidden Power
  5. Doesn't take ages to hatch
  6. Has decent chances of either gender
  7. Has good Emerald tutor moves (optional but preferred)
  8. Doesn't have a ridiculously good version on the forum already
  9. Isn't screwed by having the wrong ability (so stuff with only one ability, or things that can work with either one)
For example, something like Jolteon is out, since it only fits 1 and 2. Maybe also 3.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
@gmax, No.

Re; the Whiscash. He is the only Pokemon you own who knows that particular HM. If you were to teach Surf to another Pokemon you would be able to release him.
A Synchronizer won't work in either case for either Pokemon. (Sorry, I know, but you'll just have to deal with it.)
Are you 100% positive about that? I thought you could Synchronize the runners this game, provided that you do it the first time you meet them.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Going off of that, when are the running pokemon's Natures/IVs set? Isa it right when you meet them?
Is there a chart of pokes with speed EV's and with scarfs just like all in one neat pile? Just like a list or something. Or maybe a clalc that will tell me what i can outspeed?
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