CAP Battle

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Well, an update on the DEP thing. So far, it seems the only way to fix it is to disable DEP altogether, through the command prompt. So, if anyone else is having this problem, here's one sure-fire fix. Here's a link.
Anyone else getting this error message? I can't figure out how to get it to find the game.exe file.

edit: I found the configuration menu. Here is what it says

GameExe=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder (2)\CAPBattlev02\game.exe

What should I change it to?

I'm starting to think I should have stuck with the first Lunaport!

Obsessed, if that's not working, you have to go to the Lunaport configuration settings and set the GameExe= to the location of the game file.

Golbez, I'll try hosting again.
Ah, well, fuck...I think LunaPortW is kind of a lost cause for now. At least with the first LunaPort we could connect to each other...
I'm going to reupload V02 with the regular LunaPort. For those of you who already dled it. You can just drag all the appropriate LunaPort files into the V02 folder.

Really sorry about this guys...I should have tested LPW out more thoroughly...
I got the LPW to work now >< And, Obsession, look at what I posted. If you're running Vista, go to the folder with the client, then click the little folder in the top right and that will tell you the extension to put in the config file. Just put /game.exe at the end.
Even then. LPW's netcode is rather shoddy. I haven't been able to connect with anyone yet, whereas this wasn't a problem with the original LP.

edit: Well, here's V02 with the original Lunaport. I hope this hasn't been too much of a hassle for everyone. Hopefully over the coming months, the LunaPortW's netcode will improve.
oh my, oh my Cartoons!, you've really outdone yourself this time. This game is beyond belief. Just finished the game with Pyroak and he is pretty cool. Can't wait for you to add in Cyclohm and kitsunoh, and soon to be Colosoil.
Cartoons, just to double check, you only need to change router settings to connect to port 7500 if you're hosting right?

EDIT: For those connect to LunaPort through Vista, right click it and do "Run as Administrator" to be a baller, just like me. (AKA, you shouldn't have any connection issues with the firewall or anything)
Right, it's not necessary if you're just joining. I'll be online for a bit tonight if anyone wants a match or two
Wow, was that you, Cartoons? If so, those were some very fun matches. That last one was insane! I love Pyroak. He's so fun to play as. Your Rev is good!
haha, ggs Pink. I thought I could be cheeky and sneak away that last round by healing...but you shot me at the last minute. I can't wait to upload these vids, you're really good!

It's too bad about the lag, but did you notice that the lag was actually not so bad on Rev's stage? Better than on Syclant's or Stratagem's.

..if this is a trend, I may have to include in the next version 'lighter' stages that would make online smoother.

I really enjoyed that.
I did notice that. The lag on Rev's was definitely the least horrible. Playing as Arhgonaut was a little annoying, because the lag was stopping my super over an over! Also, should I post a little tutorial so that people can change their usernames? Or, should I keep it secret, so it's always Unknown/CAPBattler vs. Pink?

EDIT: just kidding. Here you guys go.

To Change your Username when playing on Lunaport:

1) Open the Folder in which you have UnZipped CAP Battle.
2) Locate the file "lunaport" (in all lowercase. It will be the configuration file.)
3) The second line down should be:
; Name of player (max. length 512 bytes)
PlayerName=Unknown/CAP Battler
4) After the "=" put in the desired username.
5) Save, and enjoy!
I would really appreciate that, if you would. If it isn't too much trouble. I'd post it in the front for sure.

edit: heh, I'm just watching the replay now. It plays it as though there weren't any lag at all, as if there weren't any excuse for our sometimes inexact execution.
btw, thought I'd mention that it's light or medium Flamethrower that hits after Uproot. The Strong version has an angle closer to 90 degrees, making it less likely to hit.
Would it be possible to assign a button for grab, other than light and medium together? I find I can never grab, not even in Versus against no one. Also, some of the combos are tough to get, would it be possible to add an instruction for the speed you should press the buttons?
OHHHHHHHHH. Thanks for that! I was wondering why I was so inconsitent in my hits. I'll remember that. I find myself using Pyroak's light hit very little because his medium and strong have such great range. Again though, great matches. Let me know if you post them online. Some of them we're definitely worthy. ESPECIALLY the last one. The ending was insane.
Copied from your art thread: I love how much depth you put into the engine with only three attack buttons. Very inspirational. How long did it take to make it on your own?

And can you point me to any good tutorials on Fighter Maker? Google hasn't turned up anything useful.
Hey Solstice. I'm thinking I'm going to make 'grab' a separate button on the next release. I feel bad about having a re-release so early so it probably won't be until there's another large update.

As for combos. I was planning on creating some how-to vids for each of the characters when I had the time.
What I can tell you now is that the timing is fairly loose in most instances. You can sometimes press the next button before the first attack has finished.

In Syclant's case, say, you can just type j,k,l to get his light, med, strong combo in the time it takes to say '1,2,3'. If you want to get Tail Spin into Fury Attack. As soon as you press the execution for Tail Spin, you can press forward, down, forward, attack and by the time you finish it will have combo'd. If you see the opponent is blocking, just stop yourself short.
Likewise, with Fidgit, you can press close strong (the elbow), medium, then hold medium, and it'll automatically combo into Cometpunch.

It would probably take some practice, but generally, you can execute moves a little before you want them to happen in a combo and itll follow through.

edit: I started working on this game last February, but the going's been slow between learning how to use FighterMaker and the rest of my life. I suggest as a starting point. They have a couple of useful tutorials and a semi-active message board. Most of what I learned I gleamed from looking at the sample game they have for download, and asking about the rest on the forum.
Hey Cartoons!, what is the mechanic you're using for Stratagem's wall-jump? I can't quite figure it out. It could simply be that I'm being retarded, but... yeah. I really like Stratagem though. He's fun to play with.

I'm digging the alt colors you have set up so far, btw. They look pretty sweet ;). Also, in case you didn't see my original post, the shading on Pyroak's arm during his entrance and victory pose is a little messed up. It's the arm behind his chest piece. Basically, it just looks like the arm was put on upside-down.
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