CAP 30 - Part 14 - Item Name Submissions

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CAP 30 So Far


CAP 30b Main Design

CAP 30i Main Design

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Legal item name submissions must meet the following standards:
  • Item must be in title case.
  • Names cannot be longer than 18 letters (matches "Golden Nanab Berry").
  • Names can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Dash (-)
    • Apostrophe (')
    • Space
Names will not be slated if they are:
  • completely unrelated to the design
  • the name of an existing item
  • silly (puns are fine)
  • based primarily on memes
  • meant to inflame, intimidate, or cause controversy

Work In Progress (WIP) Names can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Names can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with lists of Names. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP names by posting them repeatedly, or making minor spelling changes of a letter or two. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all names by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Final Submissions
Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person. Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.

Name Final Submissions can only be posted after a CAP Moderator posts in the thread announcing that final submissions are open. Any Final Submission posted prior to the Moderator announcement post will disqualify the submitter from the poll entirely. Even if the offending post is edited later or deleted, the submitter will still be disqualified for the remainder of the thread. This ensures that there is some time for discussion and that all submitters have equal opportunity to post Final Submissions without anyone unfairly "jumping the gun".

Please make a new post after the CAP moderator announcement for Final Submissions. Do not edit a previous post prior to the announcement to make it a Final Submission. All posts prior to the announcement post will be ignored for purposes of making the Item Name Poll.

Item Name Final Submissions must be posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on its own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • The Item Name submission in bold.
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

Example final submission:
Final Submission

Choice Band

Your explanation here.
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Item Name WIP

Mystery Ink

I'll admit this isn't terribly inspired, I kinda just happened upon it while looking for punny things to call it lol. It is a not-so-subtle reference to Mystery Inc. of Scooby Doo, which has all kinds of occult things going on that can tie into the overall themes the book has going on.

Glass Stain

I like the implication that the vial itself, rather than its contents, is the source of whatever corruptive power is at play here. Perhaps the vial even produces the ink that fills it? Also fits with 30i gaining Tinted Lens.
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Item Name WIP

Infected Inkwell

Wanted to go with an adjective that begins with "In" to go with "inkwell" and landed on "Infected." In Unsee's art sub, CAP30 is described to go "berserk" when it puts its head into the bottle, and the plume coming from its head darkens considerably going from CAP30b to CAP30i. Thus, one could infer that the ink is actually infected. "Infected" is also a relatively simple word- other adjectives I tried just seemed to "advanced" for a Pokemon item name.
Item Name WIP

Blackening Ink

Fairly obvious but inspired by the Japanese saying [ 墨に染まれば黒くなる] "That which is dyed in ink becomes black" meaning that you are a result of the environment and people that surround you. Fits the idea of a corrupting item well and sounds like an item name that would be translated from an original Japanese Pokemon game.
Item Name WIP

Ink Bottle

Yes, this isn't a name that's particularly out there, but Pokemon isn't a stranger to basic item names that just describe the item (Air Balloon, Black Sludge, Magnet).

Potential item descriptions (mostly for flavor, Showdown is probably going to be "If held by a <CAP 30>, its Poison- and Flying-type moves have 1.2x power."):
  • "A strange vial of dark ink to be held by <CAP 30>. It boosts the power of Poison- and Flying-type moves." - basically copies the Griseous Orb's description, also similar to items like Soul Dew. This is the most straightforward of them.
  • "A vial of dark ink. It emanates a strange aura that seems to drive a certain Pokemon mad." - something like the descriptions for items like the Magmarizer or Prison Bottle, which hint at "certain Pokemon" without naming them.
  • "A vial of dark ink. It is said to emanate a strange aura that has driven many scholars to madness." - lore-focused, like Red/Blue Orb and Rusted Sword/Shield.
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Item Name WIP

Scholar's Bane

I like the idea of an item that isn't quite as literal but hints more at the result of its use with CAP 30. I'd hate to try to give my 30b a drink and have it turn into 30i by accident!
Item Name WIP (1/3)

Cloudy Bottle

I liked the idea of evoking Hoopa's Prison Bottle in the name. I went with the adjective Cloudy because I think it suitably fits both the murky Poisonous quality of the ink, while also making one think about CAP 30s Flying type component.
Item Name WIP

Revolting Ink

Revolting Ink comes from how revolting can refer to something that disgusting, like poison, and revolting can also mean a rebellion, which someone with a pen can have the power to start and can prove to be a lethal poison to a governing body
Item Name WIP

Obscure Inkwell

Well, at least it gave me an opportunity to slightly update my item name. Not only is the ink itself obscure and hard-to-find, but it obscures 30i's vision when held.
Item Name WIP

Darkness Blot

I think it could be preferred more if it was "Blot of Darkness," but I might as well make it a two-worder.
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